require 'peddler/client' module MWS module FulfillmentInboundShipment # With the Fulfillment Inbound Shipment API, you can create and update # inbound shipments of inventory in the Amazon Fulfillment Network. You can # also request lists of inbound shipments or inbound shipment items based on # criteria that you specify. class Client < ::Peddler::Client version '2010-10-01' path "/FulfillmentInboundShipment/#{version}" # Returns inbound guidance for a list of items by Seller SKU # # @see # @param [String] marketplace_id # @param [String] one or more seller_skus # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def get_inbound_guidance_for_sku(marketplace_id, *seller_skus) operation('GetInboundGuidanceForSKU') .add( 'MarketplaceId' => marketplace_id, 'SellerSKUList' => seller_skus ) .structure!('SellerSKUList', 'Id') run end # Returns inbound guidance for a list of items by ASIN # # @see # @param [String] marketplace_id # @param [String] one or more asins # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def get_inbound_guidance_for_asin(marketplace_id, *asins) operation('GetInboundGuidanceForASIN') .add( 'MarketplaceId' => marketplace_id, 'ASINList' => asins ) .structure!('ASINList', 'Id') run end # Returns the information required to create an inbound shipment # # @see # @param [Struct, Hash] ship_from_address # @param [Array] inbound_shipment_plan_request_items # @param [Hash] opts # @option opts [String] :label_prep_preference # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def create_inbound_shipment_plan(ship_from_address, inbound_shipment_plan_request_items, opts = {}) operation('CreateInboundShipmentPlan') .add( opts.update( 'ShipFromAddress' => ship_from_address, 'InboundShipmentPlanRequestItems' => inbound_shipment_plan_request_items ) ) .structure!('InboundShipmentPlanRequestItems', 'member') run end # Creates an inbound shipment # # @see # @param [String] shipment_id # @param [Struct, Hash] inbound_shipment_header # @param [Hash] opts # @option opts [Array] :inbound_shipment_items # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def create_inbound_shipment(shipment_id, inbound_shipment_header, opts = {}) build_inbound_shipment_operation( 'CreateInboundShipment', shipment_id, inbound_shipment_header, opts ) run end # Updates an existing inbound shipment # # @see # @param [String] shipment_id # @param [Struct, Hash] inbound_shipment_header # @param [Hash] opts # @option opts [Array] :inbound_shipment_items # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def update_inbound_shipment(shipment_id, inbound_shipment_header, opts = {}) build_inbound_shipment_operation( 'UpdateInboundShipment', shipment_id, inbound_shipment_header, opts ) run end # Returns pre-order information, including dates # # @see # @param [String] shipment_id # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def get_preorder_info(shipment_id) operation('GetPreorderInfo') .add( 'ShipmentId' => shipment_id ) run end # Confirms a shipment for pre-order # # @see # @param [String] shipment_id # @param [#iso8601] need_by_date # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def confirm_preorder(shipment_id, need_by_date) operation('ConfirmPreorder') .add( 'ShipmentId' => shipment_id, 'NeedByDate' => need_by_date ) run end # Returns labeling requirements and item preparation instructions to help you prepare items for an inbound shipment # # @see # @param [String] ship_to_country_code # @param [String] one or more seller_skus # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def get_prep_instructions_for_sku(ship_to_country_code, *seller_skus) operation('GetPrepInstructionsForSKU') .add( 'SellerSKUList' => seller_skus, 'ShipToCountryCode' => ship_to_country_code ) .structure!('SellerSKUList', 'Id') run end # Returns item preparation instructions to help with item sourcing decisions # # @see # @param [String] ship_to_country_code # @param [String] one or more asins # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def get_prep_instructions_for_asin(ship_to_country_code, *asins) operation('GetPrepInstructionsForASIN') .add( 'ASINList' => asins, 'ShipToCountryCode' => ship_to_country_code ) .structure!('ASINList', 'Id') run end # Sends transportation information to Amazon about an inbound shipment # # @see # @param [String] shipment_id # @param [Boolean] is_partnered # @param [String] shipment_type # @param [Struct, Hash] transport_details # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def put_transport_content(shipment_id, is_partnered, shipment_type, transport_details) operation('PutTransportContent') .add( 'ShipmentId' => shipment_id, 'IsPartnered' => is_partnered, 'ShipmentType' => shipment_type, 'TransportDetails' => transport_details ) .structure!('PackageList', 'member') .structure!('PalletList', 'member') run end # Requests an estimate of the shipping cost for an inbound shipment # # @see # @param [String] shipment_id # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def estimate_transport_request(shipment_id) operation('EstimateTransportRequest').add('ShipmentId' => shipment_id) run end # Returns current transportation information about an inbound shipment # # @see # @param [String] shipment_id # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def get_transport_content(shipment_id) operation('GetTransportContent').add('ShipmentId' => shipment_id) run end # Confirms that you accept the Amazon-partnered shipping estimate and you # request that the Amazon-partnered carrier ship your inbound shipment # # @see # @param [String] shipment_id # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def confirm_transport_request(shipment_id) operation('ConfirmTransportRequest').add('ShipmentId' => shipment_id) run end # Voids a previously-confirmed request to ship your inbound shipment using # an Amazon-partnered carrier # # @see # @param [String] shipment_id # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def void_transport_request(shipment_id) operation('VoidTransportRequest').add('ShipmentId' => shipment_id) run end # Returns PDF document data for printing package labels for an inbound # shipment # # @see # @param [String] shipment_id # @param [String] page_type # @param [Hash] opts # @option opts [Integer] :number_of_packages # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def get_package_labels(shipment_id, page_type, opts = {}) operation('GetPackageLabels') .add(opts.update( 'ShipmentId' => shipment_id, 'PageType' => page_type )) run end # Returns unique package labels for faster and more accurate shipment processing at the Amazon fulfillment centre # # @see # @param [String] shipment_id # @param [String] page_type # @param [Array] package_labels_to_print # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def get_unique_package_labels(shipment_id, page_type, package_labels_to_print) operation('GetUniquePackageLabels') .add( 'ShipmentId' => shipment_id, 'PageType' => page_type, 'PackageLabelsToPrint' => package_labels_to_print ) .structure!('PackageLabelsToPrint', 'member') run end # Returns pallet labels # # @see # @param [String] shipment_id # @param [String] page_type # @param [Integer] number_of_pallets # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def get_pallet_labels(shipment_id, page_type, number_of_pallets) operation('GetPalletLabels') .add( 'ShipmentId' => shipment_id, 'PageType' => page_type, 'NumberOfPallets' => number_of_pallets ) run end # Returns PDF document data for printing a bill of lading for an inbound # shipment # # @see # @param [String] shipment_id # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def get_bill_of_lading(shipment_id) operation('GetBillOfLading').add('ShipmentId' => shipment_id) run end # Returns a list of inbound shipments based on criteria that you specify # # @see # @param [Hash] opts # @option opts [Array] :shipment_status_list # @option opts [Array] :shipment_id_list # @option opts [String, #iso8601] :last_updated_after # @option opts [String, #iso8601] :last_updated_before # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def list_inbound_shipments(opts = {}) operation('ListInboundShipments') .add(opts) .structure!('ShipmentStatusList', 'member') .structure!('ShipmentIdList', 'member') run end # Returns the next page of inbound shipments # # @see # @param [String] next_token # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def list_inbound_shipments_by_next_token(next_token) operation('ListInboundShipmentsByNextToken') .add('NextToken' => next_token) run end # Returns a list of items in a specified inbound shipment, or a list of # items that were updated within a specified time frame # # @see # @param [Hash] opts # @option opts [String] :shipment_id # @option opts [String, #iso8601] :last_updated_after # @option opts [String, #iso8601] :last_updated_before # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def list_inbound_shipment_items(opts = {}) operation('ListInboundShipmentItems').add(opts) run end # Returns the next page of inbound shipment items # # @see # @param [String] next_token # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def list_inbound_shipment_items_by_next_token(next_token) operation('ListInboundShipmentItemsByNextToken') .add('NextToken' => next_token) run end # Gets the operational status of the API # # @see # @return [Peddler::XMLParser] def get_service_status operation('GetServiceStatus') run end private def build_inbound_shipment_operation(operation_name, shipment_id, inbound_shipment_header, opts) operation(operation_name) .add( opts.update( 'ShipmentId' => shipment_id, 'InboundShipmentHeader' => inbound_shipment_header ) ) .structure!('InboundShipmentItems', 'member') end end end end