/* * Copyright (C) 2006 Sjoerd Simons * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Laurent Sansonetti * Copyright (C) 2006 Zaheer Abbas Merali * Copyright (C) 2007 Ruby-GNOME2 Project Team * * This file is part of Ruby/GStreamer. * * Ruby/GStreamer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Ruby/GStreamer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with Ruby/GStreamer; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "rbgst.h" #include "rbgst-private.h" /* Document-class: Gst::Query * Queries. */ static RGConvertTable table = {0}; static VALUE rb_cGstQueryPosition; static VALUE rb_cGstQueryDuration; static VALUE rb_cGstQueryLatency; static VALUE rb_cGstQuerySeeking; static VALUE rb_cGstQuerySegment; static VALUE rb_cGstQueryConvert; static VALUE rb_cGstQueryFormats; static VALUE rb_cGstQuery; static VALUE get_superclass(void) { return rb_cGstMiniObject; } static VALUE instance2robj(gpointer instance) { VALUE klass; GstQuery *query; query = instance; switch (GST_QUERY_TYPE(query)) { case GST_QUERY_POSITION: klass = rb_cGstQueryPosition; break; case GST_QUERY_DURATION: klass = rb_cGstQueryDuration; break; case GST_QUERY_LATENCY: klass = rb_cGstQueryLatency; break; case GST_QUERY_SEEKING: klass = rb_cGstQuerySeeking; break; case GST_QUERY_SEGMENT: klass = rb_cGstQuerySegment; break; case GST_QUERY_CONVERT: klass = rb_cGstQueryConvert; break; case GST_QUERY_FORMATS: klass = rb_cGstQueryFormats; break; default: klass = rb_cGstQuery; break; } gst_mini_object_ref(instance); return Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, NULL, _rbgst_mini_object_free, instance); } static VALUE position_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE format) { GstQuery *query; query = gst_query_new_position(RVAL2GST_FORMAT(format)); G_INITIALIZE(self, query); return Qnil; } static VALUE position_parse(VALUE self) { GstFormat format; gint64 cur; gst_query_parse_position(RVAL2GST_QUERY(self), &format, &cur); return rb_ary_new3(2, GST_FORMAT2RVAL(format), LL2NUM(cur)); } static VALUE duration_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE format) { GstQuery *query; query = gst_query_new_duration(RVAL2GST_FORMAT(format)); G_INITIALIZE(self, query); return Qnil; } static VALUE duration_parse(VALUE self) { GstFormat format; gint64 cur; gst_query_parse_duration(RVAL2GST_QUERY(self), &format, &cur); return rb_ary_new3(2, GST_FORMAT2RVAL(format), LL2NUM(cur)); } static VALUE latency_initialize(VALUE self) { GstQuery *query; query = gst_query_new_latency(); G_INITIALIZE(self, query); return Qnil; } static VALUE latency_parse(VALUE self) { GstClockTime min_latency; GstClockTime max_latency; gboolean live; gst_query_parse_latency(RVAL2GST_QUERY(self), &live, &min_latency, &max_latency); return rb_ary_new3(3, CBOOL2RVAL(live), ULL2NUM(min_latency), ULL2NUM(max_latency)); } static VALUE seeking_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE format) { GstQuery *query; query = gst_query_new_seeking(RVAL2GST_FORMAT(format)); G_INITIALIZE(self, query); return Qnil; } static VALUE seeking_parse(VALUE self) { GstFormat format; gboolean seekable; gint64 segment_start, segment_end; gst_query_parse_seeking(RVAL2GST_QUERY(self), &format, &seekable, &segment_start, &segment_end); return rb_ary_new3(4, GST_FORMAT2RVAL(format), CBOOL2RVAL(seekable), LL2NUM(segment_start), LL2NUM(segment_end)); } static VALUE segment_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE format) { GstQuery *query; query = gst_query_new_segment(RVAL2GST_FORMAT(format)); G_INITIALIZE(self, query); return Qnil; } static VALUE segment_parse(VALUE self) { GstFormat format; gdouble rate; gint64 start_value, stop_value; gst_query_parse_segment(RVAL2GST_QUERY(self), &rate, &format, &start_value, &stop_value); return rb_ary_new3(4, rb_dbl2big(rate), GST_FORMAT2RVAL(format), LL2NUM(start_value), LL2NUM(stop_value)); } static VALUE convert_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE src_format, VALUE value, VALUE dest_format) { GstQuery *query; query = gst_query_new_convert(GST_FORMAT2RVAL(src_format), NUM2LL(value), GST_FORMAT2RVAL(dest_format)); G_INITIALIZE(self, query); return Qnil; } static VALUE convert_parse(VALUE self) { GstFormat src_format, dest_format; gint64 src_value, dest_value; gst_query_parse_convert(RVAL2GST_QUERY(self), &src_format, &src_value, &dest_format, &dest_value); return rb_ary_new3(4, GST_FORMAT2RVAL(src_format), LL2NUM(src_value), RVAL2GST_FORMAT(dest_format), LL2NUM(dest_value)); } static VALUE formats_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE format) { GstQuery *query; query = gst_query_new_formats(); G_INITIALIZE (self, query); return Qnil; } static VALUE formats_parse(VALUE self) { VALUE ret; guint n_formats; guint i; gst_query_parse_formats_length(RVAL2GST_QUERY(self), &n_formats); ret = rb_ary_new2(n_formats); for (i = 0 ; i< n_formats; i++) { GstFormat format; gst_query_parse_formats_nth(RVAL2GST_QUERY(self), i, &format); rb_ary_push(ret, GST_FORMAT2RVAL(format)); } return ret; } void Init_gst_query (void) { table.type = GST_TYPE_QUERY; table.get_superclass = get_superclass; table.instance2robj = instance2robj; RG_DEF_CONVERSION(&table); rb_cGstQuery = G_DEF_CLASS (GST_TYPE_QUERY, "Query", mGst); #define DEFINE_QUERY(type, lctype, arguments) \ rb_cGstQuery ## type = \ rb_define_class_under(mGst, "Query" #type, rb_cGstQuery); \ rb_define_method(rb_cGstQuery ## type, "initialize", \ lctype ## _initialize, arguments); \ rb_define_method(rb_cGstQuery ## type, "parse", \ lctype ## _parse, 0) \ DEFINE_QUERY(Position, position, 1); DEFINE_QUERY(Duration, duration, 1); DEFINE_QUERY(Latency, latency, 0); DEFINE_QUERY(Seeking, seeking, 1); DEFINE_QUERY(Segment, segment, 1); DEFINE_QUERY(Convert, convert, 2); DEFINE_QUERY(Formats, formats, 0); #undef DEFINE_QUERY }