require "open3" module Xray OPEN_PATH = '/_xray/open' UPDATE_CONFIG_PATH = '/_xray/config' # This middleware is responsible for injecting xray.js, xray-backbone.js, and # the Xray bar into the app's pages. It also listens for requests to open files # with the user's editor. class Middleware def initialize(app) @app = app end def call(env) # Request for opening a file path. if env['PATH_INFO'] == OPEN_PATH req, res =, out, err, status = Xray.open_file(req.GET['path']) if status.success? res.status = 200 else res.write out res.status = 500 end res.finish elsif env['PATH_INFO'] == UPDATE_CONFIG_PATH req, res =, if && Xray.config.editor = req.POST['editor'] res.status = 200 else res.status = 400 end res.finish # Inject xray.js and friends if this is a successful HTML response else status, headers, response = if html_headers?(status, headers) && body = response_body(response) if body =~ script_matcher('xray') # Inject the xray bar if xray.js is already on the page inject_xray_bar!(body) elsif Rails.application.config.assets.debug # Otherwise try to inject xray.js if assets are unbundled if append_js!(body, 'jquery', 'xray') append_js!(body, 'backbone', 'xray-backbone') inject_xray_bar!(body) end end content_length = body.bytesize.to_s # For rails v4.2.0+ compatibility if defined?(ActionDispatch::Response::RackBody) && ActionDispatch::Response::RackBody === response response = response.instance_variable_get(:@response) end # Modifying the original response obj maintains compatibility with other middlewares if ActionDispatch::Response === response response.body = [body] response.header['Content-Length'] = content_length response.to_a else headers['Content-Length'] = content_length [status, headers, [body]] end else [status, headers, response] end end end private def inject_xray_bar!(html) html.sub!(/
]*>/) { "#{$~}\n#{render_xray_bar}" } end def render_xray_bar ac = ac.render_to_string(:partial => '/xray_bar').html_safe end # Matches: # # # # def script_matcher(script_name) /