require 'boson/comment_inspector' require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') describe "CommentInspector" do before_all { eval "module ::Optional; def self.bling; {:a=>'bling'}; end; end" } describe "scrapes description" do before { @lines = ["module Foo", " # some comments yay", " def foo", " end", "end"] } def description(options={}) CommentInspector.scrape(@lines.join("\n"), options[:line] || 3, Optional)[:desc] end it "directly above method returns desc" do description.should == "some comments yay" end it "with explicit @desc returns desc" do @lines[1] = '#@desc some comments yay' description.should == "some comments yay" end it "of multiple lines returns desc" do @lines.delete_at(1) @lines.insert(1, '#@options :b=>1', '#@desc here be', '# comments') description(:line=>5).should == "here be comments" end it "that is empty returns nil" do @lines[1] = "" description.should == nil end it "that is empty with options keyword returns nil" do @lines[1] = '#@options {:a=>1}' description.should == nil end it "not directly above returns nil" do @lines.insert(2, " ") description(:line=>4).should == nil end end describe "scrapes options" do before { @lines = ["module Foo", ' #@options {:a=>true}', " def foo", " end", "end"] } def options(opts={}) @lines[1] = opts[:value] if opts[:value] args = [@lines.join("\n"), opts[:line] || 3, Optional] CommentInspector.scrape(*args)[:options] end it "that are basic" do options.should == {:a=>true} end it "that are hash-like" do options(:value=>'#@options :a => 2').should == {:a=>2} end it "that are whitespaced" do options(:value=>"\t"+ '# @options {:a=>1}').should == {:a=>1} end it "that have a local value" do options(:value=>'#@options bling').should == {:a=>'bling'} end it "that are multi-line" do @lines.delete_at(1) @lines.insert(1, '#@options {:a =>', " # 1}", "# some comments") options(:line=>5).should == {:a=>1} end it "with failed eval and returns nil" do options(:value=>'#@options !--').should == nil end it "that are empty and returns nil" do options(:value=>"# nada").should == nil end it "when @option overwrites @options" do @lines.insert(1, ' #@option :a, :boolean') options(:line=>4).should == {:a=>:boolean} end it "when set by @option and @options" do @lines.insert(1, ' #@option :b, :boolean') options(:line=>4).should == {:b=>:boolean, :a=>true} end it "when set by @option" do @lines.delete_at(1) @lines.insert(1, ' #@option :b, :string', ' #@option :a, 4') options(:line=>4).should == {:b=>:string, :a=>4} end it "when set by multi-line @option" do @lines.delete_at(1) @lines.insert(1, ' #@option :b, :type=>:string,', ' # :values=>%w{one two}', '# some comments') options(:line=>5).should == {:b=>{:type=>:string, :values=>%w{one two}}} end it "and ignores invalid @option's" do @lines.delete_at(1) @lines.insert(1, ' #@option :b=>:string', ' #@option :a, :string') options(:line=>4).should == {:a=>:string} end end it "scrapes all comment types with implicit desc" do @lines = ["module Foo", '# @config :a=>true', ' # @options {:a=>true}', '#blah', " def foo", " end", "end"] expected = {:desc=>"blah", :options=>{:a=>true}, :config=>{:a=>true}} CommentInspector.scrape(@lines.join("\n"), 5, Optional).should == expected end it "scrapes all comment types with explicit desc" do @lines = ["module Foo", '#@desc blah', ' # @options {:a=>true}', ' # @config :a=>true', " def foo", " end", "end"] expected = {:desc=>"blah", :options=>{:a=>true}, :config=>{:a=>true}} CommentInspector.scrape(@lines.join("\n"), 5, Optional).should == expected end end