require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative '../../../lib/lucid/sequence/sequence_template' module Sequence module SequenceTemplate describe Engine do let(:example_template) do example = <<-EXAMPLE Given the login page When the username is "" And the password is "" And login is clicked EXAMPLE end let(:conditional_template) do example = <<-EXAMPLE When the first name is "" And the last name is "" And the age is "" And the ssn is "" EXAMPLE end subject { } context 'parsing' do def strip_chevrons(text) text.gsub(/^<|>$/, '') end it 'should parse an empty text line' do expect(Engine.parse('')).to be_empty end it 'should parse a text line without a parameter' do sample_text = 'a TDL statement' result = Engine.parse(sample_text) expect(result).to have(1).items expect(result[0]).to eq([:static, sample_text]) end it 'should parse a text line that consists of only a parameter' do sample_text = '' result = Engine.parse(sample_text) expect(result).to have(1).items expect(result[0]).to eq([:dynamic, strip_chevrons(sample_text)]) end it 'should parse a text line with a parameter at the start' do sample_text = ' in a TDL statement' result = Engine.parse(sample_text) expect(result).to have(2).items expect(result[0]).to eq([:dynamic, 'some_parameter']) expect(result[1]).to eq([:static, ' in a TDL statement']) end it 'should parse a text line with a parameter at the end' do sample_text = 'a TDL statement with ' result = Engine.parse(sample_text) expect(result).to have(2).items expect(result[0]).to eq([:static, 'a TDL statement with ']) expect(result[1]).to eq([:dynamic, 'some_parameter']) end it 'should parse a text line with a parameter in the middle' do sample_text = 'a TDL statement with in it' result = Engine.parse(sample_text) expect(result).to have(3).items expect(result[0]).to eq([:static, 'a TDL statement with ']) expect(result[1]).to eq([:dynamic, 'some_parameter']) expect(result[2]).to eq([:static, ' in it']) end it 'should parse a text line with two separated parameters' do sample_text = 'TDL with and with in it' result = Engine.parse(sample_text) expect(result).to have(5).items expect(result[0]).to eq([:static , 'TDL with ']) expect(result[1]).to eq([:dynamic, 'one_parameter']) expect(result[2]).to eq([:static , ' and with ']) expect(result[3]).to eq([:dynamic, 'another_parameter']) expect(result[4]).to eq([:static, ' in it']) end it 'should parse a text line with two consecutive parameters' do sample_text = 'TDL with in it' result = Engine.parse(sample_text) expect(result).to have(5).items expect(result[0]).to eq([:static, 'TDL with ']) expect(result[1]).to eq([:dynamic, 'one_parameter']) expect(result[2]).to eq([:static, ' ']) expect(result[3]).to eq([:dynamic, 'another_parameter']) expect(result[4]).to eq([:static, ' in it']) end it 'should parse a text line with escaped chevrons' do sample_text = 'A TDL \ is escaped' result = Engine.parse(sample_text) expect(result).to have(1).items expect(result[0]).to eq([:static, sample_text]) end it 'should parse a text line with escaped chevrons in a parameter' do sample_text = 'A TDL with escaped\>_parameter> in it' result = Engine.parse(sample_text) expect(result).to have(3).items expect(result[0]).to eq([:static, 'A TDL with ']) expect(result[1]).to eq([:dynamic, 'some_\<\\>escaped\>_parameter']) expect(result[2]).to eq([:static, ' in it']) end it 'should indicate if a parameter has a missing closing chevron' do sample_text = 'A TDL with "'.) expect { }.to raise_error(Sequence::EmptyParameterError, msg) end it 'should indicate when a placeholder contains an invalid character' do text = example_template.sub(/user_name/, 'user%name') msg = "The invalid element '%' occurs in the parameter 'user%name'." expect {}.to raise_error(Sequence::InvalidElementError, msg) end it 'should accept conditional sections' do expect { }.not_to raise_error instance = elements = instance.instance_variable_get(:@generated_source) sections = { |e| e.is_a?(Section) } names = { |e| e.to_s } expect(names).to eq(%w( )) end it 'should indicate when a section has no closing tag' do text = conditional_template.sub(/<\/age>/, '') msg = 'Unterminated section .' expect { }.to raise_error(StandardError, msg) end it 'should indicate when a closing tag has no corresponding opening tag' do text = conditional_template.sub(/<\/age>/, '') msg = "End of section does not match current section 'age'." expect { }.to raise_error(StandardError, msg) end it 'should indicate when a closing tag is found without opening tag' do text = conditional_template.sub(/<\?ssn>/, '') msg = "End of section found while no corresponding section is open." expect { }.to raise_error(StandardError, msg) end end context 'rendering a template' do it 'should know the parameters it contains' do expect(subject.variables).to be == ['user_name', 'password'] instance = '' expect(instance.variables).to be_empty end it 'should generate the text with the actual values for parameters' do locals = { 'user_name' => 'jnyman' } generated_text = subject.output(, locals) expected = <<-RESULT Given the login page When the username is "jnyman" And the password is "" And login is clicked RESULT expect(generated_text).to eq(expected) end it 'should generate the text with the actual non-string values for parameters' do locals = { 'user_name' => 'jnyman', 'password' => 12345 } generated_text = subject.output(, locals) expected = <<-RESULT Given the login page When the username is "jnyman" And the password is "12345" And login is clicked RESULT expect(generated_text).to eq(expected) end it 'should generate the text with the actual values in context' do ContextObject =, :password) context ='superb', 'tester') generated_text = subject.output(context, { 'user_name' => 'jnyman' }) expected = <<-RESULT Given the login page When the username is "jnyman" And the password is "tester" And login is clicked RESULT expect(generated_text).to eq(expected) end it 'should handle an empty source template' do instance ='') expect(instance.output(nil, {})).to be_empty end it 'should generate conditional sections' do instance = locals = { 'first_name' => 'Jeff', 'last_name' => 'Nyman' , 'age' => '41' } generated_text = instance.output(, locals) expected = <<-RESULT When the first name is "Jeff" And the last name is "Nyman" And the age is "41" RESULT expect(generated_text).to eq(expected) locals['age'] = nil locals['ssn'] = '000-00-0000' generated_text = instance.output(, locals) expected = <<-RESULT When the first name is "Jeff" And the last name is "Nyman" And the ssn is "000-00-0000" RESULT expect(generated_text).to eq(expected) end it 'should generate multi-valued actual text from parameters' do locals = { 'user_name' => %w(jnyman tester) } generated_text = subject.output(, locals) expected = <<-RESULT Given the login page When the username is "jnyman
tester" And the password is "" And login is clicked RESULT expect(generated_text).to eq(expected) end end end end end