require 'railroader/checks/check_cross_site_scripting' # Checks for unescaped values in `content_tag` # # content_tag :tag, body # ^-- Unescaped in Rails 2.x # # content_tag, :tag, body, attribute => value # ^-- Unescaped in all versions # # content_tag, :tag, body, attribute => value # ^ # | # Escaped by default, can be explicitly escaped # or not by passing in (true|false) as fourth argument class Railroader::CheckContentTag < Railroader::CheckCrossSiteScripting Railroader::Checks.add self @description = "Checks for XSS in calls to content_tag" def run_check @ignore_methods = Set[:button_to, :check_box, :escapeHTML, :escape_once, :field_field, :fields_for, :h, :hidden_field, :hidden_field, :hidden_field_tag, :image_tag, :label, :mail_to, :radio_button, :select, :submit_tag, :text_area, :text_field, :text_field_tag, :url_encode, :u, :url_for, :will_paginate].merge tracker.options[:safe_methods] @known_dangerous = [] @content_tags = tracker.find_call :target => false, :method => :content_tag @models = tracker.models.keys @inspect_arguments = tracker.options[:check_arguments] @mark = nil Railroader.debug "Checking for XSS in content_tag" @content_tags.each do |call| process_result call end check_cve_2016_6316 end def process_result result return if duplicate? result call = result[:call] = result[:call].dup args = call.arglist tag_name = args[1] content = args[2] attributes = args[3] escape_attr = args[4] @matched = false # Silly, but still dangerous if someone uses user input in the tag type check_argument result, tag_name # Versions before 3.x do not escape body of tag, nor does the rails_xss gem unless @matched or (tracker.options[:rails3] and not raw? content) check_argument result, content end # Attribute keys are never escaped, so check them for user input if not @matched and hash? attributes and not request_value? attributes hash_iterate(attributes) do |k, _v| check_argument result, k return if @matched end end # By default, content_tag escapes attribute values passed in as a hash. # But this behavior can be disabled. So only check attributes hash # if they are explicitly not escaped. if not @matched and attributes and (false? escape_attr or cve_2016_6316?) if request_value? attributes or not hash? attributes check_argument result, attributes else # check hash values hash_iterate(attributes) do |_k, v| check_argument result, v return if @matched end end end end def check_argument result, exp # Check contents of raw() calls directly if raw? exp arg = process exp.first_arg else arg = process exp end if input = has_immediate_user_input?(arg) message = "Unescaped #{friendly_type_of input} in content_tag" add_result result warn :result => result, :warning_type => "Cross-Site Scripting", :warning_code => :xss_content_tag, :message => message, :user_input => input, :confidence => :high, :link_path => "content_tag" elsif not tracker.options[:ignore_model_output] and match = has_immediate_model?(arg) unless IGNORE_MODEL_METHODS.include? match.method add_result result if likely_model_attribute? match confidence = :high else confidence = :medium end warn :result => result, :warning_type => "Cross-Site Scripting", :warning_code => :xss_content_tag, :message => "Unescaped model attribute in content_tag", :user_input => match, :confidence => confidence, :link_path => "content_tag" end elsif @matched return if @matched.type == :model and tracker.options[:ignore_model_output] message = "Unescaped #{friendly_type_of @matched} in content_tag" add_result result warn :result => result, :warning_type => "Cross-Site Scripting", :warning_code => :xss_content_tag, :message => message, :user_input => @matched, :confidence => :medium, :link_path => "content_tag" end end def process_call exp if @mark actually_process_call exp else @mark = true actually_process_call exp @mark = false end exp end def check_cve_2016_6316 if cve_2016_6316? confidence = if @content_tags.any? :high else :medium end fix_version = case when version_between?("3.0.0", "") "" when version_between?("4.0.0", "") "" when version_between?("5.0.0", "5.0.0") "" when (version.nil? and tracker.options[:rails3]) "" when (version.nil? and tracker.options[:rails4]) "" else return end warn :warning_type => "Cross-Site Scripting", :warning_code => :CVE_2016_6316, :message => "Rails #{rails_version} content_tag does not escape double quotes in attribute values (CVE-2016-6316). Upgrade to #{fix_version}", :confidence => confidence, :gem_info => gemfile_or_environment, :link_path => "" end end def raw? exp call? exp and exp.method == :raw end def cve_2016_6316? version_between? "3.0.0", "" or version_between? "4.0.0", "" or version_between? "5.0.0", "" end end