module Daru module Maths # Module encapsulating all aritmetic methods on DataFrame. module Arithmetic module DataFrame # Add a scalar or another DataFrame def + other binary_operation :+, other end # Subtract a scalar or another DataFrame. def - other binary_operation :-, other end # Multiply a scalar or another DataFrame. def * other binary_operation :*, other end # Divide a scalar or another DataFrame. def / other binary_operation :/, other end # Modulus with a scalar or another DataFrame. def % other binary_operation :%, other end # Exponent with a scalar or another DataFrame. def ** other binary_operation :**, other end # Calculate exponenential of all vectors with numeric values. def exp only_numerics(clone: false).recode(&:exp) end # Calcuate square root of numeric vectors. def sqrt only_numerics(clone: false).recode(&:sqrt) end def round precision=0 only_numerics(clone: false).recode { |v| v.round(precision) } end private def binary_operation operation, other case other when Daru::DataFrame dataframe_binary_operation operation, other else scalar_binary_operation operation, other end end def dataframe_binary_operation operation, other all_vectors = (vectors.to_a | other.vectors.to_a).sort all_indexes = (index.to_a | other.index.to_a).sort hsh = do |vector_name| vector = dataframe_binary_operation_on_vectors other, vector_name, operation, all_indexes [vector_name, vector] end.to_h, index: all_indexes, name: @name, dtype: @dtype) end def dataframe_binary_operation_on_vectors other, name, operation, indexes if has_vector?(name) && other.has_vector?(name) self[name].send(operation, other[name]) else[], index: indexes, name: name) end end def scalar_binary_operation operation, other dup.map_vectors! do |vector| vector.numeric? ? vector.send(operation, other) : vector end end end end end end