module Axlsx
# A BookView defines the display properties for a workbook.
# Units for window widths and other dimensions are expressed in twips.
# Twip measurements are portable between different display resolutions.
# The formula is (screen pixels) * (20 * 72) / (logical device dpi),
# where the logical device dpi can be different for x and y coordinates.
class WorkbookView
include Axlsx::SerializedAttributes
include Axlsx::OptionsParser
include Axlsx::Accessors
# Creates a new BookView object
# @param [Hash] options A hash of key/value pairs that will be mapped to this instances attributes.
# @option [Symbol] visibility Specifies visible state of the workbook window. The default value for this attribute is :visible.
# @option [Boolean] minimized Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether the workbook window is minimized.
# @option [Boolean] show_horizontal_scroll Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether to display the horizontal scroll bar in the user interface.
# @option [Boolean] show_vertical_scroll Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether to display the vertical scroll bar.
# @option [Boolean] show_sheet_tabs Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether to display the sheet tabs in the user interface.
# @option [Integer] tab_ratio Specifies ratio between the workbook tabs bar and the horizontal scroll bar.
# @option [Integer] first_sheet Specifies the index to the first sheet in this book view.
# @option [Integer] active_tab Specifies an unsignedInt that contains the index to the active sheet in this book view.
# @option [Integer] x_window Specifies the X coordinate for the upper left corner of the workbook window. The unit of measurement for this value is twips.
# @option [Integer] y_window Specifies the Y coordinate for the upper left corner of the workbook window. The unit of measurement for this value is twips.
# @option [Integer] window_width Specifies the width of the workbook window. The unit of measurement for this value is twips.
# @option [Integer] window_height Specifies the height of the workbook window. The unit of measurement for this value is twips.
# @option [Boolean] auto_filter_date_grouping Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether to group dates when presenting the user with filtering options in the user interface.
def initialize(options={})
parse_options options
yield self if block_given?
unsigned_int_attr_accessor :x_window, :y_window, :window_width, :window_height,
:tab_ratio, :first_sheet, :active_tab
validated_attr_accessor [:visibility], :validate_view_visibility
serializable_attributes :visibility, :minimized,
:show_horizontal_scroll, :show_vertical_scroll,
:show_sheet_tabs, :tab_ratio, :first_sheet, :active_tab,
:x_window, :y_window, :window_width, :window_height,
boolean_attr_accessor :minimized, :show_horizontal_scroll, :show_vertical_scroll,
:show_sheet_tabs, :auto_filter_date_grouping
# Serialize the WorkbookView
# @param [String] str
# @return [String]
def to_xml_string(str = '')
str << ''