require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' describe "Master" do before(:each) do Kernel.stub!(:system).and_return true Kernel.stub!(:exec).and_return true Kernel.stub!(:sleep).and_return true # WHy wait? Application.options.stub!(:contract_when).and_return("web > 30.0\n cpu < 0.10") Application.options.stub!(:expand_when).and_return("web < 3.0\n cpu > 0.80") @master = end it "should launch the first instances and set the first as the master and the rest as slaves" do Application.stub!(:minimum_instances).and_return(1) Application.stub!(:verbose).and_return(false) # Hide messages Master.stub!(:new).and_return(@master) @master.stub!(:number_of_running_instances).and_return(0); @master.stub!(:number_of_pending_instances).and_return(0); @master.stub!(:wait).and_return true @master.should_receive(:launch_new_instance!).and_return( {:instance_id => "i-5849ba", :ip => "", :status => "running"}) @master.stub!(:list_of_nonterminated_instances).and_return( [{:instance_id => "i-5849ba", :ip => "", :status => "running"}]) node ={:instance_id => "i-5849ba", :ip => "", :status => "running"}) node.stub!(:scp).and_return "true" node.stub!(:ssh).and_return "true" @master.stub!(:number_of_pending_instances).and_return(0) @master.stub!(:get_node).with(0).and_return node @master.start_cloud! @master.nodes.first.instance_id.should == "i-5849ba" end describe "with stubbed instances" do before(:each) do @master.stub!(:list_of_nonterminated_instances).and_return([ {:instance_id => "i-5849ba", :ip => "", :status => "running"}, {:instance_id => "i-5849bb", :ip => "", :status => "running"}, {:instance_id => "i-5849bc", :ip => "", :status => "pending"} ]) Kernel.stub!(:exec).and_return true end it "should be able to go through the instances and assign them numbers" do i = 0 @master.nodes.each do |node| node.number.should == i i += 1 end end it "should be able to say that the master is the master" do @master.nodes.first.master?.should == true end it "should be able to say that the slave is not a master" do @master.nodes[1].master?.should == false end it "should be able to get a specific node in the nodes from the master" do @master.get_node(2).instance_id.should == "i-5849bc" end it "should be able to build a hosts file" do open(@master.build_hosts_file.path).read.should == " node0\ node1\ node2" end it "should be able to build a hosts file for a specific instance" do @master.build_hosts_file_for(@master.nodes.first).should =~ " node0" end it "should be able to build a haproxy file" do @master.build_haproxy_file.should =~ "server node0{Application.client_port}" end it "should be able to reconfigure the instances (working on two files a piece)" do @master.nodes[0].should_receive(:configure).and_return true if @master.nodes[0].status =~ /running/ @master.stub!(:number_of_unconfigured_nodes).and_return 1 @master.reconfigure_running_instances end it "should be able to restart the running instances' services" do @master.nodes.each {|a| a.should_receive(:restart_with_monit).and_return true } @master.restart_running_instances_services end it "should be able to build a heartbeat auth file" do open(@master.build_heartbeat_authkeys_file).read.should =~ /1 md5/ end describe "configuring" do before(:each) do Master.stub!(:new).and_return(@master) end it "should be able to build a heartbeat resources file for the specific node" do Master.build_heartbeat_resources_file_for(@master.nodes.first).should =~ /node0 ip-127/ end it "should be able to build a heartbeat config file" do Master.build_heartbeat_config_file_for(@master.nodes.first).should =~ /\nnode node0\nnode node1/ end it "should be able to say if heartbeat is necessary with more than 1 server or not" do Master.requires_heartbeat?.should == true end it "should be able to say that heartbeat is not necessary if there is 1 server" do @master.stub!(:list_of_nonterminated_instances).and_return([ {:instance_id => "i-5849ba", :ip => "", :status => "running"} ]) Master.requires_heartbeat?.should == false end it "should only install the stack on nodes that don't have it marked locally as installed" do @master.nodes.each {|i| i.should_receive(:stack_installed?).and_return(true)} @master.should_not_receive(:reconfigure_running_instances) @master.reconfigure_cloud_when_necessary end it "should install the stack on all the nodes (because it needs reconfiguring) if there is any node that needs the stack" do @master.nodes.first.should_receive(:stack_installed?).and_return(false) @master.should_receive(:reconfigure_running_instances).once.and_return(true) @master.reconfigure_cloud_when_necessary end describe "with new configuration and installation (build scripts)" do before(:each) do @node = @master.nodes.first end it "should be able to build_scp_instances_script_for" do @node.should_receive(:scp_string).exactly(10).times.and_return("true") Master.build_scp_instances_script_for(@node) end it "should be able to build_scp_instances_script_for and contain scp 10 times" do open(Master.build_scp_instances_script_for(@node)).read.scan(/scp/).size.should == 10 end it "should be able to build_reconfigure_instances_script_for" do str = open(Master.build_reconfigure_instances_script_for(@node)).read str.should =~ /hostname -v node0/ str.should =~ /mkdir \/etc\/ha\.d\/resource\.d/ str.should =~ /pool\ maintain\ \-c \~\/\.config/ end end end describe "displaying" do it "should be able to list the cloud instances" do @master.list.should =~ /CLOUD \(/ end end describe "monitoring" do it "should start the monitor when calling start_monitor!" do @master.should_receive(:run_thread_loop).and_return( {}) @master.start_monitor! end it "should request to launch a new instance" do @master.should_receive(:add_instance_if_load_is_high).and_return(true) @master.add_instance_if_load_is_high end it "should request to terminate a non-master instance if the load" do @master.should_receive(:contract?).and_return(true) @master.should_receive(:request_termination_of_instance).and_return(true) @master.terminate_instance_if_load_is_low end end describe "expanding and contracting" do it "should be able to say that it should not contract" do @master.stub!(:web).and_return(10.2) @master.stub!(:cpu).and_return(0.32) @master.contract?.should == false end it "should be able to say that it should contract" do @master.stub!(:web).and_return(30.2) @master.stub!(:cpu).and_return(0.05) @master.contract?.should == true end it "should be able to say that it should not expand if it shouldn't expand" do @master.stub!(:web).and_return(30.2) @master.stub!(:cpu).and_return(0.92) @master.expand?.should == false end it "should be able to say that it should expand if it should expand" do @master.stub!(:web).and_return(1.2) @master.stub!(:cpu).and_return(0.92) @master.expand?.should == true end end end describe "Configuration" do it "should be able to build the haproxy file" do @master.build_haproxy_file end end describe "Singleton methods" do before(:each) do @master = @instance = @blk = {puts "new"} Master.stub!(:new).once.and_return @master end it "should be able to run with_nodes" do Master.should_receive(:new).once.and_return @master @master.should_receive(:nodes).once.and_return [] Master.with_nodes &@blk end it "should run the block on each node" do collection = [@instance] @master.should_receive(:nodes).once.and_return collection collection.should_receive(:each).once Master.with_nodes &@blk end end end