# encoding: UTF-8 module Kafo class PuppetCommand def initialize(command, options = [], puppet_config = nil, configuration = KafoConfigure.config) @configuration = configuration @command = command @puppet_config = puppet_config if puppet_config puppet_config['basemodulepath'] = modules_path.join(':') @options = options.push("--config=#{puppet_config.config_path}") else @options = options.push("--modulepath #{modules_path.join(':')}") end @logger = KafoConfigure.logger @puppet_version_check = !configuration.app[:skip_puppet_version_check] @suffix = nil end def command @puppet_config.write_config if @puppet_config result = [ manifest, '|', "RUBYLIB=#{[@configuration.kafo_modules_dir, ::ENV['RUBYLIB']].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)}", "#{puppet_path} apply #{@options.join(' ')} #{@suffix}", ].join(' ') @logger.debug result result end def append(suffix) @suffix = suffix self end def self.search_puppet_path(bin_name) # Find the location of the puppet executable and use that to # determine the path of all executables bin_path = (::ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) + ['/opt/puppetlabs/bin']).find do |path| File.executable?(File.join(path, 'puppet')) && File.executable?(File.join(path, bin_name)) end File.join([bin_path, bin_name].compact) end def self.format_command(command) if search_puppet_path('puppet').start_with?('/opt/puppetlabs') [clean_env_vars, command, :unsetenv_others => true] else [::ENV, command, :unsetenv_others => false] end end def self.clean_env_vars # Cleaning ENV vars and keeping required vars only because, # When using SCL it adds GEM_HOME and GEM_PATH ENV vars. whitelisted_vars = %w[HOME USER LANG] cleaned_env = ::ENV.select { |var| whitelisted_vars.include?(var) || var.start_with?('LC_') } cleaned_env['PATH'] = '/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/opt/puppetlabs/bin' cleaned_env end private def manifest %{echo ' $kafo_config_file="#{@configuration.config_file}" #{add_progress} #{generate_version_checks.join("\n") if @puppet_version_check} #{@command} '} end def add_progress %{$kafo_add_progress=#{!KafoConfigure.verbose}} end def generate_version_checks checks = [] modules_path.each do |modulepath| Dir[File.join(modulepath, '*', 'metadata.json')].sort.each do |metadata_json| metadata = JSON.load(File.read(metadata_json)) next unless metadata['requirements'] && metadata['requirements'].is_a?(Array) metadata['requirements'].select { |req| req['name'] == 'puppet' && req['version_requirement'] }.each do |req| checks << versioncmp(metadata['name'], req['version_requirement']) end end end checks end def versioncmp(id, version_req) <<-EOS kafo_configure::puppet_version_semver { "#{id}": requirement => "#{version_req}", } EOS end def modules_path [ @configuration.module_dirs, @configuration.kafo_modules_dir, ].flatten end def puppet_path @puppet_path ||= self.class.search_puppet_path('puppet') end end end