// // Navtabs // -------------------------------------------------- //== Main style // //## //** Add negative margin top if the nav tab is the frst content of the page .page-content-wrap .nav-tabs margin-top: -25px +border-radius($border-radius-small) .form-inputs .nav-tabs margin-top: 0 +border-radius(0) //** Override bootstrap nav tabs .nav-tabs background-color: $gray-lighter margin-right: -25px margin-left: -25px margin-bottom: 25px > li > a color: $text-color border: none border-bottom: 2px solid transparent font-weight: 300 padding: 15px 25px i margin-right: 4px > li.active > a, a:hover, a:focus border: none background-color: $gray-lighter border-bottom: 2px solid $brand-primary