#encoding: sjis # Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Kouichirou Eto, All rights reserved. # This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU GPL 2. require 'strscan' $LOAD_PATH.unshift '..' unless $LOAD_PATH.include? '..' module Qwik class InlineTokenizer URL = '(?:http|https|ftp|mailto|file):[a-zA-Z0-9;/?:@&=+$,\-_.!~*\'()#%]+' SPECIAL = '^\[\]\'=\{\}' # Parse a line into tokens using regexp. def self.regexp_tokenize(str) line_ar = [] while 0 < str.length first_character = str[0] rest = str[1, str.length-1] case first_character when ?' # ''t'' or '''t''' if /\A'''(?!:')/ =~ str line_ar << :"'''" str = $' elsif /\A''/ =~ str line_ar << :"''" str = $' else line_ar << first_character.chr str = rest end when ?= # ==t== if /\A==/ =~ str line_ar << :'==' str = $' else line_ar << first_character.chr str = rest end when ?[ # [[t]] if /\A\[\[(.+?)\]\]/s =~ str # [[title|url]] format line_ar << [:ref, $1] str = $' elsif /\A\[([^\[\]\s]+?) ([^\[\]\s]+?)\]/ =~ str # [url title] format line_ar << [:ref, $2+'|'+$1] str = $' else line_ar << first_character.chr str = rest end when ?{ # {{t}} if /\A\{\{([^\(\)]+?)(?:\((.*?)\))?\s*\}\}/ =~ str # {{t(a)}} ar = [:plugin, $1] ar << $2 if $2 line_ar << ar str = $' else line_ar << first_character.chr str = rest end else if /\A#{URL}/s =~ str href = $& line_ar << [:url, href] str = $' elsif /\A[^#{SPECIAL}]+/s =~ str m = $& after = $' if /([^a-zA-Z\d]+)(#{URL})/ =~ m s = $` + $1 line_ar << s str = $2 + $' + after else line_ar << m str = after end else if /\A(.+?)([^#{SPECIAL}])/s =~ str line_ar << $1 str = $2 + $' else line_ar << str str = '' end end end end return line_ar end # Parse a line into tokens using strscan. #def self.strscan_tokenize(str) def self.tokenize(str) line_ar = [] org_kcode = $KCODE $KCODE = 's' s = StringScanner.new(str) while ! s.eos? if s.scan(/'''(?!:')/) line_ar << :"'''" elsif s.scan(/''(?!:')/) line_ar << :"''" elsif s.scan(/==/) line_ar << :'==' elsif s.scan(/\[\[(.+?)\]\]/s) # [[title|url]] format line_ar << [:ref, s[1]] elsif s.scan(/\[([^\[\]\s]+?) ([^\[\]\s]+?)\]/s) # [url title] format line_ar << [:ref, s[2]+'|'+s[1]] elsif s.scan(/\{\{([^\(\)]+?)(?:\((.*?)\))?\s*\}\}/) # {{t(a)}} ar = [:plugin, s[1]] ar << s[2] if s[2] line_ar << ar elsif s.scan(/#{URL}/s) href = s.matched line_ar << [:url, href] elsif s.scan(/[^#{SPECIAL}]+/s) m = s.matched if /([^a-zA-Z\d]+)(#{URL})/ =~ m ss = $` + $1 line_ar << ss skip_str = ss s.unscan s.pos = s.pos + skip_str.length else line_ar << m end elsif s.scan(/(.+?)([^#{SPECIAL}])/s) ss = s[1] line_ar << ss s.unscan s.pos = s.pos + ss.length else ss = s.string line_ar << ss[s.pos..ss.length] s.terminate end end $KCODE = org_kcode line_ar end end end if $0 == __FILE__ if ARGV[0] == '-b' $bench = true else $test = true end end if defined?($test) && $test require 'qwik/testunit' class TestInlineTokenizer < Test::Unit::TestCase def ok(e, str) ok_eq(e, Qwik::InlineTokenizer.tokenize(str)) end def test_common ok([], '') ok(['t'], 't') # test em, strong and del ok([:"''", 't', :"''"], "''t''") ok([:"'''", 't', :"'''"], "'''t'''") ok(["'"], "'") ok(["'", 't'], "'t") ok([:'==', 't', :'=='], '==t==') ok(['='], '=') ok(['=', 't'], '=t') # reference ok([[:ref, 't']], '[[t]]') ok([[:ref, 's|t']], '[[s|t]]') ok([']'], ']') ok(['[', 't', ']'], '[t]') ok([[:ref, 'C++']], '[[C++]]') # plugin ok([[:plugin, 't']], '{{t}}') ok([[:plugin, 't', 'a']], '{{t(a)}}') ok(['{', 't', '}'], '{t}') # url ok([[:url, 'http://e.com/']], 'http://e.com/') ok(['t ', [:url, 'http://e.com/'], ' a'], 't http://e.com/ a') ok([[:url, 'https://e.com/']], 'https://e.com/') # test_all ok(['a ', :"''", 'b', :"''", ' ', :"'''", 'c', :"'''", ' ', :==, 'd', :==, ' ', [:ref, 'e'], ' ', [:plugin, 'f'], ' ', [:url, 'http://e.com/'], ' g'], "a ''b'' '''c''' ==d== [[e]] {{f}} http://e.com/ g") # test_wiliki_style ok(['[', 'u', ']'], '[u]') ok([[:ref, 't|u']], '[u t]') ok([[:ref, 't|http://e.com/']], '[http://e.com/ t]') # test_ref ok([[:ref, 't|u']], '[[t|u]]') ok([[:ref, 't']], '[[t]]') ok([[:ref, '.attach']], '[[.attach]]') ok([[:ref, '.attach/t.txt']], '[[.attach/t.txt]]') ok([[:ref, '.attach/s t.txt']], '[[.attach/s t.txt]]') ok([[:ref, "\203|\203X\203^\201["]], '[[ポスター]]') ok(["\202\240", [:ref, "\203|\203X\203^\201["], "\202\240"], 'あ[[ポスター]]あ') # test_bug ok([:"'''", 't', :"''"], "'''t''") # test_sjis_bug ok_eq("\226]", '望') ok(["\226]"], '望') ok([[:ref, "\226]"]], '[[望]]') end end end if defined?($bench) && $bench require 'qwik/bench-module-session' def ok(e, str) tokens = Qwik::InlineTokenizer.tokenize(str) #ok_eq(e, tokens) end # 10000 times. # Regexp version. # 4.550000 0.990000 5.540000 ( 5.527012) # 4.600000 0.870000 5.470000 ( 5.485405) # 4.310000 1.210000 5.520000 ( 5.571910) # strscan version. # 4.010000 0.300000 4.310000 ( 4.314455) # 3.960000 0.340000 4.300000 ( 4.305931) # 4.080000 0.230000 4.310000 ( 4.310803) def main n = 10000 BenchmarkModule::benchmark { n.times { ok(['a ', :"''", 'b', :"''", ' ', :"'''", 'c', :"'''", ' ', :==, 'd', :==, ' ', [:ref, 'e'], ' ', [:plugin, 'f'], ' ', [:url, 'http://e.com/'], ' g'], "a ''b'' '''c''' ==d== [[e]] {{f}} http://e.com/ g") } } end main end