module Lux class Template @@template_cache = {} class << self # scope is self or any other object # * methods called in templates will be called from scope # * scope = self, :main (prepare Rails style helper) # Lux::Template.render(scope, template) # Lux::Template.render(scope, template: template, layout: layout_file) # Lux::Template.render(scope, layout_template) { layout_data } def render scope, opts, &block opts = { template: opts } if opts.is_a?(String) opts = opts.to_hwia :layout, :template if opts.layout part_data = render(scope, opts.template) new(template: opts.layout, scope: scope).render { part_data } else new(template: opts.template, scope: scope).render &block end end def helper scope, name scope, name end def find_layout root, layout_template path = Lux.cache.fetch "layout-path-#{root}-#{layout_template}" do base1 = '%s/layouts/%s.*' % [root, layout_template] base2 = '%s/%s/layout.*' % [root, layout_template] path = Dir[base1][0] || Dir[base2][0] if path path.sub /\.[\w]+$/, '' else raise Lux::Error.not_found(%[Layout path for #{layout_template} not found. Looked in #{base1} & #{base2}]) end end end end ### def initialize template:, scope: template = './app/views/' + template if template =~ /^\w/ @helper = if scope.class == Hash # create helper class if only hash given else scope end compile_template template end def render # global thread safe reference pointer to last temaplte rendered # we nned this for inline template render Lux.current.files_in_use(@template) do |tpl| Lux.log ' ' + tpl.sub('//', '/').magenta end begin data = @tilt.render(@helper) do yield if block_given? end rescue => e report_error(e) end data end private def compile_template template pointer = if Lux.env.reload_code? Lux.current.var else Lux.var end pointer = (pointer[:_cached_templates] ||= {}) if ref = pointer[template] @tilt, @template = *ref return end Tilt.default_mapping.template_map.keys.each do |ext| test = [template, ext].join('.') if File.exist?(test) @template = test break end end unless @template msg = %[Lux::Template "#{template}.{erb,haml}" not found] raise Lux::Error.not_found(msg) end begin @tilt =, escape_html: false) pointer[template] = [@tilt, @template] rescue => e report_error(e) end end def report_error e if Lux.current.error raise Lux.current.error else Lux.current.error = e Lux.log ' %s (HAS ERROR)' % raise e end end end end