require 'set' module Katello module Concerns::PulpDatabaseUnit extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Katello::Concerns::SearchByRepositoryName # Class.repository_association_class # Class#update_from_json def backend_data self.class.pulp_data(pulp_id) || {} end module ClassMethods def content_unit_class "::Katello::Pulp::#{}".constantize end def manage_repository_association true end def repository_association end def immutable_unit_types [Katello::Rpm, Katello::Srpm] end def with_identifiers(ids) ids = [ids] unless ids.is_a?(Array)!(&:to_s) id_integers = { |string| Integer(string) rescue -1 } where("#{self.table_name}.id in (?) or #{self.table_name}.pulp_id in (?)", id_integers, ids) end def in_repositories(repos) if manage_repository_association where(:id => repository_association_class.where(:repository_id => repos).select(unit_id_field)) else where(:repository_id => repos) end end def pulp_data(pulp_id) end # Import all units of a single type and refresh their repository associations def import_all(pulp_ids = nil, options = {}) index_repository_association = options.fetch(:index_repository_association, true) && self.manage_repository_association process_block = lambda do |units| units.each do |unit| unit = unit.with_indifferent_access item = Katello::Util::Support.active_record_retry do self.where(:pulp_id => unit['_id']).first_or_create end item.update_from_json(unit) end if index_repository_association { |unit| unit.slice('_id', 'repository_memberships') } else units.count end end if pulp_ids results = content_unit_class.fetch_by_uuids(pulp_ids, &process_block).flatten update_repository_associations(results, true) if index_repository_association else results = content_unit_class.fetch_all(&process_block).flatten update_repository_associations(results) if index_repository_association end end def import_for_repository(repository, force = false) ids = content_unit_class.ids_for_repository(repository.pulp_id) # Rpms cannot change in Pulp so we do not index them if they are already present # in our database. Errata and Package Groups can change in Pulp, so we index # all of them in the repository on each sync. if immutable_unit_types.include?(self) && !force ids_to_import = ids - else ids_to_import = ids end self.import_all(ids_to_import, :index_repository_association => false) if repository.content_view.default? || force self.sync_repository_associations(repository, :pulp_ids => ids) if self.manage_repository_association end def unit_id_field "#{}_id" end def copy_repository_associations(source_repo, dest_repo) if manage_repository_association delete_query = "delete from #{repository_association_class.table_name} where repository_id = #{} and #{unit_id_field} not in (select #{unit_id_field} from #{repository_association_class.table_name} where repository_id = #{})" insert_query = "insert into #{repository_association_class.table_name} (repository_id, #{unit_id_field}) select #{} as repository_id, #{unit_id_field} from #{repository_association_class.table_name} where repository_id = #{} and #{unit_id_field} not in (select #{unit_id_field} from #{repository_association_class.table_name} where repository_id = #{})" else columns = column_names - ["id", "pulp_id", "created_at", "updated_at", "repository_id"] delete_query = "delete from #{self.table_name} where repository_id = #{} and pulp_id not in (select pulp_id from #{self.table_name} where repository_id = #{})" insert_query = "insert into #{self.table_name} (repository_id, pulp_id, #{columns.join(',')}) select #{} as repository_id, pulp_id, #{columns.join(',')} from #{self.table_name} where repository_id = #{} and pulp_id not in (select pulp_id from #{self.table_name} where repository_id = #{})" end ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(delete_query) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(insert_query) end def sync_repository_associations(repository, options = {}) additive = options.fetch(:additive, false) associated_ids = options.fetch(:ids, nil) pulp_ids = options.fetch(:pulp_ids) if associated_ids.nil? associated_ids = with_pulp_id(pulp_ids).pluck(:id) if pulp_ids table_name = self.repository_association_class.table_name attribute_name = unit_id_field existing_ids = self.repository_association_class.uncached do self.repository_association_class.where(:repository_id => repository).pluck(attribute_name) end new_ids = associated_ids - existing_ids delete_ids = existing_ids - associated_ids queries = [] if delete_ids.any? && !additive queries << "DELETE FROM #{table_name} WHERE repository_id=#{} AND #{attribute_name} IN (#{delete_ids.join(', ')})" end unless new_ids.empty? inserts = { |unit_id| "(#{unit_id.to_i}, #{}, '#{}', '#{}')" } queries << "INSERT INTO #{table_name} (#{attribute_name}, repository_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUES #{inserts.join(', ')}" end ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do queries.each do |query| ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(query) end end end def with_pulp_id(unit_pulp_ids) where(:pulp_id => unit_pulp_ids) end def update_repository_associations(units_json, additive = false) ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do repo_unit_id = {} repo_cache = {} units_json.each do |unit_json| unit_json['repository_memberships'].each do |repo_pulp_id| if (repo_cache[repo_pulp_id] ||= Repository.exists?(:pulp_id => repo_pulp_id)) repo_unit_id[repo_pulp_id] ||= [] repo_unit_id[repo_pulp_id] << unit_json['_id'] end end end repo_unit_id.each do |repo_pulp_id, unit_pulp_ids| sync_repository_associations(Repository.find_by(:pulp_id => repo_pulp_id), :pulp_ids => unit_pulp_ids, :additive => additive) end end end end end end