module Slideshow class Config def initialize( logger, opts ) @logger = logger @opts = opts end attr_reader :logger, :opts def header_level @opts.header_level end # todo/fix: fix references after this move to here, that is, Config class # - used in syntax/uv_helper (use config.cache_dir to access?) def cache_dir File.join( Env.home, '.slideshow' ) end def config_dir unless @config_dir # first time? calculate config_dir value to "cache" if opts.config_path @config_dir = opts.config_path else @config_dir = cache_dir end # make sure path exists FileUtils.makedirs( @config_dir ) unless @config_dir end @config_dir end def load # load builtin config file @ <gem>/config/slideshow.yml # # NB: builtin use a different hierachy (not linked to default/home/user/cli props) # for now builtin has no erb processing # user cannot override builtin settings (only defaults see below) props_builtin_file = File.join( Slideshow.root, 'config', 'slideshow.builtin.yml' ) @props_builtin = Props.load_file( props_builtin_file ) props_default_file = File.join( Slideshow.root, 'config', 'slideshow.yml' ) @props = @props_default = Props.load_file_with_erb( props_default_file, binding() ) # check for user settings (slideshow.yml) in home folder props_home_file = File.join( Env.home, 'slideshow.yml' ) if File.exists?( props_home_file ) puts "Loading settings from '#{props_home_file}'..." @props = @props_home = Props.load_file_with_erb( props_home_file, binding(), @props ) end # check for user settings (slideshow.yml) in working folder props_work_file = File.join( '.', 'slideshow.yml' ) if File.exists?( props_work_file ) puts "Loading settings from '#{props_work_file}'..." @props = @props_work = Props.load_file_with_erb( props_work_file, binding(), @props ) end end def header( key ) @props.fetch_from_section( 'headers', normalize_key( key ), nil ) end def markdown_post_processing?( lib ) ## todo: normalize key/lib??? @props.fetch_from_section( lib, 'post-processing', true ) end def known_rest_extnames @props.fetch_from_section( 'rest', 'extnames', [] ) end def known_textile_extnames @props.fetch_from_section( 'textile', 'extnames', [] ) end def known_markdown_extnames ## delegate config to Markdown gem for now ## todo/fix: how to pass on setting to Markdown gem?? Markdown.extnames end def known_extnames # returns an array of known file extensions e.g. # [ '.textile', '.t' ] # # using nested key # textile: # extnames: [ .textile, .t ] # # ruby check: is it better self. ?? or more confusing # possible conflict only with write access (e.g. prop=) known_textile_extnames + known_markdown_extnames + known_rest_extnames end def text_filters @props.fetch( 'filters', [] ) end def google_analytics_code @props.fetch_from_section( 'analytics', 'google', nil ) end def map_fetch_shortcut( key ) ## todo: normalize key??? @props.fetch_from_section( 'fetch', key, nil ) end def helper_renames ## NB: for now user cannot override/extent renames @props_builtin['helper']['renames'] end def helper_unparsed ## NB: for now user cannot override/extent unparsed helpers # use unparsed params (passed along a single string) @props_builtin['helper']['unparsed'] end def helper_exprs ## NB: for now user cannot override/extent helper exprs # allow expression as directives (no need for %end block) # by default directives are assumed statements (e.g. %mydir %end) @props_builtin['helper']['exprs'] end private def normalize_key( key ) # make key all lower case/downcase (e.g. Content-Type => content-type) # replace _ with - (e.g. gradient_color => gradient-color) # todo: replace space(s) with - ?? # todo: strip leading and trailing spaces - possible use case ?? '_', '-' ) end end # class Config end # module Slideshow