require 'assert/macro' module Assert::Macros module Methods def self.included(receiver) receiver.send(:extend, ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def have_instance_method(*methods) called_from = (methods.last.kind_of?(Array) ? methods.pop : caller).first name = "have instance methods: #{{|m| "'#{m}'"}.join(', ')}" do methods.each do |method| should "respond to instance method ##{method}", called_from do assert_respond_to method, subject, "#{} does not have instance method ##{method}" end end end end alias_method :have_instance_methods, :have_instance_method def have_class_method(*methods) called_from = (methods.last.kind_of?(Array) ? methods.pop : caller).first name = "have class methods: #{{|m| "'#{m}'"}.join(', ')}" do methods.each do |method| should "respond to class method ##{method}", called_from do assert_respond_to method, subject.class, "#{} does not have class method ##{method}" end end end end alias_method :have_class_methods, :have_class_method def have_reader(*methods) unless methods.last.kind_of?(Array) methods << caller end have_instance_methods(*methods) end alias_method :have_readers, :have_reader def have_writer(*methods) called = methods.last.kind_of?(Array) ? methods.pop : caller writer_meths = methods.collect{|m| "#{m}="} writer_meths << called have_instance_methods(*writer_meths) end alias_method :have_writers, :have_writer def have_accessor(*methods) called = methods.last.kind_of?(Array) ? methods.pop : caller accessor_meths = methods.collect{|m| [m, "#{m}="]}.flatten accessor_meths << called have_instance_methods(*accessor_meths) end alias_method :have_accessors, :have_accessor end end end