# Copyright (c) 2013-2014 SUSE LLC # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, contact SUSE LLC. # # To contact SUSE about this file by physical or electronic mail, # you may find current contact information at www.suse.com require 'fileutils' class BurndownChart attr_accessor :data def initialize(settings) @settings = settings @data = { 'meta' => { 'board_id' => nil, 'sprint' => 1, 'total_days' => 10, 'weekend_lines' => [ 3.5, 8.5 ] }, 'days' => [] } end def sprint @data['meta']['sprint'] end def sprint=(s) @data['meta']['sprint'] = s end def board_id @data['meta']['board_id'] end def board_id=(id) @data['meta']['board_id'] = id end def days @data['days'] end def merge_meta_data_from_board(burndown_data) if burndown_data.meta m = burndown_data.meta if m['sprint'] == @data['meta']['sprint'].to_i @data['meta'] = @data['meta'].merge(m) end end end def replace_entry(date, new_entry) days.each_with_index do |entry, idx| days[idx] = new_entry if entry['date'] == date.to_s end end def entry_exists?(date) days.any? { |entry| entry['date'] == date.to_s } end def add_data(burndown_data) new_entry = burndown_data.to_hash if entry_exists?(burndown_data.date_time.to_date) && days.length > 1 replace_entry(burndown_data.date_time.to_date, new_entry) else days.push(new_entry) end end def read_data(filename) @data = YAML.load_file filename not_done_columns = @data['meta']['not_done_columns'] @settings.not_done_columns = not_done_columns if not_done_columns end def write_data(filename) @data['days'].each do |day| %w[story_points_extra tasks_extra].each do |key| day.delete key if day[key] && day[key]['done'] == 0 end end begin File.open( filename, 'w' ) do |file| file.write @data.to_yaml end rescue Errno::ENOENT raise TrolloloError, "'#{filename}' not found" end end # Writes a POST request to url def push_to_api(url, burndown_data) url = url.gsub(':sprint', sprint.to_s) .gsub(':board', board_id.to_s) begin uri = URI.parse(url) push = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.path, 'Content-Type' => 'application/json') push.body = burndown_data.to_hash.to_json Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) do |http| http.request(push) end rescue StandardError => e # Instead of catching 20 different exceptions which can be # thrown by URI and Http::, StandardError is catched. # Fix this if there is a better solution raise TrolloloError, "pushing to endpoint failed: #{e.message}" end end def burndown_data_filename "burndown-data-#{sprint.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}.yaml" end def setup(burndown_dir, board_id) self.board_id = board_id FileUtils.mkdir_p burndown_dir write_data File.join(burndown_dir, burndown_data_filename) end class << self def plot_helper File.expand_path('../../scripts/create_burndown.py', __FILE__ ) end def plot(sprint_number, options) sprint_number = sprint_number.to_s.rjust(2, '0') cli_switches = process_options(options) system "python #{plot_helper} #{sprint_number} #{cli_switches.join(' ')}" end private def process_options(hash) return [] unless hash [].tap do |cli_switches| cli_switches << '--no-tasks' if hash['no-tasks'] cli_switches << '--with-fast-lane' if hash['with-fast-lane'] cli_switches << "--output #{hash['output']}" if hash['output'] cli_switches << '--verbose' if hash['verbose'] end end end def last_sprint(burndown_dir) last_sprint = sprint Dir.glob("#{burndown_dir}/burndown-data-*.yaml").each do |file| file =~ /burndown-data-(.*).yaml/ current_sprint = Regexp.last_match(1).to_i last_sprint = current_sprint if current_sprint > last_sprint end last_sprint end # It loads the sprint for the given number or the last one if it is nil def load_sprint(burndown_dir, number = nil) self.sprint = number || last_sprint(burndown_dir) burndown_data_path = File.join(burndown_dir, burndown_data_filename) begin read_data burndown_data_path rescue Errno::ENOENT raise TrolloloError, "'#{burndown_data_path}' not found" end burndown_data_path end def update(options) burndown_data_path = load_sprint(options['output'] || Dir.pwd, options[:sprint_number]) @data['meta']['board_id'] = options['board-id'] if options.key?('board-id') burndown_data = BurndownData.new(@settings) burndown_data.board_id = board_id burndown_data.fetch add_data(burndown_data) write_data(burndown_data_path) if options[:plot] || options[:plot_to_board] BurndownChart.plot(sprint, options) end push_to_api(options['push-to-api'], data) if options.key?('push-to-api') if options[:plot_to_board] trello = TrelloWrapper.new(@settings) board = trello.board(board_id) name = options['output'] ? options['output'] : '.' name += "/burndown-#{sprint.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}.png" card_id = board.burndown_card_id response = trello.add_attachment(card_id, name) if /{\"id\":\"(?\w+)\"/ =~ response trello.make_cover_with_id(card_id, attachment_id) end end end def create_next_sprint(burndown_dir, options = {}) load_sprint(burndown_dir) self.sprint = options[:sprint_number] || (sprint + 1) @data['meta']['total_days'] = options[:total_days] if options[:total_days] @data['meta']['weekend_lines'] = options[:weekend_lines] unless options[:weekend_lines].blank? @data['days'] = [] write_data File.join(burndown_dir, burndown_data_filename) end end