=begin This file is part of the sandboxed_erb project, https://github.com/markpent/SandboxedERB Copyright (c) 2011 Mark Pentland <mark.pent@gmail.com> sandboxed_erb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the gnu general public license as published by the free software foundation, either version 3 of the license, or (at your option) any later version. sandboxed_erb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. see the gnu general public license for more details. you should have received a copy of the gnu general public license along with shikashi. if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. =end require "ruby_parser" require "partialruby" require "sexp_processor" module SandboxedErb class TreeProcessor < SexpProcessor #:nodoc: all def initialize super() self.default_method = :fallback_process self.require_empty = false self.warn_on_default = false @hook_handler_name = "@_hook_handler".intern @last_line_number = 0 end #we treat this same as a call def process_attrasgn(tree) process_call(tree) end def process_call(tree) puts tree.inspect if $DEBUG if [:_sbm].include?(tree[2]) raise SandboxedErb::CompileSecurityError, "Line #{tree.line}: #{tree[2].to_s} is a reserved method" elsif tree[1] && tree[1][0] == :lvar && tree[1][1] == :_erbout && tree[2] == :concat #optimisation:call concat on _erbout is safe... dont need to route through _sbm add_line_number(tree, s(tree[0], tree[1], tree[2], process(tree[3]))) elsif tree[1] && tree[2] == :to_s && tree[3][0] == :arglist && tree[3].length == 1 #optimisation:call to_s on an object is safe... dont need to route through _sbm add_line_number(tree, s(tree[0], process(tree[1]), tree[2], tree[3])) elsif tree[1] #rewrite obj.call(arg1, arg2, argN) to obj._invoke_sbm(:call, arg1, arg2, argN) args = [:arglist] args << s(:lit, tree[2]) args << s(:ivar, "@_sb_context".intern) for i in 1...tree[3].length args << process(tree[3][i]) end add_line_number(tree, s(:call, process(tree[1]), :_sbm, args)) else #call on mixed in method or passed in variable receiver = s(:self) #rewrite local_call(arg1, arg2, argN) to self._get_local(:local_call, arg1, arg2, argN) args = [:arglist] args << s(:lit, tree[2]) for i in 1...tree[3].length args << tree[3][i] end add_line_number(tree, s(:call, s(:self), :_get_local, process(args))) end end #disallowed def process_iasgn(tree) puts tree.inspect if $DEBUG raise SandboxedErb::CompileSecurityError, "Line #{tree.line}: You cannot assign instance members in a template" end def process_ivar(tree) puts tree.inspect if $DEBUG raise SandboxedErb::CompileSecurityError, "Line #{tree.line}: You cannot access instance members in a template" end def process_cvasgn(tree) puts tree.inspect if $DEBUG raise SandboxedErb::CompileSecurityError, "Line #{tree.line}: You cannot assign class members in a template" end def process_cvdecl(tree) puts tree.inspect if $DEBUG raise SandboxedErb::CompileSecurityError, "Line #{tree.line}: You cannot declare class members in a template" end def process_cdecl(tree) puts tree.inspect if $DEBUG raise SandboxedErb::CompileSecurityError, "Line #{tree.line}: You cannot define a constant in a template" end def process_const(tree) puts tree.inspect if $DEBUG raise SandboxedErb::CompileSecurityError, "Line #{tree.line}: You cannot access a constant in a template" end def process_class(tree) puts tree.inspect if $DEBUG raise SandboxedErb::CompileSecurityError, "Line #{tree.line}: You cannot define a class in a template" end def process_module(tree) puts tree.inspect if $DEBUG raise SandboxedErb::CompileSecurityError, "Line #{tree.line}: You cannot define a module in a template" end def process_defn(tree) puts tree.inspect if $DEBUG raise SandboxedErb::CompileSecurityError, "Line #{tree.line}: You cannot define a method in a template" end def process_defs(tree) puts tree.inspect if $DEBUG raise SandboxedErb::CompileSecurityError, "Line #{tree.line}: You cannot define a method in a template" end def process_super(tree) puts tree.inspect if $DEBUG raise SandboxedErb::CompileSecurityError, "Line #{tree.line}: You cannot call super in a template" end def process_gvar(tree) puts tree.inspect if $DEBUG raise SandboxedErb::CompileSecurityError, "Line #{tree.line}: You cannot access global variables in a template" end def process_gasgn(tree) puts tree.inspect if $DEBUG raise SandboxedErb::CompileSecurityError, "Line #{tree.line}: You cannot assign global variables in a template" end def process_xstr(tree) puts tree.inspect if $DEBUG raise SandboxedErb::CompileSecurityError, "Line #{tree.line}: You cannot make a system call in a template" end def fallback_process(tree) puts tree.inspect if $DEBUG puts "Fallback called" if $DEBUG raise SandboxedErb::CompileSecurityError, "Line #{tree.line}: Invalid call used: #{tree[0]}" end #allowed [[:block, true],[:lasgn, true],[:arglist, true],[:str, true],[:dstr, true],[:evstr, true],[:lit, true],[:lvar, true],[:for, true], [:while, true], [:do, true], [:if, true], [:case, true], [:when, true], [:array, true], [:hash, true],[:iter, true],[:and, true],[:or, true],[:not, false], [:true, false], [:false, false]].each { |action, add_line_number| if add_line_number define_method "process_#{action}".intern do |tree| puts tree.inspect if $DEBUG add_line_number(tree, passthrough(tree)) end else define_method "process_#{action}".intern do |tree| puts tree.inspect if $DEBUG passthrough tree end end } private #taken from SexpProcessor: just process the tag by processing all nested tags, leaving current tag untouched... def passthrough(exp) result = self.expected.new type = exp.first exp_orig = nil in_context type do until exp.empty? do sub_exp = exp.shift sub_result = nil if Array === sub_exp then sub_result = error_handler(type, exp_orig) do process(sub_exp) end raise "Result is a bad type" unless Array === sub_exp raise "Result does not have a type in front: #{sub_exp.inspect}" unless Symbol === sub_exp.first unless sub_exp.empty? else sub_result = sub_exp end result << sub_result end begin result.sexp_type = exp.sexp_type rescue Exception # nothing to do, on purpose end end result end def add_line_number(original_tree, processed_tree) if original_tree.respond_to?(:line) && @last_line_number != original_tree.line && !original_tree.line.nil? puts "@last_line_number (#{@last_line_number}) != original_tree.line (#{original_tree.line})" if $DEBUG @last_line_number = original_tree.line s(:block, s(:call, nil, :_sln, s(:arglist, s(:lit, original_tree.line))), processed_tree) else processed_tree end end end end