ASSETFS_PATH?=internal/server/gen/bindata_ui.go GIT_COMMIT=$$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) GIT_DIRTY=$$(test -n "`git status --porcelain`" && echo "+CHANGES" || true) GIT_DESCRIBE=$$(git describe --tags --always --match "v*") GIT_IMPORT="" GOLDFLAGS="-X $(GIT_IMPORT).GitCommit=$(GIT_COMMIT)$(GIT_DIRTY) -X $(GIT_IMPORT).GitDescribe=$(GIT_DESCRIBE)" CGO_ENABLED?=0 .PHONY: bin bin: # bin creates the binaries for Vagrant for the current platform @test -s "thirdparty/proto/api-common-protos/.git" || { echo "git submodules not initialized, run 'git submodule update --init --recursive' and try again"; exit 1; } CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) go build -ldflags $(GOLDFLAGS) -gcflags="$(GCFLAGS)" -tags assetsembedded -o ./vagrant ./cmd/vagrant .PHONY: debug debug: # debug creates an executable with optimizations off, suitable for debugger attachment GCFLAGS="all=-N -l" $(MAKE) bin .PHONY: bin/windows bin/windows: # create windows binaries @test -s "thirdparty/proto/api-common-protos/.git" || { echo "git submodules not initialized, run 'git submodule update --init --recursive' and try again"; exit 1; }# GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) go build -ldflags $(GOLDFLAGS) -tags assetsembedded -o ./vagrant.exe ./cmd/vagrant .PHONY: bin/linux bin/linux: # create Linux binaries @test -s "thirdparty/proto/api-common-protos/.git" || { echo "git submodules not initialized, run 'git submodule update --init --recursive' and try again"; exit 1; } GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 $(MAKE) bin .PHONY: bin/linux-386 bin/linux-386: # create Linux binaries @test -s "thirdparty/proto/api-common-protos/.git" || { echo "git submodules not initialized, run 'git submodule update --init --recursive' and try again"; exit 1; } GOOS=linux GOARCH=386 $(MAKE) bin .PHONY: bin/darwin bin/darwin: # create Darwin binaries @test -s "thirdparty/proto/api-common-protos/.git" || { echo "git submodules not initialized, run 'git submodule update --init --recursive' and try again"; exit 1; } GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 $(MAKE) bin .PHONY: test test: # run tests go test ./... .PHONY: format format: # format go code gofmt -s -w ./ .PHONY: docker/mitchellh docker/mitchellh: DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build \ --ssh default \ --secret id=ssh.config,src="${HOME}/.ssh/config" \ --secret id=ssh.key,src="${HOME}/.ssh/config" \ -t vagrant:latest \ . # This currently assumes you have run `ember build` in the ui/ directory static-assets: @go-bindata -pkg gen -prefix dist -o $(ASSETFS_PATH) ./ui/dist/... @gofmt -s -w $(ASSETFS_PATH) .PHONY: gen/doc gen/doc: @rm -rf ./doc/* 2> /dev/null protoc -I=. \ -I=./thirdparty/proto/api-common-protos/ \ --doc_out=./doc --doc_opt=html,index.html \ ./internal/server/proto/server.proto