#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'test/unit' require 'spruz' module Spruz class MinimizeTest < Test::Unit::TestCase class ::Array include Spruz::Minimize end def test_minimize assert_equal [], [].minimize assert_equal [ 1..1 ], [ 1 ].minimize assert_equal [ 1..2 ], [ 1, 2 ].minimize assert_equal [ 1..1, 7..7 ], [ 1, 7 ].minimize assert_equal [ 1..3, 7..7, 11..14 ], [ 1, 2, 3, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14 ].minimize assert_equal [ 'A'..'C', 'G'..'G', 'K'..'M' ], [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'G', 'K', 'L', 'M' ].minimize end def test_minimize! assert_equal [], [].minimize! assert_equal [ 1..1 ], [ 1 ].minimize! assert_equal [ 1..2 ], [ 1, 2 ].minimize! assert_equal [ 1..1, 7..7 ], [ 1, 7 ].minimize! assert_equal [ 1..3, 7..7, 11..14 ], [ 1, 2, 3, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14 ].minimize! assert_equal [ 'A'..'C', 'G'..'G', 'K'..'M' ], [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'G', 'K', 'L', 'M' ].minimize! end def test_unminimize assert_equal [], [].unminimize assert_equal [ 1 ], [ 1..1 ].unminimize assert_equal [ 1, 2 ], [ 1..2 ].unminimize assert_equal [ 1, 7 ], [ 1..1, 7..7 ].unminimize assert_equal [ 1, 2, 3, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14 ], [ 1..3, 7..7, 11..14 ].unminimize assert_equal [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'G', 'K', 'L', 'M' ], [ 'A'..'C', 'G'..'G', 'K'..'M' ].unminimize end def test_unminimize! assert_equal [], [].unminimize! assert_equal [ 1 ], [ 1..1 ].unminimize! assert_equal [ 1, 2 ], [ 1..2 ].unminimize! assert_equal [ 1, 7 ], [ 1..1, 7..7 ].unminimize! assert_equal [ 1, 2, 3, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14 ], [ 1..3, 7..7, 11..14 ].unminimize! assert_equal [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'G', 'K', 'L', 'M' ], [ 'A'..'C', 'G'..'G', 'K'..'M' ].unminimize! end end class PartialApplicationTest < Test::Unit::TestCase require 'spruz/xt/partial_application' def mul(x, y) x * y end define_method(:dup) { |y| method(:mul).partial(2)[y] } define_method(:trip) { |y| method(:mul).partial(3)[y] } def test_proc mul = lambda { |x, y| x * y } klon = mul.partial dup = mul.partial(2) trip = mul.partial(3) assert_equal [ 6, 9, 12 ], [ dup[3], trip[3], mul[4, 3] ] assert_equal [ 6, 9, 12 ], [ dup[3], trip[3], klon[4, 3] ] assert_raises(ArgumentError) do mul.partial(1, 2, 3) end end def test_method assert_equal [ 6, 9, 12 ], [ dup(3), trip(3), mul(4, 3) ] end end class GeneratorTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @numeric = [ 1, 2, 3 ] @string = %w[a b c] @chars = 'abc' end def test_generator g = Spruz::Generator[@numeric, @string] assert_equal 2, g.size g.add_dimension(@chars, :each_byte) assert_equal 3, g.size assert_equal\ [[1, "a", 97], [1, "a", 98], [1, "a", 99], [1, "b", 97], [1, "b", 98], [1, "b", 99], [1, "c", 97], [1, "c", 98], [1, "c", 99], [2, "a", 97], [2, "a", 98], [2, "a", 99], [2, "b", 97], [2, "b", 98], [2, "b", 99], [2, "c", 97], [2, "c", 98], [2, "c", 99], [3, "a", 97], [3, "a", 98], [3, "a", 99], [3, "b", 97], [3, "b", 98], [3, "b", 99], [3, "c", 97], [3, "c", 98], [3, "c", 99]], g.to_a end end class RoundTest < Test::Unit::TestCase require 'spruz/xt/round' def test_standard assert_equal(1, 1.round) assert_equal(-1, -1.round) assert_equal(2, 1.5.round) assert_kind_of Integer, 1.5.round assert_equal(-1, -1.4.round) assert_equal(-2, -1.5.round) end def test_inclusion assert_equal(10, 12.round(-1)) assert_kind_of Integer, 12.round(-1) assert_equal(-10, -12.round(-1)) assert_raises(ArgumentError) { 12.round(-2) } assert_raises(ArgumentError) { -12.round(-2) } assert_in_delta(1.6, 1.55.round(1), 1E-1) assert_kind_of Float, 1.55.round(1) assert_equal(2, 1.55.round(0)) assert_in_delta(-1.5, -1.45.round(1), 1E-1) assert_equal(-1, -1.45.round(0)) assert_in_delta(-1.6, -1.55.round(1), 1E-1) assert_equal(-2, -1.55.round(0)) assert_in_delta(-1.55, -1.55.round(999), 1E-2) end end class ModuleGroupTest < Test::Unit::TestCase MyClasses = Spruz::ModuleGroup[ Array, String, Hash ] def test_module_group assert MyClasses === [] assert MyClasses === "" assert MyClasses === {} assert !(MyClasses === :nix) case [] when MyClasses assert true when Array assert false end case :nix when MyClasses assert false when Array assert false when Symbol assert true end end end class UniqByTest < Test::Unit::TestCase require 'spruz/xt/uniq_by' class Point < Struct.new :x, :y end def test_uniq_by assert_equal [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 2, 3 ].uniq_by assert_equal [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 2, 3 ].uniq_by! p1 = Point.new 1, 2 p2 = Point.new 2, 2 p3 = Point.new 2, 2 p4 = Point.new 3, 3 a = [ p1, p2, p3, p4 ] a_uniq = a.uniq_by { |p| p.y } assert_equal 2, a_uniq.size assert a_uniq.include?(p4) assert [ p1, p2, p3 ].any? { |p| a_uniq.include? p } a.uniq_by! { |p| p.y } assert_equal 2, a.size assert a.include?(p4) assert [ p1, p2, p3 ].any? { |p| a.include? p } end end class CountByTest < Test::Unit::TestCase require 'spruz/xt/count_by' def test_count_by assert_equal 0, [].count_by { |x| x % 2 == 0 } assert_equal 0, [ 1 ].count_by { |x| x % 2 == 0 } assert_equal 1, [ 1 ].count_by { |x| x % 2 == 1 } assert_equal 1, [ 1, 2 ].count_by { |x| x % 2 == 0 } assert_equal 1, [ 1, 2 ].count_by { |x| x % 2 == 1 } assert_equal 2, [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ].count_by { |x| x % 2 == 0 } assert_equal 3, [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ].count_by { |x| x % 2 == 1 } end end if Spruz::Shuffle === Array class ShuffleTest < Test::Unit::TestCase require 'spruz/xt/shuffle' def setup @a = [ 1, 2, 3 ] srand 666 end def test_shuffle assert_equal(a = [2, 3, 1], a = @a.shuffle) assert_not_same @a, a assert_equal(b = [3, 1, 2], b = @a.shuffle) assert_not_same a, b assert_not_same @a, b end def test_shuffle_bang assert_equal([2, 3, 1], a = @a.shuffle!) assert_same @a, a assert_equal([1, 2, 3], b = @a.shuffle!) assert_same a, b assert_same @a, b end end end class LimitedTest < Test::Unit::TestCase class ::Array include Spruz::Shuffle end def test_limited count = {} limited = Spruz::Limited.new(5) 5.times do limited.execute do count[Thread.current] = true sleep end end until count.size >= 5 sleep 0.1 end assert_equal 5, count.keys.uniq.size end end class MemoizeTest < Test::Unit::TestCase class A def initialize(var) @var = var end def foo(n) r = n * @var @var += 1 r end memoize_method :foo def bar(n) r = n * @var @var += 1 r end memoize_function :bar end def setup @a23 = A.new(23) @a42 = A.new(42) end def test_memoize_method assert Module.__memoize_cache__.empty? assert_equal 2 * 23, @a23.foo(2) assert_equal 2 * 23, @a23.foo(2) assert_equal 3 * 24, @a23.foo(3) assert_equal 2 * 42, @a42.foo(2) assert_equal 2 * 42, @a42.foo(2) assert_equal 3 * 43, @a42.foo(3) assert !Module.__memoize_cache__.empty? @a23, @a42 = nil, nil GC.start # XXX test fails atm, assert Module.__memoize_cache__.empty? end def test_memoize_function assert A.__memoize_cache__.empty? assert_equal 2 * 23, @a23.bar(2) assert_equal 2 * 23, @a23.bar(2) assert_equal 3 * 24, @a23.bar(3) assert_equal 2 * 23, @a42.bar(2) assert_equal 2 * 23, @a42.bar(2) assert_equal 3 * 24, @a42.bar(3) assert !A.__memoize_cache__.empty? end end class HashUnionTest < Test::Unit::TestCase require 'spruz/xt/hash_union' def test_union defaults = { 'foo' => true, 'bar' => false, 'quux' => nil } hash = { 'foo' => false } assert_equal [ ['bar', false], ['foo', false], ['quux', nil] ], (hash | defaults).sort hash |= defaults assert_equal [ ['bar', false], ['foo', false], ['quux', nil] ], hash.sort hash = { 'foo' => false } hash |= { 'quux' => true, 'baz' => 23, } | defaults assert_equal [ ['bar', false], [ 'baz', 23 ], ['foo', false], ['quux', true] ], hash.sort end end class SubhashTest < Test::Unit::TestCase require 'spruz/xt/subhash' def test_subhash h = { 'foo1' => 1, 'foo2' => 2, 'bar666' => 666 } assert_equal [ [ 'bar666', 666 ] ], h.subhash(/\Abar/).to_a assert h.subhash(/\Abaz/).empty? assert_equal [ [ 'foo1', 1 ], [ 'foo2', 2 ] ], h.subhash(/\Afoo\d/).to_a assert_equal [ [ 'foo2', 2 ] ], h.subhash('foo2').to_a end def test_subhash_bang h = { 'foo1' => 1, 'foo2' => 2, 'bar666' => 666 } h.subhash!('foo2') assert_equal [ [ 'foo2', 2 ] ], h.to_a end def test_subhash_with_block h = { 'foo1' => 1, 'foo2' => 2, 'bar666' => 666 } assert h.subhash(/\Abaz/) { :foo }.empty? assert_equal [ [ 'foo1', 1 ], [ 'foo2', 2 ] ], h.subhash(/\Afoo(\d)/) { |_,_,m| Integer(m[1]) }.to_a end end class NullTest < Test::Unit::TestCase require 'spruz/xt/null' def test_null assert_equal NULL, NULL.foo assert_equal NULL, NULL.foo.bar assert_equal 'NULL', NULL.inspect assert_equal '', NULL.to_s end end class TimeDummyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase require 'spruz/xt/time_dummy' require 'time' def test_time_dummy time = Time.parse('2009-09-09 21:09:09') assert_not_equal time, Time.now Time.dummy = time assert_equal time, Time.now Time.dummy = nil assert_not_equal time, Time.now end end class BlankFullTest < Test::Unit::TestCase require 'spruz/xt/full' require 'spruz/xt/symbol_to_proc' require 'set' def test_blank assert !true.blank? assert false.blank? assert nil.blank? assert [].blank? assert ![23].blank? assert Set[].blank? assert !Set[23].blank? assert({}.blank?) assert !{ :foo => 23 }.blank? assert "".blank? assert " ".blank? assert !"foo".blank? end def test_full assert_equal true, true.full? assert_nil false.full? assert_nil nil.full? assert_nil [].full? assert_equal [ 23 ], [ 23 ].full? assert_nil Set[].full? assert_equal Set[23], Set[23].full? assert_nil({}.full?) assert_equal({ :foo => 23 }, { :foo => 23 }.full?) assert_nil "".full? assert_nil " ".full? assert_equal "foo", "foo".full? assert_nil " ".full?(&:size) assert_equal 3, "foo".full?(&:size) assert_nil " ".full?(&:size) assert_equal 3, "foo".full?(&:size) assert_nil " ".full?(:size) assert_equal 3, "foo".full?(:size) assert_nil " ".full?(:size) assert_equal 3, "foo".full?(:size) end end class BlankFullTest < Test::Unit::TestCase require 'spruz/xt/deep_dup' def test_deep_dup a = [1,2,3] assert_equal a, a.deep_dup assert_not_same a, a.deep_dup end def test_deep_dup_proc f = lambda { |x| 2 * x } g = f.deep_dup assert_equal f[3], g[3] assert_equal f, g assert_same f, g end end class BijectionTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_bijection assert_equal [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ], Spruz::Bijection[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ].to_a assert_raise(ArgumentError) do Spruz::Bijection[1,2,3] end assert_raise(ArgumentError) do Spruz::Bijection[1,2,3,2] end assert_raise(ArgumentError) do Spruz::Bijection[1,2,1,3] end end end class TryTest < Test::Unit::TestCase require 'spruz/xt/attempt' def test_attempt_block_condition assert attempt(1, nil) { |c| c == 1 } assert attempt(3, nil) { |c| c == 1 } assert_false attempt(3, nil) { |c| c == 4 } assert_nil attempt(0, nil) { |c| c == 4 } assert_raise(Exception) { attempt(3, nil) { raise Exception } } end class MyError < StandardError; end class MyException < Exception; end def test_attempt_default_exception assert attempt(1) { |c| c != 1 and raise MyError } assert attempt(3) { |c| c != 1 and raise MyError } assert_false attempt(3) { |c| c != 4 and raise MyError } assert_nil attempt(0) { |c| c != 4 and raise MyError } assert_raise(Exception) { attempt(3) { raise Exception } } end def test_attempt_exception assert attempt(1, MyException) { |c| c != 1 and raise MyException } assert attempt(3, MyException) { |c| c != 1 and raise MyException } assert_false attempt(3, MyException) { |c| c != 4 and raise MyException } assert_nil attempt(0, MyException) { |c| c != 4 and raise MyException } assert_raise(Exception) { attempt(3, MyException) { raise Exception } } end end end