module Terraformer module ConvexHull DEFAULT_IMPL = :monotone class << self attr_accessor :impl def test require 'ruby-prof' wc = Terraformer.parse 'test/examples/waldocanyon.geojson' RubyProf.start wc.convex_hull result = RubyProf.stop printer = printer.print(STDOUT) # printer = # printer.print(STDOUT, {}) end def for points hull = __send__ @impl || DEFAULT_IMPL, flatten_coordinates_from(points) if hull.length == 1 hull[0] else hull end end private def flatten_coordinates_from points cs = [] points.each_coordinate {|c| cs << c} cs.sort!.uniq! cs end # # def turn p, q, r ((q[0] - p[0]) * (r[1] - p[1]) - (r[0] - p[0]) * (q[1] - p[1])) <=> BigMath::ZERO end def next_point points, p q = p points.each do |r| t = turn p, q, r q = r if t == BigMath::N_ONE or t == BigMath::ZERO && p.squared_euclidean_distance_to(r) > p.squared_euclidean_distance_to(q) end q end def jarvis_march points return points if points.length < 3 hull = [points.sort[0]] hull.each do |p| q = next_point points, p hull << q if q != hull[0] end hull << hull[0] hull end # # def cross o, a, b (a[0] - o[0]) * (b[1] - o[1]) - (a[1] - o[1]) * (b[0] - o[0]) end def monotone points return points if points.length < 3 lower = points.each{|p| while lower.length > 1 and cross(lower[-2], lower[-1], p) <= 0 do lower.pop end lower.push(p) } upper = points.reverse_each{|p| while upper.length > 1 and cross(upper[-2], upper[-1], p) <= 0 do upper.pop end upper.push(p) } hull = lower[0...-1] + upper[0...-1] hull << hull[0] end end end end