11 US school grade range Values for are specified in List 77 12 UK school grade Values are defined by BIC for England & Wales, Scotland and N Ireland 15 Reading speed, words per minute Values in must be integers 16 Interest age, months For use up to 30 months only: values in must be integers 17 Interest age, years Values in must be integers 18 Reading age, years Values in must be integers 19 Spanish school grade Spain: combined grade and region code, maintained by the Ministerio de Educación 20 Skoletrinn Norwegian educational grades (4704) 21 Nivå Swedish educational qualifier (code) 22 Italian school grade 23 Schulform DEPRECATED - assigned in error: see List 29 24 Bundesland DEPRECATED - assigned in error: see List 29 25 Ausbildungsberuf DEPRECATED - assigned in error: see List 29 26 Canadian school grade range Values for are specified in List 77 27 Finnish school grade range