require "test_helper" class DocsNestedOperationTest < Minitest::Spec Song =, :title) do def self.find(id) return new(1, "Bristol") if id == 1 end end #--- #- nested operations #:edit class Edit < Trailblazer::Operation extend ClassDependencies extend Contract::DSL contract do property :title end step Model( Song, :find ) step Contract::Build() end #:edit end # step Nested( Edit ) #, "policy.default" => self["policy.create"] #:update class Update < Trailblazer::Operation step Nested( Edit ) # step ->(options, **) { puts options.keys.inspect } step Contract::Validate() step Contract::Persist( method: :sync ) end #:update end # puts Update["pipetree"].inspect(style: :rows) #- # Edit allows grabbing model and contract it do #:edit-call result = Edit.(params: {id: 1}) result[:model] #=> # result["contract.default"] #=> # #:edit-call end result.inspect(:model).must_equal %{] >} result["contract.default"].model.must_equal result[:model] end #- test Edit circuit-level. it do signal, (result, _) = Edit.__call__( [Trailblazer::Context( params: {id: 1} ), {}] ) result[:model].inspect.must_equal %{#} end #- # Update also allows grabbing Edit/model and Edit/contract it do #:update-call result = Update.(params: {id: 1, title: "Call It A Night"}) result[:model] #=> # result["contract.default"] #=> # #:update-call end result.inspect(:model).must_equal %{] >} result["contract.default"].model.must_equal result[:model] end #- # Edit is successful. it do result = Update.(params: { id: 1, title: "Miami" }, current_user: Module) result.inspect(:model).must_equal %{] >} end # Edit fails it do Update.(params: {id: 2}).inspect(:model).must_equal %{} end end class NestedInput < Minitest::Spec #:input-multiply class Multiplier < Trailblazer::Operation step ->(options, x:, y:, **) { options["product"] = x*y } end #:input-multiply end #:input-pi class MultiplyByPi < Trailblazer::Operation step ->(options, **) { options["pi_constant"] = 3.14159 } step Nested( Multiplier, input: ->(options, **) do { "y" => options["pi_constant"], "x" => options["x"] } end ) end #:input-pi end it { MultiplyByPi.("x" => 9).inspect("product").must_equal %{} } it do #:input-result result = MultiplyByPi.("x" => 9) result["product"] #=> [28.27431] #:input-result end end end class NestedInputCallable < Minitest::Spec Multiplier = NestedInput::Multiplier #:input-callable class MyInput def, **) { "y" => options["pi_constant"], "x" => options["x"] } end end #:input-callable end #:input-callable-op class MultiplyByPi < Trailblazer::Operation step ->(options, **) { options["pi_constant"] = 3.14159 } step Nested( Multiplier, input: MyInput ) end #:input-callable-op end it { MultiplyByPi.("x" => 9).inspect("product").must_equal %{} } end #--- #- Nested( .., output: ) class NestedOutput < Minitest::Spec Edit = DocsNestedOperationTest::Edit #:output class Update < Trailblazer::Operation step Nested( Edit, output: ->( ctx, ** ) do { "" => ctx["contract.default"], model: ctx[:model] } end ) step Contract::Validate( name: "my" ) step Contract::Persist( method: :sync, name: "my" ) end #:output end it { Update.( params: {id: 1, title: "Call It A Night"} ).inspect(:model, "contract.default"). must_equal %{, nil] >} } it do result = Update.( params: {id: 1, title: "Call It A Night"} ) result[:model] #=> # end end #--- # Nested( ->{} ) class NestedWithCallableTest < Minitest::Spec Song =, :title) module Song::Contract class Create < Reform::Form property :title end end User = do def admin? !! is_admin end end class Create < Trailblazer::Operation step Nested( ->(options, current_user:nil, **) { current_user.admin? ? Admin : NeedsModeration }) class NeedsModeration < Trailblazer::Operation step Model( Song, :new ) step Contract::Build( constant: Song::Contract::Create ) step Contract::Validate() step :notify_moderator! def notify_moderator!(options, **) #~noti options["x"] = true #~noti end end end class Admin < Trailblazer::Operation # TODO: test if current_user is passed in. end end let (:admin) { } let (:anonymous) { } it { Create.(params: {}, current_user: anonymous).inspect("x").must_equal %{} } it { Create.(params: {}, current_user: admin) .inspect("x").must_equal %{} } #--- #:method class Update < Trailblazer::Operation step Nested( :build! ) def build!(options, current_user:nil, **) current_user.admin? ? Create::Admin : Create::NeedsModeration end end #:method end it { Update.(params: {}, current_user: anonymous).inspect("x").must_equal %{} } it { Update.(params: {}, current_user: admin) .inspect("x").must_equal %{} } #--- #:callable-builder class MyBuilder def, current_user:nil, **) current_user.admin? ? Create::Admin : Create::NeedsModeration end end #:callable-builder end #:callable class Delete < Trailblazer::Operation step Nested( MyBuilder ) # .. end #:callable end it { Delete.(params: {}, current_user: anonymous).inspect("x").must_equal %{} } it { Delete.(params: {}, current_user: admin) .inspect("x").must_equal %{} } end class NestedWithCallableAndInputTest < Minitest::Spec Memo =, :text, :created_by) class Memo::Upsert < Trailblazer::Operation step Nested( :operation_class, input: :input_for_create ) def operation_class( ctx, ** ) ctx[:id] ? Update : Create end # only let :title pass through. def input_for_create( ctx ) { title: ctx[:title] } end class Create < Trailblazer::Operation step :create_memo def create_memo( ctx, ** ) ctx[:model] =[:title], ctx[:text], :create) end end class Update < Trailblazer::Operation step :find_by_title def find_by_title( ctx, ** ) ctx[:model] =[:title], ctx[:text], :update) end end end it "runs Create without :id" do Memo::Upsert.( title: "Yay!" ).inspect(:model). must_equal %{] >} end it "runs Update without :id" do Memo::Upsert.( id: 1, title: "Yay!" ).inspect(:model). must_equal %{] >} end end # builder: Nested + deviate to left if nil / skip_track if true #--- # automatic :name class NestedNameTest < Minitest::Spec class Create < Trailblazer::Operation class Present < Trailblazer::Operation # ... end step Nested( Present ) # ... end it { Operation::Inspect.(Create).must_equal %{[>>Nested(NestedNameTest::Create::Present)]} } end