title: Platform.js
tagline: A platform detection library
description: Platform.js - A platform detection library
tags: [ Template, Extension ]
index: []
categories: [ pages, manuals ]
#permalink: /pages/public/start/platform/
regenerate: false
resources: []
- toccer:
collapseDepth: 2
// Enable the Liquid Preprocessor
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// Set other global page attributes here
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{% comment %} Liquid procedures
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// NOTE: Initialize entry document paths
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{% include {{set_env_entry_document}} init_folders=all %}
// Load tag, url and data attributes
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// Additional Asciidoc page attributes goes here
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Home: link:{home-platformjs}[Platform.js, window="_blank"]
Docs: link:{home-platformjs-docs}[Docs@Platform.js , window="_blank"]
== `platform.os`
=== platform.os.architecture
The CPU architecture the OS is built for.
=== platform.os.family
The family of the OS. Common values include: "Windows", "Windows Server
`2008` R2 / `7`", "Windows Server `2008` / Vista", "Windows XP", "OS X",
"Ubuntu", "Debian", "Fedora", "Red Hat", "SuSE", "Android", "iOS" and
"Windows Phone"
=== platform.os.toString()
Returns the OS string.
=== platform.os.version
The version of the OS.
== `platform`
The platform object.
=== platform.description
The platform description.
=== platform.layout
The name of the browser's layout engine. The list of common layout
engines include: "Blink", "EdgeHTML", "Gecko", "Trident" and "WebKit"
=== platform.manufacturer
The name of the product's manufacturer. The list of manufacturers
include: "Apple", "Archos", "Amazon", "Asus", "Barnes & Noble",
"BlackBerry", "Google", "HP", "HTC", "LG", "Microsoft", "Motorola",
"Nintendo", "Nokia", "Samsung" and "Sony"
=== platform.name
The name of the browser/environment. The list of common browser names
include: "Chrome", "Electron", "Firefox", "Firefox for iOS", "IE",
"Microsoft Edge", "PhantomJS", "Safari", "SeaMonkey", "Silk", "Opera
Mini" and "Opera" Mobile versions of some browsers have "Mobile"
appended to their name: eg. "Chrome Mobile", "Firefox Mobile", "IE
Mobile" and "Opera Mobile"
=== platform.os
The name of the operating system.
=== platform.parse()
Creates a new platform object.
==== Arguments
`[ua=navigator.userAgent]` _(Object|string)_
The user agent string or context object.
Returns _(Object)_ as a platform object.
=== platform.prerelease
The alpha/beta release indicator.
=== platform.product
The name of the product hosting the browser. The list of common products
include: "BlackBerry", "Galaxy S4", "Lumia", "iPad", "iPod", "iPhone",
"Kindle", "Kindle Fire", "Nexus", "Nook", "PlayBook", "TouchPad" and
=== platform.toString()
Returns `platform.description` when the platform object is coerced to a
Returns _(string)_: Returns `platform.description` if available, else
an empty string.
=== platform.ua
The browser's user agent string.
=== platform.version
The browser/environment version.