require 'enumerator' module Console::LayoutHelper def in_columns_of(count, arr) arr.enum_for(:each_with_index).inject( {[]}){ |a, (item,i)| a[i % count] << item; a } end def in_balanced_columns_of(count, groups) columns ={ [] } counts =,0) groups.each do |group| column = counts.index(counts.min) columns[column] << group counts[column] += group[1].size end columns end def navigation_tabs(options={}, &block) content = capture(&block) content_tag(:ul, content, :class => 'nav') end def navigation_tab(name, options={}) action = options[:action] active = (name.to_s == controller_name) && (action.nil? || action.to_s == controller.action_name) content_tag( :li, link_to( options[:name] || ActiveSupport::Inflector.humanize(name), url_for({ :action => action || :index, :controller => name }) ), active ? {:class => 'active'} : nil) end # # Renders the flash only once. In normal rails flow templates are rendered first # and so the flash will be displayed in the template - otherwise the layout has # an opportunity to render it. # def flashes return if @flashed_once || flash.nil?; @flashed_once = true tags = [] flash.each do |key, value| (value.kind_of?(Array) ? value : [value]).each do |value| next if value.blank? tags << content_tag(flash_element_for(key), value, :class => alert_class_for(key)) end end content_tag(:div, tags.join.html_safe, :id => 'flash') unless tags.empty? end def flash_element_for(key) case key when :info_pre :pre else :div end end def alert_class_for(key) case key when :success 'alert alert-success' when :notice 'alert alert-info' when :error 'alert alert-error' when :info 'alert alert-info' when :info_pre 'cli' else Rails.logger.debug "Handling alert key #{key.inspect}" 'alert' end end def render_thumbnails( collection, options ) unless collection.empty? content_tag( :ul, collection.collect { |o| content_tag( :li, render(options.merge(:object => o)).html_safe, :class => options[:grid] || 'span3' ) }.join.html_safe, :class => 'thumbnails' ) end end def breadcrumb_divider content_tag(:span, '/', :class => 'divider') end AppWizardStepsCreate = [ { :name => 'Choose a type of application', :link => 'application_types_path' }, { :name => 'Configure and deploy the application' }, { :name => 'Next steps' } ] def app_wizard_steps_create(active, options={}) wizard_steps(AppWizardStepsCreate, active, options) end CartridgeWizardStepsCreate = [ { :name => 'Choose a cartridge type', :link => 'application_cartridge_types_path' }, { :name => 'Configure and deploy the cartridge' }, { :name => 'Next steps' } ] def cartridge_wizard_steps_create(active, options={}) wizard_steps(CartridgeWizardStepsCreate, active, options) end def wizard_steps(items, active, options={}) content_tag( :ol, (items + [options[:and]].compact) do |item, index| name = item[:name] content = if item[:link] and ((index < active and !options[:completed]) or options[:active]) link_to(name, send("#{item[:link]}")).html_safe else name end content = content_tag(:span, [ content_tag(:i, index+1), content].join.html_safe) classes = if index < active 'completed' elsif index == active 'active' end content_tag(:li, content, :class => classes) end.join.html_safe, :class => 'wizard' ) end def breadcrumbs_for_each(items) last_index = items.length - 1 content_for :breadcrumbs, content_tag( :ul, do |crumb, index| content = crumb active_tag = "" if index == last_index active_tag = "active" else content += breadcrumb_divider end content_tag(:li, content, :class => active_tag) end.join.html_safe, :class => 'breadcrumb') end def breadcrumb_for_application(application, *args) breadcrumbs_for_each [ link_to('My Applications', :applications, :action => :index), link_to(, application), ] + args end def breadcrumb_for_create_application(*args) breadcrumbs_for_each [ link_to('Create an application', application_types_path), ] + args end def take_action(link, text, *args) options = args.extract_options! link_to link, {:class => (['action-call'] << options[:class]).join(' ')}.reverse_merge!(options) do ([content_tag(:div, text.html_safe)] << args.collect { |text| content_tag(:div, text, :class => 'highlight') } << content_tag(:div, '>', :class => 'highlight-arrow')).join.html_safe end end def greetings_for_select [ 'Mr.', 'Mrs.', 'Ms.', 'Miss', 'Dr.', 'Hr.', 'Sr.' ] end def map_to_sentence(items, &block){ |c| capture_haml{ yield c }.strip }.to_sentence.html_safe end HIDDEN_TAGS = [:featured, :framework, :web_framework, :experimental, :in_development, :cartridge] IMPORTANT_TAGS = [:new, :premium] def application_type_tags(tags) (tags - HIDDEN_TAGS).uniq.sort!.partition{ |t| IMPORTANT_TAGS.include?(t) } do |tag| link_to tag.to_s.humanize, application_types_path(:tag => tag), :class => "label label-#{tag}" end.join.html_safe end def us_states_for_select [ ['Alabama', 'AL'], ['Alaska', 'AK'], ['Arizona', 'AZ'], ['Arkansas', 'AR'], ['California', 'CA'], ['Colorado', 'CO'], ['Connecticut', 'CT'], ['Delaware', 'DE'], ['District of Columbia', 'DC'], ['Florida', 'FL'], ['Georgia', 'GA'], ['Hawaii', 'HI'], ['Idaho', 'ID'], ['Illinois', 'IL'], ['Indiana', 'IN'], ['Iowa', 'IA'], ['Kansas', 'KS'], ['Kentucky', 'KY'], ['Louisiana', 'LA'], ['Maine', 'ME'], ['Maryland', 'MD'], ['Massachusetts', 'MA'], ['Michigan', 'MI'], ['Minnesota', 'MN'], ['Mississippi', 'MS'], ['Missouri', 'MO'], ['Montana', 'MT'], ['Nebraska', 'NE'], ['Nevada', 'NV'], ['New Hampshire', 'NH'], ['New Jersey', 'NJ'], ['New Mexico', 'NM'], ['New York', 'NY'], ['North Carolina', 'NC'], ['North Dakota', 'ND'], ['Ohio', 'OH'], ['Oklahoma', 'OK'], ['Oregon', 'OR'], ['Pennsylvania', 'PA'], ['Puerto Rico', 'PR'], ['Rhode Island', 'RI'], ['South Carolina', 'SC'], ['South Dakota', 'SD'], ['Tennessee', 'TN'], ['Texas', 'TX'], ['Utah', 'UT'], ['Vermont', 'VT'], ['Virginia', 'VA'], ['Washington', 'WA'], ['West Virginia', 'WV'], ['Wisconsin', 'WI'], ['Wyoming', 'WY'] ] end end