//I KNOW it is global but, I am unsure of another way to do it. var links = []; //global variable used to iterate var categoryPos = 0; $(document).ready(function(){ //make select boxes ajax-compatible by adding two params data-onchange=true and data-url="/path/to" $('select[data-onchange]').live("change",function(){ $.ajax({type: "post", url: $(this).attr("data-url"), data: $(this).serialize(), success: function(data){eval(data);}, dataType: "script"}); }); //make radio buttons onclick compatible $('input[type="radio"][data-onclick]').live("change",function() { data = $(this).serialize(); if($(this).attr("data-params")) { data += "&"+$(this).attr("data-params"); } $.ajax({type: "post", url: eval($(this).attr("data-onclick")), data: data, success: function(data){eval(data);}, dataType: "script"}); }); //start loading the pie charts... $("div.piechart").each(function(){ pieChart($(this).attr("id"),$(this).attr("data-xmlurl")); }); //bind click events to piehcart //start by loading the barcharts... $("div.barchart").each(function(){BarChart($(this).attr("id"),$(this).attr("data-xmlurl"))}); $('div.barchart').bind('jqplotDataClick', function (ev, seriesIndex, pointIndex, data) { /* To open in a NEW window use: */ /* window.open(data[2]); */ /* To open in the same window use: */ for(i = 0; i < data.length; i++) $("#debug").append("\nData["+i+"]:"+data[i]); $("#debug").append("\nlink: "+links[data[0]-1]); window.location = links[data[0]-1] } ); }); ///some helpter functions here //####THIS ONE HELPS PROCESS XML function BarChart(name,xmlurl) { //this is the BarChart Method //get the XML data $.get(xmlurl,function(xml){ //we have the URL object as xml var width = XMLWidth(xml);//The width of the chart var height = XMLHeight(xml); bars = getBars(xml); //append these to the div $("div#"+name).css("width",width); $("div#"+name).css("height",height); $.jqplot(name,bars,{ seriesDefaults:{ renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer, rendererOptions: {fillToZero: true, barWidth: barWidth(xml)} }, axes: { // Use a category axis on the x axis and use our custom ticks. xaxis: { renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer, ticks: getTicks(xml), autoscale: true }, yaxis: { min: getYAxisMin(xml), max: getYAxisMax(xml), autoscale: true, tickInterval: getTickInterval(xml) } } }); }); } function barWidth(xml) { var width = $(xml).find("render").attr("barWidth"); if(width) return width; else return null; } function getYAxisMin(xml) { var min = $(xml).find("yaxis").attr("min"); if(min) { return min; } else { return null; } } function getYAxisMax(xml) { var max = $(xml).find("yaxis").attr("max"); if(max) return max; if(!max) return null; } function getTicks(xml) { //this function should get the ticks from the XML var ticks = []; $(xml).find("tick").each(function(){ ticks.push($(this).attr("text")); }); return ticks; } function getBars(xml) { //this function aims at translating the data into a 2d array for rendering var twoDArray = []; $(xml).find("category").each( function(){ twoDArray.push(loadBars($(this))); }); debug2dArray(twoDArray); return twoDArray; } function XMLWidth(xml) { //get the width and height of the object via XML return $(xml).find("size").attr("width"); } function XMLHeight(xml) { return $(xml).find("size").attr("height"); } function loadBars(xml) { bars = []; $(xml).find("bar").each( function(){ //categoryPos = categoryPos+1; //$("#debug").append("\nCATEGORY POSSITION:"+categoryPos) //bars.push(categoryPos); bars.push($(this).attr("size")); link = $(this).attr("link"); if(link)links.push(link); else links.push("#"); }); return bars; } function getTickInterval(xml) { var interval = $(xml).find("yaxis").attr("tickInterval"); alert("INTERVAL IS: "+interval) if(interval) return interval; else return null; } function debug2dArray(arr) { $("#debug").append("\n["); for(i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { $("#debug").append("\n["); for(j = 0; j < arr[i].length; j++) { if(j != 0) $("#debug").append(","); $("#debug").append(arr[i][j]); } $("#debug").append("]"); } $("#debug").append("\n]"); return arr; } ///THIS IS THE PIE CHART SECTION, Somethings may be borrowed from BarCharts //###THINGS BORROWED FROM BARCHARTS: debug2dArray function pieChart(name,xmlurl) { $.get(xmlurl,function(xml) { loadSize(name,xml); slices= new Array(); slices.push(loadSlices(xml)); $("#debug").append("\nSLICES ARR (getting ready to load):"); debug2dArray(slices); //debug2dArray(slices) //now load in the pie chart var plot1 = $.jqplot(name,[slices], { seriesDefaults:{ renderer: $.jqplot.PieRenderer, rendererOptions:{ showDataLables: true }, }, legend:{show: true, location: 'e'} }); });//end get AJAX request } function loadSlices(xml) { slices = new Array(); $(xml).find("category").each( function() { $(this).find("slice").each( function() { slice = new Array($(this).attr("name")); slice.push(parseInt($(this).attr("size"))); slices.push(slice); } ); } ); return slices; } function loadSize(divid,xml) { width = $(xml).find("size").attr("width"); if(width) $("#"+divid).css("width",width); height = $(xml).find("size").attr("height"); if(height) $("#"+divid).css("height",height); $("#debug").append("\nWidth: "+width+"\nHeight:"+height); }