App Store Pricing Matrix ======================== A simple module that holds currencies and prices from the Apple's iOS App Store. Install ------- gem install app_store_pricing_matrix Usage ----- Suppose you find a device locale by `NSLocale` on an iOS device. ```objc NSString* currency = [[NSLocale currentLocale] objectForKey:NSLocaleCurrencyCode]; ``` That will give you the currency string like `USD` or `EUR`, and this library expects them as a key. Some constants, useful for validation: ```ruby AppStorePricingMatrix::CUSTOMER_CURRENCIES #=> ["USD", "CAD", "MXN", "AUD", "NZD", "JPY", "EUR", "DKK", "SEK", "CHF", "NOK", "GBP", "CNY"] AppStorePricingMatrix::DEVELOPER_CURRENCIES #=> ["USD", "CAD", "MXN", "AUD", "NZD", "JPY", "EUR", "CHF", "NOK", "GBP", "CNY"] ``` To retrieve a customer price, query with the currency and the tier number: ```ruby AppStorePricingMatrix::CUSTOMER_PRICES['USD'][1] #=> "0.99" AppStorePricingMatrix::CUSTOMER_PRICES['JPY'][1] #=> "85" ``` For developer proceeds: ```ruby AppStorePricingMatrix::DEVELOPER_PROCEEDS['GBP'][30] => "12.78" ``` To retrieve a developer currency from a given customer currency: ```ruby AppStorePricingMatrix::REVERSE_CURRENCY_MAP['SEK'] #=> "EUR" AppStorePricingMatrix::REVERSE_CURRENCY_MAP['DKK'] #=> "EUR" ```