require 'spec_helper' describe "EY::Model::Environment#rebuild" do given "it has an api" it "hits the rebuild action in the API" do env = EY::Model::Environment.from_hash({ "id" => 46534, "api" => @api, }) FakeWeb.register_uri( :put, "{}/update_instances", :body => '' ) env.rebuild FakeWeb.should have_requested(:put, "{}/update_instances") end end describe "EY::Model::Environment#run_custom_recipes" do given "it has an api" it "hits the rebuild action in the API" do env = EY::Model::Environment.from_hash({ "id" => 46534, "api" => @api, }) FakeWeb.register_uri( :put, "{}/run_custom_recipes", :body => '', :content_type => 'application/json' ) env.run_custom_recipes FakeWeb.should have_requested(:put, "{}/run_custom_recipes") end end describe "EY::Model::Environment.from_array" do it "returns a smart collection, not just a dumb array" do api_data = [ {"id" => 32340, "name" => 'iceberg'}, {"id" => 9433, "name" => 'zoidberg'}, ] collection = EY::Model::Environment.from_array(api_data) collection.should be_kind_of(Array) collection.should respond_to(:match_one) end end describe "EY::Model::Environment#instances" do given "it has an api" it "returns instances" do instance_data = { "id" => "1", "role" => "app_master", "amazon_id" => "i-likebeer", "public_hostname" => "banana_master" } env = EY::Model::Environment.from_hash({ "id" => 10291, "api" => @api, "instances" => [instance_data], }) FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, "{}/instances", :body => {"instances" => [instance_data]}.to_json, :content_type => 'application/json' ) env.should have(1).instances env.instances.first.should == EY::Model::Instance.from_hash(instance_data.merge(:environment => env)) end end describe "EY::Model::Environment#app_master!" do def make_env_with_master(app_master) if app_master app_master = { "id" => 44206, "role" => "solo", }.merge(app_master) end EY::Model::Environment.from_hash({ "id" => 11830, "name" => "guinea-pigs-are-delicious", "app_master" => app_master, "instances" => [app_master].compact, }) end it "returns the app master if it's present and running" do env = make_env_with_master("status" => "running") env.app_master!.should_not be_nil env.app_master!.id.should == 44206 end it "raises an error if the app master is in a non-running state" do env = make_env_with_master("status" => "error") lambda { env.app_master! }.should raise_error(EY::BadAppMasterStatusError) end it "returns the app master if told to ignore the app master being in a non-running state" do env = make_env_with_master("status" => "error") env.ignore_bad_master = true env.app_master!.should_not be_nil env.app_master!.id.should == 44206 end it "raises an error if the app master is absent" do env = make_env_with_master(nil) lambda { env.app_master! }.should raise_error(EY::NoAppMasterError) end end describe "EY::Model::Environment#shorten_name_for(app)" do def short(environment_name, app_name) env = EY::Model::Environment.from_hash({:name => environment_name}) app = EY::Model::App.from_hash({:name => app_name}) env.shorten_name_for(app) end it "turns myapp+myapp_production to production" do short('myapp_production', 'myapp').should == 'production' end it "turns product+production to product (leaves it alone)" do short('production', 'product').should == 'production' end it "leaves the environment name alone when the app name appears in the middle" do short('hattery', 'ate').should == 'hattery' end it "does not produce an empty string when the names are the same" do short('dev', 'dev').should == 'dev' end end describe "EY::Model::Environment#migration_command" do before do @app = EY::Model::App.from_hash({:name => 'fake'}) @migrate = EY::Model::Environment.from_hash({ "id" => 10291, "api" => @api, 'name' => 'migrate', 'deployment_configurations' => {'fake' => {'migrate' => {'command' => 'fake db:migrate', 'perform' => true}}} }) @no_migrate = EY::Model::Environment.from_hash({ "id" => 10291, "api" => @api, 'name' => 'no_migrate', 'deployment_configurations' => {'fake' => {'migrate' => {'command' => 'fake db:migrate', 'perform' => false}}} }) end it "returns the migration command for the environment when the perform flag is true" do @migrate.migration_command(@app, {}).should == 'fake db:migrate' end it "returns nil when the perform flag in the environment is false" do @no_migrate.migration_command(@app, {}).should == nil end context "with the migrate deploy option" do it "returns the default migration command when is true" do @migrate.migration_command(@app, {'migrate' => true}).should == 'rake db:migrate' end it "return the custom migration command when is a string" do @migrate.migration_command(@app, {'migrate' => 'foo migrate'}).should == 'foo migrate' end end context "with the migrate option in the global configuration" do it "return the default migration command when the option is true" do EY.config.environments['migrate'] = {'migrate' => true, 'migration_command' => 'bar migrate'} @migrate.migration_command(@app, {}).should == 'bar migrate' end it "return the custom migration command when the option is a string" do EY.config.environments['migrate'] = {'migration_command' => 'bar migrate'} @migrate.migration_command(@app, {}).should == 'bar migrate' end end end