Feature: pages that show details for features
When I run `cucumber fixtures --profile fixture`
Scenario: Generate the pages
Then the following files should exist:
| results/basic.html |
| results/advanced.html |
Scenario: Generating the basic html page from the erb
Then the file "results/basic.html" should contain "DOCTYPE html PUBLIC"
And the file "results/basic.html" should contain ""
And the file "results/basic.html" should contain "
And the file "results/basic.html" should contain "Feature Results"
Scenario: Including an image / logo
Then the file "results/basic.html" should contain "
And the file "results/basic.html" should contain "Average Duration"
And the file "results/basic.html" should contain "Scenarios"
And the file "results/basic.html" should contain "Steps"
Scenario: It should capture scenario and step statuses
Then the file "results/basic.html" should contain "Passed"
And the file "results/basic.html" should contain "Failed"
And the file "results/basic.html" should contain "Pending"
And the file "results/basic.html" should contain "Undefined"
And the file "results/basic.html" should contain "Skipped"
Scenario: It should display scenario names
Then the file "results/basic.html" should contain "A passing scenario"
And the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "A scenario outline"
And the file "results/background.html" should contain "Another passing scenario"
Scenario: It should display scenario steps
Then the file "results/basic.html" should contain "it should say hello"
And the file "results/background.html" should contain "it should say hello"
And the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "I am using a scenario outline"
Scenario: It should display the step and data for scenario outline steps
I use 'aaa'\
Then the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "I use 'aaa'"
And the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "I use 'bbb'"
Scenario: It should display descriptions for features
Then the file "results/basic.html" should contain "As a stakeholder"
Then the file "results/basic.html" should contain "I want to see some details about this feature"
Then the file "results/basic.html" should contain "So that I have some idea why this test matters"
Scenario: It should display a nested table
Then the file "results/advanced.html" should contain " | key1 | "
And the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "key2 | "
And the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "key3 | "
And the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "value1 | "
And the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "value2 | "
And the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "value3 | "
Scenario: It should display the multi-line argument
Then the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "Hello with"
And the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "more than one"
And the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "line in a string"
Scenario: It should display errors for features
Then the file "results/basic.html" should contain "RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError"
Then the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError"
Then the file "results/failing_background.html" should contain "RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError"
Scenario: Embedding an image into the page
Then the file "results/basic.html" should contain "
And the file "results/basic.html" should contain "AutoTrader"
Scenario: Displaying a background
Then the file "results/background.html" should contain "Background: A scenario can have a background"
And the file "results/background.html" should contain "When Cucumber puts"
Scenario: Feature pages should have a link back to the report summary
Then the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "