require 'date' require 'tmpdir' namespace :bootdisk do def outputdir if ENV['OUTPUT']['OUTPUT']) ? ENV['OUTPUT'] : File.dirname(ENV['OUTPUT']) elsif File.writable?(Dir.pwd) Dir.pwd else Dir.tmpdir end end namespace :generate do desc 'Generate a static boot disk for a specific host. NAME=fqdn, OUTPUT path' task :host => :environment do host = Host::Base.find_by_name(ENV['NAME']) || raise("cannot find host '#{ENV['NAME']}', specify NAME=fqdn") tmpl = host.bootdisk_template_render ForemanBootdisk::ISOGenerator.generate(:ipxe => tmpl, :dir => outputdir) do |image| output = ENV['OUTPUT'] || File.join(outputdir, "#{}.iso") image, output puts "Wrote #{output}" end end desc 'Generate a full boot disk for a specific host with the OS bootloader included. NAME=fqdn, OUTPUT path' task :full_host => :environment do host = Host::Base.find_by_name(ENV['NAME']) || raise("cannot find host '#{ENV['NAME']}', specify NAME=fqdn") ForemanBootdisk::ISOGenerator.generate_full_host(host, :dir => outputdir) do |image| output = ENV['OUTPUT'] || File.join(outputdir, "#{}_#{'%Y%m%d')}.iso") FileUtils.cp image, output puts "Wrote #{output}" end end desc 'Generate a generic boot disk. OUTPUT=path' task :generic => :environment do tmpl = ForemanBootdisk::ISOGenerator.generate(:ipxe => tmpl, :dir => outputdir) do |image| output = ENV['OUTPUT'] || File.join(outputdir, "bootdisk_#{URI.parse(Setting[:foreman_url]).host}.iso") FileUtils.cp image, output puts "Wrote #{output}" end end desc 'Generate a subnet disk for a specific subnet. NAME=subnet, OUTPUT=path' task :subnet => :environment do subnet = Subnet.find_by_name(ENV['NAME']) || raise("cannot find subnet '#{ENV['NAME']}', specify NAME=subnet") subnet.tftp || raise("TFTP feature not enabled for subnet %s"), tmpl = ForemanBootdisk::ISOGenerator.generate(:ipxe => tmpl, :dir => outputdir) do |image| output = ENV['OUTPUT'] || File.join(outputdir, "bootdisk_subnet_#{}.iso") FileUtils.cp image, output puts "Wrote #{output}" end end end end # Tests namespace :test do desc "Test foreman_bootdisk" do |t| test_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../..', 'test') t.libs << ["test",test_dir] t.pattern = "#{test_dir}/**/*_test.rb" t.verbose = true t.warning = false end end Rake::Task[:test].enhance ['test:foreman_bootdisk'] load 'tasks/jenkins.rake' if Rake::Task.task_defined?(:'jenkins:unit') Rake::Task["jenkins:unit"].enhance ['test:foreman_bootdisk'] end