# The elements should be modal when in edit mode. # That means that everything else should be greyed out. # If the user clicks on the shaded (grey) area outside, the edit_mode_group is saved. $( document ).on( "edit", ".edit_mode_group", -> if $( document ).find( ".edit-mode-modal" ).length == 0 #unless $( this ).hasClass( "edit-mode-modal" ) modal_edit_mode_group = $( this ) $( this ).addClass( "edit-mode-modal" ) $( "body" ).append( "
" ) $( "div.edit-mode-modal-bg" ).hide().fadeIn().click( -> modal_edit_mode_group.trigger( "save" ) ) ) $( document ).on( "save cancel", ".edit_mode_group", -> if $( this ).hasClass( "edit-mode-modal" ) unless $( this ).hasClass( "animating" ) $( this ).addClass( "animating" ) setTimeout( -> $( "div.edit-mode-modal-bg" ).fadeOut( -> $( this ).remove() $( ".edit-mode-modal" ).removeClass( "edit-mode-modal animating" ) ) , 300 ) )