#set environment ADAPTOR_ENV = "test" Adaptation::Initializer.run if File.exists?("config/database.yml") begin require 'active_record/fixtures' rescue Exception => e puts "Problem with database fixtures: #{e}" end Test::Unit::TestCase.fixture_path = 'test/fixtures' end require 'erb' class Test::Unit::TestCase # Asserts that a message[link:/classes/Adaptation/Message.html] in a xml # fixture file is converted into an Adaptation::Message that if serialized # again to xml is equivalent to the xml data in the initial fixture file. # An Adaptation::Message object cretaed from a xml fixture, will only # have the xml tags specified in its class definition (using has_one, # has_many, has_text...) so this assertion can be useful to check that # the class is defined correctly. def assert_parsed message_symbol data, message_object = load_message_fixture message_symbol parsed_data = REXML::Document.new data error = build_message error, "? not parsed ok:\n initial: ?\n parsed: ?", message_symbol.to_s, parsed_data.to_s, message_object.to_xml.to_s assert_block error do compare_xml_elements parsed_data.root, message_object.to_xml end end # Asserts that a message[link:/classes/Adaptation/Message.html] in a xml # fixture file is converted into an Adaptation::Message that if serialized # again to xml is not equivalent to the xml data in the initial fixture file. # An Adaptation::Message object cretaed from a xml fixture, will only # have the xml tags specified in its class definition (using has_one, # has_many, has_text...) so this assertion can be useful to check that # undesired xml tags are filtered. def assert_not_parsed message_symbol data, message_object = load_message_fixture message_symbol parsed_data = REXML::Document.new data error = build_message error, "? shouldn't be parsed ok:\n data: ?\n real: ?", message_symbol.to_s, parsed_data.to_s, message_object.to_xml.to_s assert_block error do !compare_xml_elements parsed_data.root, message_object.to_xml end end # Asserts that an Adaptation::Message message[link:/classes/Adaptation/Message.html] # build from a xml fixture file passes all the validations specified in the # class definition. def assert_validates message_symbol data, message_object = load_message_fixture message_symbol error = build_message error, "invalid message ?", message_symbol.to_s message_object.clear_errors assert_block error do message_object.valid? end end # Asserts that an Adaptation::Message message[link:/classes/Adaptation/Message.html], # build from a xml fixture file doesn't pass all the validations specified in # the class definition. def assert_not_validates message_symbol data, message_object = load_message_fixture message_symbol error = build_message error, "? message shouldn't validate", message_symbol.to_s assert_block error do !message_object.valid? end end # Asserts that a message[link:/classes/Adaptation/Message.html] has been # published in test environment. This means that the # message[link:/classes/Adaptation/Message.html] will be searched in the # file where the mock object test/mocks/test/publish.rb left it. # The file that fakes the mom is deleted every time message method # is called. def assert_message_published xml_message message_object = xml_message if message_object.is_a?(String) # build Message object with xml_data message_type = xml_message[1..(xml_message.index(/(>| )/) - 1)] message_class = Adaptation::Message.get_class_object(message_type.capitalize) message_object = message_class.to_object(xml_message) end # check for all messages "published" in the mom (that's file /tmp/mom.txt), # if any line corresponds to the message passed as a parameter. message_found = false expected = published = "" File.open(ADAPTOR_ROOT + '/test/mocks/test/mom.txt', 'r').each{ |line| mom_message = REXML::Document.new line published = line.chop expected = message_object.to_xml.to_s if compare_xml_elements mom_message.root, message_object.to_xml message_found = true break end } error = build_message(error, "? message not published:\n \ Expected : ?\n \ Published: ?\n", message_object.class, expected, published) assert_block error do message_found end end # Asserts a database exists. To do so this method tries to establish a # connection with the specified database. Conection information must # be provided with a hash: # :database:: => database name # :host:: => database host # :username:: => database user # :password:: => database password # :adapter:: => database type (default is "mysql") # These options correspond to those in # Activerecord::Base.establish_conection[http://ar.rubyonrails.com/classes/ActiveRecord/Base.html#M000370] def assert_database_present db_settings_hash update_activerecord_test_configuration db_settings_hash ActiveRecord::Base.remove_connection ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[ADAPTOR_ENV]) database_exists = true begin connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection rescue Exception => e database_exists = false end error = build_message error, "? database not found", ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[ADAPTOR_ENV][:database] assert_block error do database_exists end end # Asserts a database doesn't exist. To do so this method tries to establish a # connection with the specified database. Connection information must # be provided with a hash. This method assert if connection fails, but that # could also mean that provided connection hash is wrong. The connection options # are the same as in assert_database_present: # :database:: => database name # :host:: => database host # :username:: => database user # :password:: => database password # :adapter:: => database type (default is "mysql") # These options correspond to those in # Activerecord::Base.establish_conection[http://ar.rubyonrails.com/classes/ActiveRecord/Base.html#M000370] def assert_database_not_present db_settings_hash update_activerecord_test_configuration db_settings_hash ActiveRecord::Base.remove_connection ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[ADAPTOR_ENV]) database_exists = true begin connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection rescue Exception => e database_exists = false end error = build_message error, "? database shouldn't exist", ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[ADAPTOR_ENV][:database] assert_block error do !database_exists end end # Asserts a file exists def assert_file_present file error = build_message error, "? not found", file assert_block error do File.exists?(file) end end # Asserts a file doesn't exist def assert_file_not_present file error = build_message error, "? shouldn't exist", file assert_block error do !File.exists?(file) end end # Builds a message[link:/classes/Adaptation/Message.html] from a xml fixture # file and processes it the same way mesages from the mom are processed by # adaptation, but using a test environment. Published messages will be # published to a mock MOM. def message message_symbol # build a message object from fixture message_xml, message_object = load_message_fixture message_symbol # load mock objects Dir["test/mocks/test/*.rb"].each do |f| require f end # clean mom (delete mom.txt file) mom_mock_file = ADAPTOR_ROOT + '/test/mocks/test/mom.txt' if File.exists? mom_mock_file File.delete mom_mock_file end Adaptation::Base.new.process message_xml end # Retuns a message[link:/classes/Adaptation/Message.html] object # from a fixture, without processing it def get_message_from_fixture message_symbol load_message_fixture(message_symbol)[1] end private def get_message_fixture fixture_name #:nodoc: fixture_file = ADAPTOR_ROOT + '/test/fixtures/' + fixture_name + '.xml' fixture_contents = "" File.open(fixture_file).each { |line| unless line =~ /^ {0,}#/ fixture_contents << line.strip.chomp end } ERB.new(fixture_contents.chomp).result end def load_message_fixture fixture_symbol #:nodoc: data = get_message_fixture(fixture_symbol.to_s) class_name = data[1..(data.index(/(>| )/) - 1)].capitalize message_class = Adaptation::Message.get_class_object(class_name) message_object = message_class.nil? ? data : message_class.to_object(data) [data, message_object] end def compare_xml_elements element1, element2 #:nodoc: if element1.has_attributes? if !element2.has_attributes? return false end element1.attributes.to_a.each do |a| if !element2.attributes.to_a.include?(a) return false end end end if element1.has_text? if !element2.has_text? return false end if element1.text != element2.text return false end end if element1.has_elements? if !element2.has_elements? return false end element1.elements.to_a.each do |e1| element_exists = false element2.elements.to_a.each do |e2| result = compare_xml_elements e1, e2 if result == true element_exists = true break end end if element_exists == false return false end end end return true end def update_activerecord_test_configuration db_settings_hash #:nodoc: unless db_settings_hash.nil? ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.update("test" => db_settings_hash) end end end