0.4.3 (in development) * TODO: figure out problems with GUI clients 0.4.2 (11 March 2013) * fix ruby 2.0 compatibility (#91) * gracefully detect upstream issue with git color.ui being set to always (#50) * handle external capture devices with special characters in name (#93) * fixes to the uploldz plugin (#92) 0.4.1 (17 February 2013) * add lolsrv plugin (thx @sebastianmarr!, #82) * enable feature to change font (thx @fukayatsu!, #89) * correct activesupport gem name in bundle (thx @djbender!, #90) * graceful detection of imagemagick not being installed (#87) * restructure logging slightly to use Methadone::CLILogging in most places * add a bunch of debugging output, viewable via --debug flag 0.4.0 (13 January 2013) * Switch the main ImageMagick wrapper from RMagick to mini_magick - fix for RMagick not working with ImageMagick 6.8+ and generally being a buggy unmaintained piece of crap - this should also result in less problems with IM version changes - some preliminary test work on using image_sorcery instead too - perhaps finally kill issue #9 from continually resurfacing * make sure quotes are properly handled in commit messages * silence warnings generated by twitter gem in MRI 1.8.7 0.3.4 (27 December 2012) * Add uploldz plugin for posting to a remote server (thx @cnvandev) 0.3.3 (26 November 2012) * BUG: prevent repeated firing of lolcommits capture during a git rebase. 0.3.2 (3 October 2012) * Twitter posting support via the `twitter` plugin! (thx @coyboyrushforth!) 0.3.1 (5 August 2012) * fix regression with linux capture introduced in previous version 0.3.0 (3 August 2012) * fix bug involving git repositories with spaces in the name * internal refactoring for modularity (thanks @kenmazaika!), should be easier to add new plugin features to lolcommits now. * add some extremeley basic anonymous usage tracking (if this bugs you, you can disable via disabling the `statsd` plugin). 0.2.0 (6 July 2012) * improved build system and testing with cucumber/methadone - goal is to get into a better framework to start doing major feature work - this should lead to increased reliability across systems as we refactor * writing tests (please help!) * fix issues with packaged files not being readable after a sudo gem install 0.1.5 (25 June 2012) * fix tranzlate on ruby1.8 0.1.4 (28 May 2012) * set device on mac via --device (or LOLCOMMITS_DEVICE env variable) -- thanks @pioz (pull #51) 0.1.3 (18 May 2012) * add LGPLv3 license * add option to translate your commit message to lolspeak! (thx to @DanielleSucher!). To enable, set `LOLCOMMITS_TRANZLATE=1`. * fix issue with older versions of IM crashing on interline spacing (pull #31 via @german) * fix issue with git repos with no hooks directory (pull #43 via @mkmaster) * fix missing dash in capture -c 0.1.2 (22 April 2012) * provide licensing info for CommandCam (Windows) * bundle imagesnap as well to remove a dependency on Mac OS X 0.1.1 (21 April 2012) * Windows compatibility! Thanks to @Prydonious. 0.1.0 (19 April 2012) * Linux compatibility! Thanks to @madjar, @cscorely, and @Prydonius. 0.0.3 (16 April 2012) * use only first line for multi-line commit msgs (pull req #21) * clean up some command line options 0.0.2 (2 April 2012) * add --delay option to delay image capture (thx JohanB), can be persistently set via LOLCOMMITS_DELAY environment variable. * add --last command to view most recent lolcommit for a repo * add --browse command to open the lolcommit images directory for a particular repo 0.0.1 (29 March 2012) * initial release as a gem package, major refactoring for this * refactored to remove git-hooks package dependency, now installs stub hook directly into each git repo * wordwrap commit_msg manually, to switch to use imagemagick annotate instead of compositing multiply image Caption objects (this seems to be more reliable to not glitch.)