# Fb::Core

Fb::Core provides methods to interact with Facebook users and pages through the Facebook Graph API.

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The **source code** is available on [GitHub](https://github.com/Fullscreen/fb-core) and the **documentation** on [RubyDoc](http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/fb-core/frames).

### Installing and Configuring

Add `fb-core` to your Gemfile and run `bundle install`.

Most methods of this library require to have an access token of a Facebook user.
If you need to obtain one programmatically, use the [fb-auth](https://github.com/Fullscreen/fb-auth) library.

## Usage


Given an user access token with the `email` scope, you can get the user's email by calling:

user = Fb::User.new access_token: '--valid-access-token--'
user.email # => 'john.smith@example.com'


Given an user access token with the `manage_pages` scope, you can get the list of Facebook pages managed by the user by calling:

user = Fb::User.new access_token: '--valid-access-token--'
# => [#<Fb::Page: id="1234", name="sample1">, #<Fb::Page: id="5678", name="sample2">]

## Development

To run tests, obtain a long-term access token for a Facebook user who manages
at least one page and includes `email` and `manage_pages` scopes. Set the token as:

    export FB_TEST_ACCESS_TOKEN="YourToken"

Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests.

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).

Thanks :tada: