module Smsified class Reporting include HTTParty format :json ## # Intantiate a new class to work with reporting # # @param [required, Hash] params to create the Reporting object with # @option params [required, String] :username username to authenticate with # @option params [required, String] :password to authenticate with # @option params [optional, String] :base_uri of an alternative location of SMSified # @option params [optional, String] :destination_address to use with subscriptions # @option params [optional, String] :sender_address to use with subscriptions # @option params [optional, Boolean] :debug to turn on the HTTparty debugging to stdout # @example # subscription = :username => 'user', :password => '123' def initialize(options) raise ArgumentError, 'an options Hash is required' if !options.instance_of?(Hash) raise ArgumentError, ':username required' if options[:username].nil? raise ArgumentError, ':password required' if options[:password].nil? self.class.debug_output $stdout if options[:debug] self.class.base_uri options[:base_uri] || SMSIFIED_ONEAPI_PUBLIC_URI @auth = { :username => options[:username], :password => options[:password] } @destination_address = options[:destination_address] @sender_address = options[:sender_address] end ## # Get the delivery status of an outstanding SMS request # # @param [required, Hash] params to get the delivery status # @option params [required, String] :request_id to fetch the status for # @option params [optional, String] :sender_address used to send the SMS, required if not provided on initialization of OneAPI # @return [Object] A Response Object with http and data instance methods # @raise [ArgumentError] of :sender_address is not passed here when not passed on instantiating the object # @example # one_api.delivery_status :request_id => 'f359193765f6a3149ca76a4508e21234', :sender_address => '14155551212' def delivery_status(options) raise ArgumentError, 'an options Hash is required' if !options.instance_of?(Hash) raise ArgumentError, ':sender_address is required' if options[:sender_address].nil? && @sender_address.nil? options[:sender_address] = options[:sender_address] || @sender_address self.class.get("/smsmessaging/outbound/#{options[:sender_address]}/requests/#{options[:request_id]}/deliveryInfos", :basic_auth => @auth, :headers => SMSIFIED_HTTP_HEADERS) end ## # Retrieve a single SMS # # @param [required, String] message_id of the message to retrieve # @return [Object] A Response Object with http and data instance methods # @example # reporting.retrieve_sms '74ae6147f915eabf87b35b9ea30c5916' def retrieve_sms(message_id) self.class.get("/messages/#{message_id}", :basic_auth => @auth, :headers => SMSIFIED_HTTP_HEADERS) end ## # Retrieve multiple SMS messages based on a query string # # @param [required, String] query_string to search SMS messages for # @return [Object] A Response Object with http and data instance methods # @example # reporting.search_sms 'start=2011-02-14&end=2011-02-15' def search_sms(query_string) self.class.get("/messages?#{query_string}", :basic_auth => @auth, :headers => SMSIFIED_HTTP_HEADERS) end end end