module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues XCODE_SERVER_GET_ASSETS_PATH = :XCODE_SERVER_GET_ASSETS_PATH XCODE_SERVER_GET_ASSETS_ARCHIVE_PATH = :XCODE_SERVER_GET_ASSETS_ARCHIVE_PATH end class XcodeServerGetAssetsAction < Action require 'excon' require 'json' require 'fileutils' def host = params[:host] bot_name = params[:bot_name] integration_number_override = params[:integration_number] target_folder = params[:target_folder] keep_all_assets = params[:keep_all_assets] username = params[:username] password = params[:password] trust_self_signed_certs = params[:trust_self_signed_certs] # setup (not)trusting self signed certificates. # it's normal to have a self signed certificate on your Xcode Server Excon.defaults[:ssl_verify_peer] = !trust_self_signed_certs # for self-signed certificates # create Xcode Server config xcs =, username, password) bots = xcs.fetch_all_bots UI.important("Fetched #{bots.count} Bots from Xcode Server at #{host}.") # pull out names bot_names = { |bot| bot['name'] } # match the bot name with a found bot, otherwise fail found_bots = { |bot| bot['name'] == bot_name } UI.user_error!("Failed to find a Bot with name #{bot_name} on server #{host}, only available Bots: #{bot_names}") if found_bots.count == 0 bot = found_bots[0] UI.success("Found Bot with name #{bot_name} with id #{bot['_id']}.") # we have our bot, get finished integrations, sorted from newest to oldest integrations = xcs.fetch_integrations(bot['_id']).select { |i| i['currentStep'] == 'completed' } UI.user_error!("Failed to find any completed integration for Bot \"#{bot_name}\"") if (integrations || []).count == 0 # if no integration number is specified, pick the newest one (this is sorted from newest to oldest) if integration_number_override integration = integrations.find { |i| i['number'] == integration_number_override } UI.user_error!("Specified integration number #{integration_number_override} does not exist.") unless integration else integration = integrations.first end # consider: only taking the last successful one? or allow failing tests? warnings? UI.important("Using integration #{integration['number']}.") # fetch assets for this integration assets_path = xcs.fetch_assets(integration['_id'], target_folder, self) UI.user_error!("Failed to fetch assets for integration #{integration['number']}.") unless assets_path asset_entries = Dir.entries(assets_path).map { |i| File.join(assets_path, i) } UI.success("Successfully downloaded #{asset_entries.count} assets to file #{assets_path}!") # now find the archive and unzip it zipped_archive_path = asset_entries.find { |i| i.end_with?('') } if zipped_archive_path UI.important("Found an archive in the assets folder...") archive_file_path = File.basename(zipped_archive_path, File.extname(zipped_archive_path)) archive_dir_path = File.dirname(zipped_archive_path) archive_path = File.join(archive_dir_path, archive_file_path) if File.exist?(archive_path) # we already have the archive, skip UI.important("Archive #{archive_path} already exists, not unzipping again...") else # unzip the archive sh "unzip -q \"#{zipped_archive_path}\" -d \"#{archive_dir_path}\"" end # reload asset entries to also contain the xcarchive file asset_entries = Dir.entries(assets_path).map { |i| File.join(assets_path, i) } # optionally delete everything except for the archive unless keep_all_assets files_to_delete = do |i| File.extname(i) != '.xcarchive' && ![".", ".."].include?(File.basename(i)) end files_to_delete.each do |i| FileUtils.rm_rf(i) end end Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::XCODE_SERVER_GET_ASSETS_ARCHIVE_PATH] = archive_path end Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::XCODE_SERVER_GET_ASSETS_PATH] = assets_path return assets_path end class XcodeServer def initialize(host, username, password) @host = host.start_with?('https://') ? host : "https://#{host}" @username = username @password = password end def fetch_all_bots response = get_endpoint('/bots') UI.user_error!("You are unauthorized to access data on #{@host}, please check that you're passing in a correct username and password.") if response.status == 401 UI.user_error!("Failed to fetch Bots from Xcode Server at #{@host}, response: #{response.status}: #{response.body}.") if response.status != 200 JSON.parse(response.body)['results'] end def fetch_integrations(bot_id) response = get_endpoint("/bots/#{bot_id}/integrations?last=10") UI.user_error!("Failed to fetch Integrations for Bot #{bot_id} from Xcode Server at #{@host}, response: #{response.status}: #{response.body}") if response.status != 200 JSON.parse(response.body)['results'] end def fetch_assets(integration_id, target_folder, action) # create a temp folder and a file, stream the download into it Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| temp_file = File.join(dir, "tmp_download.#{rand(1_000_000)}") f = open(temp_file, 'w') streamer = lambda do |chunk, remaining_bytes, total_bytes| if remaining_bytes && total_bytes UI.important("Downloading: #{100 - (100 * remaining_bytes.to_f / total_bytes.to_f).to_i}%") else UI.error(chunk.to_s) end f.write(chunk) end response = self.get_endpoint("/integrations/#{integration_id}/assets", streamer) f.close UI.user_error!("Integration doesn't have any assets (it probably never ran).") if response.status == 500 UI.user_error!("Failed to fetch Assets zip for Integration #{integration_id} from Xcode Server at #{@host}, response: #{response.status}: #{response.body}") if response.status != 200 # unzip it, it's a .tar.gz file out_folder = File.join(dir, "out_#{rand(1_000_000)}") FileUtils.mkdir_p(out_folder) "cd \"#{out_folder}\"; cat \"#{temp_file}\" | gzip -d | tar -x" # then pull the real name from headers asset_filename = response.headers['Content-Disposition'].split(';')[1].split('=')[1].delete('"') asset_foldername = asset_filename.split('.')[0] # rename the folder in out_folder to asset_foldername found_folder = Dir.entries(out_folder).select { |item| item != '.' && item != '..' }[0] UI.user_error!("Internal error, couldn't find unzipped folder") if found_folder.nil? unzipped_folder_temp_name = File.join(out_folder, found_folder) unzipped_folder = File.join(out_folder, asset_foldername) # rename to destination name, unzipped_folder) target_folder = File.absolute_path(target_folder) # create target folder if it doesn't exist FileUtils.mkdir_p(target_folder) # and move+rename it to the destination place FileUtils.cp_r(unzipped_folder, target_folder) out = File.join(target_folder, asset_foldername) return out end return nil end def headers require 'base64' headers = { 'User-Agent' => 'fastlane-xcode_server_get_assets', # XCS wants user agent. for some API calls. not for others. sigh. 'X-XCSAPIVersion' => 1 # XCS API version with this API, Xcode needs this otherwise it explodes in a 500 error fire. Currently Xcode 7 Beta 5 is on Version 5. } if @username and @password userpass = "#{@username}:#{@password}" headers['Authorization'] = "Basic #{Base64.strict_encode64(userpass)}" end return headers end def get_endpoint(endpoint, response_block = nil) url = url_for_endpoint(endpoint) headers = self.headers || {} if response_block response = Excon.get(url, response_block: response_block, headers: headers) else response = Excon.get(url, headers: headers) end return response end private def url_for_endpoint(endpoint) "#{@host}:20343/api#{endpoint}" end end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "Downloads Xcode Bot assets like the `.xcarchive` and logs" end def self.details "This action downloads assets from your Xcode Server Bot (works with Xcode Server using Xcode 6 and 7. By default this action downloads all assets, unzips them and deletes everything except for the `.xcarchive`. If you'd like to keep all downloaded assets, pass `:keep_all_assets: true`. This action returns the path to the downloaded assets folder and puts into shared values the paths to the asset folder and to the `.xcarchive` inside it" end def self.available_options [ :host, env_name: "FL_XCODE_SERVER_GET_ASSETS_HOST", description: "IP Address/Hostname of Xcode Server", optional: false), :bot_name, env_name: "FL_XCODE_SERVER_GET_ASSETS_BOT_NAME", description: "Name of the Bot to pull assets from", optional: false), :integration_number, env_name: "FL_XCODE_SERVER_GET_ASSETS_INTEGRATION_NUMBER", description: "Optionally you can override which integration's assets should be downloaded. If not provided, the latest integration is used", is_string: false, optional: true), :username, env_name: "FL_XCODE_SERVER_GET_ASSETS_USERNAME", description: "Username for your Xcode Server", optional: true, default_value: ""), :password, env_name: "FL_XCODE_SERVER_GET_ASSETS_PASSWORD", description: "Password for your Xcode Server", optional: true, default_value: ""), :target_folder, env_name: "FL_XCODE_SERVER_GET_ASSETS_TARGET_FOLDER", description: "Relative path to a folder into which to download assets", optional: true, default_value: './xcs_assets'), :keep_all_assets, env_name: "FL_XCODE_SERVER_GET_ASSETS_KEEP_ALL_ASSETS", description: "Whether to keep all assets or let the script delete everything except for the .xcarchive", optional: true, is_string: false, default_value: false), :trust_self_signed_certs, env_name: "FL_XCODE_SERVER_GET_ASSETS_TRUST_SELF_SIGNED_CERTS", description: "Whether to trust self-signed certs on your Xcode Server", optional: true, is_string: false, default_value: true) ] end def self.output [ ['XCODE_SERVER_GET_ASSETS_PATH', 'Absolute path to the downloaded assets folder'], ['XCODE_SERVER_GET_ASSETS_ARCHIVE_PATH', 'Absolute path to the downloaded xcarchive file'] ] end def self.authors ["czechboy0"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) [:ios, :mac].include? platform end end end end