# encoding: utf-8 # # This file is part of the bovem gem. Copyright (C) 2013 and above Shogun <shogun_panda@me.com>. # Licensed under the MIT license, which can be found at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # require "spec_helper" describe Bovem::Console do let(:console) { c = ::Bovem::Console.new c.i18n = :en c } before(:each) do ENV["TERM"] = "xterm-256color" Kernel.stub(:puts).and_return(nil) end describe ".instance" do it "should always return the same instance" do instance = ::Bovem::Console.instance expect(::Bovem::Console.instance).to be(instance) end end describe ".parse_style" do it "should correctly parse styles" do expect(::Bovem::Console.parse_style("red")).to eq("\e[31m") expect(::Bovem::Console.parse_style("bg_green")).to eq("\e[42m") expect(::Bovem::Console.parse_style("bright")).to eq("\e[1m") expect(::Bovem::Console.parse_style("FOO")).to eq("") expect(::Bovem::Console.parse_style(nil)).to eq("") expect(::Bovem::Console.parse_style(["A"])).to eq("") expect(::Bovem::Console.parse_style("-")).to eq("") end end describe ".replace_markers" do it "should correct replace markers" do expect(::Bovem::Console.replace_markers("{mark=red}RED{/mark}")).to eq("\e[31mRED\e[0m") expect(::Bovem::Console.replace_markers("{mark=red}RED {mark=green}GREEN{/mark}{/mark}")).to eq("\e[31mRED \e[32mGREEN\e[31m\e[0m") expect(::Bovem::Console.replace_markers("{mark=red}RED {mark=bright-green}GREEN {mark=blue}BLUE{mark=NONE}RED{/mark}{/mark}{/mark}{/mark}")).to eq("\e[31mRED \e[1m\e[32mGREEN \e[34mBLUERED\e[1m\e[32m\e[31m\e[0m") expect(::Bovem::Console.replace_markers("{mark=bg_red}RED{mark=reset}NORMAL{/mark}{/mark}")).to eq("\e[41mRED\e[0mNORMAL\e[41m\e[0m") expect(::Bovem::Console.replace_markers("{mark=NONE}RED{/mark}")).to eq("RED") end it "should clean up markers if requested" do expect(::Bovem::Console.replace_markers("{mark=red}RED{/mark}", true)).to eq("RED") end end describe ".execute_command" do it "should execute a command" do expect(::Bovem::Console.execute("echo OK")).to eq("OK\n") end end describe ".min_banner_length" do it "should return a number" do expect(::Bovem::Console.min_banner_length).to be_a(Fixnum) end end describe "#initialize" do it "should correctly set defaults" do expect(console.indentation).to eq(0) expect(console.line_width).to eq(`tput cols`.to_integer) expect(console.indentation_string).to eq(" ") end end describe "#get_screen_width" do it "should execute \"tput cols\" and \"which stty\"" do ::Bovem::Console.should_receive(:execute).with("tput cols").at_least(1).and_call_original ::Bovem::Console.should_receive(:execute).with("which stty").at_least(1).and_call_original console.get_screen_width end it "should return a number >= 0" do expect(console.get_screen_width).to be >= 0 end end describe "#set_indentation" do it "should correctly set indentation" do expect(console.indentation).to eq(0) console.set_indentation(5) expect(console.indentation).to eq(5) console.set_indentation(-2) expect(console.indentation).to eq(3) console.set_indentation(10, true) expect(console.indentation).to eq(10) end end describe "#reset_indentation" do it "should correctly reset indentation" do console.set_indentation(5) expect(console.indentation).to eq(5) console.reset_indentation expect(console.indentation).to eq(0) end end describe "#with_indentation" do it "should correctly wrap indentation" do console.set_indentation(5) expect(console.indentation).to eq(5) console.with_indentation(7) do expect(console.indentation).to eq(12) end expect(console.indentation).to eq(5) console.with_indentation(3, true) do expect(console.indentation).to eq(3) end expect(console.indentation).to eq(5) end end describe "#wrap" do it "should correct wrap text" do message = " ABC__DEF GHI JKL" expect(console.wrap(message, 2)).to eq("ABC__DEF\nGHI\nJKL") expect(console.wrap(message, 3)).to eq("ABC__DEF\nGHI\nJKL") expect(console.wrap(message, 4)).to eq("ABC__DEF\nGHI\nJKL") expect(console.wrap(message, 5)).to eq("ABC__DEF\nGHI\nJKL") expect(console.wrap(message, 20)).to eq(" ABC__DEF GHI JKL") expect(console.wrap(message, nil)).to eq(message) expect(console.wrap(message, -1)).to eq(message) end it "should work well with #indent" do message = "AB CD" console.set_indentation(2) expect(console.wrap(console.indent(message), 2)).to eq("AB\nCD") end end describe "#indent" do it "should correctly indent messages" do message = "ABC\nCDE" console.set_indentation(2) expect(console.indent(message)).to eq(" ABC\n CDE") expect(console.indent(message, -1)).to eq(" ABC\n CDE") expect(console.indent(message, 1)).to eq(" ABC\n CDE") expect(console.indent(message, true, "D")).to eq(" ABC\nCD E") expect(console.indent(message, 0)).to eq(message) expect(console.indent(message, nil)).to eq(message) expect(console.indent(message, false)).to eq(message) expect(console.indent(message, "A")).to eq(message) end end describe "#format" do it "should apply modifications to the message" do message = "ABC" console.set_indentation(2) expect(console.format(message, "\n", false)).to eq("ABC\n") expect(console.format(message, "A")).to eq(" ABCA") expect(console.format(message, "A", 3)).to eq(" ABCA") expect(console.format(message, "A", 3, 4)).to eq(" ABCA") expect(console.format("{mark=red}ABC{/mark}", "\n", true, true, true)).to eq(" ABC\n") end end describe "#replace_markers" do it "should just forwards to .replace_markers" do ::Bovem::Console.should_receive(:replace_markers).with("A", "B") console.replace_markers("A", "B") end end describe "#format_right" do it "should correctly align messages" do message = "ABCDE" extended_message = "ABC\e[AD\e[3mE" console.screen_width = 80 expect(console.format_right(message)).to eq("\e[A\e[0G\e[#{75}CABCDE") expect(console.format_right(message, 10)).to eq("\e[A\e[0G\e[#{5}CABCDE") expect(console.format_right(extended_message)).to eq("\e[A\e[0G\e[#{75}CABC\e[AD\e[3mE") expect(console.format_right(message, nil, false)).to eq("\e[0G\e[#{75}CABCDE") console.screen_width = 10 expect(console.format_right(message)).to eq("\e[A\e[0G\e[#{5}CABCDE") end end describe "#write" do it "should call #format" do console.should_receive(:format).with("A", "B", "C", "D", "E") console.write("A", "B", "C", "D", "E") end end describe "#write_banner_aligned" do it "should call #min_banner_length and #format" do ::Bovem::Console.should_receive(:min_banner_length).and_return(1) console.should_receive(:format).with(" A", "B", "C", "D", "E") console.write_banner_aligned("A", "B", "C", "D", "E") end end describe "#get_banner" do it "should correctly format arguments" do expect(console.get_banner("LABEL", "red")).to eq("{mark=blue}[{mark=red}LABEL{/mark}]{/mark}") expect(console.get_banner("LABEL", "red", true)).to eq("{mark=red}[{mark=red}LABEL{/mark}]{/mark}") expect(console.get_banner("LABEL", "red", false, "yellow")).to eq("{mark=yellow}[{mark=red}LABEL{/mark}]{/mark}") expect(console.get_banner("LABEL", "red", false, "blue", nil)).to eq("{mark=blue}{mark=red}LABEL{/mark}{/mark}") expect(console.get_banner("LABEL", "red", false, "blue", "A")).to eq("{mark=blue}A{mark=red}LABEL{/mark}{/mark}") expect(console.get_banner("LABEL", "red", false, "blue", ["A", "B"])).to eq("{mark=blue}A{mark=red}LABEL{/mark}B{/mark}") end end describe "#info" do it "should forward everything to #get_banner" do console.should_receive(:get_banner).with("I", "bright cyan", false).at_least(1).and_return("") console.info("OK", "\n", true, false, false, false, false, false) console.should_receive(:get_banner).with("I", "bright cyan", true).at_least(1).and_return("") console.info("OK", "\n", true, false, false, false, true, false) end it "should forward everything to #write" do console.should_receive(:write).with(/.+/, "B", "C", "D", "E", false) console.info("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", false) end end describe "#begin" do it "should forward everything to #get_banner" do console.should_receive(:get_banner).with("*", "bright green").at_least(1).and_return("") console.begin("OK", "\n", true, false, false, false, false, false) end it "should forward everything to #write" do console.should_receive(:write).with(/.+/, "B", "C", "D", "E", false) console.begin("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", false) end end describe "#warn" do it "should forward everything to #get_banner" do console.should_receive(:get_banner).with("W", "bright yellow", false).at_least(1).and_return("") console.warn("OK", "\n", true, false, false, false, false, false) console.should_receive(:get_banner).with("W", "bright yellow", true).at_least(1).and_return("") console.warn("OK", "\n", true, false, false, false, true, false) end it "should forward everything to #write" do console.should_receive(:write).with(/.+/, "B", "C", "D", "E", false) console.warn("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", false) end end describe "#error" do it "should forward everything to #get_banner" do console.should_receive(:get_banner).with("E", "bright red", false).at_least(1).and_return("") console.error("OK", "\n", true, false, false, false, false, false) console.should_receive(:get_banner).with("E", "bright red", true).at_least(1).and_return("") console.error("OK", "\n", true, false, false, false, true, false) end it "should forward everything to #write" do console.should_receive(:write).with(/.+/, "B", "C", "D", "E", false) console.error("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", false) end end describe "#fatal" do it "should forward anything to #error" do Kernel.stub(:exit).and_return(true) console.should_receive(:error).with("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", false) console.fatal("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", false) end it "should call abort with the right error code" do Kernel.stub(:exit).and_return(true) Kernel.should_receive(:exit).with(-1).exactly(2) console.fatal("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", -1, false) console.fatal("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", false) end end describe "#debug" do it "should forward everything to #get_banner" do console.should_receive(:get_banner).with("D", "bright magenta", false).at_least(1).and_return("") console.debug("OK", "\n", true, false, false, false, false, false) console.should_receive(:get_banner).with("D", "bright magenta", true).at_least(1).and_return("") console.debug("OK", "\n", true, false, false, false, true, false) end it "should forward everything to #write" do console.should_receive(:write).with(/.+/, "B", "C", "D", "E", false) console.debug("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", false) end end describe "status" do it "should get the right status" do expect(console.status(:ok, false, true, false)).to eq({label: " OK ", color: "bright green"}) expect(console.status(:pass, false, true, false)).to eq({label: "PASS", color: "bright cyan"}) expect(console.status(:warn, false, true, false)).to eq({label: "WARN", color: "bright yellow"}) expect(console.status(:fail, false, true, false)).to eq({label: "FAIL", color: "bright red"}) expect(console.status("NO", false, true, false)).to eq({label: " OK ", color: "bright green"}) expect(console.status(nil, false, true, false)).to eq({label: " OK ", color: "bright green"}) end it "should create the banner" do console.should_receive(:get_banner).with(" OK ", "bright green").and_return("") console.status(:ok) end it "should format correctly" do console.should_receive(:format_right).with(/.+/, true, true, false) console.status(:ok, false, true) console.should_receive(:format).with(/.+/, "\n", true, true, false) console.status(:ok, false, true, false) end end describe "#read" do it "should show a prompt" do $stdin.stub(:gets).and_return("VALUE\n") prompt = "PROMPT" Kernel.should_receive(:print).with("Please insert a value: ") console.read(true) Kernel.should_receive(:print).with(prompt + ": ") console.read(prompt) Kernel.should_not_receive("print") console.read(nil) end it "should read a value or a default" do $stdin.stub(:gets).and_return("VALUE\n") expect(console.read(nil, "DEFAULT")).to eq("VALUE") $stdin.stub(:gets).and_return("\n") expect(console.read(nil, "DEFAULT")).to eq("DEFAULT") end it "should return the default value if the user quits" do $stdin.stub(:gets).and_raise(Interrupt) expect(console.read(nil, "DEFAULT")).to eq("DEFAULT") end it "should validate against an object or array validator" do count = 0 $stdin.stub(:gets) do if count == 0 then count += 1 "2\n" else raise Interrupt end end console.should_receive(:write).with("Sorry, your reply was not understood. Please try again.", false, false).exactly(4) count = 0 console.read(nil, nil, "A") count = 0 console.read(nil, nil, "1") count = 0 console.read(nil, nil, "nil") count = 0 console.read(nil, nil, ["A", 1]) end it "should validate against an regexp validator" do count = 0 $stdin.stub(:gets) do if count == 0 then count += 1 "2\n" else raise Interrupt end end console.should_receive(:write).with("Sorry, your reply was not understood. Please try again.", false, false) console.read(nil, nil, /[abc]/) end it "should hide echo to the user when the terminal shows echo" do $stdin.stub(:gets).and_return("VALUE\n") stty = %x{which stty}.strip ::Bovem::Console.should_receive(:execute).with("tput cols").and_return(80) ::Bovem::Console.should_receive(:execute).with("which stty").and_return(stty) ::Bovem::Console.should_receive(:execute).with(stty).and_return("speed 9600 baud;\nlflags: echoe echoke echoctl pendin\niflags: iutf8\noflags: -oxtabs\ncflags: cs8 -parenb") ::Bovem::Console.should_receive(:execute).with("#{stty} -echo") ::Bovem::Console.should_receive(:execute).with("#{stty} echo") console.read(nil, nil, nil, false) end it "shouldn't hide echo again when the terminal already hides it" do $stdin.stub(:gets).and_return("VALUE\n") stty = %x{which stty}.strip ::Bovem::Console.should_receive(:execute).with("which stty").and_return(stty) ::Bovem::Console.should_receive(:execute).with(stty).and_return("speed 9600 baud;\nlflags: -echo echoe echoke echoctl pendin\niflags: iutf8\noflags: -oxtabs\ncflags: cs8 -parenb") ::Bovem::Console.should_not_receive("execute").with("#{stty} -echo") ::Bovem::Console.should_not_receive("execute").with("#{stty} echo") console.read(nil, nil, nil, false) end end describe "#task" do it "should not print the message by default" do console.should_not_receive("begin") console.task { :ok } end it "should print the message and indentate correctly" do console.should_receive(:begin).with("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G") console.should_receive(:with_indentation).with("H", "I") console.task("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I") { :ok } end it "should execute the given block" do ::Bovem::Console.should_receive(:foo) console.task { ::Bovem::Console.foo } end it "should write the correct status" do console.stub(:begin) console.should_receive(:status).with(:ok, false) console.task("OK") { :ok } console.should_receive(:status).with(:fail, false) expect { console.task("") { :fatal }}.to raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should abort correctly" do expect { console.task { [:fatal, -1] }}.to raise_error(SystemExit) end end end