--- announce: template: '{ANNOUNCE,README}{,.txt}' # Announcement template file glob. mail_to: rubytalk@ruby-lange.org # Email address(es) to send announcemnt. mail_from: #{metadata.email} # Message FROM address. subject: "ANN: %s %s" # Subject of email message. Sprintf'd against name and version. account: #{metadata.email} # Email account name [email]. domain: rubyforge.org # Your domain. (Not sure why one needs this for an email.) server: smtp.goolge.com # Email server to route message. port: 25 # Email server's port, if not secure. port_secure: 465 # Email server's port, if secure. secure: false # Uses TLS security, true or false? login: plain # Login type: plain, cram_md5 or login. cutoff: 30 # How many lines of changelog to provide. check: loadpath: #{metadata.loadpath} exclude: [] check-syntax: loadpath: #{metadata.loadpath} exclude: [ext] check-load: loadpath: #{metadata.loadpath} exclude: [] clean: remove: [**/*~, **/*.bak] log: policy: [cap, ext] # How to save log files. (cap=capitialize, up=uppercase, low=lowercase, ext=extension) output: log log-notes: loadpath: #{metadata.loadpath} # Files to search for notes. labels: [TODO, FIXME, OPTIMIZE] make: extensions: #{metadata.extensions} # Defaults to ext/**/extconf.rb (NOT USED YET) package: formats: [zip, gem] publish: source: doc webdir: ~ username: #{ENV['RUBYFORGE_USERNAME']} protect: [usage, statcvs, statsvn, robot.txt, wiki] # Used as defaults for creating .rsync-filter (after that edit .rsync-filter) exclude: [.svn, scrap] # Used as defaults for creating .rsync-filter (after that edit .rsync-filter) rdoc: template: html output: doc/rdoc main: 'README{,.txt}' inline: true merge: true exclude: [] include: ['lib', '[A-Z]*'] adfile: doc/ads/rdoc.html targets: ~ ri: output: ri exclude: [] include: #{metadata.loadpath} release: username: #{ENV['RUBYFORGE_USERNAME']} changelog: 'CHANGES{,.txt}' notelog: 'NOTES{,.txt}' spec: specs: [spec/**/*_spec.rb, spec/**/spec_*.rb] loadpath: #{metadata.loadpath} require: [] warning: false command: spec live: false stats: loadpath: #{metadata.loadpath} exclude: ['ext'] test: tests: test/**/{test,tc}_*.rb loadpath: #{metadata.loadpath} require: [] exclude: ext command: testrb live: false