class SlackSmartBot def see_announcements(user, type, channel, mention=false, publish=false) save_stats(__method__) typem = Thread.current[:typem] general_message = "\nRelated commands `add announcement MESSAGE`, `delete announcement ID`" if channel == '' if typem == :on_call channel = Thread.current[:dchannel] else channel = Thread.current[:dest] end end if publish dest = channel else dest = Thread.current[:dest] end if type == 'all' if config.masters.include?( and typem==:on_dm channels = Dir.entries("#{config.path}/announcements/")! {|i| i[/\.csv$/]} else channels = [] respond "Only master admins on a DM with the SmarBot can call this command.", dest end elsif typem == :on_dm and channel == Thread.current[:dest] channels = [channel, @channel_id] else channels = [channel] end channels.each do |channel| channel.gsub!('.csv','') if channel[0]== 'D' channel_id = channel else get_channels_name_and_id() unless @channels_name.keys.include?(channel) or @channels_id.keys.include?(channel) channel_id = nil if @channels_name.key?(channel) #it is an id channel_id = channel channel = @channels_name[channel_id] elsif @channels_id.key?(channel) #it is a channel name channel_id = @channels_id[channel] end end if has_access?(__method__, user) if (channel_id!=Thread.current[:dest] and config.masters.include?( and typem==:on_dm) or publish see_announcements_on_demand = true else see_announcements_on_demand = false end if channel_id == Thread.current[:dest] or see_announcements_on_demand or publish #master admin user or publish_announcements if File.exists?("#{config.path}/announcements/#{channel_id}.csv") and (!@announcements.key?(channel_id) or see_announcements_on_demand) # to force to have the last version that maybe was updated by other SmartBot in case of demand t = CSV.table("#{config.path}/announcements/#{channel_id}.csv", headers: ['message_id', 'user_deleted', 'user_created', 'date', 'time', 'type', 'message']) @announcements[channel_id] = t end if @announcements.key?(channel_id) message = [] @announcements[channel_id].each do |m| if m[:user_deleted] == '' and (type == 'all' or type == '' or type==m[:type]) if m[:type].match?(/:\w+:/) emoji = m[:type] elsif m[:type] == 'white' emoji = ':white_square:' else emoji = ":large_#{m[:type]}_square:" end if mention user_created = "<@#{m[:user_created]}>" else user_created = m[:user_created] end if type == 'all' and channel_id[0]=='D' message << "\t#{m[:message_id]} #{emoji} *_#{m[:date]}_* #{m[:time]} *:* \t*private*" else message << "\t#{m[:message_id]} #{emoji} *_#{m[:date]}_* #{m[:time]} #{"#{user_created} " unless channel_id[0]=='D'}*:* \t#{m[:message]}" end end end if message.size > 0 if channel_id[0]=='D' if type == 'all' message.unshift("*Private messages stored on DM with the SmartBot and <@#{@announcements[channel_id][:user_created][0]}>*") else message.unshift("*Private messages stored on your DM with the SmartBot*") end else message.unshift("*Announcements for channel <##{channel_id}>*") end message << general_message respond message.join("\n"), dest else if typem == :on_dm and channel_id[0]=='D' respond("There are no #{type} announcements#{general_message}", dest) unless type == 'all' else respond("There are no #{type} announcements for <##{channel_id}>#{general_message}", dest) unless publish or type == 'all' or (typem==:on_dm and channel_id[0]!='D' and !see_announcements_on_demand) end end else if typem == :on_dm and channel_id[0]=='D' respond("There are no announcements#{general_message}", dest) unless type == 'all' else respond("There are no announcements for <##{channel_id}>#{general_message}", dest) unless publish or type == 'all' or (typem==:on_dm and channel_id[0]!='D' and !see_announcements_on_demand) end end else respond "Go to <##{channel_id}> and call the command from there.", dest end end end end end