###* Utility functions ================= Unpoly comes with a number of utility functions that might save you from loading something like [Underscore.js](http://underscorejs.org/). @class up.util ### up.util = (($) -> ###* A function that does nothing. @function up.util.noop @experimental ### noop = $.noop ###* @function up.util.memoize @internal ### memoize = (func) -> cache = undefined cached = false (args...) -> if cached cache else cached = true cache = func(args...) ###* Returns if the given port is the default port for the given protocol. @function up.util.isStandardPort @internal ### isStandardPort = (protocol, port) -> port = port.toString() ((port == "" || port == "80") && protocol == 'http:') || (port == "443" && protocol == 'https:') ###* Normalizes relative paths and absolute paths to a full URL that can be checked for equality with other normalized URLs. By default hashes are ignored, search queries are included. @function up.util.normalizeUrl @param {Boolean} [options.hash=false] Whether to include an `#hash` anchor in the normalized URL @param {Boolean} [options.search=true] Whether to include a `?query` string in the normalized URL @param {Boolean} [options.stripTrailingSlash=true] Whether to strip a trailing slash from the pathname @internal ### normalizeUrl = (urlOrAnchor, options) -> anchor = parseUrl(urlOrAnchor) normalized = anchor.protocol + "//" + anchor.hostname normalized += ":#{anchor.port}" unless isStandardPort(anchor.protocol, anchor.port) pathname = anchor.pathname # Some IEs don't include a leading slash in the #pathname property. # We have seen this in IE11 and W3Schools claims it happens in IE9 or earlier # http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/prop_anchor_pathname.asp pathname = "/#{pathname}" unless pathname[0] == '/' pathname = pathname.replace(/\/$/, '') unless options?.stripTrailingSlash == false normalized += pathname normalized += anchor.hash if options?.hash == true normalized += anchor.search unless options?.search == false normalized ###* Parses the given URL into components such as hostname and path. If the given URL is not fully qualified, it is assumed to be relative to the current page. @function up.util.parseUrl @return {Object} The parsed URL as an object with `protocol`, `hostname`, `port`, `pathname`, `search` and `hash` properties. @experimental ### parseUrl = (urlOrAnchor) -> anchor = null if isString(urlOrAnchor) anchor = $('').attr(href: urlOrAnchor).get(0) # In IE11 the #hostname and #port properties of such a link are empty # strings. However, we can fix this by assigning the anchor its own # href because computer: # https://gist.github.com/jlong/2428561#comment-1461205 anchor.href = anchor.href if isBlank(anchor.hostname) else anchor = unJQuery(urlOrAnchor) anchor ###* @function up.util.normalizeMethod @internal ### normalizeMethod = (method) -> if method method.toUpperCase() else 'GET' ###* @function $createElementFromSelector @internal ### $createElementFromSelector = (selector) -> path = selector.split(/[ >]/) $root = null for depthSelector, iteration in path conjunction = depthSelector.match(/(^|\.|\#)[A-Za-z0-9\-_]+/g) tag = "div" classes = [] id = null for expression in conjunction switch expression[0] when "." classes.push expression.substr(1) when "#" id = expression.substr(1) else tag = expression html = "<" + tag html += " class=\"" + classes.join(" ") + "\"" if classes.length html += " id=\"" + id + "\"" if id html += ">" $element = $(html) $element.appendTo($parent) if $parent $root = $element if iteration == 0 $parent = $element $root createElement = (tagName, html) -> element = document.createElement(tagName) element.innerHTML = html if isPresent(html) element ###* @function $create ### $createPlaceholder = (selector, container = document.body) -> $placeholder = $createElementFromSelector(selector) $placeholder.addClass('up-placeholder') $placeholder.appendTo(container) $placeholder ###* Returns a CSS selector that matches the given element as good as possible. This uses, in decreasing order of priority: - The element's `up-id` attribute - The element's ID - The element's name - The element's classes - The element's tag names @function up.util.selectorForElement @param {String|Element|jQuery} The element for which to create a selector. @experimental ### selectorForElement = (element) -> $element = $(element) selector = undefined up.puts("Creating selector from element %o", $element.get(0)) if upId = presence($element.attr("up-id")) selector = "[up-id='#{upId}']" else if id = presence($element.attr("id")) selector = "##{id}" else if name = presence($element.attr("name")) selector = "[name='#{name}']" else if classes = presence(nonUpClasses($element)) selector = '' for klass in classes selector += ".#{klass}" else selector = $element.prop('tagName').toLowerCase() selector nonUpClasses = ($element) -> classString = $element.attr('class') || '' classes = classString.split(' ') select classes, (klass) -> isPresent(klass) && !klass.match(/^up-/) # jQuery's implementation of $(...) cannot create elements that have # an or tag. So we're using native elements. # Also IE9 cannot set innerHTML on a or element. createElementFromHtml = (html) -> openTag = (tag) -> "<#{tag}(?: [^>]*)?>" closeTag = (tag) -> "" anything = '(?:.|\\s)*?' capture = (pattern) -> "(#{pattern})" titlePattern = new RegExp( openTag('head') + anything + openTag('title') + capture(anything) + closeTag('title') + anything + closeTag('body'), 'i') bodyPattern = new RegExp( openTag('body') + capture(anything) + closeTag('body'), 'i') if bodyMatch = html.match(bodyPattern) htmlElement = document.createElement('html') bodyElement = createElement('body', bodyMatch[1]) htmlElement.appendChild(bodyElement) if titleMatch = html.match(titlePattern) headElement = createElement('head') htmlElement.appendChild(headElement) titleElement = createElement('title', titleMatch[1]) headElement.appendChild(titleElement) htmlElement else # we possibly received a layout-less fragment createElement('div', html) ###* Merge the contents of two or more objects together into the first object. @function up.util.extend @param {Object} target @param {Array} sources... @stable ### extend = $.extend ###* Returns a new string with whitespace removed from the beginning and end of the given string. @param {String} A string that might have whitespace at the beginning and end. @return {String} The trimmed string. @stable ### trim = $.trim ###* Calls the given function for each element (and, optional, index) of the given array. @function up.util.each @param {Array} array @param {Function} block A function that will be called with each element and (optional) iteration index. @stable ### each = (array, block) -> block(item, index) for item, index in array ###* Translate all items in an array to new array of items. @function up.util.map @param {Array} array @param {Function} block A function that will be called with each element and (optional) iteration index. @return {Array} A new array containing the result of each function call. @stable ### map = each ###* Calls the given function for the given number of times. @function up.util.times @param {Number} count @param {Function} block @stable ### times = (count, block) -> block(iteration) for iteration in [0..(count - 1)] ###* Returns whether the given argument is `null`. @function up.util.isNull @param object @return {Boolean} @stable ### isNull = (object) -> object == null ###* Returns whether the given argument is `undefined`. @function up.util.isUndefined @param object @return {Boolean} @stable ### isUndefined = (object) -> object == `void(0)` ###* Returns whether the given argument is not `undefined`. @function up.util.isDefined @param object @return {Boolean} @stable ### isDefined = (object) -> !isUndefined(object) ###* Returns whether the given argument is either `undefined` or `null`. Note that empty strings or zero are *not* considered to be "missing". For the opposite of `up.util.isMissing` see [`up.util.isGiven`](/up.util.isGiven). @function up.util.isMissing @param object @return {Boolean} @stable ### isMissing = (object) -> isUndefined(object) || isNull(object) # || isNaN(object) ###* Returns whether the given argument is neither `undefined` nor `null`. Note that empty strings or zero *are* considered to be "given". For the opposite of `up.util.isGiven` see [`up.util.isMissing`](/up.util.isMissing). @function up.util.isGiven @param object @return {Boolean} @stable ### isGiven = (object) -> !isMissing(object) # isNan = (object) -> # isNumber(value) && value != +value ###* Return whether the given argument is considered to be blank. This returns `true` for: - `undefined` - `null` - Empty strings - Empty arrays - An object without own enumerable properties All other arguments return `false`. @function up.util.isBlank @param object @return {Boolean} @stable ### isBlank = (object) -> isMissing(object) || # null or undefined (isObject(object) && Object.keys(object).length == 0) || (object.length == 0) # String, Array, jQuery ###* Returns the given argument if the argument is [present](/up.util.isPresent), otherwise returns `undefined`. @function up.util.presence @param object @param {Function} [tester=up.util.isPresent] The function that will be used to test whether the argument is present. @return {T|Undefined} @stable ### presence = (object, tester = isPresent) -> if tester(object) then object else undefined ###* Returns whether the given argument is not [blank](/up.util.isBlank). @function up.util.isPresent @param object @return {Boolean} @stable ### isPresent = (object) -> !isBlank(object) ###* Returns whether the given argument is a function. @function up.util.isFunction @param object @return {Boolean} @stable ### isFunction = (object) -> typeof(object) == 'function' ###* Returns whether the given argument is a string. @function up.util.isString @param object @return {Boolean} @stable ### isString = (object) -> typeof(object) == 'string' ###* Returns whether the given argument is a number. Note that this will check the argument's *type*. It will return `false` for a string like `"123"`. @function up.util.isNumber @param object @return {Boolean} @stable ### isNumber = (object) -> typeof(object) == 'number' ###* Returns whether the given argument is an object, but not a function. @function up.util.isHash @param object @return {Boolean} @stable ### isHash = (object) -> typeof(object) == 'object' && !!object ###* Returns whether the given argument is an object. This also returns `true` for functions, which may behave like objects in Javascript. For an alternative that returns `false` for functions, see [`up.util.isHash`](/up.util.isHash). @function up.util.isObject @param object @return {Boolean} @stable ### isObject = (object) -> isHash(object) || (typeof object == 'function') ###* Returns whether the given argument is a DOM element. @function up.util.isElement @param object @return {Boolean} @stable ### isElement = (object) -> !!(object && object.nodeType == 1) ###* Returns whether the given argument is a jQuery collection. @function up.util.isJQuery @param object @return {Boolean} @stable ### isJQuery = (object) -> object instanceof jQuery ###* Returns whether the given argument is an object with a `then` method. @function up.util.isPromise @param object @return {Boolean} @stable ### isPromise = (object) -> isObject(object) && isFunction(object.then) ###* Returns whether the given argument is an object with `then` and `resolve` methods. @function up.util.isDeferred @param object @return {Boolean} @stable ### isDeferred = (object) -> isPromise(object) && isFunction(object.resolve) ###* Returns whether the given argument is an array. @function up.util.isArray @param object @return {Boolean} @stable ### # https://developer.mozilla.org/de/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/isArray isArray = Array.isArray || (object) -> Object.prototype.toString.call(object) == '[object Array]' ###* Returns whether the given argument is a `FormData` instance. Always returns `false` in browsers that don't support `FormData`. @function up.util.isFormData @param object @return {Boolean} @internal ### isFormData = (object) -> up.browser.canFormData() && object instanceof FormData ###* Converts the given array-like argument into an array. Returns the array. @function up.util.isDeferred @param object @return {Array} @stable ### toArray = (object) -> Array.prototype.slice.call(object) ###* Shallow-copies the given array or object into a new array or object. Returns the new array or object. @function up.util.copy @param {Object|Array} object @return {Object|Array} @stable ### copy = (object) -> if isArray(object) object.slice() else if isHash(object) extend({}, object) ###* If given a jQuery collection, returns the underlying array of DOM element. If given any other argument, returns the argument unchanged. @function up.util.unJQuery @param object @internal ### unJQuery = (object) -> if isJQuery(object) object.get(0) else object ###* Creates a new object by merging together the properties from the given objects. @function up.util.merge @param {Array} sources... @return Object @stable ### merge = (sources...) -> extend({}, sources...) ###* Creates an options hash from the given argument and some defaults. The semantics of this function are confusing. We want to get rid of this in the future. @function up.util.options @param {Object} object @param {Object} [defaults] @return {Object} @internal ### options = (object, defaults) -> merged = if object then copy(object) else {} if defaults for key, defaultValue of defaults value = merged[key] if !isGiven(value) merged[key] = defaultValue else if isObject(defaultValue) && isObject(value) merged[key] = options(value, defaultValue) merged ###* Returns the first argument that is considered [given](/up.util.isGiven). This function is useful when you have multiple option sources and the value can be boolean. In that case you cannot change the sources with a `||` operator (since that doesn't short-circuit at `false`). @function up.util.option @param {Array} args... @internal ### option = (args...) -> detect(args, isGiven) ###* Passes each element in the given array to the given function. Returns the first element for which the function returns a truthy value. If no object matches, returns `undefined`. @function up.util.detect @param {Array} array @param {Function} tester @return {T|Undefined} @stable ### detect = (array, tester) -> match = undefined for element in array if tester(element) match = element break match ###* Returns whether the given function returns a truthy value for any element in the given array. @function up.util.any @param {Array} array @param {Function} tester @return {Boolean} @experimental ### any = (array, tester) -> match = false for element in array if tester(element) match = true break match ###* Returns whether the given function returns a truthy value for all elements in the given array. @function up.util.all @param {Array} array @param {Function} tester @return {Boolean} @experimental ### all = (array, tester) -> match = true for element in array unless tester(element) match = false break match ###* Returns all elements from the given array that are neither `null` or `undefined`. @function up.util.compact @param {Array} array @return {Array} @stable ### compact = (array) -> select array, isGiven ###* Returns the given array without duplicates. @function up.util.uniq @param {Array} array @return {Array} @stable ### uniq = (array) -> seen = {} select array, (element) -> if seen.hasOwnProperty(element) false else seen[element] = true ###* Returns all elements from the given array that return a truthy value when passed to the given function. @function up.util.select @param {Array} array @return {Array} @stable ### select = (array, tester) -> matches = [] each array, (element) -> if tester(element) matches.push(element) matches ###* Returns all elements from the given array that do not return a truthy value when passed to the given function. @function up.util.reject @param {Array} array @return {Array} @stable ### reject = (array, tester) -> select(array, (element) -> !tester(element)) ###* Returns the intersection of the given two arrays. Implementation is not optimized. Don't use it for large arrays. @function up.util.intersect @internal ### intersect = (array1, array2) -> select array1, (element) -> contains(array2, element) ###* Returns the first [present](/up.util.isPresent) element attribute among the given list of attribute names. @function up.util.presentAttr @internal ### presentAttr = ($element, attrNames...) -> values = ($element.attr(attrName) for attrName in attrNames) detect(values, isPresent) ###* Waits for the given number of milliseconds, the nruns the given callback. If the number of milliseconds is zero, the callback is run in the current execution frame. See [`up.util.nextFrame`] for running a function in the next executation frame. @function up.util.setTimer @param {Number} millis @param {Function} callback @experimental ### setTimer = (millis, callback) -> if millis > 0 setTimeout(callback, millis) else callback() ###* Schedules the given function to be called in the next Javascript execution frame. @function up.util.nextFrame @param {Function} block @stable ### nextFrame = (block) -> setTimeout(block, 0) ###* Returns the last element of the given array. @function up.util.last @param {Array} array @return {T} ### last = (array) -> array[array.length - 1] ###* Measures the drawable area of the document. @function up.util.clientSize @internal ### clientSize = -> element = document.documentElement width: element.clientWidth height: element.clientHeight ###* Returns the width of a scrollbar. This only runs once per page load. @function up.util.scrollbarWidth @internal ### scrollbarWidth = memoize -> # This is how Bootstrap does it also: # https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/c591227602996c542b9fd0cb65cff3cc9519bdd5/dist/js/bootstrap.js#L1187 $outer = $('
') $outer.attr('up-viewport', '') $outer.css position: 'absolute' top: '0' left: '0' width: '50px' height: '50px' overflowY: 'scroll' $outer.appendTo(document.body) outer = $outer.get(0) width = outer.offsetWidth - outer.clientWidth $outer.remove() width ###* Returns whether the given element is currently showing a vertical scrollbar. @function up.util.documentHasVerticalScrollbar @internal ### documentHasVerticalScrollbar = -> body = document.body $body = $(body) html = document.documentElement bodyOverflow = $body.css('overflow-y') forcedScroll = (bodyOverflow == 'scroll') forcedHidden = (bodyOverflow == 'hidden') forcedScroll || (!forcedHidden && html.scrollHeight > html.clientHeight) ###* Modifies the given function so it only runs once. Subsequent calls will return the previous return value. @function up.util.once @param {Function} fun @experimental ### once = (fun) -> result = undefined (args...) -> result = fun(args...) if fun? fun = undefined result ###* Temporarily sets the CSS for the given element. @function up.util.temporaryCss @param {jQuery} $element @param {Object} css @param {Function} [block] If given, the CSS is set, the block is called and the old CSS is restored. @return {Function} A function that restores the original CSS when called. @internal ### temporaryCss = (elementOrSelector, css, block) -> $element = $(elementOrSelector) oldCss = $element.css(Object.keys(css)) $element.css(css) memo = -> $element.css(oldCss) if block block() memo() else once(memo) ###* Forces the given jQuery element into an accelerated compositing layer. @function up.util.forceCompositing @internal ### forceCompositing = ($element) -> oldTransforms = $element.css(['transform', '-webkit-transform']) if isBlank(oldTransforms) || oldTransforms['transform'] == 'none' memo = -> $element.css(oldTransforms) $element.css 'transform': 'translateZ(0)' '-webkit-transform': 'translateZ(0)' # Safari else # Since the element already has a transform, it is already # drawn using compositing. Do nothing. memo = -> memo ###* Forces a repaint of the given element. @function up.util.forceRepaint @internal ### forceRepaint = (element) -> element = unJQuery(element) element.offsetHeight ###* Animates the given element's CSS properties using CSS transitions. If the element is already being animated, the previous animation will instantly jump to its last frame before the new animation begins. To improve performance, the element will be forced into compositing for the duration of the animation. @function up.util.cssAnimate @param {Element|jQuery|String} elementOrSelector The element to animate. @param {Object} lastFrame The CSS properties that should be transitioned to. @param {Number} [options.duration=300] The duration of the animation, in milliseconds. @param {Number} [options.delay=0] The delay before the animation starts, in milliseconds. @param {String} [options.easing='ease'] The timing function that controls the animation's acceleration. See [W3C documentation](http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transitions/#transition-timing-function) for a list of pre-defined timing functions. @return {Deferred} A promise for the animation's end. @internal ### cssAnimate = (elementOrSelector, lastFrame, opts) -> $element = $(elementOrSelector) # Don't name the local variable `options` since that would override # the `options` function in our scope. We really need `let` :( opts = options(opts, duration: 300, delay: 0, easing: 'ease' ) if opts.duration == 0 # In case the duration is zero we 1) spare ourselves all the trouble below, # and 2) return a deferred that actually resolve, since a CSS transition with # a zero duration never fires a transitionEnd event. $element.css(lastFrame) return resolvedDeferred() # We don't finish an existing animation here, since the public API # we expose as `up.motion.animate` already does this. deferred = $.Deferred() transitionProperties = Object.keys(lastFrame) transition = 'transition-property': transitionProperties.join(', ') 'transition-duration': "#{opts.duration}ms" 'transition-delay': "#{opts.delay}ms" 'transition-timing-function': opts.easing oldTransition = $element.css(Object.keys(transition)) $element.addClass('up-animating') transitionFinished = -> $element.removeClass('up-animating') $element.off('transitionend', onTransitionEnd) onTransitionEnd = (event) -> completedProperty = event.originalEvent.propertyName if contains(transitionProperties, completedProperty) deferred.resolve() # unless isDetached($element) transitionFinished() $element.on('transitionend', onTransitionEnd) # Clean up in case we're canceled through some other code that resolves our deferred. deferred.then(transitionFinished) withoutCompositing = forceCompositing($element) $element.css(transition) $element.css(lastFrame) $element.data(ANIMATION_DEFERRED_KEY, deferred) deferred.then -> $element.removeData(ANIMATION_DEFERRED_KEY) withoutCompositing() # To interrupt the running transition we *must* set it to 'none' exactly. # We cannot simply restore the old transition properties because browsers # would simply keep transitioning. $element.css('transition': 'none') # Restoring a previous transition involves forcing a repaint, so we only do it if # we know the element was transitioning before. # Note that the default transition for elements is actually "all 0s ease 0s" # instead of "none", although that has the same effect as "none". hadTransitionBefore = !(oldTransition['transition-property'] == 'none' || (oldTransition['transition-property'] == 'all' && oldTransition['transition-duration'][0] == '0')) if hadTransitionBefore # If there is no repaint between the "none" transition and restoring # the previous transition, the browser will simply keep transitioning. forceRepaint($element) # :( $element.css(oldTransition) # Return the whole deferred and not just return a thenable. # Other code will need the possibility to cancel the animation # by resolving the deferred. deferred ANIMATION_DEFERRED_KEY = 'up-animation-deferred' ###* Completes the animation for the given element by jumping to the last frame instantly. All callbacks chained to the original animation's promise will be called. Does nothing if the given element is not currently animating. Also see [`up.motion.finish`](/up.motion.finish). @function up.util.finishCssAnimate @param {Element|jQuery|String} elementOrSelector @internal ### finishCssAnimate = (elementOrSelector) -> $(elementOrSelector).each -> if existingAnimation = pluckData(this, ANIMATION_DEFERRED_KEY) existingAnimation.resolve() ###* Measures the given element. @function up.util.measure @internal ### measure = ($element, opts) -> opts = options(opts, relative: false, inner: false) if opts.relative if opts.relative == true coordinates = $element.position() else # A relative context element is given $context = $(opts.relative) elementCoords = $element.offset() if $context.is(document) # The document is always at the origin coordinates = elementCoords else contextCoords = $context.offset() coordinates = left: elementCoords.left - contextCoords.left top: elementCoords.top - contextCoords.top else coordinates = $element.offset() box = left: coordinates.left top: coordinates.top if opts.inner box.width = $element.width() box.height = $element.height() else box.width = $element.outerWidth() box.height = $element.outerHeight() box ###* Copies all attributes from the source element to the target element. @function up.util.copyAttributes @internal ### copyAttributes = ($source, $target) -> for attr in $source.get(0).attributes if attr.specified $target.attr(attr.name, attr.value) ###* Looks for the given selector in the element and its descendants. @function up.util.findWithSelf @internal ### findWithSelf = ($element, selector) -> $element.find(selector).addBack(selector) ###* Returns whether the given keyboard event involved the ESC key. @function up.util.escapePressed @internal ### escapePressed = (event) -> event.keyCode == 27 ###* Returns whether the given array or string contains the given element or substring. @function up.util.contains @param {Array|String} arrayOrString @param elementOrSubstring @stable ### contains = (arrayOrString, elementOrSubstring) -> arrayOrString.indexOf(elementOrSubstring) >= 0 ###* @function up.util.castedAttr @internal ### castedAttr = ($element, attrName) -> value = $element.attr(attrName) switch value when 'false' then false when 'true' then true when '' then true else value # other strings, undefined, null, ... # castsToTrue = (object) -> # String(object) == "true" # # castsToFalse = (object) -> # String(object) == "false" ###* @function up.util.locationFromXhr @internal ### locationFromXhr = (xhr) -> xhr.getResponseHeader('X-Up-Location') ###* @function up.util.titleFromXhr @internal ### titleFromXhr = (xhr) -> xhr.getResponseHeader('X-Up-Title') ###* @function up.util.methodFromXhr @internal ### methodFromXhr = (xhr) -> xhr.getResponseHeader('X-Up-Method') ###* Returns a copy of the given object that only contains the given properties. @function up.util.only @param {Object} object @param {Array} keys... @stable ### only = (object, properties...) -> filtered = {} for property in properties if object.hasOwnProperty(property) filtered[property] = object[property] filtered ###* Returns a copy of the given object that contains all except the given properties. @function up.util.except @param {Object} object @param {Array} keys... @stable ### except = (object, properties...) -> filtered = copy(object) for property in properties delete filtered[property] filtered ###* @function up.util.isUnmodifiedKeyEvent @internal ### isUnmodifiedKeyEvent = (event) -> not (event.metaKey or event.shiftKey or event.ctrlKey) ###* @function up.util.isUnmodifiedMouseEvent @internal ### isUnmodifiedMouseEvent = (event) -> isLeftButton = isUndefined(event.button) || event.button == 0 isLeftButton && isUnmodifiedKeyEvent(event) ###* Returns a [Deferred object](https://api.jquery.com/category/deferred-object/) that is already resolved. @function up.util.resolvedDeferred @return {Deferred} @stable ### resolvedDeferred = -> deferred = $.Deferred() deferred.resolve() deferred ###* Returns a promise that is already resolved. @function up.util.resolvedPromise @return {Promise} @stable ### resolvedPromise = -> resolvedDeferred().promise() ###* Returns a [Deferred object](https://api.jquery.com/category/deferred-object/) that will never be resolved. @function up.util.unresolvableDeferred @return {Deferred} @experimental ### unresolvableDeferred = -> $.Deferred() ###* Returns a promise that will never be resolved. @function up.util.unresolvablePromise @experimental ### unresolvablePromise = -> unresolvableDeferred().promise() ###* Returns an empty jQuery collection. @function up.util.nullJQuery @internal ### nullJQuery = -> $() ###* Returns a new promise that resolves once all promises in arguments resolve. Other then [`$.when` from jQuery](https://api.jquery.com/jquery.when/), the combined promise will have a `resolve` method. This `resolve` method will resolve all the wrapped promises. @function up.util.resolvableWhen @internal ### resolvableWhen = (deferreds...) -> # Pass an additional resolved deferred to $.when so $.when will # not return the given deferred if only one deferred is passed. joined = $.when(resolvedDeferred(), deferreds...) joined.resolve = memoize(-> each deferreds, (deferred) -> deferred.resolve() ) joined # resolvableSequence = (first, callbacks...) -> # sequence = $.Deferred().promise() # values = [first] # current = first # for callback in callbacks # current = current.then -> # value = callback() # values.push(value) if u.isPromise(value) # value # sequence.resolve = -> # each values, (deferred) -> deferred.resolve?() # sequence ###* On the given element, set attributes that are still missing. @function up.util.setMissingAttrs @internal ### setMissingAttrs = ($element, attrs) -> for key, value of attrs if isMissing($element.attr(key)) $element.attr(key, value) ###* Removes the given element from the given array. This changes the given array. @function up.util.remove @param {Array} array @param {T} element @stable ### remove = (array, element) -> index = array.indexOf(element) if index >= 0 array.splice(index, 1) element ###* @function up.util.multiSelector @internal ### multiSelector = (parts) -> obj = {} selectors = [] elements = [] for part in parts if isString(part) selectors.push(part) else elements.push(part) obj.parsed = elements if selectors.length # Although other methods would work with an array of # selectors, we combine them to a single separator for # performance reasons. combinedSelector = selectors.join(', ') obj.parsed.push(combinedSelector) obj.select = -> obj.find(undefined) obj.find = ($root) -> $result = nullJQuery() for selector in obj.parsed $matches = if $root then $root.find(selector) else $(selector) $result = $result.add($matches) $result obj.findWithSelf = ($start) -> $matches = obj.find($start) $matches = $matches.add($start) if obj.doesMatch($start) $matches obj.doesMatch = (element) -> $element = $(element) any obj.parsed, (selector) -> $element.is(selector) obj.seekUp = (start) -> $start = $(start) $element = $start $result = undefined while $element.length if obj.doesMatch($element) $result = $element break $element = $element.parent() $result || nullJQuery() obj ###* @function up.util.cache @param {Number|Function} [config.size] Maximum number of cache entries. Set to `undefined` to not limit the cache size. @param {Number|Function} [config.expiry] The number of milliseconds after which a cache entry will be discarded. @param {String} [config.log] A prefix for log entries printed by this cache object. @param {Function} [config.key] A function that takes an argument and returns a `String` key for storage. If omitted, `toString()` is called on the argument. @internal ### cache = (config = {}) -> store = undefined optionEvaluator = (name) -> -> value = config[name] if isNumber(value) value else if isFunction(value) value() else undefined maxKeys = optionEvaluator('size') expiryMillis = optionEvaluator('expiry') normalizeStoreKey = (key) -> if config.key config.key(key) else key.toString() isEnabled = -> maxKeys() isnt 0 && expiryMillis() isnt 0 clear = -> store = {} clear() log = (args...) -> if config.logPrefix args[0] = "[#{config.logPrefix}] #{args[0]}" up.puts(args...) keys = -> Object.keys(store) makeRoomForAnotherKey = -> storeKeys = copy(keys()) max = maxKeys() if max && storeKeys.length >= max oldestKey = null oldestTimestamp = null each storeKeys, (key) -> promise = store[key] # we don't need to call cacheKey here timestamp = promise.timestamp if !oldestTimestamp || oldestTimestamp > timestamp oldestKey = key oldestTimestamp = timestamp delete store[oldestKey] if oldestKey alias = (oldKey, newKey) -> value = get(oldKey, silent: true) if isDefined(value) set(newKey, value) timestamp = -> (new Date()).valueOf() set = (key, value) -> if isEnabled() makeRoomForAnotherKey() storeKey = normalizeStoreKey(key) store[storeKey] = timestamp: timestamp() value: value remove = (key) -> storeKey = normalizeStoreKey(key) delete store[storeKey] isFresh = (entry) -> millis = expiryMillis() if millis timeSinceTouch = timestamp() - entry.timestamp timeSinceTouch < millis else true get = (key, options = {}) -> storeKey = normalizeStoreKey(key) if entry = store[storeKey] if isFresh(entry) log("Cache hit for '%s'", key) unless options.silent entry.value else log("Discarding stale cache entry for '%s'", key) unless options.silent remove(key) undefined else log("Cache miss for '%s'", key) unless options.silent undefined alias: alias get: get set: set remove: remove clear: clear keys: keys ###* @function up.util.config @internal ### config = (blueprint = {}) -> hash = {} hash.reset = -> newOptions = blueprint newOptions = newOptions() if isFunction(newOptions) extend(hash, newOptions) hash.reset() Object.preventExtensions(hash) hash ###* @function up.util.unwrapElement @internal ### unwrapElement = (wrapper) -> wrapper = unJQuery(wrapper) parent = wrapper.parentNode; wrappedNodes = toArray(wrapper.childNodes) each wrappedNodes, (wrappedNode) -> parent.insertBefore(wrappedNode, wrapper) parent.removeChild(wrapper) ###* @function up.util.offsetParent @internal ### offsetParent = ($element) -> $match = undefined while ($element = $element.parent()) && $element.length position = $element.css('position') if position == 'absolute' || position == 'relative' || $element.is('body') $match = $element break $match ###* Returns if the given element has a `fixed` position. @function up.util.isFixed @internal ### isFixed = (element) -> $element = $(element) loop position = $element.css('position') if position == 'fixed' return true else $element = $element.parent() if $element.length == 0 || $element.is(document) return false ###* @function up.util.fixedToAbsolute @internal ### fixedToAbsolute = (element, $viewport) -> $element = $(element) $futureOffsetParent = offsetParent($element) # To get a fixed elements distance from the edge of the screen, # use position(), not offset(). offset() would include the current # scrollTop of the viewport. elementCoords = $element.position() futureParentCoords = $futureOffsetParent.offset() $element.css position: 'absolute' left: elementCoords.left - futureParentCoords.left top: elementCoords.top - futureParentCoords.top + $viewport.scrollTop() right: '' bottom: '' # argNames = (fun) -> # code = fun.toString() # pattern = new RegExp('\\(([^\\)]*)\\)') # if match = code.match(pattern) # match[1].split(/\s*,\s*/) # else # error('Could not parse argument names of %o', fun) ###* Normalizes the given params object to the form returned by [`jQuery.serializeArray`](https://api.jquery.com/serializeArray/). @function up.util.requestDataAsArray @param {Object|Array|Undefined|Null} data @internal ### requestDataAsArray = (data) -> if isFormData(data) # Until FormData#entries is implemented in all major browsers # we must give up here up.error('Cannot convert FormData into an array') else query = requestDataAsQuery(data) array = [] for part in query.split('&') if isPresent(part) pair = part.split('=') array.push name: decodeURIComponent(pair[0]) value: decodeURIComponent(pair[1]) array ###* Returns an URL-encoded query string for the given params object. @function up.util.requestDataAsQuery @param {Object|Array|Undefined|Null} data @internal ### requestDataAsQuery = (data) -> if isFormData(data) # Until FormData#entries is implemented in all major browsers # we must give up here up.error('Cannot convert FormData into a query string') else if isPresent(data) query = $.param(data) query = query.replace(/\+/g, '%20') query else "" ###* Serializes the given form into a request data representation. @function up.util.requestDataFromForm @return {Array|FormData} @internal ### requestDataFromForm = (form) -> $form = $(form) hasFileInputs = $form.find('input[type=file]').length if hasFileInputs && up.browser.canFormData() new FormData($form.get(0)) else $form.serializeArray() ###* Adds a key/value pair to the given request data representation. This mutates the given `data` if `data` is a `FormData`, an object or an array. When `data` is `String` a new string with the appended key/value pair is returned. @function up.util.appendRequestData @param {FormData|Object|Array|Undefined|Null} data @param {String} key @param {String|Blob|File} value @internal ### appendRequestData = (data, name, value) -> if isFormData(data) data.append(name, value) else if isArray(data) data.push(name: name, value: value) else if isObject(data) data[name] = value else if isString(data) || isMissing(data) newPair = requestDataAsQuery([ name: name, value: value ]) if isPresent(data) data = [data, newPair].join('&') else data = newPair data ###* Throws a fatal error with the given message. - The error will be printed to the [error console](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Console/error) - An [`Error`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Error) (exception) will be thrown, unwinding the current call stack - The error message will be printed in a corner of the screen \#\#\#\# Examples up.error('Division by zero') up.error('Unexpected result %o', result) @experimental ### error = (args...) -> up.log.error(args...) whenReady().then -> $error = presence($('.up-error')) || $('
').prependTo('body') formatter = (arg) -> "#{escapeHtml(arg)}" asHtml = up.browser.sprintfWithFormattedArgs(formatter, args...) $error.html(asHtml) asString = up.browser.sprintf(args...) throw new Error(asString) ESCAPE_HTML_ENTITY_MAP = "&": "&" "<": "<" ">": ">" '"': '"' ###* Escapes the given string of HTML by replacing control chars with their HTML entities. @function up.util.escapeHtml @param {String} string The text that should be escaped @experimental ### escapeHtml = (string) -> string.replace /[&<>"]/g, (char) -> ESCAPE_HTML_ENTITY_MAP[char] pluckKey = (object, key) -> value = object[key] delete object[key] value pluckData = (elementOrSelector, key) -> $element = $(elementOrSelector) value = $element.data(key) $element.removeData(key) value extractOptions = (args) -> lastArg = last(args) if isHash(lastArg) && !isJQuery(lastArg) args.pop() else {} opacity = (element) -> rawOpacity = $(element).css('opacity') if isGiven(rawOpacity) parseFloat(rawOpacity) else undefined whenReady = memoize -> if $.isReady resolvedPromise() else deferred = $.Deferred() $ -> deferred.resolve() deferred.promise() identity = (arg) -> arg ###* Returns whether the given element has been detached from the DOM (or whether it was never attached). @function up.util.isDetached @internal ### isDetached = (element) -> element = unJQuery(element) # This is by far the fastest way to do this not jQuery.contains(document.documentElement, element) ###* Given a function that will return a promise, returns a proxy function with an additional `.promise` attribute. When the proxy is called, the inner function is called. The proxy's `.promise` attribute is available even before the function is called and will resolve when the inner function's returned promise resolves. @function up.util.previewable @internal ### previewable = (fun) -> deferred = $.Deferred() preview = (args...) -> fun(args...).then -> deferred.resolve() preview.promise = deferred.promise() preview ###* A linear task queue whose (2..n)th tasks can be changed at any time. @function up.util.DivertibleChain @internal ### class DivertibleChain constructor: -> @reset() reset: => @queue = [] @currentTask = undefined promise: => promises = map @allTasks(), (task) -> task.promise $.when(promises...) allTasks: => tasks = [] tasks.push(@currentTask) if @currentTask tasks = tasks.concat(@queue) tasks poke: => unless @currentTask # don't start a new task while we're still running one if @currentTask = @queue.shift() promise = @currentTask() promise.always => @currentTask = undefined @poke() asap: (newTasks...) => @queue = map(newTasks, previewable) @poke() isDetached: isDetached requestDataAsArray: requestDataAsArray requestDataAsQuery: requestDataAsQuery appendRequestData: appendRequestData requestDataFromForm: requestDataFromForm offsetParent: offsetParent fixedToAbsolute: fixedToAbsolute isFixed: isFixed presentAttr: presentAttr createElement: createElement parseUrl: parseUrl normalizeUrl: normalizeUrl normalizeMethod: normalizeMethod createElementFromHtml: createElementFromHtml $createElementFromSelector: $createElementFromSelector $createPlaceholder: $createPlaceholder selectorForElement: selectorForElement extend: extend copy: copy merge: merge options: options option: option error: error each: each map: map times: times any: any all: all detect: detect select: select reject: reject intersect: intersect compact: compact uniq: uniq last: last isNull: isNull isDefined: isDefined isUndefined: isUndefined isGiven: isGiven isMissing: isMissing isPresent: isPresent isBlank: isBlank presence: presence isObject: isObject isFunction: isFunction isString: isString isNumber: isNumber isElement: isElement isJQuery: isJQuery isPromise: isPromise isDeferred: isDeferred isHash: isHash isArray: isArray isFormData: isFormData isUnmodifiedKeyEvent: isUnmodifiedKeyEvent isUnmodifiedMouseEvent: isUnmodifiedMouseEvent nullJQuery: nullJQuery unJQuery: unJQuery setTimer: setTimer nextFrame: nextFrame measure: measure temporaryCss: temporaryCss cssAnimate: cssAnimate finishCssAnimate: finishCssAnimate forceCompositing: forceCompositing forceRepaint: forceRepaint escapePressed: escapePressed copyAttributes: copyAttributes findWithSelf: findWithSelf contains: contains toArray: toArray # castsToTrue: castsToTrue # castsToFalse: castsToFalse castedAttr: castedAttr locationFromXhr: locationFromXhr titleFromXhr: titleFromXhr methodFromXhr: methodFromXhr clientSize: clientSize only: only except: except trim: trim unresolvableDeferred: unresolvableDeferred unresolvablePromise: unresolvablePromise resolvedPromise: resolvedPromise resolvedDeferred: resolvedDeferred resolvableWhen: resolvableWhen setMissingAttrs: setMissingAttrs remove: remove memoize: memoize scrollbarWidth: scrollbarWidth documentHasVerticalScrollbar: documentHasVerticalScrollbar config: config cache: cache unwrapElement: unwrapElement multiSelector: multiSelector error: error pluckData: pluckData pluckKey: pluckKey extractOptions: extractOptions isDetached: isDetached noop: noop opacity: opacity whenReady: whenReady identity: identity escapeHtml: escapeHtml DivertibleChain: DivertibleChain )($) up.error = up.util.error