class Order < ActiveRecord::Base # before_create :generate_order_number before_save :update_line_items has_many :line_items, :dependent => :destroy, :attributes => true do def in_order(variant) find :first, :conditions => ['variant_id = ?',] end end has_many :inventory_units has_many :state_events has_many :payments has_many :creditcard_payments has_many :creditcards belongs_to :user has_many :shipments, :dependent => :destroy validates_associated :line_items, :message => "are not valid" validates_numericality_of :tax_amount validates_numericality_of :ship_amount validates_numericality_of :item_total validates_numericality_of :total named_scope :by_number, lambda {|number| {:conditions => ["orders.number = ?", number]}} named_scope :between, lambda {|*dates| {:conditions => ["orders.created_at between :start and :stop", {:start => dates.first.to_date, :stop => dates.last.to_date}]}} named_scope :by_customer, lambda {|customer| {:include => :user, :conditions => [" = ?", customer]}} named_scope :by_state, lambda {|state| {:conditions => ["state = ?", state]}} named_scope :checkout_completed, lambda {|state| {:conditions => ["checkout_complete = ?", state]}} # attr_accessible is a nightmare with attachment_fu, so use attr_protected instead. attr_protected :ship_amount, :tax_amount, :item_total, :total, :user, :number, :ip_address, :checkout_complete, :state def to_param self.number if self.number generate_order_number unless self.number self.number.parameterize.to_s.upcase end make_permalink :field => :number # order state machine (see for details) state_machine :initial => 'in_progress' do after_transition :to => 'in_progress', :do => lambda {|order| order.update_attribute(:checkout_complete, false)} after_transition :to => 'new', :do => :complete_order after_transition :to => 'canceled', :do => :cancel_order after_transition :to => 'returned', :do => :restock_inventory after_transition :to => 'resumed', :do => :restore_state event :complete do transition :to => 'new', :from => 'in_progress' end event :cancel do transition :to => 'canceled', :if => :allow_cancel? end event :return do transition :to => 'returned', :from => 'shipped' end event :resume do transition :to => 'resumed', :from => 'canceled', :if => :allow_resume? end event :pay do transition :to => 'paid', :if => :allow_pay? end event :ship do transition :to => 'shipped', :from => 'paid' end end def restore_state # pop the resume event so we can see what the event before that was state_events.pop if == "resume" update_attribute("state", state_events.last.previous_state) end def allow_cancel? self.state != 'canceled' end def allow_resume? # we shouldn't allow resume for legacy orders b/c we lack the information necessary to restore to a previous state return false if state_events.empty? || state_events.last.previous_state.nil? true end def allow_pay? checkout_complete end def add_variant(variant, quantity=1) current_item = line_items.in_order(variant) if current_item current_item.increment_quantity unless quantity > 1 current_item.quantity = (current_item.quantity + quantity) if quantity > 1 else current_item = => quantity, :variant => variant, :price => variant.price) self.line_items << current_item end # populate line_items attributes for additional_fields entries # that have populate => [:line_item]{|f| !f[:populate].nil? && f[:populate].include?(:line_item) }.each do |field| value = "" if field[:only].nil? || field[:only].include?(:variant) value = variant.send(field[:name].gsub(" ", "_").downcase) elsif field[:only].include?(:product) value = variant.product.send(field[:name].gsub(" ", "_").downcase) end current_item.update_attribute(field[:name].gsub(" ", "_").downcase, value) end end def generate_order_number record = true while record random = "R#{{rand(9)}.join}" record = Order.find(:first, :conditions => ["number = ?", random]) end self.number = random end def payment_total payments.inject(0) {|sum, payment| sum + payment.amount} end # total of line items (no tax or shipping inc.) def item_total tot = 0 self.line_items.each do |li| tot += end self.item_total = tot end def total = self.item_total + self.ship_amount + self.tax_amount end def bill_address return nil if creditcards.empty? return creditcards.last.address end # convenience method since many stores will not allow user to create multiple shipments def shipment shipments.last end def ship_address return nil if shipments.empty? return shipment.address end include Spree::ShippingCalculator private def complete_order self.update_attribute(:checkout_complete, true) InventoryUnit.sell_units(self) if user && OrderMailer.deliver_confirm(self) end # finalize order totals calculator = self.ship_amount = calculator.calculate_shipping(shipment) self.tax_amount = calculate_tax save end def cancel_order restock_inventory OrderMailer.deliver_cancel(self) end def restock_inventory inventory_units.each do |inventory_unit| inventory_unit.restock! if inventory_unit.can_restock? end end def update_line_items self.line_items.each do |line_item| LineItem.destroy( if line_item.quantity == 0 end end end