/** * Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Atsushi Tatsuma * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "libsvmext.hpp" extern "C" void Init_libsvmext(void) { rb_require("numo/narray"); /** * Document-module: Numo * Numo is the top level namespace of NUmerical MOdules for Ruby. */ /** * Document-module: Numo::Libsvm * Numo::Libsvm is a binding library for LIBSVM that handles dataset with Numo::NArray. */ VALUE mLibsvm = rb_define_module_under(mNumo, "Libsvm"); /* The version of LIBSVM used in backgroud library. */ rb_define_const(mLibsvm, "LIBSVM_VERSION", INT2NUM(LIBSVM_VERSION)); /** * Document-module: Numo::Libsvm::SvmType * The module consisting of constants for SVM algorithm type that used for parameter of LIBSVM. */ VALUE mSvmType = rb_define_module_under(mLibsvm, "SvmType"); /* C-SVM classification */ rb_define_const(mSvmType, "C_SVC", INT2NUM(C_SVC)); /* nu-SVM classification */ rb_define_const(mSvmType, "NU_SVC", INT2NUM(NU_SVC)); /* one-class-SVM */ rb_define_const(mSvmType, "ONE_CLASS", INT2NUM(ONE_CLASS)); /* epsilon-SVM regression */ rb_define_const(mSvmType, "EPSILON_SVR", INT2NUM(EPSILON_SVR)); /* nu-SVM regression */ rb_define_const(mSvmType, "NU_SVR", INT2NUM(NU_SVR)); /** * Document-module: Numo::Libsvm::KernelType * The module consisting of constants for kernel type that used for parameter of LIBSVM. */ VALUE mKernelType = rb_define_module_under(mLibsvm, "KernelType"); /* Linear kernel; u' * v */ rb_define_const(mKernelType, "LINEAR", INT2NUM(LINEAR)); /* Polynomial kernel; (gamma * u' * v + coef0)^degree */ rb_define_const(mKernelType, "POLY", INT2NUM(POLY)); /* RBF kernel; exp(-gamma * ||u - v||^2) */ rb_define_const(mKernelType, "RBF", INT2NUM(RBF)); /* Sigmoid kernel; tanh(gamma * u' * v + coef0) */ rb_define_const(mKernelType, "SIGMOID", INT2NUM(SIGMOID)); /* Precomputed kernel */ rb_define_const(mKernelType, "PRECOMPUTED", INT2NUM(PRECOMPUTED)); /** * Train the SVM model according to the given training data. * * @overload train(x, y, param) -> Hash * @param x [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_features]) The samples to be used for training the model. * @param y [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples]) The labels or target values for samples. * @param param [Hash] The parameters of an SVM model. * * @example * require 'numo/libsvm' * * # Prepare XOR data. * x = Numo::DFloat[[-0.8, -0.7], [0.9, 0.8], [-0.7, 0.9], [0.8, -0.9]] * y = Numo::Int32[-1, -1, 1, 1] * * # Train C-Support Vector Classifier with RBF kernel. * param = { * svm_type: Numo::Libsvm::SvmType::C_SVC, * kernel_type: Numo::Libsvm::KernelType::RBF, * gamma: 2.0, * C: 1, * random_seed: 1 * } * model = Numo::Libsvm.train(x, y, param) * * # Predict labels of test data. * x_test = Numo::DFloat[[-0.4, -0.5], [0.5, -0.4]] * result = Numo::Libsvm.predict(x_test, param, model) * p result * # Numo::DFloat#shape=[2] * # [-1, 1] * * @raise [ArgumentError] If the sample array is not 2-dimensional, the label array is not 1-dimensional, * the sample array and label array do not have the same number of samples, or * the hyperparameter has an invalid value, this error is raised. * @return [Hash] The model obtained from the training procedure. */ rb_define_module_function(mLibsvm, "train", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(numo_libsvm_train), 3); /** * Perform cross validation under given parameters. The given samples are separated to n_fols folds. * The predicted labels or values in the validation process are returned. * * @overload cv(x, y, param, n_folds) -> Numo::DFloat * @param x [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_features]) The samples to be used for training the model. * @param y [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples]) The labels or target values for samples. * @param param [Hash] The parameters of an SVM model. * @param n_folds [Integer] The number of folds. * * @example * require 'numo/libsvm' * * # x: samples * # y: labels * * # Define parameters of C-SVC with RBF Kernel. * param = { * svm_type: Numo::Libsvm::SvmType::C_SVC, * kernel_type: Numo::Libsvm::KernelType::RBF, * gamma: 1.0, * C: 1, * random_seed: 1, * verbose: true * } * * # Perform 5-cross validation. * n_folds = 5 * res = Numo::Libsvm.cv(x, y, param, n_folds) * * # Print mean accuracy. * mean_accuracy = y.eq(res).count.fdiv(y.size) * puts "Accuracy: %.1f %%" % (100 * mean_accuracy) * * @raise [ArgumentError] If the sample array is not 2-dimensional, the label array is not 1-dimensional, * the sample array and label array do not have the same number of samples, or * the hyperparameter has an invalid value, this error is raised. * @return [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples]) The predicted class label or value of each sample. */ rb_define_module_function(mLibsvm, "cv", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(numo_libsvm_cross_validation), 4); /** * Predict class labels or values for given samples. * * @overload predict(x, param, model) -> Numo::DFloat * @param x [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_features]) The samples to calculate the scores. * @param param [Hash] The parameters of the trained SVM model. * @param model [Hash] The model obtained from the training procedure. * * @raise [ArgumentError] If the sample array is not 2-dimensional, this error is raised. * @return [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples]) The predicted class label or value of each sample. */ rb_define_module_function(mLibsvm, "predict", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(numo_libsvm_predict), 3); /** * Calculate decision values for given samples. * * @overload decision_function(x, param, model) -> Numo::DFloat * @param x [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_features]) The samples to calculate the scores. * @param param [Hash] The parameters of the trained SVM model. * @param model [Hash] The model obtained from the training procedure. * * @raise [ArgumentError] If the sample array is not 2-dimensional, this error is raised. * @return [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_classes * (n_classes - 1) / 2]) The decision value of each sample. */ rb_define_module_function(mLibsvm, "decision_function", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(numo_libsvm_decision_function), 3); /** * Predict class probability for given samples. The model must have probability information calcualted in training procedure. * The parameter ':probability' set to 1 in training procedure. * * @overload predict_proba(x, param, model) -> Numo::DFloat * @param x [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_features]) The samples to predict the class probabilities. * @param param [Hash] The parameters of the trained SVM model. * @param model [Hash] The model obtained from the training procedure. * * @raise [ArgumentError] If the sample array is not 2-dimensional, this error is raised. * @return [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_classes]) Predicted probablity of each class per sample. */ rb_define_module_function(mLibsvm, "predict_proba", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(numo_libsvm_predict_proba), 3); /** * Load the SVM parameters and model from a text file with LIBSVM format. * * @overload load_svm_model(filename) -> Array * @param filename [String] The path to a file to load. * * @raise [IOError] This error raises when failed to load the model file. * @return [Array] Array contains the SVM parameters and model. */ rb_define_module_function(mLibsvm, "load_svm_model", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(numo_libsvm_load_model), 1); /** * Save the SVM parameters and model as a text file with LIBSVM format. The saved file can be used with the libsvm tools. * Note that the svm_save_model saves only the parameters necessary for estimation with the trained model. * * @overload save_svm_model(filename, param, model) -> Boolean * @param filename [String] The path to a file to save. * @param param [Hash] The parameters of the trained SVM model. * @param model [Hash] The model obtained from the training procedure. * * @raise [IOError] This error raises when failed to save the model file. * @return [Boolean] true on success, or false if an error occurs. */ rb_define_module_function(mLibsvm, "save_svm_model", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(numo_libsvm_save_model), 3); }