require 'pp' require 'digest/md5' module StackProf class Report def initialize(data) @data = data end attr_reader :data def frames(sort_by_total=false) Hash[ *@data[:frames].sort_by{ |iseq, stats| -stats[sort_by_total ? :total_samples : :samples] }.flatten(1) ] end def normalized_frames id2hash = {} @data[:frames].each do |frame, info| id2hash[frame.to_s] = info[:hash] = Digest::MD5.hexdigest("#{info[:name]}#{info[:file]}#{info[:line]}") end @data[:frames].inject( do |hash, (frame, info)| info = hash[id2hash[frame.to_s]] = info.dup info[:edges] = info[:edges].inject({ |edges, (edge, weight)| edges[id2hash[edge.to_s]] = weight; edges } if info[:edges] hash end end def version @data[:version] end def modeline "#{@data[:mode]}(#{@data[:interval]})" end def overall_samples @data[:samples] end def max_samples @data[:max_samples] ||= frames.max_by{ |addr, frame| frame[:samples] }.last[:samples] end def files @data[:files] ||= @data[:frames].inject( do |hash, (addr, frame)| if file = frame[:file] and lines = frame[:lines] hash[file] ||= lines.each do |line, weight| hash[file][line] = add_lines(hash[file][line], weight) end end hash end end def add_lines(a, b) return b if a.nil? return a+b if a.is_a? Fixnum return [ a[0], a[1]+b ] if b.is_a? Fixnum [ a[0]+b[0], a[1]+b[1] ] end def print_debug pp @data end def print_graphviz(filter = nil, f = STDOUT) if filter mark_stack = [] list = frames list.each{ |addr, frame| mark_stack << addr if frame[:name] =~ filter } while addr = mark_stack.pop frame = list[addr] unless frame[:marked] $stderr.puts frame[:edges].inspect mark_stack += frame[:edges].map{ |addr, weight| addr.to_s if list[addr.to_s][:total_samples] <= weight*1.2 }.compact if frame[:edges] frame[:marked] = true end end list ={ |addr, frame| frame[:marked] } list.each{ |addr, frame| frame[:edges] && frame[:edges].delete_if{ |k,v| list[k.to_s].nil? } } list else list = frames end f.puts "digraph profile {" list.each do |frame, info| call, total = info.values_at(:samples, :total_samples) sample = '' sample << "#{call} (%2.1f%%)\\rof " % (call*100.0/overall_samples) if call < total sample << "#{total} (%2.1f%%)\\r" % (total*100.0/overall_samples) fontsize = (1.0 * call / max_samples) * 28 + 10 size = (1.0 * total / overall_samples) * 2.0 + 0.5 f.puts " \"#{frame}\" [size=#{size}] [fontsize=#{fontsize}] [penwidth=\"#{size}\"] [shape=box] [label=\"#{info[:name]}\\n#{sample}\"];" if edges = info[:edges] edges.each do |edge, weight| size = (1.0 * weight / overall_samples) * 2.0 + 0.5 f.puts " \"#{frame}\" -> \"#{edge}\" [label=\"#{weight}\"] [weight=\"#{weight}\"] [penwidth=\"#{size}\"];" end end end f.puts "}" end def print_text(sort_by_total=false, limit=nil, f = STDOUT) f.puts "==================================" f.printf " Mode: #{modeline}\n" f.printf " Samples: #{@data[:samples]} (%.2f%% miss rate)\n", 100.0*@data[:missed_samples]/(@data[:missed_samples]+@data[:samples]) f.printf " GC: #{@data[:gc_samples]} (%.2f%%)\n", 100.0*@data[:gc_samples]/@data[:samples] f.puts "==================================" f.printf "% 10s (pct) % 10s (pct) FRAME\n" % ["TOTAL", "SAMPLES"] list = frames(sort_by_total) list = list.first(limit) if limit list.each do |frame, info| call, total = info.values_at(:samples, :total_samples) f.printf "% 10d % 8s % 10d % 8s %s\n", total, "(%2.1f%%)" % (total*100.0/overall_samples), call, "(%2.1f%%)" % (call*100.0/overall_samples), info[:name] end end def print_callgrind(f = STDOUT) f.puts "version: 1" f.puts "creator: stackprof" f.puts "pid: 0" f.puts "cmd: ruby" f.puts "part: 1" f.puts "desc: mode: #{modeline}" f.puts "desc: missed: #{@data[:missed_samples]})" f.puts "positions: line" f.puts "events: Instructions" f.puts "summary: #{@data[:samples]}" list = frames list.each do |addr, frame| f.puts "fl=#{frame[:file]}" f.puts "fn=#{frame[:name]}" frame[:lines].each do |line, weight| f.puts "#{line} #{weight.is_a?(Array) ? weight[1] : weight}" end if frame[:lines] frame[:edges].each do |edge, weight| oframe = list[edge.to_s] f.puts "cfl=#{oframe[:file]}" unless oframe[:file] == frame[:file] f.puts "cfn=#{oframe[:name]}" f.puts "calls=#{weight} #{frame[:line] || 0}\n#{oframe[:line] || 0} #{weight}" end if frame[:edges] f.puts end f.puts "totals: #{@data[:samples]}" end def print_method(name, f = STDOUT) name = /#{Regexp.escape name}/ unless Regexp === name frames.each do |frame, info| next unless info[:name] =~ name file, line = info.values_at(:file, :line) line ||= 1 lines = info[:lines] maxline = lines ? lines.keys.max : line + 5 f.printf "%s (%s:%d)\n", info[:name], file, line f.printf " samples: % 5d self (%2.1f%%) / % 5d total (%2.1f%%)\n", info[:samples], 100.0*info[:samples]/overall_samples, info[:total_samples], 100.0*info[:total_samples]/overall_samples if (callers = data[:frames].map{ |id, other| [other[:name], other[:edges][frame]] if other[:edges] && other[:edges].include?(frame) }.compact).any? f.puts " callers:" callers = callers.sort_by(&:last).reverse callers.each do |name, weight| f.printf " % 5d (% 8s) %s\n", weight, "%3.1f%%" % (100.0*weight/info[:total_samples]), name end end if callees = info[:edges] f.printf " callees (%d total):\n", info[:total_samples]-info[:samples] callees ={ |k, weight| [data[:frames][k][:name], weight] }.sort_by{ |k,v| -v } callees.each do |name, weight| f.printf " % 5d (% 8s) %s\n", weight, "%3.1f%%" % (100.0*weight/(info[:total_samples]-info[:samples])), name end end f.puts " code:" source_display(f, file, lines, line-1..maxline) end end def print_files(sort_by_total=false, limit=nil, f = STDOUT) list ={ |file, vals| [file, vals.values.inject([0,0]){ |sum, n| add_lines(sum, n) }] } list = list.sort_by{ |file, samples| -samples[1] } list = list.first(limit) if limit list.each do |file, vals| total_samples, samples = *vals f.printf "% 5d (%5.1f%%) / % 5d (%5.1f%%) %s\n", total_samples, (100.0*total_samples/overall_samples), samples, (100.0*samples/overall_samples), file end end def print_file(filter, f = STDOUT) filter = /#{Regexp.escape filter}/ unless Regexp === filter list = files!{ |name, lines| name =~ filter } list.sort_by{ |file, vals| -vals.values.inject(0){ |sum, n| sum + (n.is_a?(Array) ? n[1] : n) } }.each do |file, lines| source_display(f, file, lines) end end private def source_display(f, file, lines, range=nil) File.readlines(file).each_with_index do |code, i| next unless range.nil? || range.include?(i) if lines and lineinfo = lines[i+1] total_samples, samples = lineinfo if version == 1.0 samples = total_samples f.printf "% 5d % 7s | % 5d | %s", samples, "(%2.1f%%)" % (100.0*samples/overall_samples), i+1, code elsif samples > 0 f.printf "% 5d % 8s / % 5d % 7s | % 5d | %s", total_samples, "(%2.1f%%)" % (100.0*total_samples/overall_samples), samples, "(%2.1f%%)" % (100.0*samples/overall_samples), i+1, code else f.printf "% 5d % 8s | % 5d | %s", total_samples, "(%3.1f%%)" % (100.0*total_samples/overall_samples), i+1, code end else if version == 1.0 f.printf " | % 5d | %s", i+1, code else f.printf " | % 5d | %s", i+1, code end end end end def +(other) raise ArgumentError, "cannot combine #{other.class}" unless self.class == other.class raise ArgumentError, "cannot combine #{modeline} with #{other.modeline}" unless modeline == other.modeline raise ArgumentError, "cannot combine v#{version} with v#{other.version}" unless version == other.version f1, f2 = normalized_frames, other.normalized_frames frames = (f1.keys + f2.keys).uniq.inject( do |hash, id| if f1[id].nil? hash[id] = f2[id] elsif f2[id] hash[id] = f1[id] hash[id][:total_samples] += f2[id][:total_samples] hash[id][:samples] += f2[id][:samples] if f2[id][:edges] edges = hash[id][:edges] ||= {} f2[id][:edges].each do |edge, weight| edges[edge] ||= 0 edges[edge] += weight end end if f2[id][:lines] lines = hash[id][:lines] ||= {} f2[id][:lines].each do |line, weight| lines[line] = add_lines(lines[line], weight) end end else hash[id] = f1[id] end hash end d1, d2 = data, data = { version: version, mode: d1[:mode], interval: d1[:interval], samples: d1[:samples] + d2[:samples], gc_samples: d1[:gc_samples] + d2[:gc_samples], missed_samples: d1[:missed_samples] + d2[:missed_samples], frames: frames } end end end