require "niceql/version" module Niceql module StringColorize def self.colorize_verb( str) #yellow ANSI color "\e[0;33;49m#{str}\e[0m" end def self.colorize_str(str) #cyan ANSI color "\e[0;36;49m#{str}\e[0m" end def self.colorize_err(err) #red ANSI color "\e[0;31;49m#{err}\e[0m" end end module ArExtentions def explain_err begin connection.execute( "EXPLAIN #{Prettifier.prettify_sql(to_sql, false)}" ) rescue StandardError => e puts Prettifier.prettify_err(e ) end end def to_niceql( colorize = true ) puts Prettifier.prettify_sql( to_sql, colorize ) end end module Prettifier INLINE_VERBS = %w(ASC IN AS WHEN THEN ELSE END AND UNION ALL WITH ON DISTINCT INTERSECT EXCEPT EXISTS NOT).join('| ') NEW_LINE_VERBS = 'SELECT|FROM|WHERE|CASE|ORDER BY|LIMIT|GROUP BY|WITH|LEFT JOIN|RIGHT JOIN|JOIN|HAVING|OFFSET' VERBS = "#{INLINE_VERBS}|#{NEW_LINE_VERBS}" STRINGS = /("[^"]+")|('[^']+')/ BRACKETS = '[\(\)]' def self.prettify_err(err) if ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env]['adapter'] == 'postgresql' prettify_pg_err( err.to_s ) else puts err end end def self.prettify_pg_err(err) err_line_num = err[/LINE \d+/][5..-1].to_i start_sql_line = err.lines[3][/HINT/] ? 4 : 3 err_body = err.lines[start_sql_line..-1] err_line = StringColorize.colorize_err( err_body[err_line_num-1] ) err_body = err_body.join.gsub(/#{VERBS}/ ) { |verb| StringColorize.colorize_verb(verb) } err_body = err_body.gsub(STRINGS){ |str| StringColorize.colorize_str(str) } err_body = err_body.lines err_body[err_line_num-1]= err_line err_body.insert( err_line_num, StringColorize.colorize_err( err.lines[2][err.lines[1][/LINE \d+:/].length+1..-1] ) ) puts err.lines[0..start_sql_line-1].join + err_body.join end def self.prettify_sql( sql, colorize = true ) indent = 0 parentness = [] sql = sql.gsub(STRINGS){ |str| StringColorize.colorize_str(str) } if colorize sql.gsub( /(#{VERBS}|#{BRACKETS})/) do |verb| add_new_line = false if 'SELECT' == verb indent += 1 parentness.last[:nested] = true if parentness.last add_new_line = true elsif verb == '(' parentness << { nested: false } indent += 1 elsif verb == ')' # this also covers case when right bracket is used without corresponding left one add_new_line = parentness.last.nil? || parentness.last[:nested] indent -= add_new_line ? 2 : 1 indent = 0 if indent < 0 parentness.pop elsif verb == 'ORDER BY' # in postgres ORDER BY can be used in aggregation function this will keep it # inline with its agg function add_new_line = parentness.last.nil? || parentness.last[:nested] else add_new_line = verb[/(#{INLINE_VERBS})/].nil? end verb = StringColorize.colorize_verb(verb) if !['(', ')'].include?(verb) && colorize add_new_line ? "\n#{' ' * indent}" + verb : verb end end end if defined? ::ActiveRecord::Base ::ActiveRecord::Base.extend ArExtentions [::ActiveRecord::Relation, ::ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy].each { |klass| klass.send(:include, ArExtentions) } end end