(function($) { var culture, cultures = $.cultures, en = cultures.en, standard = en.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ar"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ar", englishName: "Arabic", nativeName: "العربية", language: "ar", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$ n"], symbol: "ر.س.‏" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "UmAlQura", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { _yearInfo: [ // MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date [746, -2198707200000], [1769, -2168121600000], [3794, -2137449600000], [3748, -2106777600000], [3402, -2076192000000], [2710, -2045606400000], [1334, -2015020800000], [2741, -1984435200000], [3498, -1953763200000], [2980, -1923091200000], [2889, -1892505600000], [2707, -1861920000000], [1323, -1831334400000], [2647, -1800748800000], [1206, -1770076800000], [2741, -1739491200000], [1450, -1708819200000], [3413, -1678233600000], [3370, -1647561600000], [2646, -1616976000000], [1198, -1586390400000], [2397, -1555804800000], [748, -1525132800000], [1749, -1494547200000], [1706, -1463875200000], [1365, -1433289600000], [1195, -1402704000000], [2395, -1372118400000], [698, -1341446400000], [1397, -1310860800000], [2994, -1280188800000], [1892, -1249516800000], [1865, -1218931200000], [1621, -1188345600000], [683, -1157760000000], [1371, -1127174400000], [2778, -1096502400000], [1748, -1065830400000], [3785, -1035244800000], [3474, -1004572800000], [3365, -973987200000], [2637, -943401600000], [685, -912816000000], [1389, -882230400000], [2922, -851558400000], [2898, -820886400000], [2725, -790300800000], [2635, -759715200000], [1175, -729129600000], [2359, -698544000000], [694, -667872000000], [1397, -637286400000], [3434, -606614400000], [3410, -575942400000], [2710, -545356800000], [2349, -514771200000], [605, -484185600000], [1245, -453600000000], [2778, -422928000000], [1492, -392256000000], [3497, -361670400000], [3410, -330998400000], [2730, -300412800000], [1238, -269827200000], [2486, -239241600000], [884, -208569600000], [1897, -177984000000], [1874, -147312000000], [1701, -116726400000], [1355, -86140800000], [2731, -55555200000], [1370, -24883200000], [2773, 5702400000], [3538, 36374400000], [3492, 67046400000], [3401, 97632000000], [2709, 128217600000], [1325, 158803200000], [2653, 189388800000], [1370, 220060800000], [2773, 250646400000], [1706, 281318400000], [1685, 311904000000], [1323, 342489600000], [2647, 373075200000], [1198, 403747200000], [2422, 434332800000], [1388, 465004800000], [2901, 495590400000], [2730, 526262400000], [2645, 556848000000], [1197, 587433600000], [2397, 618019200000], [730, 648691200000], [1497, 679276800000], [3506, 709948800000], [2980, 740620800000], [2890, 771206400000], [2645, 801792000000], [693, 832377600000], [1397, 862963200000], [2922, 893635200000], [3026, 924307200000], [3012, 954979200000], [2953, 985564800000], [2709, 1016150400000], [1325, 1046736000000], [1453, 1077321600000], [2922, 1107993600000], [1748, 1138665600000], [3529, 1169251200000], [3474, 1199923200000], [2726, 1230508800000], [2390, 1261094400000], [686, 1291680000000], [1389, 1322265600000], [874, 1352937600000], [2901, 1383523200000], [2730, 1414195200000], [2381, 1444780800000], [1181, 1475366400000], [2397, 1505952000000], [698, 1536624000000], [1461, 1567209600000], [1450, 1597881600000], [3413, 1628467200000], [2714, 1659139200000], [2350, 1689724800000], [622, 1720310400000], [1373, 1750896000000], [2778, 1781568000000], [1748, 1812240000000], [1701, 1842825600000], [0, 1873411200000] ], minDate: -2198707200000, maxDate: 1873411199999, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var days = hday - 1, gyear = hyear - 1318; if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null; var info = this._yearInfo[gyear], gdate = new Date(info[1]), monthLength = info[0]; // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone, // not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) { days += 29 + (monthLength & 1); monthLength = monthLength >> 1; } gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone, // not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null; var hyear = 0, hmonth = 1; // find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { } if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) { hyear--; } var info = this._yearInfo[hyear], // how many days has it been since the date we found in the array? // 86400000 = ticks per day days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000), monthLength = info[0]; hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N // now increment day/month based on the total days, considering // how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year // mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case. var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); while (days >= daysInMonth) { days -= daysInMonth; monthLength = monthLength >> 1; daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); hmonth++; } // remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on // hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that. return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1]; } } }), Hijri: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }), Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Gregorian_Arabic: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_Arabic", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""], namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }), Gregorian_Localized: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليه","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليه","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM, yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }) } }, cultures["ar"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["bg"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "bg", englishName: "Bulgarian", nativeName: "български", language: "bg", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "лв." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["неделя","понеделник","вторник","сряда","четвъртък","петък","събота"], namesAbbr: ["нед","пон","вт","ср","четв","пет","съб"], namesShort: ["н","п","в","с","ч","п","с"] }, months: { names: ["януари","февруари","март","април","май","юни","юли","август","септември","октомври","ноември","декември",""], namesAbbr: ["ян","февр","март","апр","май","юни","юли","авг","септ","окт","ноември","дек",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"след новата ера","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy 'г.'", D: "dd MMMM yyyy 'г.'", t: "HH:mm 'ч.'", T: "HH:mm:ss 'ч.'", f: "dd MMMM yyyy 'г.' HH:mm 'ч.'", F: "dd MMMM yyyy 'г.' HH:mm:ss 'ч.'", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy 'г.'" } }) } }, cultures["bg"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ca"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ca", englishName: "Catalan", nativeName: "català", language: "ca", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["diumenge","dilluns","dimarts","dimecres","dijous","divendres","dissabte"], namesAbbr: ["dg.","dl.","dt.","dc.","dj.","dv.","ds."], namesShort: ["dg","dl","dt","dc","dj","dv","ds"] }, months: { names: ["gener","febrer","març","abril","maig","juny","juliol","agost","setembre","octubre","novembre","desembre",""], namesAbbr: ["gen","feb","març","abr","maig","juny","jul","ag","set","oct","nov","des",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, d' / 'MMMM' / 'yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd, d' / 'MMMM' / 'yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd, d' / 'MMMM' / 'yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' / 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ca"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["zh-Hans"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "zh-Hans", englishName: "Chinese (Simplified)", nativeName: "中文(简体)", language: "zh-Hans", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"] }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$n"], symbol: "¥" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["星期日","星期一","星期二","星期三","星期四","星期五","星期六"], namesAbbr: ["周日","周一","周二","周三","周四","周五","周六"], namesShort: ["日","一","二","三","四","五","六"] }, months: { names: ["一月","二月","三月","四月","五月","六月","七月","八月","九月","十月","十一月","十二月",""], namesAbbr: ["一月","二月","三月","四月","五月","六月","七月","八月","九月","十月","十一月","十二月",""] }, AM: ["上午","上午","上午"], PM: ["下午","下午","下午"], eras: [{"name":"公元","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy/M/d", D: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm", F: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm:ss", M: "M'月'd'日'", Y: "yyyy'年'M'月'" } }) } }, cultures["zh-Hans"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["cs"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "cs", englishName: "Czech", nativeName: "čeština", language: "cs", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "Kč" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["neděle","pondělí","úterý","středa","čtvrtek","pátek","sobota"], namesAbbr: ["ne","po","út","st","čt","pá","so"], namesShort: ["ne","po","út","st","čt","pá","so"] }, months: { names: ["leden","únor","březen","duben","květen","červen","červenec","srpen","září","říjen","listopad","prosinec",""], namesAbbr: ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["ledna","února","března","dubna","května","června","července","srpna","září","října","listopadu","prosince",""], namesAbbr: ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12",""] }, AM: ["dop.","dop.","DOP."], PM: ["odp.","odp.","ODP."], eras: [{"name":"n. l.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["cs"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["da"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "da", englishName: "Danish", nativeName: "dansk", language: "da", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "kr." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["søndag","mandag","tirsdag","onsdag","torsdag","fredag","lørdag"], namesAbbr: ["sø","ma","ti","on","to","fr","lø"], namesShort: ["sø","ma","ti","on","to","fr","lø"] }, months: { names: ["januar","februar","marts","april","maj","juni","juli","august","september","oktober","november","december",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","maj","jun","jul","aug","sep","okt","nov","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["da"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["de"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "de", englishName: "German", nativeName: "Deutsch", language: "de", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Sonntag","Montag","Dienstag","Mittwoch","Donnerstag","Freitag","Samstag"], namesAbbr: ["So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa"], namesShort: ["So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa"] }, months: { names: ["Januar","Februar","März","April","Mai","Juni","Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Dezember",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mrz","Apr","Mai","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dez",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"n. Chr.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd, d. 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MMMM'ta 'yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM'ta 'yyyy H:mm", F: "d. MMMM'ta 'yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM'ta'", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["fi"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["fr"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "fr", englishName: "French", nativeName: "français", language: "fr", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["fr"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["he"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "he", englishName: "Hebrew", nativeName: "עברית", language: "he", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"] }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], symbol: "₪" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["יום ראשון","יום שני","יום שלישי","יום רביעי","יום חמישי","יום שישי","שבת"], namesAbbr: ["יום א","יום ב","יום ג","יום ד","יום ה","יום ו","שבת"], namesShort: ["א","ב","ג","ד","ה","ו","ש"] }, months: { names: ["ינואר","פברואר","מרץ","אפריל","מאי","יוני","יולי","אוגוסט","ספטמבר","אוקטובר","נובמבר","דצמבר",""], namesAbbr: ["ינו","פבר","מרץ","אפר","מאי","יונ","יול","אוג","ספט","אוק","נוב","דצמ",""] }, eras: [{"name":"לספירה","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }), Hebrew: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hebrew", '/': " ", days: { names: ["יום ראשון","יום שני","יום שלישי","יום רביעי","יום חמישי","יום שישי","שבת"], namesAbbr: ["א","ב","ג","ד","ה","ו","ש"], namesShort: ["א","ב","ג","ד","ה","ו","ש"] }, months: { names: ["תשרי","חשון","כסלו","טבת","שבט","אדר","אדר ב","ניסן","אייר","סיון","תמוז","אב","אלול"], namesAbbr: ["תשרי","חשון","כסלו","טבת","שבט","אדר","אדר ב","ניסן","אייר","סיון","תמוז","אב","אלול"] }, eras: [{"name":"C.E.","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 5790, patterns: { d: "dd MMMM yyyy", D: "dddd dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["he"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["hu"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "hu", englishName: "Hungarian", nativeName: "magyar", language: "hu", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "Ft" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["vasárnap","hétfő","kedd","szerda","csütörtök","péntek","szombat"], namesAbbr: ["V","H","K","Sze","Cs","P","Szo"], namesShort: ["V","H","K","Sze","Cs","P","Szo"] }, months: { names: ["január","február","március","április","május","június","július","augusztus","szeptember","október","november","december",""], namesAbbr: ["jan.","febr.","márc.","ápr.","máj.","jún.","júl.","aug.","szept.","okt.","nov.","dec.",""] }, AM: ["de.","de.","DE."], PM: ["du.","du.","DU."], eras: [{"name":"i.sz.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy.MM.dd.", D: "yyyy. MMMM d.", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "yyyy. MMMM d. H:mm", F: "yyyy. MMMM d. H:mm:ss", M: "MMMM d.", Y: "yyyy. MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["hu"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["is"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "is", englishName: "Icelandic", nativeName: "íslenska", language: "is", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], decimals: 0, ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "kr." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["sunnudagur","mánudagur","þriðjudagur","miðvikudagur","fimmtudagur","föstudagur","laugardagur"], namesAbbr: ["sun.","mán.","þri.","mið.","fim.","fös.","lau."], namesShort: ["su","má","þr","mi","fi","fö","la"] }, months: { names: ["janúar","febrúar","mars","apríl","maí","júní","júlí","ágúst","september","október","nóvember","desember",""], namesAbbr: ["jan.","feb.","mar.","apr.","maí","jún.","júl.","ágú.","sep.","okt.","nóv.","des.",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["is"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["it"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "it", englishName: "Italian", nativeName: "italiano", language: "it", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-$ n","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["domenica","lunedì","martedì","mercoledì","giovedì","venerdì","sabato"], namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mer","gio","ven","sab"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","me","gi","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["gennaio","febbraio","marzo","aprile","maggio","giugno","luglio","agosto","settembre","ottobre","novembre","dicembre",""], namesAbbr: ["gen","feb","mar","apr","mag","giu","lug","ago","set","ott","nov","dic",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["it"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ja"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ja", englishName: "Japanese", nativeName: "日本語", language: "ja", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"] }, currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"], decimals: 0, symbol: "¥" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["日曜日","月曜日","火曜日","水曜日","木曜日","金曜日","土曜日"], namesAbbr: ["日","月","火","水","木","金","土"], namesShort: ["日","月","火","水","木","金","土"] }, months: { names: ["1月","2月","3月","4月","5月","6月","7月","8月","9月","10月","11月","12月",""], namesAbbr: ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12",""] }, AM: ["午前","午前","午前"], PM: ["午後","午後","午後"], eras: [{"name":"西暦","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy/MM/dd", D: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm", F: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm:ss", M: "M'月'd'日'", Y: "yyyy'年'M'月'" } }), Japanese: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Japanese", days: { names: ["日曜日","月曜日","火曜日","水曜日","木曜日","金曜日","土曜日"], namesAbbr: ["日","月","火","水","木","金","土"], namesShort: ["日","月","火","水","木","金","土"] }, months: { names: ["1月","2月","3月","4月","5月","6月","7月","8月","9月","10月","11月","12月",""], namesAbbr: ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12",""] }, AM: ["午前","午前","午前"], PM: ["午後","午後","午後"], eras: [{"name":"平成","start":null,"offset":1867},{"name":"昭和","start":-1812153600000,"offset":1911},{"name":"大正","start":-1357603200000,"offset":1925},{"name":"明治","start":60022080000,"offset":1988}], twoDigitYearMax: 99, patterns: { d: "gg y/M/d", D: "gg y'年'M'月'd'日'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "gg y'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm", F: "gg y'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm:ss", M: "M'月'd'日'", Y: "gg y'年'M'月'" } }) } }, cultures["ja"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ko"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ko", englishName: "Korean", nativeName: "한국어", language: "ko", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"], decimals: 0, symbol: "₩" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", days: { names: ["일요일","월요일","화요일","수요일","목요일","금요일","토요일"], namesAbbr: ["일","월","화","수","목","금","토"], namesShort: ["일","월","화","수","목","금","토"] }, months: { names: ["1월","2월","3월","4월","5월","6월","7월","8월","9월","10월","11월","12월",""], namesAbbr: ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12",""] }, AM: ["오전","오전","오전"], PM: ["오후","오후","오후"], eras: [{"name":"서기","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy-MM-dd", D: "yyyy'년' M'월' d'일' dddd", t: "tt h:mm", T: "tt h:mm:ss", f: "yyyy'년' M'월' d'일' dddd tt h:mm", F: "yyyy'년' M'월' d'일' dddd tt h:mm:ss", M: "M'월' d'일'", Y: "yyyy'년' M'월'" } }), Korean: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Korean", '/': "-", days: { names: ["일요일","월요일","화요일","수요일","목요일","금요일","토요일"], namesAbbr: ["일","월","화","수","목","금","토"], namesShort: ["일","월","화","수","목","금","토"] }, months: { names: ["1월","2월","3월","4월","5월","6월","7월","8월","9월","10월","11월","12월",""], namesAbbr: ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12",""] }, AM: ["오전","오전","오전"], PM: ["오후","오후","오후"], eras: [{"name":"단기","start":null,"offset":-2333}], twoDigitYearMax: 4362, patterns: { d: "gg yyyy-MM-dd", D: "gg yyyy'년' M'월' d'일' dddd", t: "tt h:mm", T: "tt h:mm:ss", f: "gg yyyy'년' M'월' d'일' dddd tt h:mm", F: "gg yyyy'년' M'월' d'일' dddd tt h:mm:ss", M: "M'월' d'일'", Y: "gg yyyy'년' M'월'" } }) } }, cultures["ko"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["nl"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "nl", englishName: "Dutch", nativeName: "Nederlands", language: "nl", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["zondag","maandag","dinsdag","woensdag","donderdag","vrijdag","zaterdag"], namesAbbr: ["zo","ma","di","wo","do","vr","za"], namesShort: ["zo","ma","di","wo","do","vr","za"] }, months: { names: ["januari","februari","maart","april","mei","juni","juli","augustus","september","oktober","november","december",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mrt","apr","mei","jun","jul","aug","sep","okt","nov","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "d-M-yyyy", D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["nl"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["no"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "no", englishName: "Norwegian", nativeName: "norsk", language: "no", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "kr" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["søndag","mandag","tirsdag","onsdag","torsdag","fredag","lørdag"], namesAbbr: ["sø","ma","ti","on","to","fr","lø"], namesShort: ["sø","ma","ti","on","to","fr","lø"] }, months: { names: ["januar","februar","mars","april","mai","juni","juli","august","september","oktober","november","desember",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","mai","jun","jul","aug","sep","okt","nov","des",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["no"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["pl"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "pl", englishName: "Polish", nativeName: "polski", language: "pl", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "zł" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["niedziela","poniedziałek","wtorek","środa","czwartek","piątek","sobota"], namesAbbr: ["N","Pn","Wt","Śr","Cz","Pt","So"], namesShort: ["N","Pn","Wt","Śr","Cz","Pt","So"] }, months: { names: ["styczeń","luty","marzec","kwiecień","maj","czerwiec","lipiec","sierpień","wrzesień","październik","listopad","grudzień",""], namesAbbr: ["sty","lut","mar","kwi","maj","cze","lip","sie","wrz","paź","lis","gru",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["stycznia","lutego","marca","kwietnia","maja","czerwca","lipca","sierpnia","września","października","listopada","grudnia",""], namesAbbr: ["sty","lut","mar","kwi","maj","cze","lip","sie","wrz","paź","lis","gru",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "yyyy-MM-dd", D: "d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["pl"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["pt"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "pt", englishName: "Portuguese", nativeName: "Português", language: "pt", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-$ n","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "R$" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["domingo","segunda-feira","terça-feira","quarta-feira","quinta-feira","sexta-feira","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","seg","ter","qua","qui","sex","sáb"], namesShort: ["D","S","T","Q","Q","S","S"] }, months: { names: ["janeiro","fevereiro","março","abril","maio","junho","julho","agosto","setembro","outubro","novembro","dezembro",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","fev","mar","abr","mai","jun","jul","ago","set","out","nov","dez",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd, d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd, d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd' de 'MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["pt"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["rm"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "rm", englishName: "Romansh", nativeName: "Rumantsch", language: "rm", numberFormat: { ',': "'", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': "'" }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], ',': "'", symbol: "fr." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["dumengia","glindesdi","mardi","mesemna","gievgia","venderdi","sonda"], namesAbbr: ["du","gli","ma","me","gie","ve","so"], namesShort: ["du","gli","ma","me","gie","ve","so"] }, months: { names: ["schaner","favrer","mars","avrigl","matg","zercladur","fanadur","avust","settember","october","november","december",""], namesAbbr: ["schan","favr","mars","avr","matg","zercl","fan","avust","sett","oct","nov","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"s. Cr.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["rm"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ro"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ro", englishName: "Romanian", nativeName: "română", language: "ro", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "lei" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["duminică","luni","marţi","miercuri","joi","vineri","sâmbătă"], namesAbbr: ["D","L","Ma","Mi","J","V","S"], namesShort: ["D","L","Ma","Mi","J","V","S"] }, months: { names: ["ianuarie","februarie","martie","aprilie","mai","iunie","iulie","august","septembrie","octombrie","noiembrie","decembrie",""], namesAbbr: ["ian.","feb.","mar.","apr.","mai.","iun.","iul.","aug.","sep.","oct.","nov.","dec.",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ro"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ru"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ru", englishName: "Russian", nativeName: "русский", language: "ru", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n$","n$"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "р." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["воскресенье","понедельник","вторник","среда","четверг","пятница","суббота"], namesAbbr: ["Вс","Пн","Вт","Ср","Чт","Пт","Сб"], namesShort: ["Вс","Пн","Вт","Ср","Чт","Пт","Сб"] }, months: { names: ["Январь","Февраль","Март","Апрель","Май","Июнь","Июль","Август","Сентябрь","Октябрь","Ноябрь","Декабрь",""], namesAbbr: ["янв","фев","мар","апр","май","июн","июл","авг","сен","окт","ноя","дек",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["января","февраля","марта","апреля","мая","июня","июля","августа","сентября","октября","ноября","декабря",""], namesAbbr: ["янв","фев","мар","апр","май","июн","июл","авг","сен","окт","ноя","дек",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "d MMMM yyyy 'г.'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy 'г.' H:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy 'г.' H:mm:ss", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ru"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["hr"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "hr", englishName: "Croatian", nativeName: "hrvatski", language: "hr", numberFormat: { pattern: ["- n"], ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "kn" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["nedjelja","ponedjeljak","utorak","srijeda","četvrtak","petak","subota"], namesAbbr: ["ned","pon","uto","sri","čet","pet","sub"], namesShort: ["ne","po","ut","sr","če","pe","su"] }, months: { names: ["siječanj","veljača","ožujak","travanj","svibanj","lipanj","srpanj","kolovoz","rujan","listopad","studeni","prosinac",""], namesAbbr: ["sij","vlj","ožu","tra","svi","lip","srp","kol","ruj","lis","stu","pro",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["siječnja","veljače","ožujka","travnja","svibnja","lipnja","srpnja","kolovoza","rujna","listopada","studenog","prosinca",""], namesAbbr: ["sij","vlj","ožu","tra","svi","lip","srp","kol","ruj","lis","stu","pro",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy.", D: "d. MMMM yyyy.", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy. H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy. H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["hr"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sk"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sk", englishName: "Slovak", nativeName: "slovenčina", language: "sk", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ". ", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["nedeľa","pondelok","utorok","streda","štvrtok","piatok","sobota"], namesAbbr: ["ne","po","ut","st","št","pi","so"], namesShort: ["ne","po","ut","st","št","pi","so"] }, months: { names: ["január","február","marec","apríl","máj","jún","júl","august","september","október","november","december",""], namesAbbr: ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["januára","februára","marca","apríla","mája","júna","júla","augusta","septembra","októbra","novembra","decembra",""], namesAbbr: ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"n. l.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d. M. yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["sk"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sq"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sq", englishName: "Albanian", nativeName: "shqipe", language: "sq", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n$","n$"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "Lek" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["e diel","e hënë","e martë","e mërkurë","e enjte","e premte","e shtunë"], namesAbbr: ["Die","Hën","Mar","Mër","Enj","Pre","Sht"], namesShort: ["Di","Hë","Ma","Më","En","Pr","Sh"] }, months: { names: ["janar","shkurt","mars","prill","maj","qershor","korrik","gusht","shtator","tetor","nëntor","dhjetor",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Shk","Mar","Pri","Maj","Qer","Kor","Gsh","Sht","Tet","Nën","Dhj",""] }, AM: ["PD","pd","PD"], PM: ["MD","md","MD"], patterns: { d: "yyyy-MM-dd", D: "yyyy-MM-dd", t: "h:mm.tt", T: "h:mm:ss.tt", f: "yyyy-MM-dd h:mm.tt", F: "yyyy-MM-dd h:mm:ss.tt", Y: "yyyy-MM" } }) } }, cultures["sq"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sv"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sv", englishName: "Swedish", nativeName: "svenska", language: "sv", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "kr" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["söndag","måndag","tisdag","onsdag","torsdag","fredag","lördag"], namesAbbr: ["sö","må","ti","on","to","fr","lö"], namesShort: ["sö","må","ti","on","to","fr","lö"] }, months: { names: ["januari","februari","mars","april","maj","juni","juli","augusti","september","oktober","november","december",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","maj","jun","jul","aug","sep","okt","nov","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "yyyy-MM-dd", D: "'den 'd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "'den 'd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "'den 'd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "'den 'd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["sv"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["th"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "th", englishName: "Thai", nativeName: "ไทย", language: "th", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"], symbol: "฿" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "ThaiBuddhist", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["อาทิตย์","จันทร์","อังคาร","พุธ","พฤหัสบดี","ศุกร์","เสาร์"], namesAbbr: ["อา.","จ.","อ.","พ.","พฤ.","ศ.","ส."], namesShort: ["อ","จ","อ","พ","พ","ศ","ส"] }, months: { names: ["มกราคม","กุมภาพันธ์","มีนาคม","เมษายน","พฤษภาคม","มิถุนายน","กรกฎาคม","สิงหาคม","กันยายน","ตุลาคม","พฤศจิกายน","ธันวาคม",""], namesAbbr: ["ม.ค.","ก.พ.","มี.ค.","เม.ย.","พ.ค.","มิ.ย.","ก.ค.","ส.ค.","ก.ย.","ต.ค.","พ.ย.","ธ.ค.",""] }, eras: [{"name":"พ.ศ.","start":null,"offset":-543}], twoDigitYearMax: 2572, patterns: { d: "d/M/yyyy", D: "d MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }), Gregorian_Localized: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["อาทิตย์","จันทร์","อังคาร","พุธ","พฤหัสบดี","ศุกร์","เสาร์"], namesAbbr: ["อา.","จ.","อ.","พ.","พฤ.","ศ.","ส."], namesShort: ["อ","จ","อ","พ","พ","ศ","ส"] }, months: { names: ["มกราคม","กุมภาพันธ์","มีนาคม","เมษายน","พฤษภาคม","มิถุนายน","กรกฎาคม","สิงหาคม","กันยายน","ตุลาคม","พฤศจิกายน","ธันวาคม",""], namesAbbr: ["ม.ค.","ก.พ.","มี.ค.","เม.ย.","พ.ค.","มิ.ย.","ก.ค.","ส.ค.","ก.ย.","ต.ค.","พ.ย.","ธ.ค.",""] }, patterns: { d: "d/M/yyyy", D: "'วัน'dddd'ที่' d MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "'วัน'dddd'ที่' d MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "'วัน'dddd'ที่' d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["th"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["tr"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "tr", englishName: "Turkish", nativeName: "Türkçe", language: "tr", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "TL" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Pazar","Pazartesi","Salı","Çarşamba","Perşembe","Cuma","Cumartesi"], namesAbbr: ["Paz","Pzt","Sal","Çar","Per","Cum","Cmt"], namesShort: ["Pz","Pt","Sa","Ça","Pe","Cu","Ct"] }, months: { names: ["Ocak","Şubat","Mart","Nisan","Mayıs","Haziran","Temmuz","Ağustos","Eylül","Ekim","Kasım","Aralık",""], namesAbbr: ["Oca","Şub","Mar","Nis","May","Haz","Tem","Ağu","Eyl","Eki","Kas","Ara",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy dddd", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy dddd HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy dddd HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["tr"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ur"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ur", englishName: "Urdu", nativeName: "اُردو", language: "ur", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$n"], symbol: "Rs" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["اتوار","پير","منگل","بدھ","جمعرات","جمعه","هفته"], namesAbbr: ["اتوار","پير","منگل","بدھ","جمعرات","جمعه","هفته"], namesShort: ["ا","پ","م","ب","ج","ج","ه"] }, months: { names: ["جنوری","فروری","مارچ","اپریل","مئی","جون","جولائی","اگست","ستمبر","اکتوبر","نومبر","دسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["جنوری","فروری","مارچ","اپریل","مئی","جون","جولائی","اگست","ستمبر","اکتوبر","نومبر","دسمبر",""] }, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM, yyyy", f: "dd MMMM, yyyy h:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Hijri: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", f: "dd/MM/yyyy h:mm tt", F: "dd/MM/yyyy h:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }) } }, cultures["ur"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["id"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "id", englishName: "Indonesian", nativeName: "Bahasa Indonesia", language: "id", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { decimals: 0, ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "Rp" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Minggu","Senin","Selasa","Rabu","Kamis","Jumat","Sabtu"], namesAbbr: ["Minggu","Sen","Sel","Rabu","Kamis","Jumat","Sabtu"], namesShort: ["M","S","S","R","K","J","S"] }, months: { names: ["Januari","Februari","Maret","April","Mei","Juni","Juli","Agustus","September","Oktober","Nopember","Desember",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Mei","Jun","Jul","Agust","Sep","Okt","Nop","Des",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["id"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["uk"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "uk", englishName: "Ukrainian", nativeName: "українська", language: "uk", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n$","n$"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "₴" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["неділя","понеділок","вівторок","середа","четвер","п'ятниця","субота"], namesAbbr: ["Нд","Пн","Вт","Ср","Чт","Пт","Сб"], namesShort: ["Нд","Пн","Вт","Ср","Чт","Пт","Сб"] }, months: { names: ["Січень","Лютий","Березень","Квітень","Травень","Червень","Липень","Серпень","Вересень","Жовтень","Листопад","Грудень",""], namesAbbr: ["Січ","Лют","Бер","Кві","Тра","Чер","Лип","Сер","Вер","Жов","Лис","Гру",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["січня","лютого","березня","квітня","травня","червня","липня","серпня","вересня","жовтня","листопада","грудня",""], namesAbbr: ["січ","лют","бер","кві","тра","чер","лип","сер","вер","жов","лис","гру",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "d MMMM yyyy' р.'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy' р.' H:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy' р.' H:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy' р.'" } }) } }, cultures["uk"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["be"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "be", englishName: "Belarusian", nativeName: "Беларускі", language: "be", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "р." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["нядзеля","панядзелак","аўторак","серада","чацвер","пятніца","субота"], namesAbbr: ["нд","пн","аў","ср","чц","пт","сб"], namesShort: ["нд","пн","аў","ср","чц","пт","сб"] }, months: { names: ["Студзень","Люты","Сакавік","Красавік","Май","Чэрвень","Ліпень","Жнівень","Верасень","Кастрычнік","Лістапад","Снежань",""], namesAbbr: ["Сту","Лют","Сак","Кра","Май","Чэр","Ліп","Жні","Вер","Кас","Ліс","Сне",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["студзеня","лютага","сакавіка","красавіка","мая","чэрвеня","ліпеня","жніўня","верасня","кастрычніка","лістапада","снежня",""], namesAbbr: ["Сту","Лют","Сак","Кра","Май","Чэр","Ліп","Жні","Вер","Кас","Ліс","Сне",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "d MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["be"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sl"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sl", englishName: "Slovenian", nativeName: "slovenski", language: "sl", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["nedelja","ponedeljek","torek","sreda","četrtek","petek","sobota"], namesAbbr: ["ned","pon","tor","sre","čet","pet","sob"], namesShort: ["ne","po","to","sr","če","pe","so"] }, months: { names: ["januar","februar","marec","april","maj","junij","julij","avgust","september","oktober","november","december",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","maj","jun","jul","avg","sep","okt","nov","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["sl"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["et"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "et", englishName: "Estonian", nativeName: "eesti", language: "et", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", symbol: "kr" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["pühapäev","esmaspäev","teisipäev","kolmapäev","neljapäev","reede","laupäev"], namesAbbr: ["P","E","T","K","N","R","L"], namesShort: ["P","E","T","K","N","R","L"] }, months: { names: ["jaanuar","veebruar","märts","aprill","mai","juuni","juuli","august","september","oktoober","november","detsember",""], namesAbbr: ["jaan","veebr","märts","apr","mai","juuni","juuli","aug","sept","okt","nov","dets",""] }, AM: ["EL","el","EL"], PM: ["PL","pl","PL"], patterns: { d: "d.MM.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy'. a.'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy'. a.' H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy'. a.' H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy'. a.'" } }) } }, cultures["et"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["lv"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "lv", englishName: "Latvian", nativeName: "latviešu", language: "lv", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-$ n","$ n"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "Ls" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["svētdiena","pirmdiena","otrdiena","trešdiena","ceturtdiena","piektdiena","sestdiena"], namesAbbr: ["sv","pr","ot","tr","ce","pk","se"], namesShort: ["sv","pr","ot","tr","ce","pk","se"] }, months: { names: ["janvāris","februāris","marts","aprīlis","maijs","jūnijs","jūlijs","augusts","septembris","oktobris","novembris","decembris",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","mai","jūn","jūl","aug","sep","okt","nov","dec",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["janvārī","februārī","martā","aprīlī","maijā","jūnijā","jūlijā","augustā","septembrī","oktobrī","novembrī","decembrī",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","mai","jūn","jūl","aug","sep","okt","nov","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "yyyy.MM.dd.", D: "dddd, yyyy'. gada 'd. MMMM", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd, yyyy'. gada 'd. MMMM H:mm", F: "dddd, yyyy'. gada 'd. MMMM H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "yyyy. MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["lv"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["lt"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "lt", englishName: "Lithuanian", nativeName: "lietuvių", language: "lt", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "Lt" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["sekmadienis","pirmadienis","antradienis","trečiadienis","ketvirtadienis","penktadienis","šeštadienis"], namesAbbr: ["Sk","Pr","An","Tr","Kt","Pn","Št"], namesShort: ["S","P","A","T","K","Pn","Š"] }, months: { names: ["sausis","vasaris","kovas","balandis","gegužė","birželis","liepa","rugpjūtis","rugsėjis","spalis","lapkritis","gruodis",""], namesAbbr: ["Sau","Vas","Kov","Bal","Geg","Bir","Lie","Rgp","Rgs","Spl","Lap","Grd",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["sausio","vasario","kovo","balandžio","gegužės","birželio","liepos","rugpjūčio","rugsėjo","spalio","lapkričio","gruodžio",""], namesAbbr: ["Sau","Vas","Kov","Bal","Geg","Bir","Lie","Rgp","Rgs","Spl","Lap","Grd",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "yyyy.MM.dd", D: "yyyy 'm.' MMMM d 'd.'", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "yyyy 'm.' MMMM d 'd.' HH:mm", F: "yyyy 'm.' MMMM d 'd.' HH:mm:ss", M: "MMMM d 'd.'", Y: "yyyy 'm.' MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["lt"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["tg"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "tg", englishName: "Tajik", nativeName: "Тоҷикӣ", language: "tg", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], groupSizes: [3,0], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], groupSizes: [3,0], ',': " ", '.': ";", symbol: "т.р." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", days: { names: ["Яш","Душанбе","Сешанбе","Чоршанбе","Панҷшанбе","Ҷумъа","Шанбе"], namesAbbr: ["Яш","Дш","Сш","Чш","Пш","Ҷм","Шн"], namesShort: ["Яш","Дш","Сш","Чш","Пш","Ҷм","Шн"] }, months: { names: ["Январ","Феврал","Март","Апрел","Май","Июн","Июл","Август","Сентябр","Октябр","Ноябр","Декабр",""], namesAbbr: ["Янв","Фев","Мар","Апр","Май","Июн","Июл","Авг","Сен","Окт","Ноя","Дек",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["январи","феврали","марти","апрели","маи","июни","июли","августи","сентябри","октябри","ноябри","декабри",""], namesAbbr: ["Янв","Фев","Мар","Апр","Май","Июн","Июл","Авг","Сен","Окт","Ноя","Дек",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yy", D: "d MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["tg"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["fa"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "fa", englishName: "Persian", nativeName: "فارسى", language: "fa", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$ n"], '.': "/", symbol: "ريال" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ق.ظ","ق.ظ","ق.ظ"], PM: ["ب.ظ","ب.ظ","ب.ظ"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }), Gregorian_Localized: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["يكشنبه","دوشنبه","سه شنبه","چهارشنبه","پنجشنبه","جمعه","شنبه"], namesAbbr: ["يكشنبه","دوشنبه","سه شنبه","چهارشنبه","پنجشنبه","جمعه","شنبه"], namesShort: ["ی","د","س","چ","پ","ج","ش"] }, months: { names: ["ژانويه","فوريه","مارس","آوريل","مى","ژوئن","ژوئيه","اوت","سپتامبر","اُكتبر","نوامبر","دسامبر",""], namesAbbr: ["ژانويه","فوريه","مارس","آوريل","مى","ژوئن","ژوئيه","اوت","سپتامبر","اُكتبر","نوامبر","دسامبر",""] }, AM: ["ق.ظ","ق.ظ","ق.ظ"], PM: ["ب.ظ","ب.ظ","ب.ظ"], patterns: { d: "yyyy/MM/dd", D: "yyyy/MM/dd", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm tt", F: "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Hijri: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ق.ظ","ق.ظ","ق.ظ"], PM: ["ب.ظ","ب.ظ","ب.ظ"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["أ","ا","ث","أ","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","ابريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","اغسطس","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ق.ظ","ق.ظ","ق.ظ"], PM: ["ب.ظ","ب.ظ","ب.ظ"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }) } }, cultures["fa"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["vi"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "vi", englishName: "Vietnamese", nativeName: "Tiếng Việt", language: "vi", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "₫" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Chủ Nhật","Thứ Hai","Thứ Ba","Thứ Tư","Thứ Năm","Thứ Sáu","Thứ Bảy"], namesAbbr: ["CN","Hai","Ba","Tư","Năm","Sáu","Bảy"], namesShort: ["C","H","B","T","N","S","B"] }, months: { names: ["Tháng Giêng","Tháng Hai","Tháng Ba","Tháng Tư","Tháng Năm","Tháng Sáu","Tháng Bảy","Tháng Tám","Tháng Chín","Tháng Mười","Tháng Mười Một","Tháng Mười Hai",""], namesAbbr: ["Thg1","Thg2","Thg3","Thg4","Thg5","Thg6","Thg7","Thg8","Thg9","Thg10","Thg11","Thg12",""] }, AM: ["SA","sa","SA"], PM: ["CH","ch","CH"], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", f: "dd MMMM yyyy h:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["vi"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["hy"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "hy", englishName: "Armenian", nativeName: "Հայերեն", language: "hy", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], symbol: "դր." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Կիրակի","Երկուշաբթի","Երեքշաբթի","Չորեքշաբթի","Հինգշաբթի","ՈՒրբաթ","Շաբաթ"], namesAbbr: ["Կիր","Երկ","Երք","Չրք","Հնգ","ՈՒր","Շբթ"], namesShort: ["Կ","Ե","Ե","Չ","Հ","Ո","Շ"] }, months: { names: ["Հունվար","Փետրվար","Մարտ","Ապրիլ","Մայիս","Հունիս","Հուլիս","Օգոստոս","Սեպտեմբեր","Հոկտեմբեր","Նոյեմբեր","Դեկտեմբեր",""], namesAbbr: ["ՀՆՎ","ՓՏՎ","ՄՐՏ","ԱՊՐ","ՄՅՍ","ՀՆՍ","ՀԼՍ","ՕԳՍ","ՍԵՊ","ՀՈԿ","ՆՈՅ","ԴԵԿ",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "d MMMM, yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM, yyyy H:mm", F: "d MMMM, yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["hy"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["az"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "az", englishName: "Azeri", nativeName: "Azərbaycan­ılı", language: "az", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "man." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Bazar","Bazar ertəsi","Çərşənbə axşamı","Çərşənbə","Cümə axşamı","Cümə","Şənbə"], namesAbbr: ["B","Be","Ça","Ç","Ca","C","Ş"], namesShort: ["B","Be","Ça","Ç","Ca","C","Ş"] }, months: { names: ["Yanvar","Fevral","Mart","Aprel","May","İyun","İyul","Avgust","Sentyabr","Oktyabr","Noyabr","Dekabr",""], namesAbbr: ["Yan","Fev","Mar","Apr","May","İyun","İyul","Avg","Sen","Okt","Noy","Dek",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["yanvar","fevral","mart","aprel","may","iyun","iyul","avgust","sentyabr","oktyabr","noyabr","dekabr",""], namesAbbr: ["Yan","Fev","Mar","Apr","May","İyun","İyul","Avg","Sen","Okt","Noy","Dek",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "d MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["az"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["eu"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "eu", englishName: "Basque", nativeName: "euskara", language: "eu", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["igandea","astelehena","asteartea","asteazkena","osteguna","ostirala","larunbata"], namesAbbr: ["ig.","al.","as.","az.","og.","or.","lr."], namesShort: ["ig","al","as","az","og","or","lr"] }, months: { names: ["urtarrila","otsaila","martxoa","apirila","maiatza","ekaina","uztaila","abuztua","iraila","urria","azaroa","abendua",""], namesAbbr: ["urt.","ots.","mar.","api.","mai.","eka.","uzt.","abu.","ira.","urr.","aza.","abe.",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy/MM/dd", D: "dddd, yyyy.'eko' MMMM'k 'd", t: "HH:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd, yyyy.'eko' MMMM'k 'd HH:mm", F: "dddd, yyyy.'eko' MMMM'k 'd H:mm:ss", Y: "yyyy.'eko' MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["eu"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["hsb"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "hsb", englishName: "Upper Sorbian", nativeName: "hornjoserbšćina", language: "hsb", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ". ", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["njedźela","póndźela","wutora","srjeda","štwórtk","pjatk","sobota"], namesAbbr: ["nje","pón","wut","srj","štw","pja","sob"], namesShort: ["n","p","w","s","š","p","s"] }, months: { names: ["januar","februar","měrc","apryl","meja","junij","julij","awgust","september","oktober","nowember","december",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","měr","apr","mej","jun","jul","awg","sep","okt","now","dec",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["januara","februara","měrca","apryla","meje","junija","julija","awgusta","septembra","oktobra","nowembra","decembra",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","měr","apr","mej","jun","jul","awg","sep","okt","now","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"po Chr.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d. M. yyyy", D: "dddd, 'dnja' d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H.mm 'hodź.'", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd, 'dnja' d. MMMM yyyy H.mm 'hodź.'", F: "dddd, 'dnja' d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["hsb"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["mk"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "mk", englishName: "Macedonian (FYROM)", nativeName: "македонски јазик", language: "mk", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "ден." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["недела","понеделник","вторник","среда","четврток","петок","сабота"], namesAbbr: ["нед","пон","втр","срд","чет","пет","саб"], namesShort: ["не","по","вт","ср","че","пе","са"] }, months: { names: ["јануари","февруари","март","април","мај","јуни","јули","август","септември","октомври","ноември","декември",""], namesAbbr: ["јан","фев","мар","апр","мај","јун","јул","авг","сеп","окт","ное","дек",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["mk"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["tn"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "tn", englishName: "Setswana", nativeName: "Setswana", language: "tn", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"] }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], symbol: "R" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["Latshipi","Mosupologo","Labobedi","Laboraro","Labone","Labotlhano","Lamatlhatso"], namesAbbr: ["Ltp.","Mos.","Lbd.","Lbr.","Lbn.","Lbt.","Lmt."], namesShort: ["Lp","Ms","Lb","Lr","Ln","Lt","Lm"] }, months: { names: ["Ferikgong","Tlhakole","Mopitloe","Moranang","Motsheganong","Seetebosigo","Phukwi","Phatwe","Lwetse","Diphalane","Ngwanatsele","Sedimothole",""], namesAbbr: ["Fer.","Tlhak.","Mop.","Mor.","Motsh.","Seet.","Phukw.","Phatw.","Lwets.","Diph.","Ngwan.","Sed.",""] }, patterns: { d: "yyyy/MM/dd", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["tn"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["xh"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "xh", englishName: "isiXhosa", nativeName: "isiXhosa", language: "xh", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"] }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], symbol: "R" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["iCawa","uMvulo","uLwesibini","uLwesithathu","uLwesine","uLwesihlanu","uMgqibelo"], namesShort: ["Ca","Mv","Lb","Lt","Ln","Lh","Mg"] }, months: { names: ["Mqungu","Mdumba","Kwindla","Tshazimpuzi","Canzibe","Silimela","Khala","Thupha","Msintsi","Dwarha","Nkanga","Mnga",""] }, patterns: { d: "yyyy/MM/dd", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["xh"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["zu"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "zu", englishName: "isiZulu", nativeName: "isiZulu", language: "zu", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"] }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], symbol: "R" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["iSonto","uMsombuluko","uLwesibili","uLwesithathu","uLwesine","uLwesihlanu","uMgqibelo"], namesAbbr: ["Son.","Mso.","Bi.","Tha.","Ne.","Hla.","Mgq."] }, months: { names: ["uMasingana","uNhlolanja","uNdasa","uMbaso","uNhlaba","uNhlangulana","uNtulikazi","uNcwaba","uMandulo","uMfumfu","uLwezi","uZibandlela",""], namesAbbr: ["Mas.","Nhlo.","Nda.","Mba.","Nhla.","Nhlang.","Ntu.","Ncwa.","Man.","Mfu.","Lwe.","Zib.",""] }, patterns: { d: "yyyy/MM/dd", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["zu"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["af"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "af", englishName: "Afrikaans", nativeName: "Afrikaans", language: "af", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"] }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], symbol: "R" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["Sondag","Maandag","Dinsdag","Woensdag","Donderdag","Vrydag","Saterdag"], namesAbbr: ["Son","Maan","Dins","Woen","Dond","Vry","Sat"], namesShort: ["So","Ma","Di","Wo","Do","Vr","Sa"] }, months: { names: ["Januarie","Februarie","Maart","April","Mei","Junie","Julie","Augustus","September","Oktober","November","Desember",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Mei","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Des",""] }, patterns: { d: "yyyy/MM/dd", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["af"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ka"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ka", englishName: "Georgian", nativeName: "ქართული", language: "ka", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "Lari" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["კვირა","ორშაბათი","სამშაბათი","ოთხშაბათი","ხუთშაბათი","პარასკევი","შაბათი"], namesAbbr: ["კვირა","ორშაბათი","სამშაბათი","ოთხშაბათი","ხუთშაბათი","პარასკევი","შაბათი"], namesShort: ["კ","ო","ს","ო","ხ","პ","შ"] }, months: { names: ["იანვარი","თებერვალი","მარტი","აპრილი","მაისი","ივნისი","ივლისი","აგვისტო","სექტემბერი","ოქტომბერი","ნოემბერი","დეკემბერი",""], namesAbbr: ["იან","თებ","მარ","აპრ","მაის","ივნ","ივლ","აგვ","სექ","ოქტ","ნოემ","დეკ",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "yyyy 'წლის' dd MM, dddd", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "yyyy 'წლის' dd MM, dddd H:mm", F: "yyyy 'წლის' dd MM, dddd H:mm:ss", M: "dd MM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ka"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["fo"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "fo", englishName: "Faroese", nativeName: "føroyskt", language: "fo", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "kr." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["sunnudagur","mánadagur","týsdagur","mikudagur","hósdagur","fríggjadagur","leygardagur"], namesAbbr: ["sun","mán","týs","mik","hós","frí","leyg"], namesShort: ["su","má","tý","mi","hó","fr","ley"] }, months: { names: ["januar","februar","mars","apríl","mai","juni","juli","august","september","oktober","november","desember",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","mai","jun","jul","aug","sep","okt","nov","des",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["fo"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["hi"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "hi", englishName: "Hindi", nativeName: "हिंदी", language: "hi", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "रु" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["रविवार","सोमवार","मंगलवार","बुधवार","गुरुवार","शुक्रवार","शनिवार"], namesAbbr: ["रवि.","सोम.","मंगल.","बुध.","गुरु.","शुक्र.","शनि."], namesShort: ["र","स","म","ब","ग","श","श"] }, months: { names: ["जनवरी","फरवरी","मार्च","अप्रैल","मई","जून","जुलाई","अगस्त","सितम्बर","अक्तूबर","नवम्बर","दिसम्बर",""], namesAbbr: ["जनवरी","फरवरी","मार्च","अप्रैल","मई","जून","जुलाई","अगस्त","सितम्बर","अक्तूबर","नवम्बर","दिसम्बर",""] }, AM: ["पूर्वाह्न","पूर्वाह्न","पूर्वाह्न"], PM: ["अपराह्न","अपराह्न","अपराह्न"], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["hi"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["mt"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "mt", englishName: "Maltese", nativeName: "Malti", language: "mt", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"] }, currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"], symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Il-Ħadd","It-Tnejn","It-Tlieta","L-Erbgħa","Il-Ħamis","Il-Ġimgħa","Is-Sibt"], namesAbbr: ["Ħad","Tne","Tli","Erb","Ħam","Ġim","Sib"], namesShort: ["I","I","I","L","I","I","I"] }, months: { names: ["Jannar","Frar","Marzu","April","Mejju","Ġunju","Lulju","Awissu","Settembru","Ottubru","Novembru","Diċembru",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Fra","Mar","Apr","Mej","Ġun","Lul","Awi","Set","Ott","Nov","Diċ",""] }, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, d' ta\\' 'MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd, d' ta\\' 'MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd, d' ta\\' 'MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d' ta\\' 'MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["mt"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["se"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "se", englishName: "Sami (Northern)", nativeName: "davvisámegiella", language: "se", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "kr" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["sotnabeaivi","vuossárga","maŋŋebárga","gaskavahkku","duorastat","bearjadat","lávvardat"], namesAbbr: ["sotn","vuos","maŋ","gask","duor","bear","láv"], namesShort: ["s","m","d","g","d","b","l"] }, months: { names: ["ođđajagemánnu","guovvamánnu","njukčamánnu","cuoŋománnu","miessemánnu","geassemánnu","suoidnemánnu","borgemánnu","čakčamánnu","golggotmánnu","skábmamánnu","juovlamánnu",""], namesAbbr: ["ođđj","guov","njuk","cuo","mies","geas","suoi","borg","čakč","golg","skáb","juov",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["ođđajagimánu","guovvamánu","njukčamánu","cuoŋománu","miessemánu","geassemánu","suoidnemánu","borgemánu","čakčamánu","golggotmánu","skábmamánu","juovlamánu",""], namesAbbr: ["ođđj","guov","njuk","cuo","mies","geas","suoi","borg","čakč","golg","skáb","juov",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy HH:mm", F: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "MMMM d'. b. '", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["se"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ga"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ga", englishName: "Irish", nativeName: "Gaeilge", language: "ga", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"], symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Dé Domhnaigh","Dé Luain","Dé Máirt","Dé Céadaoin","Déardaoin","Dé hAoine","Dé Sathairn"], namesAbbr: ["Domh","Luan","Máir","Céad","Déar","Aoi","Sath"], namesShort: ["Do","Lu","Má","Cé","De","Ao","Sa"] }, months: { names: ["Eanáir","Feabhra","Márta","Aibreán","Bealtaine","Meitheamh","Iúil","Lúnasa","Meán Fómhair","Deireadh Fómhair","Samhain","Nollaig",""], namesAbbr: ["Ean","Feabh","Már","Aib","Bealt","Meith","Iúil","Lún","M.Fómh","D.Fómh","Samh","Noll",""] }, AM: ["r.n.","r.n.","R.N."], PM: ["i.n.","i.n.","I.N."], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ga"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ms"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ms", englishName: "Malay", nativeName: "Bahasa Melayu", language: "ms", numberFormat: { currency: { decimals: 0, symbol: "RM" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Ahad","Isnin","Selasa","Rabu","Khamis","Jumaat","Sabtu"], namesAbbr: ["Ahad","Isnin","Sel","Rabu","Khamis","Jumaat","Sabtu"], namesShort: ["A","I","S","R","K","J","S"] }, months: { names: ["Januari","Februari","Mac","April","Mei","Jun","Julai","Ogos","September","Oktober","November","Disember",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mac","Apr","Mei","Jun","Jul","Ogos","Sept","Okt","Nov","Dis",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ms"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["kk"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "kk", englishName: "Kazakh", nativeName: "Қазақ", language: "kk", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"], ',': " ", '.': "-", symbol: "Т" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Жексенбі","Дүйсенбі","Сейсенбі","Сәрсенбі","Бейсенбі","Жұма","Сенбі"], namesAbbr: ["Жк","Дс","Сс","Ср","Бс","Жм","Сн"], namesShort: ["Жк","Дс","Сс","Ср","Бс","Жм","Сн"] }, months: { names: ["қаңтар","ақпан","наурыз","сәуір","мамыр","маусым","шілде","тамыз","қыркүйек","қазан","қараша","желтоқсан",""], namesAbbr: ["Қаң","Ақп","Нау","Сәу","Мам","Мау","Шіл","Там","Қыр","Қаз","Қар","Жел",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "d MMMM yyyy 'ж.'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy 'ж.' H:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy 'ж.' H:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["kk"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ky"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ky", englishName: "Kyrgyz", nativeName: "Кыргыз", language: "ky", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': "-", symbol: "сом" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Жекшемби","Дүйшөмбү","Шейшемби","Шаршемби","Бейшемби","Жума","Ишемби"], namesAbbr: ["Жш","Дш","Шш","Шр","Бш","Жм","Иш"], namesShort: ["Жш","Дш","Шш","Шр","Бш","Жм","Иш"] }, months: { names: ["Январь","Февраль","Март","Апрель","Май","Июнь","Июль","Август","Сентябрь","Октябрь","Ноябрь","Декабрь",""], namesAbbr: ["Янв","Фев","Мар","Апр","Май","Июн","Июл","Авг","Сен","Окт","Ноя","Дек",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yy", D: "d'-'MMMM yyyy'-ж.'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d'-'MMMM yyyy'-ж.' H:mm", F: "d'-'MMMM yyyy'-ж.' H:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy'-ж.'" } }) } }, cultures["ky"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sw"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sw", englishName: "Kiswahili", nativeName: "Kiswahili", language: "sw", numberFormat: { currency: { symbol: "S" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["Jumapili","Jumatatu","Jumanne","Jumatano","Alhamisi","Ijumaa","Jumamosi"], namesAbbr: ["Jumap.","Jumat.","Juman.","Jumat.","Alh.","Iju.","Jumam."], namesShort: ["P","T","N","T","A","I","M"] }, months: { names: ["Januari","Februari","Machi","Aprili","Mei","Juni","Julai","Agosti","Septemba","Oktoba","Novemba","Decemba",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mac","Apr","Mei","Jun","Jul","Ago","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dec",""] } }) } }, cultures["sw"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["tk"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "tk", englishName: "Turkmen", nativeName: "türkmençe", language: "tk", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n$","n$"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "m." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Duşenbe","Sişenbe","Çarşenbe","Penşenbe","Anna","Şenbe","Ýekşenbe"], namesAbbr: ["Db","Sb","Çb","Pb","An","Şb","Ýb"], namesShort: ["D","S","Ç","P","A","Ş","Ý"] }, months: { names: ["Ýanwar","Fewral","Mart","Aprel","Maý","lýun","lýul","Awgust","Sentýabr","Oktýabr","Noýabr","Dekabr",""], namesAbbr: ["Ýan","Few","Mart","Apr","Maý","lýun","lýul","Awg","Sen","Okt","Not","Dek",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yy", D: "yyyy 'ý.' MMMM d", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "yyyy 'ý.' MMMM d H:mm", F: "yyyy 'ý.' MMMM d H:mm:ss", Y: "yyyy 'ý.' MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["tk"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["uz"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "uz", englishName: "Uzbek", nativeName: "U'zbek", language: "uz", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], decimals: 0, ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "so'm" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["yakshanba","dushanba","seshanba","chorshanba","payshanba","juma","shanba"], namesAbbr: ["yak.","dsh.","sesh.","chr.","psh.","jm.","sh."], namesShort: ["ya","d","s","ch","p","j","sh"] }, months: { names: ["yanvar","fevral","mart","aprel","may","iyun","iyul","avgust","sentyabr","oktyabr","noyabr","dekabr",""], namesAbbr: ["yanvar","fevral","mart","aprel","may","iyun","iyul","avgust","sentyabr","oktyabr","noyabr","dekabr",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd/MM yyyy", D: "yyyy 'yil' d-MMMM", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "yyyy 'yil' d-MMMM HH:mm", F: "yyyy 'yil' d-MMMM HH:mm:ss", M: "d-MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["uz"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["tt"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "tt", englishName: "Tatar", nativeName: "Татар", language: "tt", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "р." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Якшәмбе","Дүшәмбе","Сишәмбе","Чәршәмбе","Пәнҗешәмбе","Җомга","Шимбә"], namesAbbr: ["Якш","Дүш","Сиш","Чәрш","Пәнҗ","Җом","Шим"], namesShort: ["Я","Д","С","Ч","П","Җ","Ш"] }, months: { names: ["Гыйнвар","Февраль","Март","Апрель","Май","Июнь","Июль","Август","Сентябрь","Октябрь","Ноябрь","Декабрь",""], namesAbbr: ["Гыйн.","Фев.","Мар.","Апр.","Май","Июнь","Июль","Авг.","Сен.","Окт.","Нояб.","Дек.",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["Гыйнварның","Февральнең","Мартның","Апрельнең","Майның","Июньнең","Июльнең","Августның","Сентябрьның","Октябрьның","Ноябрьның","Декабрьның",""], namesAbbr: ["Гыйн.-ның","Фев.-нең","Мар.-ның","Апр.-нең","Майның","Июньнең","Июльнең","Авг.-ның","Сен.-ның","Окт.-ның","Нояб.-ның","Дек.-ның",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "d MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["tt"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["bn"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "bn", englishName: "Bengali", nativeName: "বাংলা", language: "bn", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"], groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "টা" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", ':': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["রবিবার","সোমবার","মঙ্গলবার","বুধবার","বৃহস্পতিবার","শুক্রবার","শনিবার"], namesAbbr: ["রবি.","সোম.","মঙ্গল.","বুধ.","বৃহস্পতি.","শুক্র.","শনি."], namesShort: ["র","স","ম","ব","ব","শ","শ"] }, months: { names: ["জানুয়ারী","ফেব্রুয়ারী","মার্চ","এপ্রিল","মে","জুন","জুলাই","আগস্ট","সেপ্টেম্বর","অক্টোবর","নভেম্বর","ডিসেম্বর",""], namesAbbr: ["জানু.","ফেব্রু.","মার্চ","এপ্রিল","মে","জুন","জুলাই","আগ.","সেপ্টে.","অক্টো.","নভে.","ডিসে.",""] }, AM: ["পুর্বাহ্ন","পুর্বাহ্ন","পুর্বাহ্ন"], PM: ["অপরাহ্ন","অপরাহ্ন","অপরাহ্ন"], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH.mm", T: "HH.mm.ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH.mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH.mm.ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["bn"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["pa"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "pa", englishName: "Punjabi", nativeName: "ਪੰਜਾਬੀ", language: "pa", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "ਰੁ" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["ਐਤਵਾਰ","ਸੋਮਵਾਰ","ਮੰਗਲਵਾਰ","ਬੁੱਧਵਾਰ","ਵੀਰਵਾਰ","ਸ਼ੁੱਕਰਵਾਰ","ਸ਼ਨਿੱਚਰਵਾਰ"], namesAbbr: ["ਐਤ.","ਸੋਮ.","ਮੰਗਲ.","ਬੁੱਧ.","ਵੀਰ.","ਸ਼ੁਕਰ.","ਸ਼ਨਿੱਚਰ."], namesShort: ["ਐ","ਸ","ਮ","ਬ","ਵ","ਸ਼","ਸ਼"] }, months: { names: ["ਜਨਵਰੀ","ਫ਼ਰਵਰੀ","ਮਾਰਚ","ਅਪ੍ਰੈਲ","ਮਈ","ਜੂਨ","ਜੁਲਾਈ","ਅਗਸਤ","ਸਤੰਬਰ","ਅਕਤੂਬਰ","ਨਵੰਬਰ","ਦਸੰਬਰ",""], namesAbbr: ["ਜਨਵਰੀ","ਫ਼ਰਵਰੀ","ਮਾਰਚ","ਅਪ੍ਰੈਲ","ਮਈ","ਜੂਨ","ਜੁਲਾਈ","ਅਗਸਤ","ਸਤੰਬਰ","ਅਕਤੂਬਰ","ਨਵੰਬਰ","ਦਸੰਬਰ",""] }, AM: ["ਸਵੇਰ","ਸਵੇਰ","ਸਵੇਰ"], PM: ["ਸ਼ਾਮ","ਸ਼ਾਮ","ਸ਼ਾਮ"], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy dddd", t: "tt hh:mm", T: "tt hh:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy dddd tt hh:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy dddd tt hh:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["pa"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["gu"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "gu", englishName: "Gujarati", nativeName: "ગુજરાતી", language: "gu", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "રૂ" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["રવિવાર","સોમવાર","મંગળવાર","બુધવાર","ગુરુવાર","શુક્રવાર","શનિવાર"], namesAbbr: ["રવિ","સોમ","મંગળ","બુધ","ગુરુ","શુક્ર","શનિ"], namesShort: ["ર","સ","મ","બ","ગ","શ","શ"] }, months: { names: ["જાન્યુઆરી","ફેબ્રુઆરી","માર્ચ","એપ્રિલ","મે","જૂન","જુલાઈ","ઑગસ્ટ","સપ્ટેમ્બર","ઑક્ટ્બર","નવેમ્બર","ડિસેમ્બર",""], namesAbbr: ["જાન્યુ","ફેબ્રુ","માર્ચ","એપ્રિલ","મે","જૂન","જુલાઈ","ઑગસ્ટ","સપ્ટે","ઑક્ટો","નવે","ડિસે",""] }, AM: ["પૂર્વ મધ્યાહ્ન","પૂર્વ મધ્યાહ્ન","પૂર્વ મધ્યાહ્ન"], PM: ["ઉત્તર મધ્યાહ્ન","ઉત્તર મધ્યાહ્ન","ઉત્તર મધ્યાહ્ન"], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["gu"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["or"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "or", englishName: "Oriya", nativeName: "ଓଡ଼ିଆ", language: "or", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "ଟ" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", days: { names: ["ରବିବାର","ସୋମବାର","ମଙ୍ଗଳବାର","ବୁଧବାର","ଗୁରୁବାର","ଶୁକ୍ରବାର","ଶନିବାର"], namesAbbr: ["ରବି.","ସୋମ.","ମଙ୍ଗଳ.","ବୁଧ.","ଗୁରୁ.","ଶୁକ୍ର.","ଶନି."], namesShort: ["ର","ସୋ","ମ","ବୁ","ଗୁ","ଶୁ","ଶ"] }, months: { names: ["ଜାନୁୟାରୀ","ଫ୍ରେବୃୟାରୀ","ମାର୍ଚ୍ଚ","ଏପ୍ରିଲ୍‌","ମେ","ଜୁନ୍‌","ଜୁଲାଇ","ଅଗଷ୍ଟ","ସେପ୍ଟେମ୍ବର","ଅକ୍ଟୋବର","ନଭେମ୍ବର","(ଡିସେମ୍ବର",""], namesAbbr: ["ଜାନୁୟାରୀ","ଫ୍ରେବୃୟାରୀ","ମାର୍ଚ୍ଚ","ଏପ୍ରିଲ୍‌","ମେ","ଜୁନ୍‌","ଜୁଲାଇ","ଅଗଷ୍ଟ","ସେପ୍ଟେମ୍ବର","ଅକ୍ଟୋବର","ନଭେମ୍ବର","(ଡିସେମ୍ବର",""] }, eras: [{"name":"ଖ୍ରୀଷ୍ଟାବ୍ଦ","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["or"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ta"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ta", englishName: "Tamil", nativeName: "தமிழ்", language: "ta", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "ரூ" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["ஞாயிற்றுக்கிழமை","திங்கள்கிழமை","செவ்வாய்கிழமை","புதன்கிழமை","வியாழக்கிழமை","வெள்ளிக்கிழமை","சனிக்கிழமை"], namesAbbr: ["ஞாயிறு","திங்கள்","செவ்வாய்","புதன்","வியாழன்","வெள்ளி","சனி"], namesShort: ["ஞா","தி","செ","பு","வி","வெ","ச"] }, months: { names: ["ஜனவரி","பிப்ரவரி","மார்ச்","ஏப்ரல்","மே","ஜூன்","ஜூலை","ஆகஸ்ட்","செப்டம்பர்","அக்டோபர்","நவம்பர்","டிசம்பர்",""], namesAbbr: ["ஜனவரி","பிப்ரவரி","மார்ச்","ஏப்ரல்","மே","ஜூன்","ஜூலை","ஆகஸ்ட்","செப்டம்பர்","அக்டோபர்","நவம்பர்","டிசம்பர்",""] }, AM: ["காலை","காலை","காலை"], PM: ["மாலை","மாலை","மாலை"], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ta"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["te"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "te", englishName: "Telugu", nativeName: "తెలుగు", language: "te", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "రూ" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["ఆదివారం","సోమవారం","మంగళవారం","బుధవారం","గురువారం","శుక్రవారం","శనివారం"], namesAbbr: ["ఆది.","సోమ.","మంగళ.","బుధ.","గురు.","శుక్ర.","శని."], namesShort: ["ఆ","సో","మం","బు","గు","శు","శ"] }, months: { names: ["జనవరి","ఫిబ్రవరి","మార్చి","ఏప్రిల్","మే","జూన్","జూలై","ఆగస్టు","సెప్టెంబర్","అక్టోబర్","నవంబర్","డిసెంబర్",""], namesAbbr: ["జనవరి","ఫిబ్రవరి","మార్చి","ఏప్రిల్","మే","జూన్","జూలై","ఆగస్టు","సెప్టెంబర్","అక్టోబర్","నవంబర్","డిసెంబర్",""] }, AM: ["పూర్వాహ్న","పూర్వాహ్న","పూర్వాహ్న"], PM: ["అపరాహ్న","అపరాహ్న","అపరాహ్న"], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["te"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["kn"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "kn", englishName: "Kannada", nativeName: "ಕನ್ನಡ", language: "kn", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "ರೂ" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["ಭಾನುವಾರ","ಸೋಮವಾರ","ಮಂಗಳವಾರ","ಬುಧವಾರ","ಗುರುವಾರ","ಶುಕ್ರವಾರ","ಶನಿವಾರ"], namesAbbr: ["ಭಾನು.","ಸೋಮ.","ಮಂಗಳ.","ಬುಧ.","ಗುರು.","ಶುಕ್ರ.","ಶನಿ."], namesShort: ["ರ","ಸ","ಮ","ಬ","ಗ","ಶ","ಶ"] }, months: { names: ["ಜನವರಿ","ಫೆಬ್ರವರಿ","ಮಾರ್ಚ್","ಎಪ್ರಿಲ್","ಮೇ","ಜೂನ್","ಜುಲೈ","ಆಗಸ್ಟ್","ಸೆಪ್ಟಂಬರ್","ಅಕ್ಟೋಬರ್","ನವೆಂಬರ್","ಡಿಸೆಂಬರ್",""], namesAbbr: ["ಜನವರಿ","ಫೆಬ್ರವರಿ","ಮಾರ್ಚ್","ಎಪ್ರಿಲ್","ಮೇ","ಜೂನ್","ಜುಲೈ","ಆಗಸ್ಟ್","ಸೆಪ್ಟಂಬರ್","ಅಕ್ಟೋಬರ್","ನವೆಂಬರ್","ಡಿಸೆಂಬರ್",""] }, AM: ["ಪೂರ್ವಾಹ್ನ","ಪೂರ್ವಾಹ್ನ","ಪೂರ್ವಾಹ್ನ"], PM: ["ಅಪರಾಹ್ನ","ಅಪರಾಹ್ನ","ಅಪರಾಹ್ನ"], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["kn"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ml"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ml", englishName: "Malayalam", nativeName: "മലയാളം", language: "ml", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"], groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "ക" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", ':': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["ഞായറാഴ്ച","തിങ്കളാഴ്ച","ചൊവ്വാഴ്ച","ബുധനാഴ്ച","വ്യാഴാഴ്ച","വെള്ളിയാഴ്ച","ശനിയാഴ്ച"], namesAbbr: ["ഞായർ.","തിങ്കൾ.","ചൊവ്വ.","ബുധൻ.","വ്യാഴം.","വെള്ളി.","ശനി."], namesShort: ["ഞ","ത","ച","ബ","വ","വെ","ശ"] }, months: { names: ["ജനുവരി","ഫെബ്റുവരി","മാറ്ച്ച്","ഏപ്റില്","മെയ്","ജൂണ്","ജൂലൈ","ഓഗസ്ററ്","സെപ്ററംബറ്","ഒക്ടോബറ്","നവംബറ്","ഡിസംബറ്",""], namesAbbr: ["ജനുവരി","ഫെബ്റുവരി","മാറ്ച്ച്","ഏപ്റില്","മെയ്","ജൂണ്","ജൂലൈ","ഓഗസ്ററ്","സെപ്ററംബറ്","ഒക്ടോബറ്","നവംബറ്","ഡിസംബറ്",""] }, patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH.mm", T: "HH.mm.ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH.mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH.mm.ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["ml"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["as"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "as", englishName: "Assamese", nativeName: "অসমীয়া", language: "as", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","n$"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "ট" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["সোমবাৰ","মঙ্গলবাৰ","বুধবাৰ","বৃহস্পতিবাৰ","শুক্রবাৰ","শনিবাৰ","ৰবিবাৰ"], namesAbbr: ["সোম.","মঙ্গল.","বুধ.","বৃহ.","শুক্র.","শনি.","ৰবি."], namesShort: ["সো","ম","বু","বৃ","শু","শ","র"] }, months: { names: ["জানুৱাৰী","ফেব্রুৱাৰী","মার্চ","এপ্রিল","মে","জুন","জুলাই","আগষ্ট","চেপ্টেম্বর","অক্টোবর","নবেম্বর","ডিচেম্বর",""], namesAbbr: ["জানু","ফেব্রু","মার্চ","এপ্রিল","মে","জুন","জুলাই","আগষ্ট","চেপ্টে","অক্টো","নবে","ডিচে",""] }, AM: ["ৰাতিপু","ৰাতিপু","ৰাতিপু"], PM: ["আবেলি","আবেলি","আবেলি"], eras: [{"name":"খ্রীষ্টাব্দ","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "yyyy,MMMM dd, dddd", t: "tt h:mm", T: "tt h:mm:ss", f: "yyyy,MMMM dd, dddd tt h:mm", F: "yyyy,MMMM dd, dddd tt h:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM,yy" } }) } }, cultures["as"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["mr"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "mr", englishName: "Marathi", nativeName: "मराठी", language: "mr", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "रु" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["रविवार","सोमवार","मंगळवार","बुधवार","गुरुवार","शुक्रवार","शनिवार"], namesAbbr: ["रवि.","सोम.","मंगळ.","बुध.","गुरु.","शुक्र.","शनि."], namesShort: ["र","स","म","ब","ग","श","श"] }, months: { names: ["जानेवारी","फेब्रुवारी","मार्च","एप्रिल","मे","जून","जुलै","ऑगस्ट","सप्टेंबर","ऑक्टोबर","नोव्हेंबर","डिसेंबर",""], namesAbbr: ["जाने.","फेब्रु.","मार्च","एप्रिल","मे","जून","जुलै","ऑगस्ट","सप्टें.","ऑक्टो.","नोव्हें.","डिसें.",""] }, AM: ["म.पू.","म.पू.","म.पू."], PM: ["म.नं.","म.नं.","म.नं."], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["mr"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sa"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sa", englishName: "Sanskrit", nativeName: "संस्कृत", language: "sa", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "रु" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", days: { names: ["रविवासरः","सोमवासरः","मङ्गलवासरः","बुधवासरः","गुरुवासरः","शुक्रवासरः","शनिवासरः"], namesAbbr: ["रविवासरः","सोमवासरः","मङ्गलवासरः","बुधवासरः","गुरुवासरः","शुक्रवासरः","शनिवासरः"], namesShort: ["र","स","म","ब","ग","श","श"] }, months: { names: ["जनवरी","फरवरी","मार्च","अप्रैल","मई","जून","जुलाई","अगस्त","सितम्बर","अक्तूबर","नवम्बर","दिसम्बर",""], namesAbbr: ["जनवरी","फरवरी","मार्च","अप्रैल","मई","जून","जुलाई","अगस्त","सितम्बर","अक्तूबर","नवम्बर","दिसम्बर",""] }, AM: ["पूर्वाह्न","पूर्वाह्न","पूर्वाह्न"], PM: ["अपराह्न","अपराह्न","अपराह्न"], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy dddd", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy dddd HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy dddd HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["sa"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["mn"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "mn", englishName: "Mongolian", nativeName: "Монгол хэл", language: "mn", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n$","n$"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "₮" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Ням","Даваа","Мягмар","Лхагва","Пүрэв","Баасан","Бямба"], namesAbbr: ["Ня","Да","Мя","Лх","Пү","Ба","Бя"], namesShort: ["Ня","Да","Мя","Лх","Пү","Ба","Бя"] }, months: { names: ["1 дүгээр сар","2 дугаар сар","3 дугаар сар","4 дүгээр сар","5 дугаар сар","6 дугаар сар","7 дугаар сар","8 дугаар сар","9 дүгээр сар","10 дугаар сар","11 дүгээр сар","12 дугаар сар",""], namesAbbr: ["I","II","III","IV","V","VI","VII","VIII","IX","X","XI","XII",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["1 дүгээр сарын","2 дугаар сарын","3 дугаар сарын","4 дүгээр сарын","5 дугаар сарын","6 дугаар сарын","7 дугаар сарын","8 дугаар сарын","9 дүгээр сарын","10 дугаар сарын","11 дүгээр сарын","12 дугаар сарын",""], namesAbbr: ["I","II","III","IV","V","VI","VII","VIII","IX","X","XI","XII",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "yy.MM.dd", D: "yyyy 'оны' MMMM d", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "yyyy 'оны' MMMM d H:mm", F: "yyyy 'оны' MMMM d H:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "yyyy 'он' MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["mn"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["bo"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "bo", englishName: "Tibetan", nativeName: "བོད་ཡིག", language: "bo", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], groupSizes: [3,0] }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$n"], groupSizes: [3,0], symbol: "¥" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["གཟའ་ཉི་མ།","གཟའ་ཟླ་བ།","གཟའ་མིག་དམར།","གཟའ་ལྷག་པ།","གཟའ་ཕུར་བུ།","གཟའ་པ་སངས།","གཟའ་སྤེན་པ།"], namesAbbr: ["ཉི་མ།","ཟླ་བ།","མིག་དམར།","ལྷག་པ།","ཕུར་བུ།","པ་སངས།","སྤེན་པ།"], namesShort: ["༧","༡","༢","༣","༤","༥","༦"] }, months: { names: ["སྤྱི་ཟླ་དང་པོ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་གཉིས་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་གསུམ་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་བཞི་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་ལྔ་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་དྲུག་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་བདུན་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་བརྒྱད་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་དགུ་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་བཅུ་པོ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་བཅུ་གཅིག་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་བཅུ་གཉིས་པ།",""], namesAbbr: ["ཟླ་ ༡","ཟླ་ ༢","ཟླ་ ༣","ཟླ་ ༤","ཟླ་ ༥","ཟླ་ ༦","ཟླ་ ༧","ཟླ་ ༨","ཟླ་ ༩","ཟླ་ ༡༠","ཟླ་ ༡༡","ཟླ་ ༡༢",""] }, AM: ["སྔ་དྲོ","སྔ་དྲོ","སྔ་དྲོ"], PM: ["ཕྱི་དྲོ","ཕྱི་དྲོ","ཕྱི་དྲོ"], eras: [{"name":"སྤྱི་ལོ","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy/M/d", D: "yyyy'ལོའི་ཟླ' M'ཚེས' d", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "yyyy'ལོའི་ཟླ' M'ཚེས' d HH:mm", F: "yyyy'ལོའི་ཟླ' M'ཚེས' d HH:mm:ss", M: "'ཟླ་' M'ཚེས'd", Y: "yyyy.M" } }) } }, cultures["bo"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["cy"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "cy", englishName: "Welsh", nativeName: "Cymraeg", language: "cy", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"] }, currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"], symbol: "£" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Dydd Sul","Dydd Llun","Dydd Mawrth","Dydd Mercher","Dydd Iau","Dydd Gwener","Dydd Sadwrn"], namesAbbr: ["Sul","Llun","Maw","Mer","Iau","Gwe","Sad"], namesShort: ["Su","Ll","Ma","Me","Ia","Gw","Sa"] }, months: { names: ["Ionawr","Chwefror","Mawrth","Ebrill","Mai","Mehefin","Gorffennaf","Awst","Medi","Hydref","Tachwedd","Rhagfyr",""], namesAbbr: ["Ion","Chwe","Maw","Ebr","Mai","Meh","Gor","Aws","Med","Hyd","Tach","Rhag",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["cy"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["km"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "km", englishName: "Khmer", nativeName: "ខ្មែរ", language: "km", numberFormat: { pattern: ["- n"], groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], groupSizes: [3,0] }, currency: { pattern: ["-n$","n$"], symbol: "៛" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", days: { names: ["ថ្ងៃអាទិត្យ","ថ្ងៃច័ន្ទ","ថ្ងៃអង្គារ","ថ្ងៃពុធ","ថ្ងៃព្រហស្បតិ៍","ថ្ងៃសុក្រ","ថ្ងៃសៅរ៍"], namesAbbr: ["អាទិ.","ច.","អ.","ពុ","ព្រហ.","សុ.","ស."], namesShort: ["អា","ច","អ","ពុ","ព្","សុ","ស"] }, months: { names: ["មករា","កុម្ភៈ","មិនា","មេសា","ឧសភា","មិថុនា","កក្កដា","សីហា","កញ្ញា","តុលា","វិច្ឆិកា","ធ្នូ",""], namesAbbr: ["១","២","៣","៤","៥","៦","៧","៨","៩","១០","១១","១២",""] }, AM: ["ព្រឹក","ព្រឹក","ព្រឹក"], PM: ["ល្ងាច","ល្ងាច","ល្ងាច"], eras: [{"name":"មុនគ.ស.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy-MM-dd", D: "d MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm tt", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm tt", F: "d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "'ថ្ងៃទី' dd 'ខែ' MM", Y: "'ខែ' MM 'ឆ្នាំ' yyyy" } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish", days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["أ","ا","ث","أ","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","ابريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","اغسطس","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ព្រឹក","ព្រឹក","ព្រឹក"], PM: ["ល្ងាច","ល្ងាច","ល្ងាច"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "H:mm tt", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss" } }) } }, cultures["km"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["lo"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "lo", englishName: "Lao", nativeName: "ລາວ", language: "lo", numberFormat: { pattern: ["(n)"], groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { groupSizes: [3,0] }, currency: { pattern: ["(n$)","n$"], groupSizes: [3,0], symbol: "₭" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["ວັນອາທິດ","ວັນຈັນ","ວັນອັງຄານ","ວັນພຸດ","ວັນພະຫັດ","ວັນສຸກ","ວັນເສົາ"], namesAbbr: ["ອາທິດ","ຈັນ","ອັງຄານ","ພຸດ","ພະຫັດ","ສຸກ","ເສົາ"], namesShort: ["ອ","ຈ","ອ","ພ","ພ","ສ","ເ"] }, months: { names: ["ມັງກອນ","ກຸມພາ","ມີນາ","ເມສາ","ພຶດສະພາ","ມິຖຸນາ","ກໍລະກົດ","ສິງຫາ","ກັນຍາ","ຕຸລາ","ພະຈິກ","ທັນວາ",""], namesAbbr: ["ມັງກອນ","ກຸມພາ","ມີນາ","ເມສາ","ພຶດສະພາ","ມິຖຸນາ","ກໍລະກົດ","ສິງຫາ","ກັນຍາ","ຕຸລາ","ພະຈິກ","ທັນວາ",""] }, AM: ["ເຊົ້າ","ເຊົ້າ","ເຊົ້າ"], PM: ["ແລງ","ແລງ","ແລງ"], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm tt", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy H:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["lo"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["gl"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "gl", englishName: "Galician", nativeName: "galego", language: "gl", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["domingo","luns","martes","mércores","xoves","venres","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","luns","mar","mér","xov","ven","sáb"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mé","xo","ve","sá"] }, months: { names: ["xaneiro","febreiro","marzo","abril","maio","xuño","xullo","agosto","setembro","outubro","novembro","decembro",""], namesAbbr: ["xan","feb","mar","abr","maio","xuñ","xull","ago","set","out","nov","dec",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["gl"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["kok"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "kok", englishName: "Konkani", nativeName: "कोंकणी", language: "kok", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "रु" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["आयतार","सोमार","मंगळार","बुधवार","बिरेस्तार","सुक्रार","शेनवार"], namesAbbr: ["आय.","सोम.","मंगळ.","बुध.","बिरे.","सुक्र.","शेन."], namesShort: ["आ","स","म","ब","ब","स","श"] }, months: { names: ["जानेवारी","फेब्रुवारी","मार्च","एप्रिल","मे","जून","जुलै","ऑगस्ट","सप्टेंबर","ऑक्टोबर","नोवेम्बर","डिसेंबर",""], namesAbbr: ["जानेवारी","फेब्रुवारी","मार्च","एप्रिल","मे","जून","जुलै","ऑगस्ट","सप्टेंबर","ऑक्टोबर","नोवेम्बर","डिसेंबर",""] }, AM: ["म.पू.","म.पू.","म.पू."], PM: ["म.नं.","म.नं.","म.नं."], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["kok"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["syr"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "syr", englishName: "Syriac", nativeName: "ܣܘܪܝܝܐ", language: "syr", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$ n"], symbol: "ل.س.‏" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["ܚܕ ܒܫܒܐ","ܬܪܝܢ ܒܫܒܐ","ܬܠܬܐ ܒܫܒܐ","ܐܪܒܥܐ ܒܫܒܐ","ܚܡܫܐ ܒܫܒܐ","ܥܪܘܒܬܐ","ܫܒܬܐ"], namesAbbr: ["܏ܐ ܏ܒܫ","܏ܒ ܏ܒܫ","܏ܓ ܏ܒܫ","܏ܕ ܏ܒܫ","܏ܗ ܏ܒܫ","܏ܥܪܘܒ","܏ܫܒ"], namesShort: ["ܐ","ܒ","ܓ","ܕ","ܗ","ܥ","ܫ"] }, months: { names: ["ܟܢܘܢ ܐܚܪܝ","ܫܒܛ","ܐܕܪ","ܢܝܣܢ","ܐܝܪ","ܚܙܝܪܢ","ܬܡܘܙ","ܐܒ","ܐܝܠܘܠ","ܬܫܪܝ ܩܕܝܡ","ܬܫܪܝ ܐܚܪܝ","ܟܢܘܢ ܩܕܝܡ",""], namesAbbr: ["܏ܟܢ ܏ܒ","ܫܒܛ","ܐܕܪ","ܢܝܣܢ","ܐܝܪ","ܚܙܝܪܢ","ܬܡܘܙ","ܐܒ","ܐܝܠܘܠ","܏ܬܫ ܏ܐ","܏ܬܫ ܏ܒ","܏ܟܢ ܏ܐ",""] }, AM: ["ܩ.ܛ","ܩ.ܛ","ܩ.ܛ"], PM: ["ܒ.ܛ","ܒ.ܛ","ܒ.ܛ"], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM, yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["syr"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["si"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "si", englishName: "Sinhala", nativeName: "සිංහල", language: "si", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["($ n)","$ n"], symbol: "රු." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["ඉරිදා","සඳුදා","අඟහරුවාදා","බදාදා","බ්‍රහස්පතින්දා","සිකුරාදා","සෙනසුරාදා"], namesAbbr: ["ඉරිදා","සඳුදා","කුජදා","බුදදා","ගුරුදා","කිවිදා","ශනිදා"], namesShort: ["ඉ","ස","අ","බ","බ්‍ර","සි","සෙ"] }, months: { names: ["ජනවාරි","පෙබරවාරි","මාර්තු","අ‌ප්‍රේල්","මැයි","ජූනි","ජූලි","අ‌ගෝස්තු","සැප්තැම්බර්","ඔක්තෝබර්","නොවැම්බර්","දෙසැම්බර්",""], namesAbbr: ["ජන.","පෙබ.","මාර්තු.","අප්‍රේල්.","මැයි.","ජූනි.","ජූලි.","අගෝ.","සැප්.","ඔක්.","නොවැ.","දෙසැ.",""] }, AM: ["පෙ.ව.","පෙ.ව.","පෙ.ව."], PM: ["ප.ව.","ප.ව.","ප.ව."], eras: [{"name":"ක්‍රි.ව.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy-MM-dd", D: "yyyy MMMM' මස 'dd' වැනිදා 'dddd", f: "yyyy MMMM' මස 'dd' වැනිදා 'dddd h:mm tt", F: "yyyy MMMM' මස 'dd' වැනිදා 'dddd h:mm:ss tt", Y: "yyyy MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["si"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["iu"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "iu", englishName: "Inuktitut", nativeName: "Inuktitut", language: "iu", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { groupSizes: [3,0] } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["Naattiinguja","Naggajjau","Aippiq","Pingatsiq","Sitammiq","Tallirmiq","Sivataarvik"], namesAbbr: ["Nat","Nag","Aip","Pi","Sit","Tal","Siv"], namesShort: ["N","N","A","P","S","T","S"] }, months: { names: ["Jaannuari","Viivvuari","Maatsi","Iipuri","Mai","Juuni","Julai","Aaggiisi","Sitipiri","Utupiri","Nuvipiri","Tisipiri",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Viv","Mas","Ipu","Mai","Jun","Jul","Agi","Sii","Uut","Nuv","Tis",""] }, patterns: { d: "d/MM/yyyy", D: "ddd, MMMM dd,yyyy", f: "ddd, MMMM dd,yyyy h:mm tt", F: "ddd, MMMM dd,yyyy h:mm:ss tt" } }) } }, cultures["iu"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["am"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "am", englishName: "Amharic", nativeName: "አማርኛ", language: "am", numberFormat: { decimals: 1, groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], decimals: 1, groupSizes: [3,0] }, currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"], groupSizes: [3,0], symbol: "ETB" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["እሑድ","ሰኞ","ማክሰኞ","ረቡዕ","ሐሙስ","ዓርብ","ቅዳሜ"], namesAbbr: ["እሑድ","ሰኞ","ማክሰ","ረቡዕ","ሐሙስ","ዓርብ","ቅዳሜ"], namesShort: ["እ","ሰ","ማ","ረ","ሐ","ዓ","ቅ"] }, months: { names: ["ጃንዩወሪ","ፌብሩወሪ","ማርች","ኤፕረል","ሜይ","ጁን","ጁላይ","ኦገስት","ሴፕቴምበር","ኦክተውበር","ኖቬምበር","ዲሴምበር",""], namesAbbr: ["ጃንዩ","ፌብሩ","ማርች","ኤፕረ","ሜይ","ጁን","ጁላይ","ኦገስ","ሴፕቴ","ኦክተ","ኖቬም","ዲሴም",""] }, AM: ["ጡዋት","ጡዋት","ጡዋት"], PM: ["ከሰዓት","ከሰዓት","ከሰዓት"], eras: [{"name":"ዓመተ ምሕረት","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d/M/yyyy", D: "dddd '፣' MMMM d 'ቀን' yyyy", f: "dddd '፣' MMMM d 'ቀን' yyyy h:mm tt", F: "dddd '፣' MMMM d 'ቀን' yyyy h:mm:ss tt", M: "MMMM d ቀን", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["am"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["tzm"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "tzm", englishName: "Tamazight", nativeName: "Tamazight", language: "tzm", numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], symbol: "DZD" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["Acer","Arime","Aram","Ahad","Amhadh","Sem","Sedh"], namesAbbr: ["Ace","Ari","Ara","Aha","Amh","Sem","Sed"], namesShort: ["Ac","Ar","Ar","Ah","Am","Se","Se"] }, months: { names: ["Yenayer","Furar","Maghres","Yebrir","Mayu","Yunyu","Yulyu","Ghuct","Cutenber","Ktuber","Wambir","Dujanbir",""], namesAbbr: ["Yen","Fur","Mag","Yeb","May","Yun","Yul","Ghu","Cut","Ktu","Wam","Duj",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "dd MMMM, yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm", F: "dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["tzm"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ne"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ne", englishName: "Nepali", nativeName: "नेपाली", language: "ne", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"], symbol: "रु" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["आइतवार","सोमवार","मङ्गलवार","बुधवार","बिहीवार","शुक्रवार","शनिवार"], namesAbbr: ["आइत","सोम","मङ्गल","बुध","बिही","शुक्र","शनि"], namesShort: ["आ","सो","म","बु","बि","शु","श"] }, months: { names: ["जनवरी","फेब्रुअरी","मार्च","अप्रिल","मे","जून","जुलाई","अगस्त","सेप्टेम्बर","अक्टोबर","नोभेम्बर","डिसेम्बर",""], namesAbbr: ["जन","फेब","मार्च","अप्रिल","मे","जून","जुलाई","अग","सेप्ट","अक्ट","नोभ","डिस",""] }, AM: ["विहानी","विहानी","विहानी"], PM: ["बेलुकी","बेलुकी","बेलुकी"], eras: [{"name":"a.d.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { Y: "MMMM,yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ne"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["fy"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "fy", englishName: "Frisian", nativeName: "Frysk", language: "fy", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Snein","Moandei","Tiisdei","Woansdei","Tongersdei","Freed","Sneon"], namesAbbr: ["Sn","Mo","Ti","Wo","To","Fr","Sn"], namesShort: ["S","M","T","W","T","F","S"] }, months: { names: ["jannewaris","febrewaris","maart","april","maaie","juny","july","augustus","septimber","oktober","novimber","desimber",""], namesAbbr: ["jann","febr","mrt","apr","maaie","jun","jul","aug","sept","okt","nov","des",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "d-M-yyyy", D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["fy"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ps"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ps", englishName: "Pashto", nativeName: "پښتو", language: "ps", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], ',': "،", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["%n-","%n"], ',': "،", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$n"], ',': "٬", '.': "٫", symbol: "؋" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["غ.م","غ.م","غ.م"], PM: ["غ.و","غ.و","غ.و"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", f: "dd/MM/yyyy h:mm tt", F: "dd/MM/yyyy h:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }), Gregorian_Localized: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["یکشنبه","دوشنبه","سه‌شنبه","چارشنبه","پنجشنبه","جمعه","شنبه"], namesAbbr: ["یکشنبه","دوشنبه","سه‌شنبه","چارشنبه","پنجشنبه","جمعه","شنبه"], namesShort: ["ی","د","س","چ","پ","ج","ش"] }, months: { names: ["سلواغه","كب","ورى","غويى","غبرګولى","چنګا ښزمرى","زمرى","وږى","تله","لړم","لنڈ ۍ","مرغومى",""], namesAbbr: ["سلواغه","كب","ورى","غويى","غبرګولى","چنګا ښ","زمرى","وږى","تله","لړم","لنڈ ۍ","مرغومى",""] }, AM: ["غ.م","غ.م","غ.م"], PM: ["غ.و","غ.و","غ.و"], eras: [{"name":"ل.ه","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy/M/d", D: "yyyy, dd, MMMM, dddd", f: "yyyy, dd, MMMM, dddd h:mm tt", F: "yyyy, dd, MMMM, dddd h:mm:ss tt", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ps"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["fil"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "fil", englishName: "Filipino", nativeName: "Filipino", language: "fil", numberFormat: { currency: { symbol: "PhP" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["Linggo","Lunes","Martes","Mierkoles","Huebes","Biernes","Sabado"], namesAbbr: ["Lin","Lun","Mar","Mier","Hueb","Bier","Saba"], namesShort: ["L","L","M","M","H","B","S"] }, months: { names: ["Enero","Pebrero","Marso","Abril","Mayo","Hunyo","Hulyo","Agosto","Septyembre","Oktubre","Nobyembre","Disyembre",""], namesAbbr: ["En","Peb","Mar","Abr","Mayo","Hun","Hul","Agos","Sept","Okt","Nob","Dis",""] }, eras: [{"name":"Anno Domini","start":null,"offset":0}] }) } }, cultures["fil"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["dv"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "dv", englishName: "Divehi", nativeName: "ދިވެހިބަސް", language: "dv", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["n $-","n $"], symbol: "ރ." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", days: { names: ["އާދީއްތަ","ހޯމަ","އަންގާރަ","ބުދަ","ބުރާސްފަތި","ހުކުރު","ހޮނިހިރު"], namesAbbr: ["އާދީއްތަ","ހޯމަ","އަންގާރަ","ބުދަ","ބުރާސްފަތި","ހުކުރު","ހޮނިހިރު"], namesShort: ["އާ","ހޯ","އަ","ބު","ބު","ހު","ހޮ"] }, months: { names: ["މުޙައްރަމް","ޞަފަރު","ރަބީޢުލްއައްވަލް","ރަބީޢުލްއާޚިރު","ޖުމާދަލްއޫލާ","ޖުމާދަލްއާޚިރާ","ރަޖަބް","ޝަޢްބާން","ރަމަޟާން","ޝައްވާލް","ޛުލްޤަޢިދާ","ޛުލްޙިއްޖާ",""], namesAbbr: ["މުޙައްރަމް","ޞަފަރު","ރަބީޢުލްއައްވަލް","ރަބީޢުލްއާޚިރު","ޖުމާދަލްއޫލާ","ޖުމާދަލްއާޚިރާ","ރަޖަބް","ޝަޢްބާން","ރަމަޟާން","ޝައްވާލް","ޛުލްޤަޢިދާ","ޛުލްޙިއްޖާ",""] }, AM: ["މކ","މކ","މކ"], PM: ["މފ","މފ","މފ"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm", F: "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }), Gregorian_Localized: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["އާދީއްތަ","ހޯމަ","އަންގާރަ","ބުދަ","ބުރާސްފަތި","ހުކުރު","ހޮނިހިރު"], namesAbbr: ["އާދީއްތަ","ހޯމަ","އަންގާރަ","ބުދަ","ބުރާސްފަތި","ހުކުރު","ހޮނިހިރު"], namesShort: ["އާ","ހޯ","އަ","ބު","ބު","ހު","ހޮ"] }, months: { names: ["ޖަނަވަރީ","ފެބްރުއަރީ","މާޗް","އޭޕްރިލް","މެއި","ޖޫން","ޖުލައި","އޯގަސްޓް","ސެޕްޓެމްބަރ","އޮކްޓޯބަރ","ނޮވެމްބަރ","ޑިސެމްބަރ",""], namesAbbr: ["ޖަނަވަރީ","ފެބްރުއަރީ","މާޗް","އޭޕްރިލް","މެއި","ޖޫން","ޖުލައި","އޯގަސްޓް","ސެޕްޓެމްބަރ","އޮކްޓޯބަރ","ނޮވެމްބަރ","ޑިސެމްބަރ",""] }, AM: ["މކ","މކ","މކ"], PM: ["މފ","މފ","މފ"], eras: [{"name":"މީލާދީ","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "ddd, yyyy MMMM dd", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "ddd, yyyy MMMM dd HH:mm", F: "ddd, yyyy MMMM dd HH:mm:ss", Y: "yyyy, MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["dv"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ha"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ha", englishName: "Hausa", nativeName: "Hausa", language: "ha", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], symbol: "N" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["Lahadi","Litinin","Talata","Laraba","Alhamis","Juma'a","Asabar"], namesAbbr: ["Lah","Lit","Tal","Lar","Alh","Jum","Asa"], namesShort: ["L","L","T","L","A","J","A"] }, months: { names: ["Januwaru","Febreru","Maris","Afrilu","Mayu","Yuni","Yuli","Agusta","Satumba","Oktocba","Nuwamba","Disamba",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Afr","May","Yun","Yul","Agu","Sat","Okt","Nuw","Dis",""] }, AM: ["Safe","safe","SAFE"], PM: ["Yamma","yamma","YAMMA"], eras: [{"name":"AD","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d/M/yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ha"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["yo"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "yo", englishName: "Yoruba", nativeName: "Yoruba", language: "yo", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], symbol: "N" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["Aiku","Aje","Isegun","Ojo'ru","Ojo'bo","Eti","Abameta"], namesAbbr: ["Aik","Aje","Ise","Ojo","Ojo","Eti","Aba"], namesShort: ["A","A","I","O","O","E","A"] }, months: { names: ["Osu kinni","Osu keji","Osu keta","Osu kerin","Osu karun","Osu kefa","Osu keje","Osu kejo","Osu kesan","Osu kewa","Osu kokanla","Osu keresi",""], namesAbbr: ["kin.","kej.","ket.","ker.","kar.","kef.","kej.","kej.","kes.","kew.","kok.","ker.",""] }, AM: ["Owuro","owuro","OWURO"], PM: ["Ale","ale","ALE"], eras: [{"name":"AD","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d/M/yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["yo"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["quz"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "quz", englishName: "Quechua", nativeName: "runasimi", language: "quz", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["($ n)","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "$b" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["intichaw","killachaw","atipachaw","quyllurchaw","Ch' askachaw","Illapachaw","k'uychichaw"], namesAbbr: ["int","kil","ati","quy","Ch'","Ill","k'u"], namesShort: ["d","k","a","m","h","b","k"] }, months: { names: ["Qulla puquy","Hatun puquy","Pauqar waray","ayriwa","Aymuray","Inti raymi","Anta Sitwa","Qhapaq Sitwa","Uma raymi","Kantaray","Ayamarq'a","Kapaq Raymi",""], namesAbbr: ["Qul","Hat","Pau","ayr","Aym","Int","Ant","Qha","Uma","Kan","Aya","Kap",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["quz"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["nso"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "nso", englishName: "Sesotho sa Leboa", nativeName: "Sesotho sa Leboa", language: "nso", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"] }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], symbol: "R" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["Lamorena","Mošupologo","Labobedi","Laboraro","Labone","Labohlano","Mokibelo"], namesAbbr: ["Lam","Moš","Lbb","Lbr","Lbn","Lbh","Mok"], namesShort: ["L","M","L","L","L","L","M"] }, months: { names: ["Pherekgong","Hlakola","Mopitlo","Moranang","Mosegamanye","Ngoatobošego","Phuphu","Phato","Lewedi","Diphalana","Dibatsela","Manthole",""], namesAbbr: ["Pher","Hlak","Mop","Mor","Mos","Ngwat","Phup","Phat","Lew","Dip","Dib","Man",""] }, patterns: { d: "yyyy/MM/dd", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["nso"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ba"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ba", englishName: "Bashkir", nativeName: "Башҡорт", language: "ba", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], groupSizes: [3,0], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], groupSizes: [3,0], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "һ." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Йәкшәмбе","Дүшәмбе","Шишәмбе","Шаршамбы","Кесаҙна","Йома","Шәмбе"], namesAbbr: ["Йш","Дш","Шш","Шр","Кс","Йм","Шб"], namesShort: ["Йш","Дш","Шш","Шр","Кс","Йм","Шб"] }, months: { names: ["ғинуар","февраль","март","апрель","май","июнь","июль","август","сентябрь","октябрь","ноябрь","декабрь",""], namesAbbr: ["ғин","фев","мар","апр","май","июн","июл","авг","сен","окт","ноя","дек",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yy", D: "d MMMM yyyy 'й'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy 'й' H:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy 'й' H:mm:ss", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ba"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["lb"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "lb", englishName: "Luxembourgish", nativeName: "Lëtzebuergesch", language: "lb", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Sonndeg","Méindeg","Dënschdeg","Mëttwoch","Donneschdeg","Freideg","Samschdeg"], namesAbbr: ["Son","Méi","Dën","Mët","Don","Fre","Sam"], namesShort: ["So","Mé","Dë","Më","Do","Fr","Sa"] }, months: { names: ["Januar","Februar","Mäerz","Abrëll","Mee","Juni","Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Dezember",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mäe","Abr","Mee","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dez",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"n. Chr","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["lb"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["kl"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "kl", englishName: "Greenlandic", nativeName: "kalaallisut", language: "kl", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { groupSizes: [3,0], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,0], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "kr." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["sapaat","ataasinngorneq","marlunngorneq","pingasunngorneq","sisamanngorneq","tallimanngorneq","arfininngorneq"], namesAbbr: ["sap","ata","mar","ping","sis","tal","arf"], namesShort: ["sa","at","ma","pi","si","ta","ar"] }, months: { names: ["januari","februari","martsi","apriili","maaji","juni","juli","aggusti","septembari","oktobari","novembari","decembari",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","mai","jun","jul","aug","sep","okt","nov","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["kl"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ig"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ig", englishName: "Igbo", nativeName: "Igbo", language: "ig", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], symbol: "N" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["Aiku","Aje","Isegun","Ojo'ru","Ojo'bo","Eti","Abameta"], namesAbbr: ["Aik","Aje","Ise","Ojo","Ojo","Eti","Aba"], namesShort: ["A","A","I","O","O","E","A"] }, months: { names: ["Onwa mbu","Onwa ibua","Onwa ato","Onwa ano","Onwa ise","Onwa isi","Onwa asa","Onwa asato","Onwa itolu","Onwa iri","Onwa iri n'ofu","Onwa iri n'ibua",""], namesAbbr: ["mbu.","ibu.","ato.","ano.","ise","isi","asa","asa.","ito.","iri.","n'of.","n'ib.",""] }, AM: ["Ututu","ututu","UTUTU"], PM: ["Efifie","efifie","EFIFIE"], eras: [{"name":"AD","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d/M/yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ig"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ii"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ii", englishName: "Yi", nativeName: "ꆈꌠꁱꂷ", language: "ii", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], groupSizes: [3,0] }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$n"], symbol: "¥" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["ꑭꆏꑍ","ꆏꊂ꒔","ꆏꊂꑍ","ꆏꊂꌕ","ꆏꊂꇖ","ꆏꊂꉬ","ꆏꊂꃘ"], namesAbbr: ["ꑭꆏ","ꆏ꒔","ꆏꑍ","ꆏꌕ","ꆏꇖ","ꆏꉬ","ꆏꃘ"], namesShort: ["ꆏ","꒔","ꑍ","ꌕ","ꇖ","ꉬ","ꃘ"] }, months: { names: ["ꋍꆪ","ꑍꆪ","ꌕꆪ","ꇖꆪ","ꉬꆪ","ꃘꆪ","ꏃꆪ","ꉆꆪ","ꈬꆪ","ꊰꆪ","ꊯꊪꆪ","ꊰꑋꆪ",""], namesAbbr: ["ꋍꆪ","ꑍꆪ","ꌕꆪ","ꇖꆪ","ꉬꆪ","ꃘꆪ","ꏃꆪ","ꉆꆪ","ꈬꆪ","ꊰꆪ","ꊯꊪꆪ","ꊰꑋꆪ",""] }, AM: ["ꂵꆪꈌꈐ","ꂵꆪꈌꈐ","ꂵꆪꈌꈐ"], PM: ["ꂵꆪꈌꉈ","ꂵꆪꈌꉈ","ꂵꆪꈌꉈ"], eras: [{"name":"ꇬꑼ","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy/M/d", D: "yyyy'ꈎ' M'ꆪ' d'ꑍ'", t: "tt h:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "yyyy'ꈎ' M'ꆪ' d'ꑍ' tt h:mm", F: "yyyy'ꈎ' M'ꆪ' d'ꑍ' H:mm:ss", M: "M'ꆪ' d'ꑍ'", Y: "yyyy'ꈎ' M'ꆪ'" } }) } }, cultures["ii"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["arn"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "arn", englishName: "Mapudungun", nativeName: "Mapudungun", language: "arn", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-$ n","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': "," } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", days: { names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"] }, months: { names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""], namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["arn"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["moh"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "moh", englishName: "Mohawk", nativeName: "Kanien'kéha", language: "moh", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { groupSizes: [3,0] } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["Awentatokentì:ke","Awentataón'ke","Ratironhia'kehronòn:ke","Soséhne","Okaristiiáhne","Ronwaia'tanentaktonhne","Entákta"], namesShort: ["S","M","T","W","T","F","S"] }, months: { names: ["Tsothohrkó:Wa","Enniska","Enniskó:Wa","Onerahtókha","Onerahtohkó:Wa","Ohiari:Ha","Ohiarihkó:Wa","Seskéha","Seskehkó:Wa","Kenténha","Kentenhkó:Wa","Tsothóhrha",""] } }) } }, cultures["moh"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["br"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "br", englishName: "Breton", nativeName: "brezhoneg", language: "br", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Sul","Lun","Meurzh","Merc'her","Yaou","Gwener","Sadorn"], namesAbbr: ["Sul","Lun","Meu.","Mer.","Yaou","Gwe.","Sad."], namesShort: ["Su","Lu","Mz","Mc","Ya","Gw","Sa"] }, months: { names: ["Genver","C'hwevrer","Meurzh","Ebrel","Mae","Mezheven","Gouere","Eost","Gwengolo","Here","Du","Kerzu",""], namesAbbr: ["Gen.","C'hwe.","Meur.","Ebr.","Mae","Mezh.","Goue.","Eost","Gwen.","Here","Du","Kzu",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"g. J.-K.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["br"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ug"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ug", englishName: "Uyghur", nativeName: "ئۇيغۇرچە", language: "ug", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"] }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$n"], symbol: "¥" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", days: { names: ["يەكشەنبە","دۈشەنبە","سەيشەنبە","چارشەنبە","پەيشەنبە","جۈمە","شەنبە"], namesAbbr: ["يە","دۈ","سە","چا","پە","جۈ","شە"], namesShort: ["ي","د","س","چ","پ","ج","ش"] }, months: { names: ["1-ئاي","2-ئاي","3-ئاي","4-ئاي","5-ئاي","6-ئاي","7-ئاي","8-ئاي","9-ئاي","10-ئاي","11-ئاي","12-ئاي",""], namesAbbr: ["1-ئاي","2-ئاي","3-ئاي","4-ئاي","5-ئاي","6-ئاي","7-ئاي","8-ئاي","9-ئاي","10-ئاي","11-ئاي","12-ئاي",""] }, AM: ["چۈشتىن بۇرۇن","چۈشتىن بۇرۇن","چۈشتىن بۇرۇن"], PM: ["چۈشتىن كېيىن","چۈشتىن كېيىن","چۈشتىن كېيىن"], eras: [{"name":"مىلادى","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy-M-d", D: "yyyy-'يىلى' MMMM d-'كۈنى،'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "yyyy-'يىلى' MMMM d-'كۈنى،' H:mm", F: "yyyy-'يىلى' MMMM d-'كۈنى،' H:mm:ss", M: "MMMM d'-كۈنى'", Y: "yyyy-'يىلى' MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["ug"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["mi"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "mi", englishName: "Maori", nativeName: "Reo Māori", language: "mi", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"] }, currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"] } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Rātapu","Rāhina","Rātū","Rāapa","Rāpare","Rāmere","Rāhoroi"], namesAbbr: ["Ta","Hi","Tū","Apa","Pa","Me","Ho"], namesShort: ["Ta","Hi","Tū","Aa","Pa","Me","Ho"] }, months: { names: ["Kohi-tātea","Hui-tanguru","Poutū-te-rangi","Paenga-whāwhā","Haratua","Pipiri","Hōngongoi","Here-turi-kōkā","Mahuru","Whiringa-ā-nuku","Whiringa-ā-rangi","Hakihea",""], namesAbbr: ["Kohi","Hui","Pou","Pae","Hara","Pipi","Hōngo","Here","Mahu","Nuku","Rangi","Haki",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy", f: "dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy h:mm tt", F: "dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM, yy" } }) } }, cultures["mi"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["oc"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "oc", englishName: "Occitan", nativeName: "Occitan", language: "oc", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["dimenge","diluns","dimars","dimècres","dijòus","divendres","dissabte"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mèc.","jòu.","ven.","sab."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","mè","jò","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["genier","febrier","març","abril","mai","junh","julh","agost","setembre","octobre","novembre","desembre",""], namesAbbr: ["gen.","feb.","mar.","abr.","mai.","jun.","jul.","ag.","set.","oct.","nov.","des.",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["de genier","de febrier","de març","d'abril","de mai","de junh","de julh","d'agost","de setembre","d'octobre","de novembre","de desembre",""], namesAbbr: ["gen.","feb.","mar.","abr.","mai.","jun.","jul.","ag.","set.","oct.","nov.","des.",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"après Jèsus-Crist","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd,' lo 'd MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd,' lo 'd MMMM' de 'yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd,' lo 'd MMMM' de 'yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["oc"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["co"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "co", englishName: "Corsican", nativeName: "Corsu", language: "co", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["dumenica","luni","marti","mercuri","ghjovi","venderi","sabbatu"], namesAbbr: ["dum.","lun.","mar.","mer.","ghj.","ven.","sab."], namesShort: ["du","lu","ma","me","gh","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["ghjennaghju","ferraghju","marzu","aprile","maghju","ghjunghju","lugliu","aostu","settembre","ottobre","nuvembre","dicembre",""], namesAbbr: ["ghje","ferr","marz","apri","magh","ghju","lugl","aost","sett","otto","nuve","dice",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"dopu J-C","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["co"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["gsw"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "gsw", englishName: "Alsatian", nativeName: "Elsässisch", language: "gsw", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Sundàà","Mondàà","Dienschdàà","Mittwuch","Dunnerschdàà","Fridàà","Sàmschdàà"], namesAbbr: ["Su.","Mo.","Di.","Mi.","Du.","Fr.","Sà."], namesShort: ["Su","Mo","Di","Mi","Du","Fr","Sà"] }, months: { names: ["Jänner","Feverje","März","Àpril","Mai","Jüni","Jüli","Augscht","September","Oktower","Nowember","Dezember",""], namesAbbr: ["Jän.","Fev.","März","Apr.","Mai","Jüni","Jüli","Aug.","Sept.","Okt.","Now.","Dez.",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"Vor J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["gsw"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sah"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sah", englishName: "Yakut", nativeName: "саха", language: "sah", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n$","n$"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "с." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["баскыһыанньа","бэнидиэнньик","оптуорунньук","сэрэдэ","чэппиэр","бээтинсэ","субуота"], namesAbbr: ["Бс","Бн","Оп","Ср","Чп","Бт","Сб"], namesShort: ["Бс","Бн","Оп","Ср","Чп","Бт","Сб"] }, months: { names: ["Тохсунньу","Олунньу","Кулун тутар","Муус устар","Ыам ыйа","Бэс ыйа","От ыйа","Атырдьах ыйа","Балаҕан ыйа","Алтынньы","Сэтинньи","Ахсынньы",""], namesAbbr: ["тхс","олн","кул","мст","ыам","бэс","отй","атр","блҕ","алт","стн","ахс",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["тохсунньу","олунньу","кулун тутар","муус устар","ыам ыйын","бэс ыйын","от ыйын","атырдьах ыйын","балаҕан ыйын","алтынньы","сэтинньи","ахсынньы",""], namesAbbr: ["тхс","олн","кул","мст","ыам","бэс","отй","атр","блҕ","алт","стн","ахс",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "MM.dd.yyyy", D: "MMMM d yyyy 'с.'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "MMMM d yyyy 'с.' H:mm", F: "MMMM d yyyy 'с.' H:mm:ss", Y: "MMMM yyyy 'с.'" } }) } }, cultures["sah"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["qut"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "qut", englishName: "K'iche", nativeName: "K'iche", language: "qut", numberFormat: { currency: { symbol: "Q" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["juq'ij","kaq'ij","oxq'ij","kajq'ij","joq'ij","waqq'ij","wuqq'ij"], namesAbbr: ["juq","kaq","oxq","kajq","joq","waqq","wuqq"], namesShort: ["ju","ka","ox","ka","jo","wa","wu"] }, months: { names: ["nab'e ik'","ukab' ik'","rox ik'","ukaj ik'","uro' ik'","uwaq ik'","uwuq ik'","uwajxaq ik'","ub'elej ik'","ulaj ik'","ujulaj ik'","ukab'laj ik'",""], namesAbbr: ["nab'e","ukab","rox","ukaj","uro","uwaq","uwuq","uwajxaq","ub'elej","ulaj","ujulaj","ukab'laj",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["qut"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["rw"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "rw", englishName: "Kinyarwanda", nativeName: "Kinyarwanda", language: "rw", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "RWF" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["Ku wa mbere","Ku wa kabiri","Ku wa gatatu","Ku wa kane","Ku wa gatanu","Ku wa gatandatu","Ku cyumweru"], namesAbbr: ["mbe.","kab.","gat.","kan.","gat.","gat.","cyu."], namesShort: ["mb","ka","ga","ka","ga","ga","cy"] }, months: { names: ["Mutarama","Gashyantare","Werurwe","Mata","Gicurasi","Kamena","Nyakanga","Kanama","Nzeli","Ukwakira","Ugushyingo","Ukuboza",""], namesAbbr: ["Mut","Gas","Wer","Mat","Gic","Kam","Nya","Kan","Nze","Ukwa","Ugu","Uku",""] }, AM: ["saa moya z.m.","saa moya z.m.","SAA MOYA Z.M."], PM: ["saa moya z.n.","saa moya z.n.","SAA MOYA Z.N."], eras: [{"name":"AD","start":null,"offset":0}] }) } }, cultures["rw"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["wo"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "wo", englishName: "Wolof", nativeName: "Wolof", language: "wo", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "XOF" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["wo"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["prs"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "prs", englishName: "Dari", nativeName: "درى", language: "prs", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["%n-","%n"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$n"], symbol: "؋" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 5, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["غ.م","غ.م","غ.م"], PM: ["غ.و","غ.و","غ.و"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", f: "dd/MM/yyyy h:mm tt", F: "dd/MM/yyyy h:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }), Gregorian_Localized: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 5, days: { names: ["یکشنبه","دوشنبه","سه‌شنبه","چهارشنبه","پنجشنبه","جمعه","شنبه"], namesAbbr: ["یکشنبه","دوشنبه","سه‌شنبه","چهارشنبه","پنجشنبه","جمعه","شنبه"], namesShort: ["ی","د","س","چ","پ","ج","ش"] }, months: { names: ["سلواغه","كب","ورى","غويى","غبرګولى","چنګاښ","زمرى","وږى","تله","لړم","ليندۍ","مرغومى",""], namesAbbr: ["سلواغه","كب","ورى","غويى","غبرګولى","چنګاښ","زمرى","وږى","تله","لړم","ليندۍ","مرغومى",""] }, AM: ["غ.م","غ.م","غ.م"], PM: ["غ.و","غ.و","غ.و"], eras: [{"name":"ل.ه","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy/M/d", D: "yyyy, dd, MMMM, dddd", f: "yyyy, dd, MMMM, dddd h:mm tt", F: "yyyy, dd, MMMM, dddd h:mm:ss tt", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["prs"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["gd"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "gd", englishName: "Scottish Gaelic", nativeName: "Gàidhlig", language: "gd", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"], symbol: "£" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Didòmhnaich","Diluain","Dimàirt","Diciadain","Diardaoin","Dihaoine","Disathairne"], namesAbbr: ["Dòm","Lua","Mài","Cia","Ard","Hao","Sat"], namesShort: ["D","L","M","C","A","H","S"] }, months: { names: ["Am Faoilleach","An Gearran","Am Màrt","An Giblean","An Cèitean","An t-Ògmhios","An t-Iuchar","An Lùnastal","An t-Sultain","An Dàmhair","An t-Samhain","An Dùbhlachd",""], namesAbbr: ["Fao","Gea","Màr","Gib","Cèi","Ògm","Iuc","Lùn","Sul","Dàm","Sam","Dùb",""] }, AM: ["m","m","M"], PM: ["f","f","F"], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["gd"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ar-SA"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ar-SA", englishName: "Arabic (Saudi Arabia)", nativeName: "العربية (المملكة العربية السعودية)", language: "ar", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$ n"], symbol: "ر.س.‏" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "UmAlQura", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { _yearInfo: [ // MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date [746, -2198707200000], [1769, -2168121600000], [3794, -2137449600000], [3748, -2106777600000], [3402, -2076192000000], [2710, -2045606400000], [1334, -2015020800000], [2741, -1984435200000], [3498, -1953763200000], [2980, -1923091200000], [2889, -1892505600000], [2707, -1861920000000], [1323, -1831334400000], [2647, -1800748800000], [1206, -1770076800000], [2741, -1739491200000], [1450, -1708819200000], [3413, -1678233600000], [3370, -1647561600000], [2646, -1616976000000], [1198, -1586390400000], [2397, -1555804800000], [748, -1525132800000], [1749, -1494547200000], [1706, -1463875200000], [1365, -1433289600000], [1195, -1402704000000], [2395, -1372118400000], [698, -1341446400000], [1397, -1310860800000], [2994, -1280188800000], [1892, -1249516800000], [1865, -1218931200000], [1621, -1188345600000], [683, -1157760000000], [1371, -1127174400000], [2778, -1096502400000], [1748, -1065830400000], [3785, -1035244800000], [3474, -1004572800000], [3365, -973987200000], [2637, -943401600000], [685, -912816000000], [1389, -882230400000], [2922, -851558400000], [2898, -820886400000], [2725, -790300800000], [2635, -759715200000], [1175, -729129600000], [2359, -698544000000], [694, -667872000000], [1397, -637286400000], [3434, -606614400000], [3410, -575942400000], [2710, -545356800000], [2349, -514771200000], [605, -484185600000], [1245, -453600000000], [2778, -422928000000], [1492, -392256000000], [3497, -361670400000], [3410, -330998400000], [2730, -300412800000], [1238, -269827200000], [2486, -239241600000], [884, -208569600000], [1897, -177984000000], [1874, -147312000000], [1701, -116726400000], [1355, -86140800000], [2731, -55555200000], [1370, -24883200000], [2773, 5702400000], [3538, 36374400000], [3492, 67046400000], [3401, 97632000000], [2709, 128217600000], [1325, 158803200000], [2653, 189388800000], [1370, 220060800000], [2773, 250646400000], [1706, 281318400000], [1685, 311904000000], [1323, 342489600000], [2647, 373075200000], [1198, 403747200000], [2422, 434332800000], [1388, 465004800000], [2901, 495590400000], [2730, 526262400000], [2645, 556848000000], [1197, 587433600000], [2397, 618019200000], [730, 648691200000], [1497, 679276800000], [3506, 709948800000], [2980, 740620800000], [2890, 771206400000], [2645, 801792000000], [693, 832377600000], [1397, 862963200000], [2922, 893635200000], [3026, 924307200000], [3012, 954979200000], [2953, 985564800000], [2709, 1016150400000], [1325, 1046736000000], [1453, 1077321600000], [2922, 1107993600000], [1748, 1138665600000], [3529, 1169251200000], [3474, 1199923200000], [2726, 1230508800000], [2390, 1261094400000], [686, 1291680000000], [1389, 1322265600000], [874, 1352937600000], [2901, 1383523200000], [2730, 1414195200000], [2381, 1444780800000], [1181, 1475366400000], [2397, 1505952000000], [698, 1536624000000], [1461, 1567209600000], [1450, 1597881600000], [3413, 1628467200000], [2714, 1659139200000], [2350, 1689724800000], [622, 1720310400000], [1373, 1750896000000], [2778, 1781568000000], [1748, 1812240000000], [1701, 1842825600000], [0, 1873411200000] ], minDate: -2198707200000, maxDate: 1873411199999, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var days = hday - 1, gyear = hyear - 1318; if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null; var info = this._yearInfo[gyear], gdate = new Date(info[1]), monthLength = info[0]; // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone, // not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) { days += 29 + (monthLength & 1); monthLength = monthLength >> 1; } gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone, // not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null; var hyear = 0, hmonth = 1; // find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { } if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) { hyear--; } var info = this._yearInfo[hyear], // how many days has it been since the date we found in the array? // 86400000 = ticks per day days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000), monthLength = info[0]; hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N // now increment day/month based on the total days, considering // how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year // mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case. var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); while (days >= daysInMonth) { days -= daysInMonth; monthLength = monthLength >> 1; daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); hmonth++; } // remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on // hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that. return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1]; } } }), Hijri: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }), Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Gregorian_Arabic: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_Arabic", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""], namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }), Gregorian_Localized: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليه","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليه","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM, yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }) } }, cultures["ar-SA"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["bg-BG"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "bg-BG", englishName: "Bulgarian (Bulgaria)", nativeName: "български (България)", language: "bg", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "лв." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["неделя","понеделник","вторник","сряда","четвъртък","петък","събота"], namesAbbr: ["нед","пон","вт","ср","четв","пет","съб"], namesShort: ["н","п","в","с","ч","п","с"] }, months: { names: ["януари","февруари","март","април","май","юни","юли","август","септември","октомври","ноември","декември",""], namesAbbr: ["ян","февр","март","апр","май","юни","юли","авг","септ","окт","ноември","дек",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"след новата ера","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy 'г.'", D: "dd MMMM yyyy 'г.'", t: "HH:mm 'ч.'", T: "HH:mm:ss 'ч.'", f: "dd MMMM yyyy 'г.' HH:mm 'ч.'", F: "dd MMMM yyyy 'г.' HH:mm:ss 'ч.'", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy 'г.'" } }) } }, cultures["bg-BG"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ca-ES"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ca-ES", englishName: "Catalan (Catalan)", nativeName: "català (català)", language: "ca", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["diumenge","dilluns","dimarts","dimecres","dijous","divendres","dissabte"], namesAbbr: ["dg.","dl.","dt.","dc.","dj.","dv.","ds."], namesShort: ["dg","dl","dt","dc","dj","dv","ds"] }, months: { names: ["gener","febrer","març","abril","maig","juny","juliol","agost","setembre","octubre","novembre","desembre",""], namesAbbr: ["gen","feb","març","abr","maig","juny","jul","ag","set","oct","nov","des",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, d' / 'MMMM' / 'yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd, d' / 'MMMM' / 'yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd, d' / 'MMMM' / 'yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' / 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ca-ES"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["zh-TW"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "zh-TW", englishName: "Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan)", nativeName: "中文(台灣)", language: "zh-CHT", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"] }, currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"], symbol: "NT$" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["星期日","星期一","星期二","星期三","星期四","星期五","星期六"], namesAbbr: ["週日","週一","週二","週三","週四","週五","週六"], namesShort: ["日","一","二","三","四","五","六"] }, months: { names: ["一月","二月","三月","四月","五月","六月","七月","八月","九月","十月","十一月","十二月",""], namesAbbr: ["一月","二月","三月","四月","五月","六月","七月","八月","九月","十月","十一月","十二月",""] }, AM: ["上午","上午","上午"], PM: ["下午","下午","下午"], eras: [{"name":"西元","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy/M/d", D: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日'", t: "tt hh:mm", T: "tt hh:mm:ss", f: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' tt hh:mm", F: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' tt hh:mm:ss", M: "M'月'd'日'", Y: "yyyy'年'M'月'" } }), Taiwan: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Taiwan", days: { names: ["星期日","星期一","星期二","星期三","星期四","星期五","星期六"], namesAbbr: ["週日","週一","週二","週三","週四","週五","週六"], namesShort: ["日","一","二","三","四","五","六"] }, months: { names: ["一月","二月","三月","四月","五月","六月","七月","八月","九月","十月","十一月","十二月",""], namesAbbr: ["一月","二月","三月","四月","五月","六月","七月","八月","九月","十月","十一月","十二月",""] }, AM: ["上午","上午","上午"], PM: ["下午","下午","下午"], eras: [{"name":"","start":null,"offset":1911}], twoDigitYearMax: 99, patterns: { d: "yyyy/M/d", D: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日'", t: "tt hh:mm", T: "tt hh:mm:ss", f: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' tt hh:mm", F: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' tt hh:mm:ss", M: "M'月'd'日'", Y: "yyyy'年'M'月'" } }) } }, cultures["zh-TW"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["cs-CZ"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "cs-CZ", englishName: "Czech (Czech Republic)", nativeName: "čeština (Česká republika)", language: "cs", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "Kč" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["neděle","pondělí","úterý","středa","čtvrtek","pátek","sobota"], namesAbbr: ["ne","po","út","st","čt","pá","so"], namesShort: ["ne","po","út","st","čt","pá","so"] }, months: { names: ["leden","únor","březen","duben","květen","červen","červenec","srpen","září","říjen","listopad","prosinec",""], namesAbbr: ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["ledna","února","března","dubna","května","června","července","srpna","září","října","listopadu","prosince",""], namesAbbr: ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12",""] }, AM: ["dop.","dop.","DOP."], PM: ["odp.","odp.","ODP."], eras: [{"name":"n. l.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["cs-CZ"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["da-DK"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "da-DK", englishName: "Danish (Denmark)", nativeName: "dansk (Danmark)", language: "da", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "kr." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["søndag","mandag","tirsdag","onsdag","torsdag","fredag","lørdag"], namesAbbr: ["sø","ma","ti","on","to","fr","lø"], namesShort: ["sø","ma","ti","on","to","fr","lø"] }, months: { names: ["januar","februar","marts","april","maj","juni","juli","august","september","oktober","november","december",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","maj","jun","jul","aug","sep","okt","nov","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["da-DK"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["de-DE"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "de-DE", englishName: "German (Germany)", nativeName: "Deutsch (Deutschland)", language: "de", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Sonntag","Montag","Dienstag","Mittwoch","Donnerstag","Freitag","Samstag"], namesAbbr: ["So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa"], namesShort: ["So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa"] }, months: { names: ["Januar","Februar","März","April","Mai","Juni","Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Dezember",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mrz","Apr","Mai","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dez",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"n. Chr.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["de-DE"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["el-GR"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "el-GR", englishName: "Greek (Greece)", nativeName: "Ελληνικά (Ελλάδα)", language: "el", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Κυριακή","Δευτέρα","Τρίτη","Τετάρτη","Πέμπτη","Παρασκευή","Σάββατο"], namesAbbr: ["Κυρ","Δευ","Τρι","Τετ","Πεμ","Παρ","Σαβ"], namesShort: ["Κυ","Δε","Τρ","Τε","Πε","Πα","Σά"] }, months: { names: ["Ιανουάριος","Φεβρουάριος","Μάρτιος","Απρίλιος","Μάιος","Ιούνιος","Ιούλιος","Αύγουστος","Σεπτέμβριος","Οκτώβριος","Νοέμβριος","Δεκέμβριος",""], namesAbbr: ["Ιαν","Φεβ","Μαρ","Απρ","Μαϊ","Ιουν","Ιουλ","Αυγ","Σεπ","Οκτ","Νοε","Δεκ",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["Ιανουαρίου","Φεβρουαρίου","Μαρτίου","Απριλίου","Μαΐου","Ιουνίου","Ιουλίου","Αυγούστου","Σεπτεμβρίου","Οκτωβρίου","Νοεμβρίου","Δεκεμβρίου",""], namesAbbr: ["Ιαν","Φεβ","Μαρ","Απρ","Μαϊ","Ιουν","Ιουλ","Αυγ","Σεπ","Οκτ","Νοε","Δεκ",""] }, AM: ["πμ","πμ","ΠΜ"], PM: ["μμ","μμ","ΜΜ"], eras: [{"name":"μ.Χ.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d/M/yyyy", D: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy", f: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm tt", F: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["el-GR"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["en-US"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { }, cultures["en-US"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["fi-FI"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "fi-FI", englishName: "Finnish (Finland)", nativeName: "suomi (Suomi)", language: "fi", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["sunnuntai","maanantai","tiistai","keskiviikko","torstai","perjantai","lauantai"], namesAbbr: ["su","ma","ti","ke","to","pe","la"], namesShort: ["su","ma","ti","ke","to","pe","la"] }, months: { names: ["tammikuu","helmikuu","maaliskuu","huhtikuu","toukokuu","kesäkuu","heinäkuu","elokuu","syyskuu","lokakuu","marraskuu","joulukuu",""], namesAbbr: ["tammi","helmi","maalis","huhti","touko","kesä","heinä","elo","syys","loka","marras","joulu",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM'ta 'yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM'ta 'yyyy H:mm", F: "d. MMMM'ta 'yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM'ta'", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["fi-FI"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["fr-FR"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "fr-FR", englishName: "French (France)", nativeName: "français (France)", language: "fr", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["fr-FR"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["he-IL"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "he-IL", englishName: "Hebrew (Israel)", nativeName: "עברית (ישראל)", language: "he", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"] }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], symbol: "₪" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["יום ראשון","יום שני","יום שלישי","יום רביעי","יום חמישי","יום שישי","שבת"], namesAbbr: ["יום א","יום ב","יום ג","יום ד","יום ה","יום ו","שבת"], namesShort: ["א","ב","ג","ד","ה","ו","ש"] }, months: { names: ["ינואר","פברואר","מרץ","אפריל","מאי","יוני","יולי","אוגוסט","ספטמבר","אוקטובר","נובמבר","דצמבר",""], namesAbbr: ["ינו","פבר","מרץ","אפר","מאי","יונ","יול","אוג","ספט","אוק","נוב","דצמ",""] }, eras: [{"name":"לספירה","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }), Hebrew: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hebrew", '/': " ", days: { names: ["יום ראשון","יום שני","יום שלישי","יום רביעי","יום חמישי","יום שישי","שבת"], namesAbbr: ["א","ב","ג","ד","ה","ו","ש"], namesShort: ["א","ב","ג","ד","ה","ו","ש"] }, months: { names: ["תשרי","חשון","כסלו","טבת","שבט","אדר","אדר ב","ניסן","אייר","סיון","תמוז","אב","אלול"], namesAbbr: ["תשרי","חשון","כסלו","טבת","שבט","אדר","אדר ב","ניסן","אייר","סיון","תמוז","אב","אלול"] }, eras: [{"name":"C.E.","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 5790, patterns: { d: "dd MMMM yyyy", D: "dddd dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["he-IL"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["hu-HU"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "hu-HU", englishName: "Hungarian (Hungary)", nativeName: "magyar (Magyarország)", language: "hu", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "Ft" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["vasárnap","hétfő","kedd","szerda","csütörtök","péntek","szombat"], namesAbbr: ["V","H","K","Sze","Cs","P","Szo"], namesShort: ["V","H","K","Sze","Cs","P","Szo"] }, months: { names: ["január","február","március","április","május","június","július","augusztus","szeptember","október","november","december",""], namesAbbr: ["jan.","febr.","márc.","ápr.","máj.","jún.","júl.","aug.","szept.","okt.","nov.","dec.",""] }, AM: ["de.","de.","DE."], PM: ["du.","du.","DU."], eras: [{"name":"i.sz.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy.MM.dd.", D: "yyyy. MMMM d.", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "yyyy. MMMM d. H:mm", F: "yyyy. MMMM d. H:mm:ss", M: "MMMM d.", Y: "yyyy. MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["hu-HU"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["is-IS"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "is-IS", englishName: "Icelandic (Iceland)", nativeName: "íslenska (Ísland)", language: "is", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], decimals: 0, ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "kr." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["sunnudagur","mánudagur","þriðjudagur","miðvikudagur","fimmtudagur","föstudagur","laugardagur"], namesAbbr: ["sun.","mán.","þri.","mið.","fim.","fös.","lau."], namesShort: ["su","má","þr","mi","fi","fö","la"] }, months: { names: ["janúar","febrúar","mars","apríl","maí","júní","júlí","ágúst","september","október","nóvember","desember",""], namesAbbr: ["jan.","feb.","mar.","apr.","maí","jún.","júl.","ágú.","sep.","okt.","nóv.","des.",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["is-IS"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["it-IT"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "it-IT", englishName: "Italian (Italy)", nativeName: "italiano (Italia)", language: "it", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-$ n","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["domenica","lunedì","martedì","mercoledì","giovedì","venerdì","sabato"], namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mer","gio","ven","sab"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","me","gi","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["gennaio","febbraio","marzo","aprile","maggio","giugno","luglio","agosto","settembre","ottobre","novembre","dicembre",""], namesAbbr: ["gen","feb","mar","apr","mag","giu","lug","ago","set","ott","nov","dic",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["it-IT"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ja-JP"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ja-JP", englishName: "Japanese (Japan)", nativeName: "日本語 (日本)", language: "ja", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"] }, currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"], decimals: 0, symbol: "¥" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["日曜日","月曜日","火曜日","水曜日","木曜日","金曜日","土曜日"], namesAbbr: ["日","月","火","水","木","金","土"], namesShort: ["日","月","火","水","木","金","土"] }, months: { names: ["1月","2月","3月","4月","5月","6月","7月","8月","9月","10月","11月","12月",""], namesAbbr: ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12",""] }, AM: ["午前","午前","午前"], PM: ["午後","午後","午後"], eras: [{"name":"西暦","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy/MM/dd", D: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm", F: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm:ss", M: "M'月'd'日'", Y: "yyyy'年'M'月'" } }), Japanese: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Japanese", days: { names: ["日曜日","月曜日","火曜日","水曜日","木曜日","金曜日","土曜日"], namesAbbr: ["日","月","火","水","木","金","土"], namesShort: ["日","月","火","水","木","金","土"] }, months: { names: ["1月","2月","3月","4月","5月","6月","7月","8月","9月","10月","11月","12月",""], namesAbbr: ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12",""] }, AM: ["午前","午前","午前"], PM: ["午後","午後","午後"], eras: [{"name":"平成","start":null,"offset":1867},{"name":"昭和","start":-1812153600000,"offset":1911},{"name":"大正","start":-1357603200000,"offset":1925},{"name":"明治","start":60022080000,"offset":1988}], twoDigitYearMax: 99, patterns: { d: "gg y/M/d", D: "gg y'年'M'月'd'日'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "gg y'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm", F: "gg y'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm:ss", M: "M'月'd'日'", Y: "gg y'年'M'月'" } }) } }, cultures["ja-JP"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ko-KR"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ko-KR", englishName: "Korean (Korea)", nativeName: "한국어 (대한민국)", language: "ko", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"], decimals: 0, symbol: "₩" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", days: { names: ["일요일","월요일","화요일","수요일","목요일","금요일","토요일"], namesAbbr: ["일","월","화","수","목","금","토"], namesShort: ["일","월","화","수","목","금","토"] }, months: { names: ["1월","2월","3월","4월","5월","6월","7월","8월","9월","10월","11월","12월",""], namesAbbr: ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12",""] }, AM: ["오전","오전","오전"], PM: ["오후","오후","오후"], eras: [{"name":"서기","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy-MM-dd", D: "yyyy'년' M'월' d'일' dddd", t: "tt h:mm", T: "tt h:mm:ss", f: "yyyy'년' M'월' d'일' dddd tt h:mm", F: "yyyy'년' M'월' d'일' dddd tt h:mm:ss", M: "M'월' d'일'", Y: "yyyy'년' M'월'" } }), Korean: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Korean", '/': "-", days: { names: ["일요일","월요일","화요일","수요일","목요일","금요일","토요일"], namesAbbr: ["일","월","화","수","목","금","토"], namesShort: ["일","월","화","수","목","금","토"] }, months: { names: ["1월","2월","3월","4월","5월","6월","7월","8월","9월","10월","11월","12월",""], namesAbbr: ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12",""] }, AM: ["오전","오전","오전"], PM: ["오후","오후","오후"], eras: [{"name":"단기","start":null,"offset":-2333}], twoDigitYearMax: 4362, patterns: { d: "gg yyyy-MM-dd", D: "gg yyyy'년' M'월' d'일' dddd", t: "tt h:mm", T: "tt h:mm:ss", f: "gg yyyy'년' M'월' d'일' dddd tt h:mm", F: "gg yyyy'년' M'월' d'일' dddd tt h:mm:ss", M: "M'월' d'일'", Y: "gg yyyy'년' M'월'" } }) } }, cultures["ko-KR"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["nl-NL"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "nl-NL", englishName: "Dutch (Netherlands)", nativeName: "Nederlands (Nederland)", language: "nl", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["zondag","maandag","dinsdag","woensdag","donderdag","vrijdag","zaterdag"], namesAbbr: ["zo","ma","di","wo","do","vr","za"], namesShort: ["zo","ma","di","wo","do","vr","za"] }, months: { names: ["januari","februari","maart","april","mei","juni","juli","augustus","september","oktober","november","december",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mrt","apr","mei","jun","jul","aug","sep","okt","nov","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "d-M-yyyy", D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["nl-NL"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["nb-NO"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "nb-NO", englishName: "Norwegian, Bokmål (Norway)", nativeName: "norsk, bokmål (Norge)", language: "nb", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "kr" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["søndag","mandag","tirsdag","onsdag","torsdag","fredag","lørdag"], namesAbbr: ["sø","ma","ti","on","to","fr","lø"], namesShort: ["sø","ma","ti","on","to","fr","lø"] }, months: { names: ["januar","februar","mars","april","mai","juni","juli","august","september","oktober","november","desember",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","mai","jun","jul","aug","sep","okt","nov","des",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["nb-NO"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["pl-PL"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "pl-PL", englishName: "Polish (Poland)", nativeName: "polski (Polska)", language: "pl", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "zł" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["niedziela","poniedziałek","wtorek","środa","czwartek","piątek","sobota"], namesAbbr: ["N","Pn","Wt","Śr","Cz","Pt","So"], namesShort: ["N","Pn","Wt","Śr","Cz","Pt","So"] }, months: { names: ["styczeń","luty","marzec","kwiecień","maj","czerwiec","lipiec","sierpień","wrzesień","październik","listopad","grudzień",""], namesAbbr: ["sty","lut","mar","kwi","maj","cze","lip","sie","wrz","paź","lis","gru",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["stycznia","lutego","marca","kwietnia","maja","czerwca","lipca","sierpnia","września","października","listopada","grudnia",""], namesAbbr: ["sty","lut","mar","kwi","maj","cze","lip","sie","wrz","paź","lis","gru",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "yyyy-MM-dd", D: "d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["pl-PL"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["pt-BR"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "pt-BR", englishName: "Portuguese (Brazil)", nativeName: "Português (Brasil)", language: "pt", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-$ n","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "R$" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["domingo","segunda-feira","terça-feira","quarta-feira","quinta-feira","sexta-feira","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","seg","ter","qua","qui","sex","sáb"], namesShort: ["D","S","T","Q","Q","S","S"] }, months: { names: ["janeiro","fevereiro","março","abril","maio","junho","julho","agosto","setembro","outubro","novembro","dezembro",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","fev","mar","abr","mai","jun","jul","ago","set","out","nov","dez",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd, d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd, d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd' de 'MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["pt-BR"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["rm-CH"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "rm-CH", englishName: "Romansh (Switzerland)", nativeName: "Rumantsch (Svizra)", language: "rm", numberFormat: { ',': "'", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': "'" }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], ',': "'", symbol: "fr." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["dumengia","glindesdi","mardi","mesemna","gievgia","venderdi","sonda"], namesAbbr: ["du","gli","ma","me","gie","ve","so"], namesShort: ["du","gli","ma","me","gie","ve","so"] }, months: { names: ["schaner","favrer","mars","avrigl","matg","zercladur","fanadur","avust","settember","october","november","december",""], namesAbbr: ["schan","favr","mars","avr","matg","zercl","fan","avust","sett","oct","nov","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"s. Cr.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["rm-CH"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ro-RO"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ro-RO", englishName: "Romanian (Romania)", nativeName: "română (România)", language: "ro", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "lei" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["duminică","luni","marţi","miercuri","joi","vineri","sâmbătă"], namesAbbr: ["D","L","Ma","Mi","J","V","S"], namesShort: ["D","L","Ma","Mi","J","V","S"] }, months: { names: ["ianuarie","februarie","martie","aprilie","mai","iunie","iulie","august","septembrie","octombrie","noiembrie","decembrie",""], namesAbbr: ["ian.","feb.","mar.","apr.","mai.","iun.","iul.","aug.","sep.","oct.","nov.","dec.",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ro-RO"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ru-RU"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ru-RU", englishName: "Russian (Russia)", nativeName: "русский (Россия)", language: "ru", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n$","n$"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "р." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["воскресенье","понедельник","вторник","среда","четверг","пятница","суббота"], namesAbbr: ["Вс","Пн","Вт","Ср","Чт","Пт","Сб"], namesShort: ["Вс","Пн","Вт","Ср","Чт","Пт","Сб"] }, months: { names: ["Январь","Февраль","Март","Апрель","Май","Июнь","Июль","Август","Сентябрь","Октябрь","Ноябрь","Декабрь",""], namesAbbr: ["янв","фев","мар","апр","май","июн","июл","авг","сен","окт","ноя","дек",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["января","февраля","марта","апреля","мая","июня","июля","августа","сентября","октября","ноября","декабря",""], namesAbbr: ["янв","фев","мар","апр","май","июн","июл","авг","сен","окт","ноя","дек",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "d MMMM yyyy 'г.'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy 'г.' H:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy 'г.' H:mm:ss", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ru-RU"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["hr-HR"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "hr-HR", englishName: "Croatian (Croatia)", nativeName: "hrvatski (Hrvatska)", language: "hr", numberFormat: { pattern: ["- n"], ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "kn" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["nedjelja","ponedjeljak","utorak","srijeda","četvrtak","petak","subota"], namesAbbr: ["ned","pon","uto","sri","čet","pet","sub"], namesShort: ["ne","po","ut","sr","če","pe","su"] }, months: { names: ["siječanj","veljača","ožujak","travanj","svibanj","lipanj","srpanj","kolovoz","rujan","listopad","studeni","prosinac",""], namesAbbr: ["sij","vlj","ožu","tra","svi","lip","srp","kol","ruj","lis","stu","pro",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["siječnja","veljače","ožujka","travnja","svibnja","lipnja","srpnja","kolovoza","rujna","listopada","studenog","prosinca",""], namesAbbr: ["sij","vlj","ožu","tra","svi","lip","srp","kol","ruj","lis","stu","pro",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy.", D: "d. MMMM yyyy.", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy. H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy. H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["hr-HR"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sk-SK"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sk-SK", englishName: "Slovak (Slovakia)", nativeName: "slovenčina (Slovenská republika)", language: "sk", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ". ", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["nedeľa","pondelok","utorok","streda","štvrtok","piatok","sobota"], namesAbbr: ["ne","po","ut","st","št","pi","so"], namesShort: ["ne","po","ut","st","št","pi","so"] }, months: { names: ["január","február","marec","apríl","máj","jún","júl","august","september","október","november","december",""], namesAbbr: ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["januára","februára","marca","apríla","mája","júna","júla","augusta","septembra","októbra","novembra","decembra",""], namesAbbr: ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"n. l.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d. M. yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["sk-SK"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sq-AL"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sq-AL", englishName: "Albanian (Albania)", nativeName: "shqipe (Shqipëria)", language: "sq", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n$","n$"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "Lek" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["e diel","e hënë","e martë","e mërkurë","e enjte","e premte","e shtunë"], namesAbbr: ["Die","Hën","Mar","Mër","Enj","Pre","Sht"], namesShort: ["Di","Hë","Ma","Më","En","Pr","Sh"] }, months: { names: ["janar","shkurt","mars","prill","maj","qershor","korrik","gusht","shtator","tetor","nëntor","dhjetor",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Shk","Mar","Pri","Maj","Qer","Kor","Gsh","Sht","Tet","Nën","Dhj",""] }, AM: ["PD","pd","PD"], PM: ["MD","md","MD"], patterns: { d: "yyyy-MM-dd", D: "yyyy-MM-dd", t: "h:mm.tt", T: "h:mm:ss.tt", f: "yyyy-MM-dd h:mm.tt", F: "yyyy-MM-dd h:mm:ss.tt", Y: "yyyy-MM" } }) } }, cultures["sq-AL"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sv-SE"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sv-SE", englishName: "Swedish (Sweden)", nativeName: "svenska (Sverige)", language: "sv", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "kr" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["söndag","måndag","tisdag","onsdag","torsdag","fredag","lördag"], namesAbbr: ["sö","må","ti","on","to","fr","lö"], namesShort: ["sö","må","ti","on","to","fr","lö"] }, months: { names: ["januari","februari","mars","april","maj","juni","juli","augusti","september","oktober","november","december",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","maj","jun","jul","aug","sep","okt","nov","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "yyyy-MM-dd", D: "'den 'd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "'den 'd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "'den 'd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "'den 'd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["sv-SE"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["th-TH"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "th-TH", englishName: "Thai (Thailand)", nativeName: "ไทย (ไทย)", language: "th", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"], symbol: "฿" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "ThaiBuddhist", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["อาทิตย์","จันทร์","อังคาร","พุธ","พฤหัสบดี","ศุกร์","เสาร์"], namesAbbr: ["อา.","จ.","อ.","พ.","พฤ.","ศ.","ส."], namesShort: ["อ","จ","อ","พ","พ","ศ","ส"] }, months: { names: ["มกราคม","กุมภาพันธ์","มีนาคม","เมษายน","พฤษภาคม","มิถุนายน","กรกฎาคม","สิงหาคม","กันยายน","ตุลาคม","พฤศจิกายน","ธันวาคม",""], namesAbbr: ["ม.ค.","ก.พ.","มี.ค.","เม.ย.","พ.ค.","มิ.ย.","ก.ค.","ส.ค.","ก.ย.","ต.ค.","พ.ย.","ธ.ค.",""] }, eras: [{"name":"พ.ศ.","start":null,"offset":-543}], twoDigitYearMax: 2572, patterns: { d: "d/M/yyyy", D: "d MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }), Gregorian_Localized: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["อาทิตย์","จันทร์","อังคาร","พุธ","พฤหัสบดี","ศุกร์","เสาร์"], namesAbbr: ["อา.","จ.","อ.","พ.","พฤ.","ศ.","ส."], namesShort: ["อ","จ","อ","พ","พ","ศ","ส"] }, months: { names: ["มกราคม","กุมภาพันธ์","มีนาคม","เมษายน","พฤษภาคม","มิถุนายน","กรกฎาคม","สิงหาคม","กันยายน","ตุลาคม","พฤศจิกายน","ธันวาคม",""], namesAbbr: ["ม.ค.","ก.พ.","มี.ค.","เม.ย.","พ.ค.","มิ.ย.","ก.ค.","ส.ค.","ก.ย.","ต.ค.","พ.ย.","ธ.ค.",""] }, patterns: { d: "d/M/yyyy", D: "'วัน'dddd'ที่' d MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "'วัน'dddd'ที่' d MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "'วัน'dddd'ที่' d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["th-TH"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["tr-TR"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "tr-TR", englishName: "Turkish (Turkey)", nativeName: "Türkçe (Türkiye)", language: "tr", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "TL" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Pazar","Pazartesi","Salı","Çarşamba","Perşembe","Cuma","Cumartesi"], namesAbbr: ["Paz","Pzt","Sal","Çar","Per","Cum","Cmt"], namesShort: ["Pz","Pt","Sa","Ça","Pe","Cu","Ct"] }, months: { names: ["Ocak","Şubat","Mart","Nisan","Mayıs","Haziran","Temmuz","Ağustos","Eylül","Ekim","Kasım","Aralık",""], namesAbbr: ["Oca","Şub","Mar","Nis","May","Haz","Tem","Ağu","Eyl","Eki","Kas","Ara",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy dddd", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy dddd HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy dddd HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["tr-TR"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ur-PK"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ur-PK", englishName: "Urdu (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)", nativeName: "اُردو (پاکستان)", language: "ur", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$n"], symbol: "Rs" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["اتوار","پير","منگل","بدھ","جمعرات","جمعه","هفته"], namesAbbr: ["اتوار","پير","منگل","بدھ","جمعرات","جمعه","هفته"], namesShort: ["ا","پ","م","ب","ج","ج","ه"] }, months: { names: ["جنوری","فروری","مارچ","اپریل","مئی","جون","جولائی","اگست","ستمبر","اکتوبر","نومبر","دسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["جنوری","فروری","مارچ","اپریل","مئی","جون","جولائی","اگست","ستمبر","اکتوبر","نومبر","دسمبر",""] }, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM, yyyy", f: "dd MMMM, yyyy h:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Hijri: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", f: "dd/MM/yyyy h:mm tt", F: "dd/MM/yyyy h:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }) } }, cultures["ur-PK"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["id-ID"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "id-ID", englishName: "Indonesian (Indonesia)", nativeName: "Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesia)", language: "id", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { decimals: 0, ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "Rp" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Minggu","Senin","Selasa","Rabu","Kamis","Jumat","Sabtu"], namesAbbr: ["Minggu","Sen","Sel","Rabu","Kamis","Jumat","Sabtu"], namesShort: ["M","S","S","R","K","J","S"] }, months: { names: ["Januari","Februari","Maret","April","Mei","Juni","Juli","Agustus","September","Oktober","Nopember","Desember",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Mei","Jun","Jul","Agust","Sep","Okt","Nop","Des",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["id-ID"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["uk-UA"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "uk-UA", englishName: "Ukrainian (Ukraine)", nativeName: "українська (Україна)", language: "uk", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n$","n$"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "₴" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["неділя","понеділок","вівторок","середа","четвер","п'ятниця","субота"], namesAbbr: ["Нд","Пн","Вт","Ср","Чт","Пт","Сб"], namesShort: ["Нд","Пн","Вт","Ср","Чт","Пт","Сб"] }, months: { names: ["Січень","Лютий","Березень","Квітень","Травень","Червень","Липень","Серпень","Вересень","Жовтень","Листопад","Грудень",""], namesAbbr: ["Січ","Лют","Бер","Кві","Тра","Чер","Лип","Сер","Вер","Жов","Лис","Гру",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["січня","лютого","березня","квітня","травня","червня","липня","серпня","вересня","жовтня","листопада","грудня",""], namesAbbr: ["січ","лют","бер","кві","тра","чер","лип","сер","вер","жов","лис","гру",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "d MMMM yyyy' р.'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy' р.' H:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy' р.' H:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy' р.'" } }) } }, cultures["uk-UA"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["be-BY"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "be-BY", englishName: "Belarusian (Belarus)", nativeName: "Беларускі (Беларусь)", language: "be", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "р." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["нядзеля","панядзелак","аўторак","серада","чацвер","пятніца","субота"], namesAbbr: ["нд","пн","аў","ср","чц","пт","сб"], namesShort: ["нд","пн","аў","ср","чц","пт","сб"] }, months: { names: ["Студзень","Люты","Сакавік","Красавік","Май","Чэрвень","Ліпень","Жнівень","Верасень","Кастрычнік","Лістапад","Снежань",""], namesAbbr: ["Сту","Лют","Сак","Кра","Май","Чэр","Ліп","Жні","Вер","Кас","Ліс","Сне",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["студзеня","лютага","сакавіка","красавіка","мая","чэрвеня","ліпеня","жніўня","верасня","кастрычніка","лістапада","снежня",""], namesAbbr: ["Сту","Лют","Сак","Кра","Май","Чэр","Ліп","Жні","Вер","Кас","Ліс","Сне",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "d MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["be-BY"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sl-SI"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sl-SI", englishName: "Slovenian (Slovenia)", nativeName: "slovenski (Slovenija)", language: "sl", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["nedelja","ponedeljek","torek","sreda","četrtek","petek","sobota"], namesAbbr: ["ned","pon","tor","sre","čet","pet","sob"], namesShort: ["ne","po","to","sr","če","pe","so"] }, months: { names: ["januar","februar","marec","april","maj","junij","julij","avgust","september","oktober","november","december",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","maj","jun","jul","avg","sep","okt","nov","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["sl-SI"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["et-EE"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "et-EE", englishName: "Estonian (Estonia)", nativeName: "eesti (Eesti)", language: "et", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", symbol: "kr" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["pühapäev","esmaspäev","teisipäev","kolmapäev","neljapäev","reede","laupäev"], namesAbbr: ["P","E","T","K","N","R","L"], namesShort: ["P","E","T","K","N","R","L"] }, months: { names: ["jaanuar","veebruar","märts","aprill","mai","juuni","juuli","august","september","oktoober","november","detsember",""], namesAbbr: ["jaan","veebr","märts","apr","mai","juuni","juuli","aug","sept","okt","nov","dets",""] }, AM: ["EL","el","EL"], PM: ["PL","pl","PL"], patterns: { d: "d.MM.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy'. a.'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy'. a.' H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy'. a.' H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy'. a.'" } }) } }, cultures["et-EE"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["lv-LV"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "lv-LV", englishName: "Latvian (Latvia)", nativeName: "latviešu (Latvija)", language: "lv", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-$ n","$ n"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "Ls" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["svētdiena","pirmdiena","otrdiena","trešdiena","ceturtdiena","piektdiena","sestdiena"], namesAbbr: ["sv","pr","ot","tr","ce","pk","se"], namesShort: ["sv","pr","ot","tr","ce","pk","se"] }, months: { names: ["janvāris","februāris","marts","aprīlis","maijs","jūnijs","jūlijs","augusts","septembris","oktobris","novembris","decembris",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","mai","jūn","jūl","aug","sep","okt","nov","dec",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["janvārī","februārī","martā","aprīlī","maijā","jūnijā","jūlijā","augustā","septembrī","oktobrī","novembrī","decembrī",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","mai","jūn","jūl","aug","sep","okt","nov","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "yyyy.MM.dd.", D: "dddd, yyyy'. gada 'd. MMMM", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd, yyyy'. gada 'd. MMMM H:mm", F: "dddd, yyyy'. gada 'd. MMMM H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "yyyy. MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["lv-LV"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["lt-LT"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "lt-LT", englishName: "Lithuanian (Lithuania)", nativeName: "lietuvių (Lietuva)", language: "lt", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "Lt" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["sekmadienis","pirmadienis","antradienis","trečiadienis","ketvirtadienis","penktadienis","šeštadienis"], namesAbbr: ["Sk","Pr","An","Tr","Kt","Pn","Št"], namesShort: ["S","P","A","T","K","Pn","Š"] }, months: { names: ["sausis","vasaris","kovas","balandis","gegužė","birželis","liepa","rugpjūtis","rugsėjis","spalis","lapkritis","gruodis",""], namesAbbr: ["Sau","Vas","Kov","Bal","Geg","Bir","Lie","Rgp","Rgs","Spl","Lap","Grd",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["sausio","vasario","kovo","balandžio","gegužės","birželio","liepos","rugpjūčio","rugsėjo","spalio","lapkričio","gruodžio",""], namesAbbr: ["Sau","Vas","Kov","Bal","Geg","Bir","Lie","Rgp","Rgs","Spl","Lap","Grd",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "yyyy.MM.dd", D: "yyyy 'm.' MMMM d 'd.'", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "yyyy 'm.' MMMM d 'd.' HH:mm", F: "yyyy 'm.' MMMM d 'd.' HH:mm:ss", M: "MMMM d 'd.'", Y: "yyyy 'm.' MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["lt-LT"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["tg-Cyrl-TJ"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "tg-Cyrl-TJ", englishName: "Tajik (Cyrillic, Tajikistan)", nativeName: "Тоҷикӣ (Тоҷикистон)", language: "tg-Cyrl", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], groupSizes: [3,0], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], groupSizes: [3,0], ',': " ", '.': ";", symbol: "т.р." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", days: { names: ["Яш","Душанбе","Сешанбе","Чоршанбе","Панҷшанбе","Ҷумъа","Шанбе"], namesAbbr: ["Яш","Дш","Сш","Чш","Пш","Ҷм","Шн"], namesShort: ["Яш","Дш","Сш","Чш","Пш","Ҷм","Шн"] }, months: { names: ["Январ","Феврал","Март","Апрел","Май","Июн","Июл","Август","Сентябр","Октябр","Ноябр","Декабр",""], namesAbbr: ["Янв","Фев","Мар","Апр","Май","Июн","Июл","Авг","Сен","Окт","Ноя","Дек",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["январи","феврали","марти","апрели","маи","июни","июли","августи","сентябри","октябри","ноябри","декабри",""], namesAbbr: ["Янв","Фев","Мар","Апр","Май","Июн","Июл","Авг","Сен","Окт","Ноя","Дек",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yy", D: "d MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["tg-Cyrl-TJ"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["fa-IR"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "fa-IR", englishName: "Persian", nativeName: "فارسى (ایران)", language: "fa", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$ n"], '.': "/", symbol: "ريال" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ق.ظ","ق.ظ","ق.ظ"], PM: ["ب.ظ","ب.ظ","ب.ظ"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }), Gregorian_Localized: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["يكشنبه","دوشنبه","سه شنبه","چهارشنبه","پنجشنبه","جمعه","شنبه"], namesAbbr: ["يكشنبه","دوشنبه","سه شنبه","چهارشنبه","پنجشنبه","جمعه","شنبه"], namesShort: ["ی","د","س","چ","پ","ج","ش"] }, months: { names: ["ژانويه","فوريه","مارس","آوريل","مى","ژوئن","ژوئيه","اوت","سپتامبر","اُكتبر","نوامبر","دسامبر",""], namesAbbr: ["ژانويه","فوريه","مارس","آوريل","مى","ژوئن","ژوئيه","اوت","سپتامبر","اُكتبر","نوامبر","دسامبر",""] }, AM: ["ق.ظ","ق.ظ","ق.ظ"], PM: ["ب.ظ","ب.ظ","ب.ظ"], patterns: { d: "yyyy/MM/dd", D: "yyyy/MM/dd", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm tt", F: "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Hijri: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ق.ظ","ق.ظ","ق.ظ"], PM: ["ب.ظ","ب.ظ","ب.ظ"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["أ","ا","ث","أ","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","ابريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","اغسطس","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ق.ظ","ق.ظ","ق.ظ"], PM: ["ب.ظ","ب.ظ","ب.ظ"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }) } }, cultures["fa-IR"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["vi-VN"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "vi-VN", englishName: "Vietnamese (Vietnam)", nativeName: "Tiếng Việt (Việt Nam)", language: "vi", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "₫" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Chủ Nhật","Thứ Hai","Thứ Ba","Thứ Tư","Thứ Năm","Thứ Sáu","Thứ Bảy"], namesAbbr: ["CN","Hai","Ba","Tư","Năm","Sáu","Bảy"], namesShort: ["C","H","B","T","N","S","B"] }, months: { names: ["Tháng Giêng","Tháng Hai","Tháng Ba","Tháng Tư","Tháng Năm","Tháng Sáu","Tháng Bảy","Tháng Tám","Tháng Chín","Tháng Mười","Tháng Mười Một","Tháng Mười Hai",""], namesAbbr: ["Thg1","Thg2","Thg3","Thg4","Thg5","Thg6","Thg7","Thg8","Thg9","Thg10","Thg11","Thg12",""] }, AM: ["SA","sa","SA"], PM: ["CH","ch","CH"], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", f: "dd MMMM yyyy h:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["vi-VN"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["hy-AM"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "hy-AM", englishName: "Armenian (Armenia)", nativeName: "Հայերեն (Հայաստան)", language: "hy", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], symbol: "դր." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Կիրակի","Երկուշաբթի","Երեքշաբթի","Չորեքշաբթի","Հինգշաբթի","ՈՒրբաթ","Շաբաթ"], namesAbbr: ["Կիր","Երկ","Երք","Չրք","Հնգ","ՈՒր","Շբթ"], namesShort: ["Կ","Ե","Ե","Չ","Հ","Ո","Շ"] }, months: { names: ["Հունվար","Փետրվար","Մարտ","Ապրիլ","Մայիս","Հունիս","Հուլիս","Օգոստոս","Սեպտեմբեր","Հոկտեմբեր","Նոյեմբեր","Դեկտեմբեր",""], namesAbbr: ["ՀՆՎ","ՓՏՎ","ՄՐՏ","ԱՊՐ","ՄՅՍ","ՀՆՍ","ՀԼՍ","ՕԳՍ","ՍԵՊ","ՀՈԿ","ՆՈՅ","ԴԵԿ",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "d MMMM, yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM, yyyy H:mm", F: "d MMMM, yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["hy-AM"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["az-Latn-AZ"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "az-Latn-AZ", englishName: "Azeri (Latin, Azerbaijan)", nativeName: "Azərbaycan­ılı (Azərbaycan)", language: "az-Latn", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "man." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Bazar","Bazar ertəsi","Çərşənbə axşamı","Çərşənbə","Cümə axşamı","Cümə","Şənbə"], namesAbbr: ["B","Be","Ça","Ç","Ca","C","Ş"], namesShort: ["B","Be","Ça","Ç","Ca","C","Ş"] }, months: { names: ["Yanvar","Fevral","Mart","Aprel","May","İyun","İyul","Avgust","Sentyabr","Oktyabr","Noyabr","Dekabr",""], namesAbbr: ["Yan","Fev","Mar","Apr","May","İyun","İyul","Avg","Sen","Okt","Noy","Dek",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["yanvar","fevral","mart","aprel","may","iyun","iyul","avgust","sentyabr","oktyabr","noyabr","dekabr",""], namesAbbr: ["Yan","Fev","Mar","Apr","May","İyun","İyul","Avg","Sen","Okt","Noy","Dek",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "d MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["az-Latn-AZ"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["eu-ES"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "eu-ES", englishName: "Basque (Basque)", nativeName: "euskara (euskara)", language: "eu", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["igandea","astelehena","asteartea","asteazkena","osteguna","ostirala","larunbata"], namesAbbr: ["ig.","al.","as.","az.","og.","or.","lr."], namesShort: ["ig","al","as","az","og","or","lr"] }, months: { names: ["urtarrila","otsaila","martxoa","apirila","maiatza","ekaina","uztaila","abuztua","iraila","urria","azaroa","abendua",""], namesAbbr: ["urt.","ots.","mar.","api.","mai.","eka.","uzt.","abu.","ira.","urr.","aza.","abe.",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy/MM/dd", D: "dddd, yyyy.'eko' MMMM'k 'd", t: "HH:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd, yyyy.'eko' MMMM'k 'd HH:mm", F: "dddd, yyyy.'eko' MMMM'k 'd H:mm:ss", Y: "yyyy.'eko' MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["eu-ES"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["hsb-DE"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "hsb-DE", englishName: "Upper Sorbian (Germany)", nativeName: "hornjoserbšćina (Němska)", language: "hsb", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ". ", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["njedźela","póndźela","wutora","srjeda","štwórtk","pjatk","sobota"], namesAbbr: ["nje","pón","wut","srj","štw","pja","sob"], namesShort: ["n","p","w","s","š","p","s"] }, months: { names: ["januar","februar","měrc","apryl","meja","junij","julij","awgust","september","oktober","nowember","december",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","měr","apr","mej","jun","jul","awg","sep","okt","now","dec",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["januara","februara","měrca","apryla","meje","junija","julija","awgusta","septembra","oktobra","nowembra","decembra",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","měr","apr","mej","jun","jul","awg","sep","okt","now","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"po Chr.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d. M. yyyy", D: "dddd, 'dnja' d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H.mm 'hodź.'", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd, 'dnja' d. MMMM yyyy H.mm 'hodź.'", F: "dddd, 'dnja' d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["hsb-DE"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["mk-MK"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "mk-MK", englishName: "Macedonian (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)", nativeName: "македонски јазик (Македонија)", language: "mk", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "ден." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["недела","понеделник","вторник","среда","четврток","петок","сабота"], namesAbbr: ["нед","пон","втр","срд","чет","пет","саб"], namesShort: ["не","по","вт","ср","че","пе","са"] }, months: { names: ["јануари","февруари","март","април","мај","јуни","јули","август","септември","октомври","ноември","декември",""], namesAbbr: ["јан","фев","мар","апр","мај","јун","јул","авг","сеп","окт","ное","дек",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["mk-MK"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["tn-ZA"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "tn-ZA", englishName: "Setswana (South Africa)", nativeName: "Setswana (Aforika Borwa)", language: "tn", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"] }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], symbol: "R" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["Latshipi","Mosupologo","Labobedi","Laboraro","Labone","Labotlhano","Lamatlhatso"], namesAbbr: ["Ltp.","Mos.","Lbd.","Lbr.","Lbn.","Lbt.","Lmt."], namesShort: ["Lp","Ms","Lb","Lr","Ln","Lt","Lm"] }, months: { names: ["Ferikgong","Tlhakole","Mopitloe","Moranang","Motsheganong","Seetebosigo","Phukwi","Phatwe","Lwetse","Diphalane","Ngwanatsele","Sedimothole",""], namesAbbr: ["Fer.","Tlhak.","Mop.","Mor.","Motsh.","Seet.","Phukw.","Phatw.","Lwets.","Diph.","Ngwan.","Sed.",""] }, patterns: { d: "yyyy/MM/dd", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["tn-ZA"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["xh-ZA"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "xh-ZA", englishName: "isiXhosa (South Africa)", nativeName: "isiXhosa (uMzantsi Afrika)", language: "xh", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"] }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], symbol: "R" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["iCawa","uMvulo","uLwesibini","uLwesithathu","uLwesine","uLwesihlanu","uMgqibelo"], namesShort: ["Ca","Mv","Lb","Lt","Ln","Lh","Mg"] }, months: { names: ["Mqungu","Mdumba","Kwindla","Tshazimpuzi","Canzibe","Silimela","Khala","Thupha","Msintsi","Dwarha","Nkanga","Mnga",""] }, patterns: { d: "yyyy/MM/dd", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["xh-ZA"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["zu-ZA"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "zu-ZA", englishName: "isiZulu (South Africa)", nativeName: "isiZulu (iNingizimu Afrika)", language: "zu", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"] }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], symbol: "R" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["iSonto","uMsombuluko","uLwesibili","uLwesithathu","uLwesine","uLwesihlanu","uMgqibelo"], namesAbbr: ["Son.","Mso.","Bi.","Tha.","Ne.","Hla.","Mgq."] }, months: { names: ["uMasingana","uNhlolanja","uNdasa","uMbaso","uNhlaba","uNhlangulana","uNtulikazi","uNcwaba","uMandulo","uMfumfu","uLwezi","uZibandlela",""], namesAbbr: ["Mas.","Nhlo.","Nda.","Mba.","Nhla.","Nhlang.","Ntu.","Ncwa.","Man.","Mfu.","Lwe.","Zib.",""] }, patterns: { d: "yyyy/MM/dd", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["zu-ZA"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["af-ZA"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "af-ZA", englishName: "Afrikaans (South Africa)", nativeName: "Afrikaans (Suid Afrika)", language: "af", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"] }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], symbol: "R" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["Sondag","Maandag","Dinsdag","Woensdag","Donderdag","Vrydag","Saterdag"], namesAbbr: ["Son","Maan","Dins","Woen","Dond","Vry","Sat"], namesShort: ["So","Ma","Di","Wo","Do","Vr","Sa"] }, months: { names: ["Januarie","Februarie","Maart","April","Mei","Junie","Julie","Augustus","September","Oktober","November","Desember",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Mei","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Des",""] }, patterns: { d: "yyyy/MM/dd", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["af-ZA"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ka-GE"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ka-GE", englishName: "Georgian (Georgia)", nativeName: "ქართული (საქართველო)", language: "ka", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "Lari" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["კვირა","ორშაბათი","სამშაბათი","ოთხშაბათი","ხუთშაბათი","პარასკევი","შაბათი"], namesAbbr: ["კვირა","ორშაბათი","სამშაბათი","ოთხშაბათი","ხუთშაბათი","პარასკევი","შაბათი"], namesShort: ["კ","ო","ს","ო","ხ","პ","შ"] }, months: { names: ["იანვარი","თებერვალი","მარტი","აპრილი","მაისი","ივნისი","ივლისი","აგვისტო","სექტემბერი","ოქტომბერი","ნოემბერი","დეკემბერი",""], namesAbbr: ["იან","თებ","მარ","აპრ","მაის","ივნ","ივლ","აგვ","სექ","ოქტ","ნოემ","დეკ",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "yyyy 'წლის' dd MM, dddd", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "yyyy 'წლის' dd MM, dddd H:mm", F: "yyyy 'წლის' dd MM, dddd H:mm:ss", M: "dd MM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ka-GE"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["fo-FO"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "fo-FO", englishName: "Faroese (Faroe Islands)", nativeName: "føroyskt (Føroyar)", language: "fo", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "kr." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["sunnudagur","mánadagur","týsdagur","mikudagur","hósdagur","fríggjadagur","leygardagur"], namesAbbr: ["sun","mán","týs","mik","hós","frí","leyg"], namesShort: ["su","má","tý","mi","hó","fr","ley"] }, months: { names: ["januar","februar","mars","apríl","mai","juni","juli","august","september","oktober","november","desember",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","mai","jun","jul","aug","sep","okt","nov","des",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["fo-FO"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["hi-IN"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "hi-IN", englishName: "Hindi (India)", nativeName: "हिंदी (भारत)", language: "hi", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "रु" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["रविवार","सोमवार","मंगलवार","बुधवार","गुरुवार","शुक्रवार","शनिवार"], namesAbbr: ["रवि.","सोम.","मंगल.","बुध.","गुरु.","शुक्र.","शनि."], namesShort: ["र","स","म","ब","ग","श","श"] }, months: { names: ["जनवरी","फरवरी","मार्च","अप्रैल","मई","जून","जुलाई","अगस्त","सितम्बर","अक्तूबर","नवम्बर","दिसम्बर",""], namesAbbr: ["जनवरी","फरवरी","मार्च","अप्रैल","मई","जून","जुलाई","अगस्त","सितम्बर","अक्तूबर","नवम्बर","दिसम्बर",""] }, AM: ["पूर्वाह्न","पूर्वाह्न","पूर्वाह्न"], PM: ["अपराह्न","अपराह्न","अपराह्न"], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["hi-IN"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["mt-MT"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "mt-MT", englishName: "Maltese (Malta)", nativeName: "Malti (Malta)", language: "mt", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"] }, currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"], symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Il-Ħadd","It-Tnejn","It-Tlieta","L-Erbgħa","Il-Ħamis","Il-Ġimgħa","Is-Sibt"], namesAbbr: ["Ħad","Tne","Tli","Erb","Ħam","Ġim","Sib"], namesShort: ["I","I","I","L","I","I","I"] }, months: { names: ["Jannar","Frar","Marzu","April","Mejju","Ġunju","Lulju","Awissu","Settembru","Ottubru","Novembru","Diċembru",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Fra","Mar","Apr","Mej","Ġun","Lul","Awi","Set","Ott","Nov","Diċ",""] }, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, d' ta\\' 'MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd, d' ta\\' 'MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd, d' ta\\' 'MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d' ta\\' 'MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["mt-MT"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["se-NO"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "se-NO", englishName: "Sami, Northern (Norway)", nativeName: "davvisámegiella (Norga)", language: "se", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "kr" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["sotnabeaivi","vuossárga","maŋŋebárga","gaskavahkku","duorastat","bearjadat","lávvardat"], namesAbbr: ["sotn","vuos","maŋ","gask","duor","bear","láv"], namesShort: ["s","m","d","g","d","b","l"] }, months: { names: ["ođđajagemánnu","guovvamánnu","njukčamánnu","cuoŋománnu","miessemánnu","geassemánnu","suoidnemánnu","borgemánnu","čakčamánnu","golggotmánnu","skábmamánnu","juovlamánnu",""], namesAbbr: ["ođđj","guov","njuk","cuo","mies","geas","suoi","borg","čakč","golg","skáb","juov",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["ođđajagimánu","guovvamánu","njukčamánu","cuoŋománu","miessemánu","geassemánu","suoidnemánu","borgemánu","čakčamánu","golggotmánu","skábmamánu","juovlamánu",""], namesAbbr: ["ođđj","guov","njuk","cuo","mies","geas","suoi","borg","čakč","golg","skáb","juov",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy HH:mm", F: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "MMMM d'. b. '", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["se-NO"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ms-MY"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ms-MY", englishName: "Malay (Malaysia)", nativeName: "Bahasa Melayu (Malaysia)", language: "ms", numberFormat: { currency: { decimals: 0, symbol: "RM" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Ahad","Isnin","Selasa","Rabu","Khamis","Jumaat","Sabtu"], namesAbbr: ["Ahad","Isnin","Sel","Rabu","Khamis","Jumaat","Sabtu"], namesShort: ["A","I","S","R","K","J","S"] }, months: { names: ["Januari","Februari","Mac","April","Mei","Jun","Julai","Ogos","September","Oktober","November","Disember",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mac","Apr","Mei","Jun","Jul","Ogos","Sept","Okt","Nov","Dis",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ms-MY"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["kk-KZ"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "kk-KZ", englishName: "Kazakh (Kazakhstan)", nativeName: "Қазақ (Қазақстан)", language: "kk", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"], ',': " ", '.': "-", symbol: "Т" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Жексенбі","Дүйсенбі","Сейсенбі","Сәрсенбі","Бейсенбі","Жұма","Сенбі"], namesAbbr: ["Жк","Дс","Сс","Ср","Бс","Жм","Сн"], namesShort: ["Жк","Дс","Сс","Ср","Бс","Жм","Сн"] }, months: { names: ["қаңтар","ақпан","наурыз","сәуір","мамыр","маусым","шілде","тамыз","қыркүйек","қазан","қараша","желтоқсан",""], namesAbbr: ["Қаң","Ақп","Нау","Сәу","Мам","Мау","Шіл","Там","Қыр","Қаз","Қар","Жел",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "d MMMM yyyy 'ж.'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy 'ж.' H:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy 'ж.' H:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["kk-KZ"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ky-KG"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ky-KG", englishName: "Kyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan)", nativeName: "Кыргыз (Кыргызстан)", language: "ky", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': "-", symbol: "сом" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Жекшемби","Дүйшөмбү","Шейшемби","Шаршемби","Бейшемби","Жума","Ишемби"], namesAbbr: ["Жш","Дш","Шш","Шр","Бш","Жм","Иш"], namesShort: ["Жш","Дш","Шш","Шр","Бш","Жм","Иш"] }, months: { names: ["Январь","Февраль","Март","Апрель","Май","Июнь","Июль","Август","Сентябрь","Октябрь","Ноябрь","Декабрь",""], namesAbbr: ["Янв","Фев","Мар","Апр","Май","Июн","Июл","Авг","Сен","Окт","Ноя","Дек",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yy", D: "d'-'MMMM yyyy'-ж.'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d'-'MMMM yyyy'-ж.' H:mm", F: "d'-'MMMM yyyy'-ж.' H:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy'-ж.'" } }) } }, cultures["ky-KG"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sw-KE"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sw-KE", englishName: "Kiswahili (Kenya)", nativeName: "Kiswahili (Kenya)", language: "sw", numberFormat: { currency: { symbol: "S" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["Jumapili","Jumatatu","Jumanne","Jumatano","Alhamisi","Ijumaa","Jumamosi"], namesAbbr: ["Jumap.","Jumat.","Juman.","Jumat.","Alh.","Iju.","Jumam."], namesShort: ["P","T","N","T","A","I","M"] }, months: { names: ["Januari","Februari","Machi","Aprili","Mei","Juni","Julai","Agosti","Septemba","Oktoba","Novemba","Decemba",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mac","Apr","Mei","Jun","Jul","Ago","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dec",""] } }) } }, cultures["sw-KE"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["tk-TM"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "tk-TM", englishName: "Turkmen (Turkmenistan)", nativeName: "türkmençe (Türkmenistan)", language: "tk", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n$","n$"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "m." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Duşenbe","Sişenbe","Çarşenbe","Penşenbe","Anna","Şenbe","Ýekşenbe"], namesAbbr: ["Db","Sb","Çb","Pb","An","Şb","Ýb"], namesShort: ["D","S","Ç","P","A","Ş","Ý"] }, months: { names: ["Ýanwar","Fewral","Mart","Aprel","Maý","lýun","lýul","Awgust","Sentýabr","Oktýabr","Noýabr","Dekabr",""], namesAbbr: ["Ýan","Few","Mart","Apr","Maý","lýun","lýul","Awg","Sen","Okt","Not","Dek",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yy", D: "yyyy 'ý.' MMMM d", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "yyyy 'ý.' MMMM d H:mm", F: "yyyy 'ý.' MMMM d H:mm:ss", Y: "yyyy 'ý.' MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["tk-TM"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["uz-Latn-UZ"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "uz-Latn-UZ", englishName: "Uzbek (Latin, Uzbekistan)", nativeName: "U'zbek (U'zbekiston Respublikasi)", language: "uz-Latn", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], decimals: 0, ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "so'm" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["yakshanba","dushanba","seshanba","chorshanba","payshanba","juma","shanba"], namesAbbr: ["yak.","dsh.","sesh.","chr.","psh.","jm.","sh."], namesShort: ["ya","d","s","ch","p","j","sh"] }, months: { names: ["yanvar","fevral","mart","aprel","may","iyun","iyul","avgust","sentyabr","oktyabr","noyabr","dekabr",""], namesAbbr: ["yanvar","fevral","mart","aprel","may","iyun","iyul","avgust","sentyabr","oktyabr","noyabr","dekabr",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd/MM yyyy", D: "yyyy 'yil' d-MMMM", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "yyyy 'yil' d-MMMM HH:mm", F: "yyyy 'yil' d-MMMM HH:mm:ss", M: "d-MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["uz-Latn-UZ"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["tt-RU"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "tt-RU", englishName: "Tatar (Russia)", nativeName: "Татар (Россия)", language: "tt", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "р." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Якшәмбе","Дүшәмбе","Сишәмбе","Чәршәмбе","Пәнҗешәмбе","Җомга","Шимбә"], namesAbbr: ["Якш","Дүш","Сиш","Чәрш","Пәнҗ","Җом","Шим"], namesShort: ["Я","Д","С","Ч","П","Җ","Ш"] }, months: { names: ["Гыйнвар","Февраль","Март","Апрель","Май","Июнь","Июль","Август","Сентябрь","Октябрь","Ноябрь","Декабрь",""], namesAbbr: ["Гыйн.","Фев.","Мар.","Апр.","Май","Июнь","Июль","Авг.","Сен.","Окт.","Нояб.","Дек.",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["Гыйнварның","Февральнең","Мартның","Апрельнең","Майның","Июньнең","Июльнең","Августның","Сентябрьның","Октябрьның","Ноябрьның","Декабрьның",""], namesAbbr: ["Гыйн.-ның","Фев.-нең","Мар.-ның","Апр.-нең","Майның","Июньнең","Июльнең","Авг.-ның","Сен.-ның","Окт.-ның","Нояб.-ның","Дек.-ның",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "d MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["tt-RU"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["bn-IN"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "bn-IN", englishName: "Bengali (India)", nativeName: "বাংলা (ভারত)", language: "bn", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"], groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "টা" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", ':': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["রবিবার","সোমবার","মঙ্গলবার","বুধবার","বৃহস্পতিবার","শুক্রবার","শনিবার"], namesAbbr: ["রবি.","সোম.","মঙ্গল.","বুধ.","বৃহস্পতি.","শুক্র.","শনি."], namesShort: ["র","স","ম","ব","ব","শ","শ"] }, months: { names: ["জানুয়ারী","ফেব্রুয়ারী","মার্চ","এপ্রিল","মে","জুন","জুলাই","আগস্ট","সেপ্টেম্বর","অক্টোবর","নভেম্বর","ডিসেম্বর",""], namesAbbr: ["জানু.","ফেব্রু.","মার্চ","এপ্রিল","মে","জুন","জুলাই","আগ.","সেপ্টে.","অক্টো.","নভে.","ডিসে.",""] }, AM: ["পুর্বাহ্ন","পুর্বাহ্ন","পুর্বাহ্ন"], PM: ["অপরাহ্ন","অপরাহ্ন","অপরাহ্ন"], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH.mm", T: "HH.mm.ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH.mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH.mm.ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["bn-IN"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["pa-IN"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "pa-IN", englishName: "Punjabi (India)", nativeName: "ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (ਭਾਰਤ)", language: "pa", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "ਰੁ" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["ਐਤਵਾਰ","ਸੋਮਵਾਰ","ਮੰਗਲਵਾਰ","ਬੁੱਧਵਾਰ","ਵੀਰਵਾਰ","ਸ਼ੁੱਕਰਵਾਰ","ਸ਼ਨਿੱਚਰਵਾਰ"], namesAbbr: ["ਐਤ.","ਸੋਮ.","ਮੰਗਲ.","ਬੁੱਧ.","ਵੀਰ.","ਸ਼ੁਕਰ.","ਸ਼ਨਿੱਚਰ."], namesShort: ["ਐ","ਸ","ਮ","ਬ","ਵ","ਸ਼","ਸ਼"] }, months: { names: ["ਜਨਵਰੀ","ਫ਼ਰਵਰੀ","ਮਾਰਚ","ਅਪ੍ਰੈਲ","ਮਈ","ਜੂਨ","ਜੁਲਾਈ","ਅਗਸਤ","ਸਤੰਬਰ","ਅਕਤੂਬਰ","ਨਵੰਬਰ","ਦਸੰਬਰ",""], namesAbbr: ["ਜਨਵਰੀ","ਫ਼ਰਵਰੀ","ਮਾਰਚ","ਅਪ੍ਰੈਲ","ਮਈ","ਜੂਨ","ਜੁਲਾਈ","ਅਗਸਤ","ਸਤੰਬਰ","ਅਕਤੂਬਰ","ਨਵੰਬਰ","ਦਸੰਬਰ",""] }, AM: ["ਸਵੇਰ","ਸਵੇਰ","ਸਵੇਰ"], PM: ["ਸ਼ਾਮ","ਸ਼ਾਮ","ਸ਼ਾਮ"], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy dddd", t: "tt hh:mm", T: "tt hh:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy dddd tt hh:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy dddd tt hh:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["pa-IN"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["gu-IN"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "gu-IN", englishName: "Gujarati (India)", nativeName: "ગુજરાતી (ભારત)", language: "gu", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "રૂ" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["રવિવાર","સોમવાર","મંગળવાર","બુધવાર","ગુરુવાર","શુક્રવાર","શનિવાર"], namesAbbr: ["રવિ","સોમ","મંગળ","બુધ","ગુરુ","શુક્ર","શનિ"], namesShort: ["ર","સ","મ","બ","ગ","શ","શ"] }, months: { names: ["જાન્યુઆરી","ફેબ્રુઆરી","માર્ચ","એપ્રિલ","મે","જૂન","જુલાઈ","ઑગસ્ટ","સપ્ટેમ્બર","ઑક્ટ્બર","નવેમ્બર","ડિસેમ્બર",""], namesAbbr: ["જાન્યુ","ફેબ્રુ","માર્ચ","એપ્રિલ","મે","જૂન","જુલાઈ","ઑગસ્ટ","સપ્ટે","ઑક્ટો","નવે","ડિસે",""] }, AM: ["પૂર્વ મધ્યાહ્ન","પૂર્વ મધ્યાહ્ન","પૂર્વ મધ્યાહ્ન"], PM: ["ઉત્તર મધ્યાહ્ન","ઉત્તર મધ્યાહ્ન","ઉત્તર મધ્યાહ્ન"], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["gu-IN"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["or-IN"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "or-IN", englishName: "Oriya (India)", nativeName: "ଓଡ଼ିଆ (ଭାରତ)", language: "or", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "ଟ" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", days: { names: ["ରବିବାର","ସୋମବାର","ମଙ୍ଗଳବାର","ବୁଧବାର","ଗୁରୁବାର","ଶୁକ୍ରବାର","ଶନିବାର"], namesAbbr: ["ରବି.","ସୋମ.","ମଙ୍ଗଳ.","ବୁଧ.","ଗୁରୁ.","ଶୁକ୍ର.","ଶନି."], namesShort: ["ର","ସୋ","ମ","ବୁ","ଗୁ","ଶୁ","ଶ"] }, months: { names: ["ଜାନୁୟାରୀ","ଫ୍ରେବୃୟାରୀ","ମାର୍ଚ୍ଚ","ଏପ୍ରିଲ୍‌","ମେ","ଜୁନ୍‌","ଜୁଲାଇ","ଅଗଷ୍ଟ","ସେପ୍ଟେମ୍ବର","ଅକ୍ଟୋବର","ନଭେମ୍ବର","(ଡିସେମ୍ବର",""], namesAbbr: ["ଜାନୁୟାରୀ","ଫ୍ରେବୃୟାରୀ","ମାର୍ଚ୍ଚ","ଏପ୍ରିଲ୍‌","ମେ","ଜୁନ୍‌","ଜୁଲାଇ","ଅଗଷ୍ଟ","ସେପ୍ଟେମ୍ବର","ଅକ୍ଟୋବର","ନଭେମ୍ବର","(ଡିସେମ୍ବର",""] }, eras: [{"name":"ଖ୍ରୀଷ୍ଟାବ୍ଦ","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["or-IN"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ta-IN"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ta-IN", englishName: "Tamil (India)", nativeName: "தமிழ் (இந்தியா)", language: "ta", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "ரூ" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["ஞாயிற்றுக்கிழமை","திங்கள்கிழமை","செவ்வாய்கிழமை","புதன்கிழமை","வியாழக்கிழமை","வெள்ளிக்கிழமை","சனிக்கிழமை"], namesAbbr: ["ஞாயிறு","திங்கள்","செவ்வாய்","புதன்","வியாழன்","வெள்ளி","சனி"], namesShort: ["ஞா","தி","செ","பு","வி","வெ","ச"] }, months: { names: ["ஜனவரி","பிப்ரவரி","மார்ச்","ஏப்ரல்","மே","ஜூன்","ஜூலை","ஆகஸ்ட்","செப்டம்பர்","அக்டோபர்","நவம்பர்","டிசம்பர்",""], namesAbbr: ["ஜனவரி","பிப்ரவரி","மார்ச்","ஏப்ரல்","மே","ஜூன்","ஜூலை","ஆகஸ்ட்","செப்டம்பர்","அக்டோபர்","நவம்பர்","டிசம்பர்",""] }, AM: ["காலை","காலை","காலை"], PM: ["மாலை","மாலை","மாலை"], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ta-IN"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["te-IN"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "te-IN", englishName: "Telugu (India)", nativeName: "తెలుగు (భారత దేశం)", language: "te", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "రూ" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["ఆదివారం","సోమవారం","మంగళవారం","బుధవారం","గురువారం","శుక్రవారం","శనివారం"], namesAbbr: ["ఆది.","సోమ.","మంగళ.","బుధ.","గురు.","శుక్ర.","శని."], namesShort: ["ఆ","సో","మం","బు","గు","శు","శ"] }, months: { names: ["జనవరి","ఫిబ్రవరి","మార్చి","ఏప్రిల్","మే","జూన్","జూలై","ఆగస్టు","సెప్టెంబర్","అక్టోబర్","నవంబర్","డిసెంబర్",""], namesAbbr: ["జనవరి","ఫిబ్రవరి","మార్చి","ఏప్రిల్","మే","జూన్","జూలై","ఆగస్టు","సెప్టెంబర్","అక్టోబర్","నవంబర్","డిసెంబర్",""] }, AM: ["పూర్వాహ్న","పూర్వాహ్న","పూర్వాహ్న"], PM: ["అపరాహ్న","అపరాహ్న","అపరాహ్న"], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["te-IN"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["kn-IN"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "kn-IN", englishName: "Kannada (India)", nativeName: "ಕನ್ನಡ (ಭಾರತ)", language: "kn", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "ರೂ" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["ಭಾನುವಾರ","ಸೋಮವಾರ","ಮಂಗಳವಾರ","ಬುಧವಾರ","ಗುರುವಾರ","ಶುಕ್ರವಾರ","ಶನಿವಾರ"], namesAbbr: ["ಭಾನು.","ಸೋಮ.","ಮಂಗಳ.","ಬುಧ.","ಗುರು.","ಶುಕ್ರ.","ಶನಿ."], namesShort: ["ರ","ಸ","ಮ","ಬ","ಗ","ಶ","ಶ"] }, months: { names: ["ಜನವರಿ","ಫೆಬ್ರವರಿ","ಮಾರ್ಚ್","ಎಪ್ರಿಲ್","ಮೇ","ಜೂನ್","ಜುಲೈ","ಆಗಸ್ಟ್","ಸೆಪ್ಟಂಬರ್","ಅಕ್ಟೋಬರ್","ನವೆಂಬರ್","ಡಿಸೆಂಬರ್",""], namesAbbr: ["ಜನವರಿ","ಫೆಬ್ರವರಿ","ಮಾರ್ಚ್","ಎಪ್ರಿಲ್","ಮೇ","ಜೂನ್","ಜುಲೈ","ಆಗಸ್ಟ್","ಸೆಪ್ಟಂಬರ್","ಅಕ್ಟೋಬರ್","ನವೆಂಬರ್","ಡಿಸೆಂಬರ್",""] }, AM: ["ಪೂರ್ವಾಹ್ನ","ಪೂರ್ವಾಹ್ನ","ಪೂರ್ವಾಹ್ನ"], PM: ["ಅಪರಾಹ್ನ","ಅಪರಾಹ್ನ","ಅಪರಾಹ್ನ"], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["kn-IN"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ml-IN"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ml-IN", englishName: "Malayalam (India)", nativeName: "മലയാളം (ഭാരതം)", language: "ml", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"], groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "ക" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", ':': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["ഞായറാഴ്ച","തിങ്കളാഴ്ച","ചൊവ്വാഴ്ച","ബുധനാഴ്ച","വ്യാഴാഴ്ച","വെള്ളിയാഴ്ച","ശനിയാഴ്ച"], namesAbbr: ["ഞായർ.","തിങ്കൾ.","ചൊവ്വ.","ബുധൻ.","വ്യാഴം.","വെള്ളി.","ശനി."], namesShort: ["ഞ","ത","ച","ബ","വ","വെ","ശ"] }, months: { names: ["ജനുവരി","ഫെബ്റുവരി","മാറ്ച്ച്","ഏപ്റില്","മെയ്","ജൂണ്","ജൂലൈ","ഓഗസ്ററ്","സെപ്ററംബറ്","ഒക്ടോബറ്","നവംബറ്","ഡിസംബറ്",""], namesAbbr: ["ജനുവരി","ഫെബ്റുവരി","മാറ്ച്ച്","ഏപ്റില്","മെയ്","ജൂണ്","ജൂലൈ","ഓഗസ്ററ്","സെപ്ററംബറ്","ഒക്ടോബറ്","നവംബറ്","ഡിസംബറ്",""] }, patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH.mm", T: "HH.mm.ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH.mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH.mm.ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["ml-IN"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["as-IN"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "as-IN", englishName: "Assamese (India)", nativeName: "অসমীয়া (ভাৰত)", language: "as", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","n$"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "ট" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["সোমবাৰ","মঙ্গলবাৰ","বুধবাৰ","বৃহস্পতিবাৰ","শুক্রবাৰ","শনিবাৰ","ৰবিবাৰ"], namesAbbr: ["সোম.","মঙ্গল.","বুধ.","বৃহ.","শুক্র.","শনি.","ৰবি."], namesShort: ["সো","ম","বু","বৃ","শু","শ","র"] }, months: { names: ["জানুৱাৰী","ফেব্রুৱাৰী","মার্চ","এপ্রিল","মে","জুন","জুলাই","আগষ্ট","চেপ্টেম্বর","অক্টোবর","নবেম্বর","ডিচেম্বর",""], namesAbbr: ["জানু","ফেব্রু","মার্চ","এপ্রিল","মে","জুন","জুলাই","আগষ্ট","চেপ্টে","অক্টো","নবে","ডিচে",""] }, AM: ["ৰাতিপু","ৰাতিপু","ৰাতিপু"], PM: ["আবেলি","আবেলি","আবেলি"], eras: [{"name":"খ্রীষ্টাব্দ","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "yyyy,MMMM dd, dddd", t: "tt h:mm", T: "tt h:mm:ss", f: "yyyy,MMMM dd, dddd tt h:mm", F: "yyyy,MMMM dd, dddd tt h:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM,yy" } }) } }, cultures["as-IN"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["mr-IN"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "mr-IN", englishName: "Marathi (India)", nativeName: "मराठी (भारत)", language: "mr", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "रु" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["रविवार","सोमवार","मंगळवार","बुधवार","गुरुवार","शुक्रवार","शनिवार"], namesAbbr: ["रवि.","सोम.","मंगळ.","बुध.","गुरु.","शुक्र.","शनि."], namesShort: ["र","स","म","ब","ग","श","श"] }, months: { names: ["जानेवारी","फेब्रुवारी","मार्च","एप्रिल","मे","जून","जुलै","ऑगस्ट","सप्टेंबर","ऑक्टोबर","नोव्हेंबर","डिसेंबर",""], namesAbbr: ["जाने.","फेब्रु.","मार्च","एप्रिल","मे","जून","जुलै","ऑगस्ट","सप्टें.","ऑक्टो.","नोव्हें.","डिसें.",""] }, AM: ["म.पू.","म.पू.","म.पू."], PM: ["म.नं.","म.नं.","म.नं."], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["mr-IN"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sa-IN"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sa-IN", englishName: "Sanskrit (India)", nativeName: "संस्कृत (भारतम्)", language: "sa", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "रु" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", days: { names: ["रविवासरः","सोमवासरः","मङ्गलवासरः","बुधवासरः","गुरुवासरः","शुक्रवासरः","शनिवासरः"], namesAbbr: ["रविवासरः","सोमवासरः","मङ्गलवासरः","बुधवासरः","गुरुवासरः","शुक्रवासरः","शनिवासरः"], namesShort: ["र","स","म","ब","ग","श","श"] }, months: { names: ["जनवरी","फरवरी","मार्च","अप्रैल","मई","जून","जुलाई","अगस्त","सितम्बर","अक्तूबर","नवम्बर","दिसम्बर",""], namesAbbr: ["जनवरी","फरवरी","मार्च","अप्रैल","मई","जून","जुलाई","अगस्त","सितम्बर","अक्तूबर","नवम्बर","दिसम्बर",""] }, AM: ["पूर्वाह्न","पूर्वाह्न","पूर्वाह्न"], PM: ["अपराह्न","अपराह्न","अपराह्न"], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy dddd", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy dddd HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy dddd HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["sa-IN"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["mn-MN"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "mn-MN", englishName: "Mongolian (Cyrillic, Mongolia)", nativeName: "Монгол хэл (Монгол улс)", language: "mn-Cyrl", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n$","n$"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "₮" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Ням","Даваа","Мягмар","Лхагва","Пүрэв","Баасан","Бямба"], namesAbbr: ["Ня","Да","Мя","Лх","Пү","Ба","Бя"], namesShort: ["Ня","Да","Мя","Лх","Пү","Ба","Бя"] }, months: { names: ["1 дүгээр сар","2 дугаар сар","3 дугаар сар","4 дүгээр сар","5 дугаар сар","6 дугаар сар","7 дугаар сар","8 дугаар сар","9 дүгээр сар","10 дугаар сар","11 дүгээр сар","12 дугаар сар",""], namesAbbr: ["I","II","III","IV","V","VI","VII","VIII","IX","X","XI","XII",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["1 дүгээр сарын","2 дугаар сарын","3 дугаар сарын","4 дүгээр сарын","5 дугаар сарын","6 дугаар сарын","7 дугаар сарын","8 дугаар сарын","9 дүгээр сарын","10 дугаар сарын","11 дүгээр сарын","12 дугаар сарын",""], namesAbbr: ["I","II","III","IV","V","VI","VII","VIII","IX","X","XI","XII",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "yy.MM.dd", D: "yyyy 'оны' MMMM d", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "yyyy 'оны' MMMM d H:mm", F: "yyyy 'оны' MMMM d H:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "yyyy 'он' MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["mn-MN"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["bo-CN"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "bo-CN", englishName: "Tibetan (PRC)", nativeName: "བོད་ཡིག (ཀྲུང་ཧྭ་མི་དམངས་སྤྱི་མཐུན་རྒྱལ་ཁབ།)", language: "bo", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], groupSizes: [3,0] }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$n"], groupSizes: [3,0], symbol: "¥" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["གཟའ་ཉི་མ།","གཟའ་ཟླ་བ།","གཟའ་མིག་དམར།","གཟའ་ལྷག་པ།","གཟའ་ཕུར་བུ།","གཟའ་པ་སངས།","གཟའ་སྤེན་པ།"], namesAbbr: ["ཉི་མ།","ཟླ་བ།","མིག་དམར།","ལྷག་པ།","ཕུར་བུ།","པ་སངས།","སྤེན་པ།"], namesShort: ["༧","༡","༢","༣","༤","༥","༦"] }, months: { names: ["སྤྱི་ཟླ་དང་པོ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་གཉིས་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་གསུམ་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་བཞི་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་ལྔ་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་དྲུག་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་བདུན་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་བརྒྱད་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་དགུ་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་བཅུ་པོ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་བཅུ་གཅིག་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་བཅུ་གཉིས་པ།",""], namesAbbr: ["ཟླ་ ༡","ཟླ་ ༢","ཟླ་ ༣","ཟླ་ ༤","ཟླ་ ༥","ཟླ་ ༦","ཟླ་ ༧","ཟླ་ ༨","ཟླ་ ༩","ཟླ་ ༡༠","ཟླ་ ༡༡","ཟླ་ ༡༢",""] }, AM: ["སྔ་དྲོ","སྔ་དྲོ","སྔ་དྲོ"], PM: ["ཕྱི་དྲོ","ཕྱི་དྲོ","ཕྱི་དྲོ"], eras: [{"name":"སྤྱི་ལོ","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy/M/d", D: "yyyy'ལོའི་ཟླ' M'ཚེས' d", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "yyyy'ལོའི་ཟླ' M'ཚེས' d HH:mm", F: "yyyy'ལོའི་ཟླ' M'ཚེས' d HH:mm:ss", M: "'ཟླ་' M'ཚེས'd", Y: "yyyy.M" } }) } }, cultures["bo-CN"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["cy-GB"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "cy-GB", englishName: "Welsh (United Kingdom)", nativeName: "Cymraeg (y Deyrnas Unedig)", language: "cy", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"] }, currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"], symbol: "£" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Dydd Sul","Dydd Llun","Dydd Mawrth","Dydd Mercher","Dydd Iau","Dydd Gwener","Dydd Sadwrn"], namesAbbr: ["Sul","Llun","Maw","Mer","Iau","Gwe","Sad"], namesShort: ["Su","Ll","Ma","Me","Ia","Gw","Sa"] }, months: { names: ["Ionawr","Chwefror","Mawrth","Ebrill","Mai","Mehefin","Gorffennaf","Awst","Medi","Hydref","Tachwedd","Rhagfyr",""], namesAbbr: ["Ion","Chwe","Maw","Ebr","Mai","Meh","Gor","Aws","Med","Hyd","Tach","Rhag",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["cy-GB"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["km-KH"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "km-KH", englishName: "Khmer (Cambodia)", nativeName: "ខ្មែរ (កម្ពុជា)", language: "km", numberFormat: { pattern: ["- n"], groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], groupSizes: [3,0] }, currency: { pattern: ["-n$","n$"], symbol: "៛" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", days: { names: ["ថ្ងៃអាទិត្យ","ថ្ងៃច័ន្ទ","ថ្ងៃអង្គារ","ថ្ងៃពុធ","ថ្ងៃព្រហស្បតិ៍","ថ្ងៃសុក្រ","ថ្ងៃសៅរ៍"], namesAbbr: ["អាទិ.","ច.","អ.","ពុ","ព្រហ.","សុ.","ស."], namesShort: ["អា","ច","អ","ពុ","ព្","សុ","ស"] }, months: { names: ["មករា","កុម្ភៈ","មិនា","មេសា","ឧសភា","មិថុនា","កក្កដា","សីហា","កញ្ញា","តុលា","វិច្ឆិកា","ធ្នូ",""], namesAbbr: ["១","២","៣","៤","៥","៦","៧","៨","៩","១០","១១","១២",""] }, AM: ["ព្រឹក","ព្រឹក","ព្រឹក"], PM: ["ល្ងាច","ល្ងាច","ល្ងាច"], eras: [{"name":"មុនគ.ស.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy-MM-dd", D: "d MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm tt", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm tt", F: "d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "'ថ្ងៃទី' dd 'ខែ' MM", Y: "'ខែ' MM 'ឆ្នាំ' yyyy" } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish", days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["أ","ا","ث","أ","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","ابريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","اغسطس","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ព្រឹក","ព្រឹក","ព្រឹក"], PM: ["ល្ងាច","ល្ងាច","ល្ងាច"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "H:mm tt", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss" } }) } }, cultures["km-KH"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["lo-LA"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "lo-LA", englishName: "Lao (Lao P.D.R.)", nativeName: "ລາວ (ສ.ປ.ປ. ລາວ)", language: "lo", numberFormat: { pattern: ["(n)"], groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { groupSizes: [3,0] }, currency: { pattern: ["(n$)","n$"], groupSizes: [3,0], symbol: "₭" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["ວັນອາທິດ","ວັນຈັນ","ວັນອັງຄານ","ວັນພຸດ","ວັນພະຫັດ","ວັນສຸກ","ວັນເສົາ"], namesAbbr: ["ອາທິດ","ຈັນ","ອັງຄານ","ພຸດ","ພະຫັດ","ສຸກ","ເສົາ"], namesShort: ["ອ","ຈ","ອ","ພ","ພ","ສ","ເ"] }, months: { names: ["ມັງກອນ","ກຸມພາ","ມີນາ","ເມສາ","ພຶດສະພາ","ມິຖຸນາ","ກໍລະກົດ","ສິງຫາ","ກັນຍາ","ຕຸລາ","ພະຈິກ","ທັນວາ",""], namesAbbr: ["ມັງກອນ","ກຸມພາ","ມີນາ","ເມສາ","ພຶດສະພາ","ມິຖຸນາ","ກໍລະກົດ","ສິງຫາ","ກັນຍາ","ຕຸລາ","ພະຈິກ","ທັນວາ",""] }, AM: ["ເຊົ້າ","ເຊົ້າ","ເຊົ້າ"], PM: ["ແລງ","ແລງ","ແລງ"], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm tt", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy H:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["lo-LA"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["gl-ES"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "gl-ES", englishName: "Galician (Galician)", nativeName: "galego (galego)", language: "gl", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["domingo","luns","martes","mércores","xoves","venres","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","luns","mar","mér","xov","ven","sáb"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mé","xo","ve","sá"] }, months: { names: ["xaneiro","febreiro","marzo","abril","maio","xuño","xullo","agosto","setembro","outubro","novembro","decembro",""], namesAbbr: ["xan","feb","mar","abr","maio","xuñ","xull","ago","set","out","nov","dec",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["gl-ES"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["kok-IN"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "kok-IN", englishName: "Konkani (India)", nativeName: "कोंकणी (भारत)", language: "kok", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "रु" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["आयतार","सोमार","मंगळार","बुधवार","बिरेस्तार","सुक्रार","शेनवार"], namesAbbr: ["आय.","सोम.","मंगळ.","बुध.","बिरे.","सुक्र.","शेन."], namesShort: ["आ","स","म","ब","ब","स","श"] }, months: { names: ["जानेवारी","फेब्रुवारी","मार्च","एप्रिल","मे","जून","जुलै","ऑगस्ट","सप्टेंबर","ऑक्टोबर","नोवेम्बर","डिसेंबर",""], namesAbbr: ["जानेवारी","फेब्रुवारी","मार्च","एप्रिल","मे","जून","जुलै","ऑगस्ट","सप्टेंबर","ऑक्टोबर","नोवेम्बर","डिसेंबर",""] }, AM: ["म.पू.","म.पू.","म.पू."], PM: ["म.नं.","म.नं.","म.नं."], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["kok-IN"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["syr-SY"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "syr-SY", englishName: "Syriac (Syria)", nativeName: "ܣܘܪܝܝܐ (سوريا)", language: "syr", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$ n"], symbol: "ل.س.‏" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["ܚܕ ܒܫܒܐ","ܬܪܝܢ ܒܫܒܐ","ܬܠܬܐ ܒܫܒܐ","ܐܪܒܥܐ ܒܫܒܐ","ܚܡܫܐ ܒܫܒܐ","ܥܪܘܒܬܐ","ܫܒܬܐ"], namesAbbr: ["܏ܐ ܏ܒܫ","܏ܒ ܏ܒܫ","܏ܓ ܏ܒܫ","܏ܕ ܏ܒܫ","܏ܗ ܏ܒܫ","܏ܥܪܘܒ","܏ܫܒ"], namesShort: ["ܐ","ܒ","ܓ","ܕ","ܗ","ܥ","ܫ"] }, months: { names: ["ܟܢܘܢ ܐܚܪܝ","ܫܒܛ","ܐܕܪ","ܢܝܣܢ","ܐܝܪ","ܚܙܝܪܢ","ܬܡܘܙ","ܐܒ","ܐܝܠܘܠ","ܬܫܪܝ ܩܕܝܡ","ܬܫܪܝ ܐܚܪܝ","ܟܢܘܢ ܩܕܝܡ",""], namesAbbr: ["܏ܟܢ ܏ܒ","ܫܒܛ","ܐܕܪ","ܢܝܣܢ","ܐܝܪ","ܚܙܝܪܢ","ܬܡܘܙ","ܐܒ","ܐܝܠܘܠ","܏ܬܫ ܏ܐ","܏ܬܫ ܏ܒ","܏ܟܢ ܏ܐ",""] }, AM: ["ܩ.ܛ","ܩ.ܛ","ܩ.ܛ"], PM: ["ܒ.ܛ","ܒ.ܛ","ܒ.ܛ"], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM, yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["syr-SY"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["si-LK"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "si-LK", englishName: "Sinhala (Sri Lanka)", nativeName: "සිංහල (ශ්‍රී ලංකා)", language: "si", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["($ n)","$ n"], symbol: "රු." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["ඉරිදා","සඳුදා","අඟහරුවාදා","බදාදා","බ්‍රහස්පතින්දා","සිකුරාදා","සෙනසුරාදා"], namesAbbr: ["ඉරිදා","සඳුදා","කුජදා","බුදදා","ගුරුදා","කිවිදා","ශනිදා"], namesShort: ["ඉ","ස","අ","බ","බ්‍ර","සි","සෙ"] }, months: { names: ["ජනවාරි","පෙබරවාරි","මාර්තු","අ‌ප්‍රේල්","මැයි","ජූනි","ජූලි","අ‌ගෝස්තු","සැප්තැම්බර්","ඔක්තෝබර්","නොවැම්බර්","දෙසැම්බර්",""], namesAbbr: ["ජන.","පෙබ.","මාර්තු.","අප්‍රේල්.","මැයි.","ජූනි.","ජූලි.","අගෝ.","සැප්.","ඔක්.","නොවැ.","දෙසැ.",""] }, AM: ["පෙ.ව.","පෙ.ව.","පෙ.ව."], PM: ["ප.ව.","ප.ව.","ප.ව."], eras: [{"name":"ක්‍රි.ව.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy-MM-dd", D: "yyyy MMMM' මස 'dd' වැනිදා 'dddd", f: "yyyy MMMM' මස 'dd' වැනිදා 'dddd h:mm tt", F: "yyyy MMMM' මස 'dd' වැනිදා 'dddd h:mm:ss tt", Y: "yyyy MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["si-LK"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["iu-Cans-CA"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "iu-Cans-CA", englishName: "Inuktitut (Syllabics, Canada)", nativeName: "ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ (ᑲᓇᑕᒥ)", language: "iu-Cans", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], groupSizes: [3,0] }, currency: { groupSizes: [3,0] } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["ᓈᑦᑏᖑᔭ","ᓇᒡᒐᔾᔭᐅ","ᐊᐃᑉᐱᖅ","ᐱᖓᑦᓯᖅ","ᓯᑕᒻᒥᖅ","ᑕᓪᓕᕐᒥᖅ","ᓯᕙᑖᕐᕕᒃ"], namesAbbr: ["ᓈᑦᑏ","ᓇᒡᒐ","ᐊᐃᑉᐱ","ᐱᖓᑦᓯ","ᓯᑕ","ᑕᓪᓕ","ᓯᕙᑖᕐᕕᒃ"], namesShort: ["ᓈ","ᓇ","ᐊ","ᐱ","ᓯ","ᑕ","ᓯ"] }, months: { names: ["ᔮᓐᓄᐊᕆ","ᕖᕝᕗᐊᕆ","ᒫᑦᓯ","ᐄᐳᕆ","ᒪᐃ","ᔫᓂ","ᔪᓚᐃ","ᐋᒡᒌᓯ","ᓯᑎᐱᕆ","ᐅᑐᐱᕆ","ᓄᕕᐱᕆ","ᑎᓯᐱᕆ",""], namesAbbr: ["ᔮᓐᓄ","ᕖᕝᕗ","ᒫᑦᓯ","ᐄᐳᕆ","ᒪᐃ","ᔫᓂ","ᔪᓚᐃ","ᐋᒡᒌ","ᓯᑎᐱ","ᐅᑐᐱ","ᓄᕕᐱ","ᑎᓯᐱ",""] }, patterns: { d: "d/M/yyyy", D: "dddd,MMMM dd,yyyy", f: "dddd,MMMM dd,yyyy h:mm tt", F: "dddd,MMMM dd,yyyy h:mm:ss tt", Y: "MMMM,yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["iu-Cans-CA"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["am-ET"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "am-ET", englishName: "Amharic (Ethiopia)", nativeName: "አማርኛ (ኢትዮጵያ)", language: "am", numberFormat: { decimals: 1, groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], decimals: 1, groupSizes: [3,0] }, currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"], groupSizes: [3,0], symbol: "ETB" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["እሑድ","ሰኞ","ማክሰኞ","ረቡዕ","ሐሙስ","ዓርብ","ቅዳሜ"], namesAbbr: ["እሑድ","ሰኞ","ማክሰ","ረቡዕ","ሐሙስ","ዓርብ","ቅዳሜ"], namesShort: ["እ","ሰ","ማ","ረ","ሐ","ዓ","ቅ"] }, months: { names: ["ጃንዩወሪ","ፌብሩወሪ","ማርች","ኤፕረል","ሜይ","ጁን","ጁላይ","ኦገስት","ሴፕቴምበር","ኦክተውበር","ኖቬምበር","ዲሴምበር",""], namesAbbr: ["ጃንዩ","ፌብሩ","ማርች","ኤፕረ","ሜይ","ጁን","ጁላይ","ኦገስ","ሴፕቴ","ኦክተ","ኖቬም","ዲሴም",""] }, AM: ["ጡዋት","ጡዋት","ጡዋት"], PM: ["ከሰዓት","ከሰዓት","ከሰዓት"], eras: [{"name":"ዓመተ ምሕረት","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d/M/yyyy", D: "dddd '፣' MMMM d 'ቀን' yyyy", f: "dddd '፣' MMMM d 'ቀን' yyyy h:mm tt", F: "dddd '፣' MMMM d 'ቀን' yyyy h:mm:ss tt", M: "MMMM d ቀን", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["am-ET"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ne-NP"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ne-NP", englishName: "Nepali (Nepal)", nativeName: "नेपाली (नेपाल)", language: "ne", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"], symbol: "रु" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["आइतवार","सोमवार","मङ्गलवार","बुधवार","बिहीवार","शुक्रवार","शनिवार"], namesAbbr: ["आइत","सोम","मङ्गल","बुध","बिही","शुक्र","शनि"], namesShort: ["आ","सो","म","बु","बि","शु","श"] }, months: { names: ["जनवरी","फेब्रुअरी","मार्च","अप्रिल","मे","जून","जुलाई","अगस्त","सेप्टेम्बर","अक्टोबर","नोभेम्बर","डिसेम्बर",""], namesAbbr: ["जन","फेब","मार्च","अप्रिल","मे","जून","जुलाई","अग","सेप्ट","अक्ट","नोभ","डिस",""] }, AM: ["विहानी","विहानी","विहानी"], PM: ["बेलुकी","बेलुकी","बेलुकी"], eras: [{"name":"a.d.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { Y: "MMMM,yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ne-NP"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["fy-NL"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "fy-NL", englishName: "Frisian (Netherlands)", nativeName: "Frysk (Nederlân)", language: "fy", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Snein","Moandei","Tiisdei","Woansdei","Tongersdei","Freed","Sneon"], namesAbbr: ["Sn","Mo","Ti","Wo","To","Fr","Sn"], namesShort: ["S","M","T","W","T","F","S"] }, months: { names: ["jannewaris","febrewaris","maart","april","maaie","juny","july","augustus","septimber","oktober","novimber","desimber",""], namesAbbr: ["jann","febr","mrt","apr","maaie","jun","jul","aug","sept","okt","nov","des",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "d-M-yyyy", D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["fy-NL"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ps-AF"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ps-AF", englishName: "Pashto (Afghanistan)", nativeName: "پښتو (افغانستان)", language: "ps", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], ',': "،", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["%n-","%n"], ',': "،", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$n"], ',': "٬", '.': "٫", symbol: "؋" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["غ.م","غ.م","غ.م"], PM: ["غ.و","غ.و","غ.و"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", f: "dd/MM/yyyy h:mm tt", F: "dd/MM/yyyy h:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }), Gregorian_Localized: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["یکشنبه","دوشنبه","سه‌شنبه","چارشنبه","پنجشنبه","جمعه","شنبه"], namesAbbr: ["یکشنبه","دوشنبه","سه‌شنبه","چارشنبه","پنجشنبه","جمعه","شنبه"], namesShort: ["ی","د","س","چ","پ","ج","ش"] }, months: { names: ["سلواغه","كب","ورى","غويى","غبرګولى","چنګا ښزمرى","زمرى","وږى","تله","لړم","لنڈ ۍ","مرغومى",""], namesAbbr: ["سلواغه","كب","ورى","غويى","غبرګولى","چنګا ښ","زمرى","وږى","تله","لړم","لنڈ ۍ","مرغومى",""] }, AM: ["غ.م","غ.م","غ.م"], PM: ["غ.و","غ.و","غ.و"], eras: [{"name":"ل.ه","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy/M/d", D: "yyyy, dd, MMMM, dddd", f: "yyyy, dd, MMMM, dddd h:mm tt", F: "yyyy, dd, MMMM, dddd h:mm:ss tt", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ps-AF"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["fil-PH"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "fil-PH", englishName: "Filipino (Philippines)", nativeName: "Filipino (Pilipinas)", language: "fil", numberFormat: { currency: { symbol: "PhP" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["Linggo","Lunes","Martes","Mierkoles","Huebes","Biernes","Sabado"], namesAbbr: ["Lin","Lun","Mar","Mier","Hueb","Bier","Saba"], namesShort: ["L","L","M","M","H","B","S"] }, months: { names: ["Enero","Pebrero","Marso","Abril","Mayo","Hunyo","Hulyo","Agosto","Septyembre","Oktubre","Nobyembre","Disyembre",""], namesAbbr: ["En","Peb","Mar","Abr","Mayo","Hun","Hul","Agos","Sept","Okt","Nob","Dis",""] }, eras: [{"name":"Anno Domini","start":null,"offset":0}] }) } }, cultures["fil-PH"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["dv-MV"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "dv-MV", englishName: "Divehi (Maldives)", nativeName: "ދިވެހިބަސް (ދިވެހި ރާއްޖެ)", language: "dv", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["n $-","n $"], symbol: "ރ." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", days: { names: ["އާދީއްތަ","ހޯމަ","އަންގާރަ","ބުދަ","ބުރާސްފަތި","ހުކުރު","ހޮނިހިރު"], namesAbbr: ["އާދީއްތަ","ހޯމަ","އަންގާރަ","ބުދަ","ބުރާސްފަތި","ހުކުރު","ހޮނިހިރު"], namesShort: ["އާ","ހޯ","އަ","ބު","ބު","ހު","ހޮ"] }, months: { names: ["މުޙައްރަމް","ޞަފަރު","ރަބީޢުލްއައްވަލް","ރަބީޢުލްއާޚިރު","ޖުމާދަލްއޫލާ","ޖުމާދަލްއާޚިރާ","ރަޖަބް","ޝަޢްބާން","ރަމަޟާން","ޝައްވާލް","ޛުލްޤަޢިދާ","ޛުލްޙިއްޖާ",""], namesAbbr: ["މުޙައްރަމް","ޞަފަރު","ރަބީޢުލްއައްވަލް","ރަބީޢުލްއާޚިރު","ޖުމާދަލްއޫލާ","ޖުމާދަލްއާޚިރާ","ރަޖަބް","ޝަޢްބާން","ރަމަޟާން","ޝައްވާލް","ޛުލްޤަޢިދާ","ޛުލްޙިއްޖާ",""] }, AM: ["މކ","މކ","މކ"], PM: ["މފ","މފ","މފ"], eras: [{"name":"ހިޖްރީ","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm", F: "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }), Gregorian_Localized: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["އާދީއްތަ","ހޯމަ","އަންގާރަ","ބުދަ","ބުރާސްފަތި","ހުކުރު","ހޮނިހިރު"], namesAbbr: ["އާދީއްތަ","ހޯމަ","އަންގާރަ","ބުދަ","ބުރާސްފަތި","ހުކުރު","ހޮނިހިރު"], namesShort: ["އާ","ހޯ","އަ","ބު","ބު","ހު","ހޮ"] }, months: { names: ["ޖަނަވަރީ","ފެބްރުއަރީ","މާޗް","އޭޕްރިލް","މެއި","ޖޫން","ޖުލައި","އޯގަސްޓް","ސެޕްޓެމްބަރ","އޮކްޓޯބަރ","ނޮވެމްބަރ","ޑިސެމްބަރ",""], namesAbbr: ["ޖަނަވަރީ","ފެބްރުއަރީ","މާޗް","އޭޕްރިލް","މެއި","ޖޫން","ޖުލައި","އޯގަސްޓް","ސެޕްޓެމްބަރ","އޮކްޓޯބަރ","ނޮވެމްބަރ","ޑިސެމްބަރ",""] }, AM: ["މކ","މކ","މކ"], PM: ["މފ","މފ","މފ"], eras: [{"name":"މީލާދީ","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "ddd, yyyy MMMM dd", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "ddd, yyyy MMMM dd HH:mm", F: "ddd, yyyy MMMM dd HH:mm:ss", Y: "yyyy, MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["dv-MV"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ha-Latn-NG"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ha-Latn-NG", englishName: "Hausa (Latin, Nigeria)", nativeName: "Hausa (Nigeria)", language: "ha-Latn", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], symbol: "N" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["Lahadi","Litinin","Talata","Laraba","Alhamis","Juma'a","Asabar"], namesAbbr: ["Lah","Lit","Tal","Lar","Alh","Jum","Asa"], namesShort: ["L","L","T","L","A","J","A"] }, months: { names: ["Januwaru","Febreru","Maris","Afrilu","Mayu","Yuni","Yuli","Agusta","Satumba","Oktocba","Nuwamba","Disamba",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Afr","May","Yun","Yul","Agu","Sat","Okt","Nuw","Dis",""] }, AM: ["Safe","safe","SAFE"], PM: ["Yamma","yamma","YAMMA"], eras: [{"name":"AD","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d/M/yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ha-Latn-NG"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["yo-NG"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "yo-NG", englishName: "Yoruba (Nigeria)", nativeName: "Yoruba (Nigeria)", language: "yo", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], symbol: "N" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["Aiku","Aje","Isegun","Ojo'ru","Ojo'bo","Eti","Abameta"], namesAbbr: ["Aik","Aje","Ise","Ojo","Ojo","Eti","Aba"], namesShort: ["A","A","I","O","O","E","A"] }, months: { names: ["Osu kinni","Osu keji","Osu keta","Osu kerin","Osu karun","Osu kefa","Osu keje","Osu kejo","Osu kesan","Osu kewa","Osu kokanla","Osu keresi",""], namesAbbr: ["kin.","kej.","ket.","ker.","kar.","kef.","kej.","kej.","kes.","kew.","kok.","ker.",""] }, AM: ["Owuro","owuro","OWURO"], PM: ["Ale","ale","ALE"], eras: [{"name":"AD","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d/M/yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["yo-NG"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["quz-BO"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "quz-BO", englishName: "Quechua (Bolivia)", nativeName: "runasimi (Qullasuyu)", language: "quz", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["($ n)","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "$b" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["intichaw","killachaw","atipachaw","quyllurchaw","Ch' askachaw","Illapachaw","k'uychichaw"], namesAbbr: ["int","kil","ati","quy","Ch'","Ill","k'u"], namesShort: ["d","k","a","m","h","b","k"] }, months: { names: ["Qulla puquy","Hatun puquy","Pauqar waray","ayriwa","Aymuray","Inti raymi","Anta Sitwa","Qhapaq Sitwa","Uma raymi","Kantaray","Ayamarq'a","Kapaq Raymi",""], namesAbbr: ["Qul","Hat","Pau","ayr","Aym","Int","Ant","Qha","Uma","Kan","Aya","Kap",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["quz-BO"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["nso-ZA"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "nso-ZA", englishName: "Sesotho sa Leboa (South Africa)", nativeName: "Sesotho sa Leboa (Afrika Borwa)", language: "nso", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"] }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], symbol: "R" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["Lamorena","Mošupologo","Labobedi","Laboraro","Labone","Labohlano","Mokibelo"], namesAbbr: ["Lam","Moš","Lbb","Lbr","Lbn","Lbh","Mok"], namesShort: ["L","M","L","L","L","L","M"] }, months: { names: ["Pherekgong","Hlakola","Mopitlo","Moranang","Mosegamanye","Ngoatobošego","Phuphu","Phato","Lewedi","Diphalana","Dibatsela","Manthole",""], namesAbbr: ["Pher","Hlak","Mop","Mor","Mos","Ngwat","Phup","Phat","Lew","Dip","Dib","Man",""] }, patterns: { d: "yyyy/MM/dd", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["nso-ZA"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ba-RU"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ba-RU", englishName: "Bashkir (Russia)", nativeName: "Башҡорт (Россия)", language: "ba", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], groupSizes: [3,0], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], groupSizes: [3,0], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "һ." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Йәкшәмбе","Дүшәмбе","Шишәмбе","Шаршамбы","Кесаҙна","Йома","Шәмбе"], namesAbbr: ["Йш","Дш","Шш","Шр","Кс","Йм","Шб"], namesShort: ["Йш","Дш","Шш","Шр","Кс","Йм","Шб"] }, months: { names: ["ғинуар","февраль","март","апрель","май","июнь","июль","август","сентябрь","октябрь","ноябрь","декабрь",""], namesAbbr: ["ғин","фев","мар","апр","май","июн","июл","авг","сен","окт","ноя","дек",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yy", D: "d MMMM yyyy 'й'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy 'й' H:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy 'й' H:mm:ss", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ba-RU"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["lb-LU"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "lb-LU", englishName: "Luxembourgish (Luxembourg)", nativeName: "Lëtzebuergesch (Luxembourg)", language: "lb", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Sonndeg","Méindeg","Dënschdeg","Mëttwoch","Donneschdeg","Freideg","Samschdeg"], namesAbbr: ["Son","Méi","Dën","Mët","Don","Fre","Sam"], namesShort: ["So","Mé","Dë","Më","Do","Fr","Sa"] }, months: { names: ["Januar","Februar","Mäerz","Abrëll","Mee","Juni","Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Dezember",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mäe","Abr","Mee","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dez",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"n. Chr","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["lb-LU"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["kl-GL"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "kl-GL", englishName: "Greenlandic (Greenland)", nativeName: "kalaallisut (Kalaallit Nunaat)", language: "kl", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { groupSizes: [3,0], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,0], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "kr." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["sapaat","ataasinngorneq","marlunngorneq","pingasunngorneq","sisamanngorneq","tallimanngorneq","arfininngorneq"], namesAbbr: ["sap","ata","mar","ping","sis","tal","arf"], namesShort: ["sa","at","ma","pi","si","ta","ar"] }, months: { names: ["januari","februari","martsi","apriili","maaji","juni","juli","aggusti","septembari","oktobari","novembari","decembari",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","mai","jun","jul","aug","sep","okt","nov","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["kl-GL"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ig-NG"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ig-NG", englishName: "Igbo (Nigeria)", nativeName: "Igbo (Nigeria)", language: "ig", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], symbol: "N" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["Aiku","Aje","Isegun","Ojo'ru","Ojo'bo","Eti","Abameta"], namesAbbr: ["Aik","Aje","Ise","Ojo","Ojo","Eti","Aba"], namesShort: ["A","A","I","O","O","E","A"] }, months: { names: ["Onwa mbu","Onwa ibua","Onwa ato","Onwa ano","Onwa ise","Onwa isi","Onwa asa","Onwa asato","Onwa itolu","Onwa iri","Onwa iri n'ofu","Onwa iri n'ibua",""], namesAbbr: ["mbu.","ibu.","ato.","ano.","ise","isi","asa","asa.","ito.","iri.","n'of.","n'ib.",""] }, AM: ["Ututu","ututu","UTUTU"], PM: ["Efifie","efifie","EFIFIE"], eras: [{"name":"AD","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d/M/yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ig-NG"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ii-CN"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ii-CN", englishName: "Yi (PRC)", nativeName: "ꆈꌠꁱꂷ (ꍏꉸꏓꂱꇭꉼꇩ)", language: "ii", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], groupSizes: [3,0] }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$n"], symbol: "¥" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["ꑭꆏꑍ","ꆏꊂ꒔","ꆏꊂꑍ","ꆏꊂꌕ","ꆏꊂꇖ","ꆏꊂꉬ","ꆏꊂꃘ"], namesAbbr: ["ꑭꆏ","ꆏ꒔","ꆏꑍ","ꆏꌕ","ꆏꇖ","ꆏꉬ","ꆏꃘ"], namesShort: ["ꆏ","꒔","ꑍ","ꌕ","ꇖ","ꉬ","ꃘ"] }, months: { names: ["ꋍꆪ","ꑍꆪ","ꌕꆪ","ꇖꆪ","ꉬꆪ","ꃘꆪ","ꏃꆪ","ꉆꆪ","ꈬꆪ","ꊰꆪ","ꊯꊪꆪ","ꊰꑋꆪ",""], namesAbbr: ["ꋍꆪ","ꑍꆪ","ꌕꆪ","ꇖꆪ","ꉬꆪ","ꃘꆪ","ꏃꆪ","ꉆꆪ","ꈬꆪ","ꊰꆪ","ꊯꊪꆪ","ꊰꑋꆪ",""] }, AM: ["ꂵꆪꈌꈐ","ꂵꆪꈌꈐ","ꂵꆪꈌꈐ"], PM: ["ꂵꆪꈌꉈ","ꂵꆪꈌꉈ","ꂵꆪꈌꉈ"], eras: [{"name":"ꇬꑼ","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy/M/d", D: "yyyy'ꈎ' M'ꆪ' d'ꑍ'", t: "tt h:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "yyyy'ꈎ' M'ꆪ' d'ꑍ' tt h:mm", F: "yyyy'ꈎ' M'ꆪ' d'ꑍ' H:mm:ss", M: "M'ꆪ' d'ꑍ'", Y: "yyyy'ꈎ' M'ꆪ'" } }) } }, cultures["ii-CN"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["arn-CL"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "arn-CL", englishName: "Mapudungun (Chile)", nativeName: "Mapudungun (Chile)", language: "arn", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-$ n","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': "," } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", days: { names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"] }, months: { names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""], namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["arn-CL"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["moh-CA"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "moh-CA", englishName: "Mohawk (Mohawk)", nativeName: "Kanien'kéha", language: "moh", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { groupSizes: [3,0] } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["Awentatokentì:ke","Awentataón'ke","Ratironhia'kehronòn:ke","Soséhne","Okaristiiáhne","Ronwaia'tanentaktonhne","Entákta"], namesShort: ["S","M","T","W","T","F","S"] }, months: { names: ["Tsothohrkó:Wa","Enniska","Enniskó:Wa","Onerahtókha","Onerahtohkó:Wa","Ohiari:Ha","Ohiarihkó:Wa","Seskéha","Seskehkó:Wa","Kenténha","Kentenhkó:Wa","Tsothóhrha",""] } }) } }, cultures["moh-CA"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["br-FR"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "br-FR", englishName: "Breton (France)", nativeName: "brezhoneg (Frañs)", language: "br", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Sul","Lun","Meurzh","Merc'her","Yaou","Gwener","Sadorn"], namesAbbr: ["Sul","Lun","Meu.","Mer.","Yaou","Gwe.","Sad."], namesShort: ["Su","Lu","Mz","Mc","Ya","Gw","Sa"] }, months: { names: ["Genver","C'hwevrer","Meurzh","Ebrel","Mae","Mezheven","Gouere","Eost","Gwengolo","Here","Du","Kerzu",""], namesAbbr: ["Gen.","C'hwe.","Meur.","Ebr.","Mae","Mezh.","Goue.","Eost","Gwen.","Here","Du","Kzu",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"g. J.-K.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["br-FR"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ug-CN"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ug-CN", englishName: "Uyghur (PRC)", nativeName: "ئۇيغۇرچە (جۇڭخۇا خەلق جۇمھۇرىيىتى)", language: "ug", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"] }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$n"], symbol: "¥" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", days: { names: ["يەكشەنبە","دۈشەنبە","سەيشەنبە","چارشەنبە","پەيشەنبە","جۈمە","شەنبە"], namesAbbr: ["يە","دۈ","سە","چا","پە","جۈ","شە"], namesShort: ["ي","د","س","چ","پ","ج","ش"] }, months: { names: ["1-ئاي","2-ئاي","3-ئاي","4-ئاي","5-ئاي","6-ئاي","7-ئاي","8-ئاي","9-ئاي","10-ئاي","11-ئاي","12-ئاي",""], namesAbbr: ["1-ئاي","2-ئاي","3-ئاي","4-ئاي","5-ئاي","6-ئاي","7-ئاي","8-ئاي","9-ئاي","10-ئاي","11-ئاي","12-ئاي",""] }, AM: ["چۈشتىن بۇرۇن","چۈشتىن بۇرۇن","چۈشتىن بۇرۇن"], PM: ["چۈشتىن كېيىن","چۈشتىن كېيىن","چۈشتىن كېيىن"], eras: [{"name":"مىلادى","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy-M-d", D: "yyyy-'يىلى' MMMM d-'كۈنى،'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "yyyy-'يىلى' MMMM d-'كۈنى،' H:mm", F: "yyyy-'يىلى' MMMM d-'كۈنى،' H:mm:ss", M: "MMMM d'-كۈنى'", Y: "yyyy-'يىلى' MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["ug-CN"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["mi-NZ"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "mi-NZ", englishName: "Maori (New Zealand)", nativeName: "Reo Māori (Aotearoa)", language: "mi", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"] }, currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"] } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Rātapu","Rāhina","Rātū","Rāapa","Rāpare","Rāmere","Rāhoroi"], namesAbbr: ["Ta","Hi","Tū","Apa","Pa","Me","Ho"], namesShort: ["Ta","Hi","Tū","Aa","Pa","Me","Ho"] }, months: { names: ["Kohi-tātea","Hui-tanguru","Poutū-te-rangi","Paenga-whāwhā","Haratua","Pipiri","Hōngongoi","Here-turi-kōkā","Mahuru","Whiringa-ā-nuku","Whiringa-ā-rangi","Hakihea",""], namesAbbr: ["Kohi","Hui","Pou","Pae","Hara","Pipi","Hōngo","Here","Mahu","Nuku","Rangi","Haki",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy", f: "dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy h:mm tt", F: "dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM, yy" } }) } }, cultures["mi-NZ"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["oc-FR"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "oc-FR", englishName: "Occitan (France)", nativeName: "Occitan (França)", language: "oc", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["dimenge","diluns","dimars","dimècres","dijòus","divendres","dissabte"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mèc.","jòu.","ven.","sab."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","mè","jò","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["genier","febrier","març","abril","mai","junh","julh","agost","setembre","octobre","novembre","desembre",""], namesAbbr: ["gen.","feb.","mar.","abr.","mai.","jun.","jul.","ag.","set.","oct.","nov.","des.",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["de genier","de febrier","de març","d'abril","de mai","de junh","de julh","d'agost","de setembre","d'octobre","de novembre","de desembre",""], namesAbbr: ["gen.","feb.","mar.","abr.","mai.","jun.","jul.","ag.","set.","oct.","nov.","des.",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"après Jèsus-Crist","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd,' lo 'd MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd,' lo 'd MMMM' de 'yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd,' lo 'd MMMM' de 'yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["oc-FR"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["co-FR"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "co-FR", englishName: "Corsican (France)", nativeName: "Corsu (France)", language: "co", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["dumenica","luni","marti","mercuri","ghjovi","venderi","sabbatu"], namesAbbr: ["dum.","lun.","mar.","mer.","ghj.","ven.","sab."], namesShort: ["du","lu","ma","me","gh","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["ghjennaghju","ferraghju","marzu","aprile","maghju","ghjunghju","lugliu","aostu","settembre","ottobre","nuvembre","dicembre",""], namesAbbr: ["ghje","ferr","marz","apri","magh","ghju","lugl","aost","sett","otto","nuve","dice",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"dopu J-C","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["co-FR"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["gsw-FR"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "gsw-FR", englishName: "Alsatian (France)", nativeName: "Elsässisch (Frànkrisch)", language: "gsw", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Sundàà","Mondàà","Dienschdàà","Mittwuch","Dunnerschdàà","Fridàà","Sàmschdàà"], namesAbbr: ["Su.","Mo.","Di.","Mi.","Du.","Fr.","Sà."], namesShort: ["Su","Mo","Di","Mi","Du","Fr","Sà"] }, months: { names: ["Jänner","Feverje","März","Àpril","Mai","Jüni","Jüli","Augscht","September","Oktower","Nowember","Dezember",""], namesAbbr: ["Jän.","Fev.","März","Apr.","Mai","Jüni","Jüli","Aug.","Sept.","Okt.","Now.","Dez.",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"Vor J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["gsw-FR"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sah-RU"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sah-RU", englishName: "Yakut (Russia)", nativeName: "саха (Россия)", language: "sah", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n$","n$"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "с." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["баскыһыанньа","бэнидиэнньик","оптуорунньук","сэрэдэ","чэппиэр","бээтинсэ","субуота"], namesAbbr: ["Бс","Бн","Оп","Ср","Чп","Бт","Сб"], namesShort: ["Бс","Бн","Оп","Ср","Чп","Бт","Сб"] }, months: { names: ["Тохсунньу","Олунньу","Кулун тутар","Муус устар","Ыам ыйа","Бэс ыйа","От ыйа","Атырдьах ыйа","Балаҕан ыйа","Алтынньы","Сэтинньи","Ахсынньы",""], namesAbbr: ["тхс","олн","кул","мст","ыам","бэс","отй","атр","блҕ","алт","стн","ахс",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["тохсунньу","олунньу","кулун тутар","муус устар","ыам ыйын","бэс ыйын","от ыйын","атырдьах ыйын","балаҕан ыйын","алтынньы","сэтинньи","ахсынньы",""], namesAbbr: ["тхс","олн","кул","мст","ыам","бэс","отй","атр","блҕ","алт","стн","ахс",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "MM.dd.yyyy", D: "MMMM d yyyy 'с.'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "MMMM d yyyy 'с.' H:mm", F: "MMMM d yyyy 'с.' H:mm:ss", Y: "MMMM yyyy 'с.'" } }) } }, cultures["sah-RU"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["qut-GT"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "qut-GT", englishName: "K'iche (Guatemala)", nativeName: "K'iche (Guatemala)", language: "qut", numberFormat: { currency: { symbol: "Q" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["juq'ij","kaq'ij","oxq'ij","kajq'ij","joq'ij","waqq'ij","wuqq'ij"], namesAbbr: ["juq","kaq","oxq","kajq","joq","waqq","wuqq"], namesShort: ["ju","ka","ox","ka","jo","wa","wu"] }, months: { names: ["nab'e ik'","ukab' ik'","rox ik'","ukaj ik'","uro' ik'","uwaq ik'","uwuq ik'","uwajxaq ik'","ub'elej ik'","ulaj ik'","ujulaj ik'","ukab'laj ik'",""], namesAbbr: ["nab'e","ukab","rox","ukaj","uro","uwaq","uwuq","uwajxaq","ub'elej","ulaj","ujulaj","ukab'laj",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["qut-GT"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["rw-RW"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "rw-RW", englishName: "Kinyarwanda (Rwanda)", nativeName: "Kinyarwanda (Rwanda)", language: "rw", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "RWF" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["Ku wa mbere","Ku wa kabiri","Ku wa gatatu","Ku wa kane","Ku wa gatanu","Ku wa gatandatu","Ku cyumweru"], namesAbbr: ["mbe.","kab.","gat.","kan.","gat.","gat.","cyu."], namesShort: ["mb","ka","ga","ka","ga","ga","cy"] }, months: { names: ["Mutarama","Gashyantare","Werurwe","Mata","Gicurasi","Kamena","Nyakanga","Kanama","Nzeli","Ukwakira","Ugushyingo","Ukuboza",""], namesAbbr: ["Mut","Gas","Wer","Mat","Gic","Kam","Nya","Kan","Nze","Ukwa","Ugu","Uku",""] }, AM: ["saa moya z.m.","saa moya z.m.","SAA MOYA Z.M."], PM: ["saa moya z.n.","saa moya z.n.","SAA MOYA Z.N."], eras: [{"name":"AD","start":null,"offset":0}] }) } }, cultures["rw-RW"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["wo-SN"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "wo-SN", englishName: "Wolof (Senegal)", nativeName: "Wolof (Sénégal)", language: "wo", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "XOF" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["wo-SN"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["prs-AF"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "prs-AF", englishName: "Dari (Afghanistan)", nativeName: "درى (افغانستان)", language: "prs", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["%n-","%n"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$n"], symbol: "؋" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 5, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["غ.م","غ.م","غ.م"], PM: ["غ.و","غ.و","غ.و"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", f: "dd/MM/yyyy h:mm tt", F: "dd/MM/yyyy h:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }), Gregorian_Localized: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 5, days: { names: ["یکشنبه","دوشنبه","سه‌شنبه","چهارشنبه","پنجشنبه","جمعه","شنبه"], namesAbbr: ["یکشنبه","دوشنبه","سه‌شنبه","چهارشنبه","پنجشنبه","جمعه","شنبه"], namesShort: ["ی","د","س","چ","پ","ج","ش"] }, months: { names: ["سلواغه","كب","ورى","غويى","غبرګولى","چنګاښ","زمرى","وږى","تله","لړم","ليندۍ","مرغومى",""], namesAbbr: ["سلواغه","كب","ورى","غويى","غبرګولى","چنګاښ","زمرى","وږى","تله","لړم","ليندۍ","مرغومى",""] }, AM: ["غ.م","غ.م","غ.م"], PM: ["غ.و","غ.و","غ.و"], eras: [{"name":"ل.ه","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy/M/d", D: "yyyy, dd, MMMM, dddd", f: "yyyy, dd, MMMM, dddd h:mm tt", F: "yyyy, dd, MMMM, dddd h:mm:ss tt", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["prs-AF"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["gd-GB"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "gd-GB", englishName: "Scottish Gaelic (United Kingdom)", nativeName: "Gàidhlig (An Rìoghachd Aonaichte)", language: "gd", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"], symbol: "£" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Didòmhnaich","Diluain","Dimàirt","Diciadain","Diardaoin","Dihaoine","Disathairne"], namesAbbr: ["Dòm","Lua","Mài","Cia","Ard","Hao","Sat"], namesShort: ["D","L","M","C","A","H","S"] }, months: { names: ["Am Faoilleach","An Gearran","Am Màrt","An Giblean","An Cèitean","An t-Ògmhios","An t-Iuchar","An Lùnastal","An t-Sultain","An Dàmhair","An t-Samhain","An Dùbhlachd",""], namesAbbr: ["Fao","Gea","Màr","Gib","Cèi","Ògm","Iuc","Lùn","Sul","Dàm","Sam","Dùb",""] }, AM: ["m","m","M"], PM: ["f","f","F"], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["gd-GB"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ar-IQ"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ar-IQ", englishName: "Arabic (Iraq)", nativeName: "العربية (العراق)", language: "ar", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$ n"], symbol: "د.ع.‏" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""], namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM, yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), UmAlQura: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "UmAlQura", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { _yearInfo: [ // MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date [746, -2198707200000], [1769, -2168121600000], [3794, -2137449600000], [3748, -2106777600000], [3402, -2076192000000], [2710, -2045606400000], [1334, -2015020800000], [2741, -1984435200000], [3498, -1953763200000], [2980, -1923091200000], [2889, -1892505600000], [2707, -1861920000000], [1323, -1831334400000], [2647, -1800748800000], [1206, -1770076800000], [2741, -1739491200000], [1450, -1708819200000], [3413, -1678233600000], [3370, -1647561600000], [2646, -1616976000000], [1198, -1586390400000], [2397, -1555804800000], [748, -1525132800000], [1749, -1494547200000], [1706, -1463875200000], [1365, -1433289600000], [1195, -1402704000000], [2395, -1372118400000], [698, -1341446400000], [1397, -1310860800000], [2994, -1280188800000], [1892, -1249516800000], [1865, -1218931200000], [1621, -1188345600000], [683, -1157760000000], [1371, -1127174400000], [2778, -1096502400000], [1748, -1065830400000], [3785, -1035244800000], [3474, -1004572800000], [3365, -973987200000], [2637, -943401600000], [685, -912816000000], [1389, -882230400000], [2922, -851558400000], [2898, -820886400000], [2725, -790300800000], [2635, -759715200000], [1175, -729129600000], [2359, -698544000000], [694, -667872000000], [1397, -637286400000], [3434, -606614400000], [3410, -575942400000], [2710, -545356800000], [2349, -514771200000], [605, -484185600000], [1245, -453600000000], [2778, -422928000000], [1492, -392256000000], [3497, -361670400000], [3410, -330998400000], [2730, -300412800000], [1238, -269827200000], [2486, -239241600000], [884, -208569600000], [1897, -177984000000], [1874, -147312000000], [1701, -116726400000], [1355, -86140800000], [2731, -55555200000], [1370, -24883200000], [2773, 5702400000], [3538, 36374400000], [3492, 67046400000], [3401, 97632000000], [2709, 128217600000], [1325, 158803200000], [2653, 189388800000], [1370, 220060800000], [2773, 250646400000], [1706, 281318400000], [1685, 311904000000], [1323, 342489600000], [2647, 373075200000], [1198, 403747200000], [2422, 434332800000], [1388, 465004800000], [2901, 495590400000], [2730, 526262400000], [2645, 556848000000], [1197, 587433600000], [2397, 618019200000], [730, 648691200000], [1497, 679276800000], [3506, 709948800000], [2980, 740620800000], [2890, 771206400000], [2645, 801792000000], [693, 832377600000], [1397, 862963200000], [2922, 893635200000], [3026, 924307200000], [3012, 954979200000], [2953, 985564800000], [2709, 1016150400000], [1325, 1046736000000], [1453, 1077321600000], [2922, 1107993600000], [1748, 1138665600000], [3529, 1169251200000], [3474, 1199923200000], [2726, 1230508800000], [2390, 1261094400000], [686, 1291680000000], [1389, 1322265600000], [874, 1352937600000], [2901, 1383523200000], [2730, 1414195200000], [2381, 1444780800000], [1181, 1475366400000], [2397, 1505952000000], [698, 1536624000000], [1461, 1567209600000], [1450, 1597881600000], [3413, 1628467200000], [2714, 1659139200000], [2350, 1689724800000], [622, 1720310400000], [1373, 1750896000000], [2778, 1781568000000], [1748, 1812240000000], [1701, 1842825600000], [0, 1873411200000] ], minDate: -2198707200000, maxDate: 1873411199999, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var days = hday - 1, gyear = hyear - 1318; if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null; var info = this._yearInfo[gyear], gdate = new Date(info[1]), monthLength = info[0]; // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone, // not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) { days += 29 + (monthLength & 1); monthLength = monthLength >> 1; } gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone, // not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null; var hyear = 0, hmonth = 1; // find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { } if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) { hyear--; } var info = this._yearInfo[hyear], // how many days has it been since the date we found in the array? // 86400000 = ticks per day days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000), monthLength = info[0]; hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N // now increment day/month based on the total days, considering // how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year // mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case. var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); while (days >= daysInMonth) { days -= daysInMonth; monthLength = monthLength >> 1; daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); hmonth++; } // remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on // hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that. return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1]; } } }), Hijri: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }), Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["أ","ا","ث","أ","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","ابريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","اغسطس","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }) } }, cultures["ar-IQ"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["zh-CN"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "zh-CN", englishName: "Chinese (Simplified, PRC)", nativeName: "中文(中华人民共和国)", language: "zh-CHS", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"] }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$n"], symbol: "¥" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["星期日","星期一","星期二","星期三","星期四","星期五","星期六"], namesAbbr: ["周日","周一","周二","周三","周四","周五","周六"], namesShort: ["日","一","二","三","四","五","六"] }, months: { names: ["一月","二月","三月","四月","五月","六月","七月","八月","九月","十月","十一月","十二月",""], namesAbbr: ["一月","二月","三月","四月","五月","六月","七月","八月","九月","十月","十一月","十二月",""] }, AM: ["上午","上午","上午"], PM: ["下午","下午","下午"], eras: [{"name":"公元","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy/M/d", D: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm", F: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm:ss", M: "M'月'd'日'", Y: "yyyy'年'M'月'" } }) } }, cultures["zh-CN"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["de-CH"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "de-CH", englishName: "German (Switzerland)", nativeName: "Deutsch (Schweiz)", language: "de", numberFormat: { ',': "'", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': "'" }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], ',': "'", symbol: "Fr." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Sonntag","Montag","Dienstag","Mittwoch","Donnerstag","Freitag","Samstag"], namesAbbr: ["So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa"], namesShort: ["So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa"] }, months: { names: ["Januar","Februar","März","April","Mai","Juni","Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Dezember",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mrz","Apr","Mai","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dez",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"n. Chr.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["de-CH"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["en-GB"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "en-GB", englishName: "English (United Kingdom)", nativeName: "English (United Kingdom)", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"], symbol: "£" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["en-GB"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["es-MX"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "es-MX", englishName: "Spanish (Mexico)", nativeName: "Español (México)", language: "es", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"] } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"] }, months: { names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""], namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["es-MX"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["fr-BE"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "fr-BE", englishName: "French (Belgium)", nativeName: "français (Belgique)", language: "fr", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["fr-BE"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["it-CH"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "it-CH", englishName: "Italian (Switzerland)", nativeName: "italiano (Svizzera)", language: "it", numberFormat: { ',': "'", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': "'" }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], ',': "'", symbol: "fr." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["domenica","lunedì","martedì","mercoledì","giovedì","venerdì","sabato"], namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mer","gio","ven","sab"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","me","gi","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["gennaio","febbraio","marzo","aprile","maggio","giugno","luglio","agosto","settembre","ottobre","novembre","dicembre",""], namesAbbr: ["gen","feb","mar","apr","mag","giu","lug","ago","set","ott","nov","dic",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["it-CH"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["nl-BE"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "nl-BE", englishName: "Dutch (Belgium)", nativeName: "Nederlands (België)", language: "nl", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["zondag","maandag","dinsdag","woensdag","donderdag","vrijdag","zaterdag"], namesAbbr: ["zo","ma","di","wo","do","vr","za"], namesShort: ["zo","ma","di","wo","do","vr","za"] }, months: { names: ["januari","februari","maart","april","mei","juni","juli","augustus","september","oktober","november","december",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mrt","apr","mei","jun","jul","aug","sep","okt","nov","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "d/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["nl-BE"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["nn-NO"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "nn-NO", englishName: "Norwegian, Nynorsk (Norway)", nativeName: "norsk, nynorsk (Noreg)", language: "nn", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "kr" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["søndag","måndag","tysdag","onsdag","torsdag","fredag","laurdag"], namesAbbr: ["sø","må","ty","on","to","fr","la"], namesShort: ["sø","må","ty","on","to","fr","la"] }, months: { names: ["januar","februar","mars","april","mai","juni","juli","august","september","oktober","november","desember",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","mai","jun","jul","aug","sep","okt","nov","des",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["nn-NO"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["pt-PT"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "pt-PT", englishName: "Portuguese (Portugal)", nativeName: "português (Portugal)", language: "pt", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["domingo","segunda-feira","terça-feira","quarta-feira","quinta-feira","sexta-feira","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","seg","ter","qua","qui","sex","sáb"], namesShort: ["D","S","T","Q","Q","S","S"] }, months: { names: ["Janeiro","Fevereiro","Março","Abril","Maio","Junho","Julho","Agosto","Setembro","Outubro","Novembro","Dezembro",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Fev","Mar","Abr","Mai","Jun","Jul","Ago","Set","Out","Nov","Dez",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "dddd, d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd, d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd, d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d/M", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["pt-PT"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sr-Latn-CS"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sr-Latn-CS", englishName: "Serbian (Latin, Serbia and Montenegro (Former))", nativeName: "srpski (Srbija i Crna Gora (Prethodno))", language: "sr-Latn", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "Din." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["nedelja","ponedeljak","utorak","sreda","četvrtak","petak","subota"], namesAbbr: ["ned","pon","uto","sre","čet","pet","sub"], namesShort: ["ne","po","ut","sr","če","pe","su"] }, months: { names: ["januar","februar","mart","april","maj","jun","jul","avgust","septembar","oktobar","novembar","decembar",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","maj","jun","jul","avg","sep","okt","nov","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"n.e.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["sr-Latn-CS"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sv-FI"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sv-FI", englishName: "Swedish (Finland)", nativeName: "svenska (Finland)", language: "sv", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["söndag","måndag","tisdag","onsdag","torsdag","fredag","lördag"], namesAbbr: ["sö","må","ti","on","to","fr","lö"], namesShort: ["sö","må","ti","on","to","fr","lö"] }, months: { names: ["januari","februari","mars","april","maj","juni","juli","augusti","september","oktober","november","december",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","maj","jun","jul","aug","sep","okt","nov","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "'den 'd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "'den 'd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "'den 'd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "'den 'd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["sv-FI"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["az-Cyrl-AZ"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "az-Cyrl-AZ", englishName: "Azeri (Cyrillic, Azerbaijan)", nativeName: "Азәрбајҹан (Азәрбајҹан)", language: "az-Cyrl", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "ман." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Базар","Базар ертәси","Чәршәнбә ахшамы","Чәршәнбә","Ҹүмә ахшамы","Ҹүмә","Шәнбә"], namesAbbr: ["Б","Бе","Ча","Ч","Ҹа","Ҹ","Ш"], namesShort: ["Б","Бе","Ча","Ч","Ҹа","Ҹ","Ш"] }, months: { names: ["Јанвар","Феврал","Март","Апрел","Мај","Ијун","Ијул","Август","Сентјабр","Октјабр","Нојабр","Декабр",""], namesAbbr: ["Јан","Фев","Мар","Апр","Мај","Ијун","Ијул","Авг","Сен","Окт","Ноя","Дек",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["јанвар","феврал","март","апрел","мај","ијун","ијул","август","сентјабр","октјабр","нојабр","декабр",""], namesAbbr: ["Јан","Фев","Мар","Апр","мая","ијун","ијул","Авг","Сен","Окт","Ноя","Дек",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "d MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["az-Cyrl-AZ"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["dsb-DE"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "dsb-DE", englishName: "Lower Sorbian (Germany)", nativeName: "dolnoserbšćina (Nimska)", language: "dsb", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ". ", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["njeźela","ponjeźele","wałtora","srjoda","stwortk","pětk","sobota"], namesAbbr: ["nje","pon","wał","srj","stw","pět","sob"], namesShort: ["n","p","w","s","s","p","s"] }, months: { names: ["januar","februar","měrc","apryl","maj","junij","julij","awgust","september","oktober","nowember","december",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","měr","apr","maj","jun","jul","awg","sep","okt","now","dec",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["januara","februara","měrca","apryla","maja","junija","julija","awgusta","septembra","oktobra","nowembra","decembra",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","měr","apr","maj","jun","jul","awg","sep","okt","now","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"po Chr.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d. M. yyyy", D: "dddd, 'dnja' d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H.mm 'goź.'", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd, 'dnja' d. MMMM yyyy H.mm 'goź.'", F: "dddd, 'dnja' d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["dsb-DE"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["se-SE"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "se-SE", englishName: "Sami, Northern (Sweden)", nativeName: "davvisámegiella (Ruoŧŧa)", language: "se", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "kr" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["sotnabeaivi","mánnodat","disdat","gaskavahkku","duorastat","bearjadat","lávvardat"], namesAbbr: ["sotn","mán","dis","gask","duor","bear","láv"], namesShort: ["s","m","d","g","d","b","l"] }, months: { names: ["ođđajagemánnu","guovvamánnu","njukčamánnu","cuoŋománnu","miessemánnu","geassemánnu","suoidnemánnu","borgemánnu","čakčamánnu","golggotmánnu","skábmamánnu","juovlamánnu",""], namesAbbr: ["ođđj","guov","njuk","cuo","mies","geas","suoi","borg","čakč","golg","skáb","juov",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["ođđajagimánu","guovvamánu","njukčamánu","cuoŋománu","miessemánu","geassemánu","suoidnemánu","borgemánu","čakčamánu","golggotmánu","skábmamánu","juovlamánu",""], namesAbbr: ["ođđj","guov","njuk","cuo","mies","geas","suoi","borg","čakč","golg","skáb","juov",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "yyyy-MM-dd", D: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy HH:mm", F: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "MMMM d'. b. '", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["se-SE"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ga-IE"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ga-IE", englishName: "Irish (Ireland)", nativeName: "Gaeilge (Éire)", language: "ga", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"], symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Dé Domhnaigh","Dé Luain","Dé Máirt","Dé Céadaoin","Déardaoin","Dé hAoine","Dé Sathairn"], namesAbbr: ["Domh","Luan","Máir","Céad","Déar","Aoi","Sath"], namesShort: ["Do","Lu","Má","Cé","De","Ao","Sa"] }, months: { names: ["Eanáir","Feabhra","Márta","Aibreán","Bealtaine","Meitheamh","Iúil","Lúnasa","Meán Fómhair","Deireadh Fómhair","Samhain","Nollaig",""], namesAbbr: ["Ean","Feabh","Már","Aib","Bealt","Meith","Iúil","Lún","M.Fómh","D.Fómh","Samh","Noll",""] }, AM: ["r.n.","r.n.","R.N."], PM: ["i.n.","i.n.","I.N."], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ga-IE"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ms-BN"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ms-BN", englishName: "Malay (Brunei Darussalam)", nativeName: "Bahasa Melayu (Brunei Darussalam)", language: "ms", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { decimals: 0, ',': ".", '.': "," } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Ahad","Isnin","Selasa","Rabu","Khamis","Jumaat","Sabtu"], namesAbbr: ["Ahad","Isnin","Sel","Rabu","Khamis","Jumaat","Sabtu"], namesShort: ["A","I","S","R","K","J","S"] }, months: { names: ["Januari","Februari","Mac","April","Mei","Jun","Julai","Ogos","September","Oktober","November","Disember",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mac","Apr","Mei","Jun","Jul","Ogos","Sept","Okt","Nov","Dis",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ms-BN"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["uz-Cyrl-UZ"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "uz-Cyrl-UZ", englishName: "Uzbek (Cyrillic, Uzbekistan)", nativeName: "Ўзбек (Ўзбекистон)", language: "uz-Cyrl", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "сўм" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["якшанба","душанба","сешанба","чоршанба","пайшанба","жума","шанба"], namesAbbr: ["якш","дш","сш","чш","пш","ж","ш"], namesShort: ["я","д","с","ч","п","ж","ш"] }, months: { names: ["Январ","Феврал","Март","Апрел","Май","Июн","Июл","Август","Сентябр","Октябр","Ноябр","Декабр",""], namesAbbr: ["Янв","Фев","Мар","Апр","Май","Июн","Июл","Авг","Сен","Окт","Ноя","Дек",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["январ","феврал","март","апрел","май","июн","июл","август","сентябр","октябр","ноябр","декабр",""], namesAbbr: ["Янв","Фев","Мар","Апр","мая","Июн","Июл","Авг","Сен","Окт","Ноя","Дек",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "yyyy 'йил' d-MMMM", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "yyyy 'йил' d-MMMM HH:mm", F: "yyyy 'йил' d-MMMM HH:mm:ss", M: "d-MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["uz-Cyrl-UZ"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["bn-BD"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "bn-BD", englishName: "Bengali (Bangladesh)", nativeName: "বাংলা (বাংলাদেশ)", language: "bn", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"], groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "৳" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", ':': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["রবিবার","সোমবার","মঙ্গলবার","বুধবার","বৃহস্পতিবার","শুক্রবার","শনিবার"], namesAbbr: ["রবি.","সোম.","মঙ্গল.","বুধ.","বৃহস্পতি.","শুক্র.","শনি."], namesShort: ["র","স","ম","ব","ব","শ","শ"] }, months: { names: ["জানুয়ারী","ফেব্রুয়ারী","মার্চ","এপ্রিল","মে","জুন","জুলাই","আগস্ট","সেপ্টেম্বর","অক্টোবর","নভেম্বর","ডিসেম্বর",""], namesAbbr: ["জানু.","ফেব্রু.","মার্চ","এপ্রিল","মে","জুন","জুলাই","আগ.","সেপ্টে.","অক্টো.","নভে.","ডিসে.",""] }, AM: ["পুর্বাহ্ন","পুর্বাহ্ন","পুর্বাহ্ন"], PM: ["অপরাহ্ন","অপরাহ্ন","অপরাহ্ন"], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH.mm", T: "HH.mm.ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH.mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH.mm.ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["bn-BD"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["mn-Mong-CN"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "mn-Mong-CN", englishName: "Mongolian (Traditional Mongolian, PRC)", nativeName: "ᠮᠤᠨᠭᠭᠤᠯ ᠬᠡᠯᠡ (ᠪᠦᠭᠦᠳᠡ ᠨᠠᠢᠷᠠᠮᠳᠠᠬᠤ ᠳᠤᠮᠳᠠᠳᠤ ᠠᠷᠠᠳ ᠣᠯᠣᠰ)", language: "mn-Mong", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], groupSizes: [3,0] }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$n"], groupSizes: [3,0], symbol: "¥" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠡᠳᠦᠷ","ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠨᠢᠭᠡᠨ","ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠬᠣᠶᠠᠷ","ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠭᠤᠷᠪᠠᠨ","ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠳᠥᠷᠪᠡᠨ","ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠲᠠᠪᠤᠨ","ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠵᠢᠷᠭᠤᠭᠠᠨ"], namesAbbr: ["ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠡᠳᠦᠷ","ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠨᠢᠭᠡᠨ","ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠬᠣᠶᠠᠷ","ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠭᠤᠷᠪᠠᠨ","ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠳᠥᠷᠪᠡᠨ","ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠲᠠᠪᠤᠨ","ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠵᠢᠷᠭᠤᠭᠠᠨ"], namesShort: ["ᠡ‍","ᠨᠢ‍","ᠬᠣ‍","ᠭᠤ‍","ᠳᠥ‍","ᠲᠠ‍","ᠵᠢ‍"] }, months: { names: ["ᠨᠢᠭᠡᠳᠦᠭᠡᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠬᠤᠶ᠋ᠠᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠭᠤᠷᠪᠠᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠲᠦᠷᠪᠡᠳᠦᠭᠡᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠲᠠᠪᠤᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠵᠢᠷᠭᠤᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠲᠤᠯᠤᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠨᠠᠢᠮᠠᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠶᠢᠰᠦᠳᠦᠭᠡᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠠᠷᠪᠠᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠠᠷᠪᠠᠨ ᠨᠢᠭᠡᠳᠦᠭᠡᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠠᠷᠪᠠᠨ ᠬᠤᠶ᠋ᠠᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ",""], namesAbbr: ["ᠨᠢᠭᠡᠳᠦᠭᠡᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠬᠤᠶ᠋ᠠᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠭᠤᠷᠪᠠᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠲᠦᠷᠪᠡᠳᠦᠭᠡᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠲᠠᠪᠤᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠵᠢᠷᠭᠤᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠲᠤᠯᠤᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠨᠠᠢᠮᠠᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠶᠢᠰᠦᠳᠦᠭᠡᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠠᠷᠪᠠᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠠᠷᠪᠠᠨ ᠨᠢᠭᠡᠳᠦᠭᠡᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠠᠷᠪᠠᠨ ᠬᠤᠶ᠋ᠠᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"ᠣᠨ ᠲᠣᠭᠠᠯᠠᠯ ᠤᠨ","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy/M/d", D: "yyyy'ᠣᠨ ᠤ᠋' M'ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ  ᠢᠢᠨ 'd' ᠤ᠋ ᠡᠳᠦᠷ'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "yyyy'ᠣᠨ ᠤ᠋' M'ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ  ᠢᠢᠨ 'd' ᠤ᠋ ᠡᠳᠦᠷ' H:mm", F: "yyyy'ᠣᠨ ᠤ᠋' M'ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ  ᠢᠢᠨ 'd' ᠤ᠋ ᠡᠳᠦᠷ' H:mm:ss", M: "M'ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ' d'ᠡᠳᠦᠷ'", Y: "yyyy'ᠣᠨ' M'ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ'" } }) } }, cultures["mn-Mong-CN"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["iu-Latn-CA"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "iu-Latn-CA", englishName: "Inuktitut (Latin, Canada)", nativeName: "Inuktitut (Kanatami)", language: "iu-Latn", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { groupSizes: [3,0] } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["Naattiinguja","Naggajjau","Aippiq","Pingatsiq","Sitammiq","Tallirmiq","Sivataarvik"], namesAbbr: ["Nat","Nag","Aip","Pi","Sit","Tal","Siv"], namesShort: ["N","N","A","P","S","T","S"] }, months: { names: ["Jaannuari","Viivvuari","Maatsi","Iipuri","Mai","Juuni","Julai","Aaggiisi","Sitipiri","Utupiri","Nuvipiri","Tisipiri",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Viv","Mas","Ipu","Mai","Jun","Jul","Agi","Sii","Uut","Nuv","Tis",""] }, patterns: { d: "d/MM/yyyy", D: "ddd, MMMM dd,yyyy", f: "ddd, MMMM dd,yyyy h:mm tt", F: "ddd, MMMM dd,yyyy h:mm:ss tt" } }) } }, cultures["iu-Latn-CA"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["tzm-Latn-DZ"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "tzm-Latn-DZ", englishName: "Tamazight (Latin, Algeria)", nativeName: "Tamazight (Djazaïr)", language: "tzm-Latn", numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], symbol: "DZD" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["Acer","Arime","Aram","Ahad","Amhadh","Sem","Sedh"], namesAbbr: ["Ace","Ari","Ara","Aha","Amh","Sem","Sed"], namesShort: ["Ac","Ar","Ar","Ah","Am","Se","Se"] }, months: { names: ["Yenayer","Furar","Maghres","Yebrir","Mayu","Yunyu","Yulyu","Ghuct","Cutenber","Ktuber","Wambir","Dujanbir",""], namesAbbr: ["Yen","Fur","Mag","Yeb","May","Yun","Yul","Ghu","Cut","Ktu","Wam","Duj",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "dd MMMM, yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm", F: "dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["tzm-Latn-DZ"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["quz-EC"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "quz-EC", englishName: "Quechua (Ecuador)", nativeName: "runasimi (Ecuador)", language: "quz", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["($ n)","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': "," } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["intichaw","killachaw","atipachaw","quyllurchaw","Ch' askachaw","Illapachaw","k'uychichaw"], namesAbbr: ["int","kil","ati","quy","Ch'","Ill","k'u"], namesShort: ["d","k","a","m","h","b","k"] }, months: { names: ["Qulla puquy","Hatun puquy","Pauqar waray","ayriwa","Aymuray","Inti raymi","Anta Sitwa","Qhapaq Sitwa","Uma raymi","Kantaray","Ayamarq'a","Kapaq Raymi",""], namesAbbr: ["Qul","Hat","Pau","ayr","Aym","Int","Ant","Qha","Uma","Kan","Aya","Kap",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm:ss", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["quz-EC"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ar-EG"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ar-EG", englishName: "Arabic (Egypt)", nativeName: "العربية (مصر)", language: "ar", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], decimals: 3, percent: { decimals: 3 }, currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$ n"], symbol: "ج.م.‏" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليه","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليه","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM, yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), UmAlQura: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "UmAlQura", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { _yearInfo: [ // MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date [746, -2198707200000], [1769, -2168121600000], [3794, -2137449600000], [3748, -2106777600000], [3402, -2076192000000], [2710, -2045606400000], [1334, -2015020800000], [2741, -1984435200000], [3498, -1953763200000], [2980, -1923091200000], [2889, -1892505600000], [2707, -1861920000000], [1323, -1831334400000], [2647, -1800748800000], [1206, -1770076800000], [2741, -1739491200000], [1450, -1708819200000], [3413, -1678233600000], [3370, -1647561600000], [2646, -1616976000000], [1198, -1586390400000], [2397, -1555804800000], [748, -1525132800000], [1749, -1494547200000], [1706, -1463875200000], [1365, -1433289600000], [1195, -1402704000000], [2395, -1372118400000], [698, -1341446400000], [1397, -1310860800000], [2994, -1280188800000], [1892, -1249516800000], [1865, -1218931200000], [1621, -1188345600000], [683, -1157760000000], [1371, -1127174400000], [2778, -1096502400000], [1748, -1065830400000], [3785, -1035244800000], [3474, -1004572800000], [3365, -973987200000], [2637, -943401600000], [685, -912816000000], [1389, -882230400000], [2922, -851558400000], [2898, -820886400000], [2725, -790300800000], [2635, -759715200000], [1175, -729129600000], [2359, -698544000000], [694, -667872000000], [1397, -637286400000], [3434, -606614400000], [3410, -575942400000], [2710, -545356800000], [2349, -514771200000], [605, -484185600000], [1245, -453600000000], [2778, -422928000000], [1492, -392256000000], [3497, -361670400000], [3410, -330998400000], [2730, -300412800000], [1238, -269827200000], [2486, -239241600000], [884, -208569600000], [1897, -177984000000], [1874, -147312000000], [1701, -116726400000], [1355, -86140800000], [2731, -55555200000], [1370, -24883200000], [2773, 5702400000], [3538, 36374400000], [3492, 67046400000], [3401, 97632000000], [2709, 128217600000], [1325, 158803200000], [2653, 189388800000], [1370, 220060800000], [2773, 250646400000], [1706, 281318400000], [1685, 311904000000], [1323, 342489600000], [2647, 373075200000], [1198, 403747200000], [2422, 434332800000], [1388, 465004800000], [2901, 495590400000], [2730, 526262400000], [2645, 556848000000], [1197, 587433600000], [2397, 618019200000], [730, 648691200000], [1497, 679276800000], [3506, 709948800000], [2980, 740620800000], [2890, 771206400000], [2645, 801792000000], [693, 832377600000], [1397, 862963200000], [2922, 893635200000], [3026, 924307200000], [3012, 954979200000], [2953, 985564800000], [2709, 1016150400000], [1325, 1046736000000], [1453, 1077321600000], [2922, 1107993600000], [1748, 1138665600000], [3529, 1169251200000], [3474, 1199923200000], [2726, 1230508800000], [2390, 1261094400000], [686, 1291680000000], [1389, 1322265600000], [874, 1352937600000], [2901, 1383523200000], [2730, 1414195200000], [2381, 1444780800000], [1181, 1475366400000], [2397, 1505952000000], [698, 1536624000000], [1461, 1567209600000], [1450, 1597881600000], [3413, 1628467200000], [2714, 1659139200000], [2350, 1689724800000], [622, 1720310400000], [1373, 1750896000000], [2778, 1781568000000], [1748, 1812240000000], [1701, 1842825600000], [0, 1873411200000] ], minDate: -2198707200000, maxDate: 1873411199999, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var days = hday - 1, gyear = hyear - 1318; if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null; var info = this._yearInfo[gyear], gdate = new Date(info[1]), monthLength = info[0]; // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone, // not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) { days += 29 + (monthLength & 1); monthLength = monthLength >> 1; } gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone, // not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null; var hyear = 0, hmonth = 1; // find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { } if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) { hyear--; } var info = this._yearInfo[hyear], // how many days has it been since the date we found in the array? // 86400000 = ticks per day days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000), monthLength = info[0]; hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N // now increment day/month based on the total days, considering // how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year // mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case. var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); while (days >= daysInMonth) { days -= daysInMonth; monthLength = monthLength >> 1; daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); hmonth++; } // remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on // hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that. return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1]; } } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["أ","ا","ث","أ","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","ابريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","اغسطس","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }), Hijri: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }), Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Gregorian_Arabic: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_Arabic", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""], namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }) } }, cultures["ar-EG"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["zh-HK"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "zh-HK", englishName: "Chinese (Traditional, Hong Kong S.A.R.)", nativeName: "中文(香港特別行政區)", language: "zh-CHT", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"] }, currency: { symbol: "HK$" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["星期日","星期一","星期二","星期三","星期四","星期五","星期六"], namesAbbr: ["週日","週一","週二","週三","週四","週五","週六"], namesShort: ["日","一","二","三","四","五","六"] }, months: { names: ["一月","二月","三月","四月","五月","六月","七月","八月","九月","十月","十一月","十二月",""], namesAbbr: ["一月","二月","三月","四月","五月","六月","七月","八月","九月","十月","十一月","十二月",""] }, AM: ["上午","上午","上午"], PM: ["下午","下午","下午"], eras: [{"name":"公元","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d/M/yyyy", D: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm", F: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm:ss", M: "M'月'd'日'", Y: "yyyy'年'M'月'" } }) } }, cultures["zh-HK"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["de-AT"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "de-AT", englishName: "German (Austria)", nativeName: "Deutsch (Österreich)", language: "de", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-$ n","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Sonntag","Montag","Dienstag","Mittwoch","Donnerstag","Freitag","Samstag"], namesAbbr: ["So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa"], namesShort: ["So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa"] }, months: { names: ["Jänner","Februar","März","April","Mai","Juni","Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Dezember",""], namesAbbr: ["Jän","Feb","Mär","Apr","Mai","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dez",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"n. Chr.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["de-AT"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["en-AU"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "en-AU", englishName: "English (Australia)", nativeName: "English (Australia)", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"] } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, patterns: { d: "d/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy", f: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm tt", F: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["en-AU"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["es-ES"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "es-ES", englishName: "Spanish (Spain, International Sort)", nativeName: "Español (España, alfabetización internacional)", language: "es", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"] }, months: { names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""], namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["es-ES"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["fr-CA"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "fr-CA", englishName: "French (Canada)", nativeName: "français (Canada)", language: "fr", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["(n $)","n $"], ',': " ", '.': "," } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy-MM-dd", D: "d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["fr-CA"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sr-Cyrl-CS"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sr-Cyrl-CS", englishName: "Serbian (Cyrillic, Serbia and Montenegro (Former))", nativeName: "српски (Србија и Црна Гора (Претходно))", language: "sr-Cyrl", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "Дин." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["недеља","понедељак","уторак","среда","четвртак","петак","субота"], namesAbbr: ["нед","пон","уто","сре","чет","пет","суб"], namesShort: ["не","по","ут","ср","че","пе","су"] }, months: { names: ["јануар","фебруар","март","април","мај","јун","јул","август","септембар","октобар","новембар","децембар",""], namesAbbr: ["јан","феб","мар","апр","мај","јун","јул","авг","сеп","окт","нов","дец",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"н.е.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["sr-Cyrl-CS"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["se-FI"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "se-FI", englishName: "Sami, Northern (Finland)", nativeName: "davvisámegiella (Suopma)", language: "se", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["sotnabeaivi","vuossárga","maŋŋebárga","gaskavahkku","duorastat","bearjadat","lávvardat"], namesAbbr: ["sotn","vuos","maŋ","gask","duor","bear","láv"], namesShort: ["s","m","d","g","d","b","l"] }, months: { names: ["ođđajagemánnu","guovvamánnu","njukčamánnu","cuoŋománnu","miessemánnu","geassemánnu","suoidnemánnu","borgemánnu","čakčamánnu","golggotmánnu","skábmamánnu","juovlamánnu",""], namesAbbr: ["ođđj","guov","njuk","cuo","mies","geas","suoi","borg","čakč","golg","skáb","juov",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["ođđajagimánu","guovvamánu","njukčamánu","cuoŋománu","miessemánu","geassemánu","suoidnemánu","borgemánu","čakčamánu","golggotmánu","skábmamánu","juovlamánu",""], namesAbbr: ["ođđj","guov","njuk","cuo","mies","geas","suoi","borg","čakč","golg","skáb","juov",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy H:mm", F: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "MMMM d'. b. '", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["se-FI"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["quz-PE"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "quz-PE", englishName: "Quechua (Peru)", nativeName: "runasimi (Piruw)", language: "quz", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], symbol: "S/." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["intichaw","killachaw","atipachaw","quyllurchaw","Ch' askachaw","Illapachaw","k'uychichaw"], namesAbbr: ["int","kil","ati","quy","Ch'","Ill","k'u"], namesShort: ["d","k","a","m","h","b","k"] }, months: { names: ["Qulla puquy","Hatun puquy","Pauqar waray","ayriwa","Aymuray","Inti raymi","Anta Sitwa","Qhapaq Sitwa","Uma raymi","Kantaray","Ayamarq'a","Kapaq Raymi",""], namesAbbr: ["Qul","Hat","Pau","ayr","Aym","Int","Ant","Qha","Uma","Kan","Aya","Kap",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["quz-PE"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ar-LY"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ar-LY", englishName: "Arabic (Libya)", nativeName: "العربية (ليبيا)", language: "ar", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], decimals: 3, percent: { decimals: 3 }, currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$n"], decimals: 3, symbol: "د.ل.‏" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليه","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليه","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM, yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Hijri: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }), UmAlQura: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "UmAlQura", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { _yearInfo: [ // MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date [746, -2198707200000], [1769, -2168121600000], [3794, -2137449600000], [3748, -2106777600000], [3402, -2076192000000], [2710, -2045606400000], [1334, -2015020800000], [2741, -1984435200000], [3498, -1953763200000], [2980, -1923091200000], [2889, -1892505600000], [2707, -1861920000000], [1323, -1831334400000], [2647, -1800748800000], [1206, -1770076800000], [2741, -1739491200000], [1450, -1708819200000], [3413, -1678233600000], [3370, -1647561600000], [2646, -1616976000000], [1198, -1586390400000], [2397, -1555804800000], [748, -1525132800000], [1749, -1494547200000], [1706, -1463875200000], [1365, -1433289600000], [1195, -1402704000000], [2395, -1372118400000], [698, -1341446400000], [1397, -1310860800000], [2994, -1280188800000], [1892, -1249516800000], [1865, -1218931200000], [1621, -1188345600000], [683, -1157760000000], [1371, -1127174400000], [2778, -1096502400000], [1748, -1065830400000], [3785, -1035244800000], [3474, -1004572800000], [3365, -973987200000], [2637, -943401600000], [685, -912816000000], [1389, -882230400000], [2922, -851558400000], [2898, -820886400000], [2725, -790300800000], [2635, -759715200000], [1175, -729129600000], [2359, -698544000000], [694, -667872000000], [1397, -637286400000], [3434, -606614400000], [3410, -575942400000], [2710, -545356800000], [2349, -514771200000], [605, -484185600000], [1245, -453600000000], [2778, -422928000000], [1492, -392256000000], [3497, -361670400000], [3410, -330998400000], [2730, -300412800000], [1238, -269827200000], [2486, -239241600000], [884, -208569600000], [1897, -177984000000], [1874, -147312000000], [1701, -116726400000], [1355, -86140800000], [2731, -55555200000], [1370, -24883200000], [2773, 5702400000], [3538, 36374400000], [3492, 67046400000], [3401, 97632000000], [2709, 128217600000], [1325, 158803200000], [2653, 189388800000], [1370, 220060800000], [2773, 250646400000], [1706, 281318400000], [1685, 311904000000], [1323, 342489600000], [2647, 373075200000], [1198, 403747200000], [2422, 434332800000], [1388, 465004800000], [2901, 495590400000], [2730, 526262400000], [2645, 556848000000], [1197, 587433600000], [2397, 618019200000], [730, 648691200000], [1497, 679276800000], [3506, 709948800000], [2980, 740620800000], [2890, 771206400000], [2645, 801792000000], [693, 832377600000], [1397, 862963200000], [2922, 893635200000], [3026, 924307200000], [3012, 954979200000], [2953, 985564800000], [2709, 1016150400000], [1325, 1046736000000], [1453, 1077321600000], [2922, 1107993600000], [1748, 1138665600000], [3529, 1169251200000], [3474, 1199923200000], [2726, 1230508800000], [2390, 1261094400000], [686, 1291680000000], [1389, 1322265600000], [874, 1352937600000], [2901, 1383523200000], [2730, 1414195200000], [2381, 1444780800000], [1181, 1475366400000], [2397, 1505952000000], [698, 1536624000000], [1461, 1567209600000], [1450, 1597881600000], [3413, 1628467200000], [2714, 1659139200000], [2350, 1689724800000], [622, 1720310400000], [1373, 1750896000000], [2778, 1781568000000], [1748, 1812240000000], [1701, 1842825600000], [0, 1873411200000] ], minDate: -2198707200000, maxDate: 1873411199999, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var days = hday - 1, gyear = hyear - 1318; if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null; var info = this._yearInfo[gyear], gdate = new Date(info[1]), monthLength = info[0]; // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone, // not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) { days += 29 + (monthLength & 1); monthLength = monthLength >> 1; } gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone, // not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null; var hyear = 0, hmonth = 1; // find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { } if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) { hyear--; } var info = this._yearInfo[hyear], // how many days has it been since the date we found in the array? // 86400000 = ticks per day days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000), monthLength = info[0]; hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N // now increment day/month based on the total days, considering // how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year // mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case. var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); while (days >= daysInMonth) { days -= daysInMonth; monthLength = monthLength >> 1; daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); hmonth++; } // remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on // hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that. return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1]; } } }), Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Gregorian_Arabic: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_Arabic", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""], namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }) } }, cultures["ar-LY"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["zh-SG"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "zh-SG", englishName: "Chinese (Simplified, Singapore)", nativeName: "中文(新加坡)", language: "zh-CHS", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"] } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["星期日","星期一","星期二","星期三","星期四","星期五","星期六"], namesAbbr: ["周日","周一","周二","周三","周四","周五","周六"], namesShort: ["日","一","二","三","四","五","六"] }, months: { names: ["一月","二月","三月","四月","五月","六月","七月","八月","九月","十月","十一月","十二月",""], namesAbbr: ["一月","二月","三月","四月","五月","六月","七月","八月","九月","十月","十一月","十二月",""] }, patterns: { d: "d/M/yyyy", D: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日'", t: "tt h:mm", T: "tt h:mm:ss", f: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' tt h:mm", F: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' tt h:mm:ss", M: "M'月'd'日'", Y: "yyyy'年'M'月'" } }) } }, cultures["zh-SG"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["de-LU"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "de-LU", englishName: "German (Luxembourg)", nativeName: "Deutsch (Luxemburg)", language: "de", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Sonntag","Montag","Dienstag","Mittwoch","Donnerstag","Freitag","Samstag"], namesAbbr: ["So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa"], namesShort: ["So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa"] }, months: { names: ["Januar","Februar","März","April","Mai","Juni","Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Dezember",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mrz","Apr","Mai","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dez",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"n. Chr.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["de-LU"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["en-CA"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "en-CA", englishName: "English (Canada)", nativeName: "English (Canada)", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"] } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "MMMM-dd-yy", f: "MMMM-dd-yy h:mm tt", F: "MMMM-dd-yy h:mm:ss tt" } }) } }, cultures["en-CA"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["es-GT"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "es-GT", englishName: "Spanish (Guatemala)", nativeName: "Español (Guatemala)", language: "es", numberFormat: { currency: { symbol: "Q" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"] }, months: { names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""], namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["es-GT"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["fr-CH"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "fr-CH", englishName: "French (Switzerland)", nativeName: "français (Suisse)", language: "fr", numberFormat: { ',': "'", percent: { ',': "'" }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], ',': "'", symbol: "fr." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["fr-CH"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["hr-BA"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "hr-BA", englishName: "Croatian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina)", nativeName: "hrvatski (Bosna i Hercegovina)", language: "hr", numberFormat: { pattern: ["- n"], ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "KM" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["nedjelja","ponedjeljak","utorak","srijeda","četvrtak","petak","subota"], namesAbbr: ["ned","pon","uto","sri","čet","pet","sub"], namesShort: ["ne","po","ut","sr","če","pe","su"] }, months: { names: ["siječanj","veljača","ožujak","travanj","svibanj","lipanj","srpanj","kolovoz","rujan","listopad","studeni","prosinac",""], namesAbbr: ["sij","vlj","ožu","tra","svi","lip","srp","kol","ruj","lis","stu","pro",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["siječnja","veljače","ožujka","travnja","svibnja","lipnja","srpnja","kolovoza","rujna","listopada","studenog","prosinca",""], namesAbbr: ["sij","vlj","ožu","tra","svi","lip","srp","kol","ruj","lis","stu","pro",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy.", D: "d. MMMM yyyy.", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy. H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy. H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["hr-BA"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["smj-NO"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "smj-NO", englishName: "Sami, Lule (Norway)", nativeName: "julevusámegiella (Vuodna)", language: "smj", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "kr" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["sådnåbiejvve","mánnodahka","dijstahka","gasskavahkko","duorastahka","bierjjedahka","lávvodahka"], namesAbbr: ["såd","mán","dis","gas","duor","bier","láv"], namesShort: ["s","m","d","g","d","b","l"] }, months: { names: ["ådåjakmánno","guovvamánno","sjnjuktjamánno","vuoratjismánno","moarmesmánno","biehtsemánno","sjnjilltjamánno","bårggemánno","ragátmánno","gålgådismánno","basádismánno","javllamánno",""], namesAbbr: ["ådåj","guov","snju","vuor","moar","bieh","snji","bårg","ragá","gålg","basá","javl",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["ådåjakmáno","guovvamáno","sjnjuktjamáno","vuoratjismáno","moarmesmáno","biehtsemáno","sjnjilltjamáno","bårggemáno","ragátmáno","gålgådismáno","basádismáno","javllamáno",""], namesAbbr: ["ådåj","guov","snju","vuor","moar","bieh","snji","bårg","ragá","gålg","basá","javl",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy HH:mm", F: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "MMMM d'. b. '", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["smj-NO"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ar-DZ"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ar-DZ", englishName: "Arabic (Algeria)", nativeName: "العربية (الجزائر)", language: "ar", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$ n"], symbol: "د.ج.‏" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "dd MMMM, yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm", F: "dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Hijri: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dd/MM/yyyy H:mm", F: "dd/MM/yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }), UmAlQura: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "UmAlQura", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy H:mm", F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { _yearInfo: [ // MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date [746, -2198707200000], [1769, -2168121600000], [3794, -2137449600000], [3748, -2106777600000], [3402, -2076192000000], [2710, -2045606400000], [1334, -2015020800000], [2741, -1984435200000], [3498, -1953763200000], [2980, -1923091200000], [2889, -1892505600000], [2707, -1861920000000], [1323, -1831334400000], [2647, -1800748800000], [1206, -1770076800000], [2741, -1739491200000], [1450, -1708819200000], [3413, -1678233600000], [3370, -1647561600000], [2646, -1616976000000], [1198, -1586390400000], [2397, -1555804800000], [748, -1525132800000], [1749, -1494547200000], [1706, -1463875200000], [1365, -1433289600000], [1195, -1402704000000], [2395, -1372118400000], [698, -1341446400000], [1397, -1310860800000], [2994, -1280188800000], [1892, -1249516800000], [1865, -1218931200000], [1621, -1188345600000], [683, -1157760000000], [1371, -1127174400000], [2778, -1096502400000], [1748, -1065830400000], [3785, -1035244800000], [3474, -1004572800000], [3365, -973987200000], [2637, -943401600000], [685, -912816000000], [1389, -882230400000], [2922, -851558400000], [2898, -820886400000], [2725, -790300800000], [2635, -759715200000], [1175, -729129600000], [2359, -698544000000], [694, -667872000000], [1397, -637286400000], [3434, -606614400000], [3410, -575942400000], [2710, -545356800000], [2349, -514771200000], [605, -484185600000], [1245, -453600000000], [2778, -422928000000], [1492, -392256000000], [3497, -361670400000], [3410, -330998400000], [2730, -300412800000], [1238, -269827200000], [2486, -239241600000], [884, -208569600000], [1897, -177984000000], [1874, -147312000000], [1701, -116726400000], [1355, -86140800000], [2731, -55555200000], [1370, -24883200000], [2773, 5702400000], [3538, 36374400000], [3492, 67046400000], [3401, 97632000000], [2709, 128217600000], [1325, 158803200000], [2653, 189388800000], [1370, 220060800000], [2773, 250646400000], [1706, 281318400000], [1685, 311904000000], [1323, 342489600000], [2647, 373075200000], [1198, 403747200000], [2422, 434332800000], [1388, 465004800000], [2901, 495590400000], [2730, 526262400000], [2645, 556848000000], [1197, 587433600000], [2397, 618019200000], [730, 648691200000], [1497, 679276800000], [3506, 709948800000], [2980, 740620800000], [2890, 771206400000], [2645, 801792000000], [693, 832377600000], [1397, 862963200000], [2922, 893635200000], [3026, 924307200000], [3012, 954979200000], [2953, 985564800000], [2709, 1016150400000], [1325, 1046736000000], [1453, 1077321600000], [2922, 1107993600000], [1748, 1138665600000], [3529, 1169251200000], [3474, 1199923200000], [2726, 1230508800000], [2390, 1261094400000], [686, 1291680000000], [1389, 1322265600000], [874, 1352937600000], [2901, 1383523200000], [2730, 1414195200000], [2381, 1444780800000], [1181, 1475366400000], [2397, 1505952000000], [698, 1536624000000], [1461, 1567209600000], [1450, 1597881600000], [3413, 1628467200000], [2714, 1659139200000], [2350, 1689724800000], [622, 1720310400000], [1373, 1750896000000], [2778, 1781568000000], [1748, 1812240000000], [1701, 1842825600000], [0, 1873411200000] ], minDate: -2198707200000, maxDate: 1873411199999, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var days = hday - 1, gyear = hyear - 1318; if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null; var info = this._yearInfo[gyear], gdate = new Date(info[1]), monthLength = info[0]; // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone, // not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) { days += 29 + (monthLength & 1); monthLength = monthLength >> 1; } gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone, // not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null; var hyear = 0, hmonth = 1; // find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { } if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) { hyear--; } var info = this._yearInfo[hyear], // how many days has it been since the date we found in the array? // 86400000 = ticks per day days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000), monthLength = info[0]; hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N // now increment day/month based on the total days, considering // how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year // mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case. var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); while (days >= daysInMonth) { days -= daysInMonth; monthLength = monthLength >> 1; daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); hmonth++; } // remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on // hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that. return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1]; } } }), Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Gregorian_Arabic: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_Arabic", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""], namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm:ss" } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["أ","ا","ث","أ","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","ابريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","اغسطس","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm:ss" } }) } }, cultures["ar-DZ"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["zh-MO"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "zh-MO", englishName: "Chinese (Traditional, Macao S.A.R.)", nativeName: "中文(澳門特別行政區)", language: "zh-CHT", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"] }, currency: { symbol: "MOP" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["星期日","星期一","星期二","星期三","星期四","星期五","星期六"], namesAbbr: ["週日","週一","週二","週三","週四","週五","週六"], namesShort: ["日","一","二","三","四","五","六"] }, months: { names: ["一月","二月","三月","四月","五月","六月","七月","八月","九月","十月","十一月","十二月",""], namesAbbr: ["一月","二月","三月","四月","五月","六月","七月","八月","九月","十月","十一月","十二月",""] }, AM: ["上午","上午","上午"], PM: ["下午","下午","下午"], eras: [{"name":"公元","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d/M/yyyy", D: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm", F: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm:ss", M: "M'月'd'日'", Y: "yyyy'年'M'月'" } }) } }, cultures["zh-MO"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["de-LI"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "de-LI", englishName: "German (Liechtenstein)", nativeName: "Deutsch (Liechtenstein)", language: "de", numberFormat: { ',': "'", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': "'" }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], ',': "'", symbol: "CHF" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Sonntag","Montag","Dienstag","Mittwoch","Donnerstag","Freitag","Samstag"], namesAbbr: ["So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa"], namesShort: ["So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa"] }, months: { names: ["Januar","Februar","März","April","Mai","Juni","Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Dezember",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mrz","Apr","Mai","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dez",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"n. Chr.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["de-LI"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["en-NZ"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "en-NZ", englishName: "English (New Zealand)", nativeName: "English (New Zealand)", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"] } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], patterns: { d: "d/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy", f: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm tt", F: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["en-NZ"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["es-CR"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "es-CR", englishName: "Spanish (Costa Rica)", nativeName: "Español (Costa Rica)", language: "es", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "₡" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"] }, months: { names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""], namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["es-CR"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["fr-LU"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "fr-LU", englishName: "French (Luxembourg)", nativeName: "français (Luxembourg)", language: "fr", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["fr-LU"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["bs-Latn-BA"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "bs-Latn-BA", englishName: "Bosnian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina)", nativeName: "bosanski (Bosna i Hercegovina)", language: "bs-Latn", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "KM" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["nedjelja","ponedjeljak","utorak","srijeda","četvrtak","petak","subota"], namesAbbr: ["ned","pon","uto","sri","čet","pet","sub"], namesShort: ["ne","po","ut","sr","če","pe","su"] }, months: { names: ["januar","februar","mart","april","maj","juni","juli","avgust","septembar","oktobar","novembar","decembar",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","maj","jun","jul","avg","sep","okt","nov","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["bs-Latn-BA"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["smj-SE"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "smj-SE", englishName: "Sami, Lule (Sweden)", nativeName: "julevusámegiella (Svierik)", language: "smj", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "kr" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["ájllek","mánnodahka","dijstahka","gasskavahkko","duorastahka","bierjjedahka","lávvodahka"], namesAbbr: ["ájl","mán","dis","gas","duor","bier","láv"], namesShort: ["á","m","d","g","d","b","l"] }, months: { names: ["ådåjakmánno","guovvamánno","sjnjuktjamánno","vuoratjismánno","moarmesmánno","biehtsemánno","sjnjilltjamánno","bårggemánno","ragátmánno","gålgådismánno","basádismánno","javllamánno",""], namesAbbr: ["ådåj","guov","snju","vuor","moar","bieh","snji","bårg","ragá","gålg","basá","javl",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["ådåjakmáno","guovvamáno","sjnjuktjamáno","vuoratjismáno","moarmesmáno","biehtsemáno","sjnjilltjamáno","bårggemáno","ragátmáno","gålgådismáno","basádismáno","javllamáno",""], namesAbbr: ["ådåj","guov","snju","vuor","moar","bieh","snji","bårg","ragá","gålg","basá","javl",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "yyyy-MM-dd", D: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy HH:mm", F: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "MMMM d'. b. '", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["smj-SE"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ar-MA"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ar-MA", englishName: "Arabic (Morocco)", nativeName: "العربية (المملكة المغربية)", language: "ar", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$ n"], symbol: "د.م.‏" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","ماي","يونيو","يوليوز","غشت","شتنبر","أكتوبر","نونبر","دجنبر",""], namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","ماي","يونيو","يوليوز","غشت","شتنبر","أكتوبر","نونبر","دجنبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "dd MMMM, yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm", F: "dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Hijri: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dd/MM/yyyy H:mm", F: "dd/MM/yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }), UmAlQura: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "UmAlQura", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy H:mm", F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { _yearInfo: [ // MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date [746, -2198707200000], [1769, -2168121600000], [3794, -2137449600000], [3748, -2106777600000], [3402, -2076192000000], [2710, -2045606400000], [1334, -2015020800000], [2741, -1984435200000], [3498, -1953763200000], [2980, -1923091200000], [2889, -1892505600000], [2707, -1861920000000], [1323, -1831334400000], [2647, -1800748800000], [1206, -1770076800000], [2741, -1739491200000], [1450, -1708819200000], [3413, -1678233600000], [3370, -1647561600000], [2646, -1616976000000], [1198, -1586390400000], [2397, -1555804800000], [748, -1525132800000], [1749, -1494547200000], [1706, -1463875200000], [1365, -1433289600000], [1195, -1402704000000], [2395, -1372118400000], [698, -1341446400000], [1397, -1310860800000], [2994, -1280188800000], [1892, -1249516800000], [1865, -1218931200000], [1621, -1188345600000], [683, -1157760000000], [1371, -1127174400000], [2778, -1096502400000], [1748, -1065830400000], [3785, -1035244800000], [3474, -1004572800000], [3365, -973987200000], [2637, -943401600000], [685, -912816000000], [1389, -882230400000], [2922, -851558400000], [2898, -820886400000], [2725, -790300800000], [2635, -759715200000], [1175, -729129600000], [2359, -698544000000], [694, -667872000000], [1397, -637286400000], [3434, -606614400000], [3410, -575942400000], [2710, -545356800000], [2349, -514771200000], [605, -484185600000], [1245, -453600000000], [2778, -422928000000], [1492, -392256000000], [3497, -361670400000], [3410, -330998400000], [2730, -300412800000], [1238, -269827200000], [2486, -239241600000], [884, -208569600000], [1897, -177984000000], [1874, -147312000000], [1701, -116726400000], [1355, -86140800000], [2731, -55555200000], [1370, -24883200000], [2773, 5702400000], [3538, 36374400000], [3492, 67046400000], [3401, 97632000000], [2709, 128217600000], [1325, 158803200000], [2653, 189388800000], [1370, 220060800000], [2773, 250646400000], [1706, 281318400000], [1685, 311904000000], [1323, 342489600000], [2647, 373075200000], [1198, 403747200000], [2422, 434332800000], [1388, 465004800000], [2901, 495590400000], [2730, 526262400000], [2645, 556848000000], [1197, 587433600000], [2397, 618019200000], [730, 648691200000], [1497, 679276800000], [3506, 709948800000], [2980, 740620800000], [2890, 771206400000], [2645, 801792000000], [693, 832377600000], [1397, 862963200000], [2922, 893635200000], [3026, 924307200000], [3012, 954979200000], [2953, 985564800000], [2709, 1016150400000], [1325, 1046736000000], [1453, 1077321600000], [2922, 1107993600000], [1748, 1138665600000], [3529, 1169251200000], [3474, 1199923200000], [2726, 1230508800000], [2390, 1261094400000], [686, 1291680000000], [1389, 1322265600000], [874, 1352937600000], [2901, 1383523200000], [2730, 1414195200000], [2381, 1444780800000], [1181, 1475366400000], [2397, 1505952000000], [698, 1536624000000], [1461, 1567209600000], [1450, 1597881600000], [3413, 1628467200000], [2714, 1659139200000], [2350, 1689724800000], [622, 1720310400000], [1373, 1750896000000], [2778, 1781568000000], [1748, 1812240000000], [1701, 1842825600000], [0, 1873411200000] ], minDate: -2198707200000, maxDate: 1873411199999, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var days = hday - 1, gyear = hyear - 1318; if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null; var info = this._yearInfo[gyear], gdate = new Date(info[1]), monthLength = info[0]; // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone, // not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) { days += 29 + (monthLength & 1); monthLength = monthLength >> 1; } gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone, // not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null; var hyear = 0, hmonth = 1; // find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { } if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) { hyear--; } var info = this._yearInfo[hyear], // how many days has it been since the date we found in the array? // 86400000 = ticks per day days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000), monthLength = info[0]; hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N // now increment day/month based on the total days, considering // how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year // mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case. var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); while (days >= daysInMonth) { days -= daysInMonth; monthLength = monthLength >> 1; daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); hmonth++; } // remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on // hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that. return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1]; } } }), Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Gregorian_Arabic: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_Arabic", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""], namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm:ss" } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["أ","ا","ث","أ","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","ابريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","اغسطس","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm:ss" } }) } }, cultures["ar-MA"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["en-IE"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "en-IE", englishName: "English (Ireland)", nativeName: "English (Ireland)", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"], symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["en-IE"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["es-PA"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "es-PA", englishName: "Spanish (Panama)", nativeName: "Español (Panamá)", language: "es", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["($ n)","$ n"], symbol: "B/." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"] }, months: { names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""], namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["es-PA"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["fr-MC"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "fr-MC", englishName: "French (Monaco)", nativeName: "français (Principauté de Monaco)", language: "fr", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["fr-MC"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sr-Latn-BA"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sr-Latn-BA", englishName: "Serbian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina)", nativeName: "srpski (Bosna i Hercegovina)", language: "sr-Latn", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "KM" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["nedelja","ponedeljak","utorak","sreda","četvrtak","petak","subota"], namesAbbr: ["ned","pon","uto","sre","čet","pet","sub"], namesShort: ["ne","po","ut","sr","če","pe","su"] }, months: { names: ["januar","februar","mart","april","maj","jun","jul","avgust","septembar","oktobar","novembar","decembar",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","maj","jun","jul","avg","sep","okt","nov","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"n.e.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["sr-Latn-BA"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sma-NO"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sma-NO", englishName: "Sami, Southern (Norway)", nativeName: "åarjelsaemiengiele (Nöörje)", language: "sma", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-%n","%n"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "kr" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["aejlege","måanta","dæjsta","gaskevåhkoe","duarsta","bearjadahke","laavvardahke"], namesAbbr: ["aej","måa","dæj","gask","duar","bearj","laav"], namesShort: ["a","m","d","g","d","b","l"] }, months: { names: ["tsïengele","goevte","njoktje","voerhtje","suehpede","ruffie","snjaltje","mïetske","skïerede","golke","rahka","goeve",""], namesAbbr: ["tsïen","goevt","njok","voer","sueh","ruff","snja","mïet","skïer","golk","rahk","goev",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["tsïengelen","goevten","njoktjen","voerhtjen","suehpeden","ruffien","snjaltjen","mïetsken","skïereden","golken","rahkan","goeven",""], namesAbbr: ["tsïen","goevt","njok","voer","sueh","ruff","snja","mïet","skïer","golk","rahk","goev",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy HH:mm", F: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "MMMM d'. b. '", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["sma-NO"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ar-TN"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ar-TN", englishName: "Arabic (Tunisia)", nativeName: "العربية (تونس)", language: "ar", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], decimals: 3, percent: { decimals: 3 }, currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$ n"], decimals: 3, symbol: "د.ت.‏" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "dd MMMM, yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm", F: "dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Hijri: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dd/MM/yyyy H:mm", F: "dd/MM/yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }), UmAlQura: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "UmAlQura", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy H:mm", F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { _yearInfo: [ // MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date [746, -2198707200000], [1769, -2168121600000], [3794, -2137449600000], [3748, -2106777600000], [3402, -2076192000000], [2710, -2045606400000], [1334, -2015020800000], [2741, -1984435200000], [3498, -1953763200000], [2980, -1923091200000], [2889, -1892505600000], [2707, -1861920000000], [1323, -1831334400000], [2647, -1800748800000], [1206, -1770076800000], [2741, -1739491200000], [1450, -1708819200000], [3413, -1678233600000], [3370, -1647561600000], [2646, -1616976000000], [1198, -1586390400000], [2397, -1555804800000], [748, -1525132800000], [1749, -1494547200000], [1706, -1463875200000], [1365, -1433289600000], [1195, -1402704000000], [2395, -1372118400000], [698, -1341446400000], [1397, -1310860800000], [2994, -1280188800000], [1892, -1249516800000], [1865, -1218931200000], [1621, -1188345600000], [683, -1157760000000], [1371, -1127174400000], [2778, -1096502400000], [1748, -1065830400000], [3785, -1035244800000], [3474, -1004572800000], [3365, -973987200000], [2637, -943401600000], [685, -912816000000], [1389, -882230400000], [2922, -851558400000], [2898, -820886400000], [2725, -790300800000], [2635, -759715200000], [1175, -729129600000], [2359, -698544000000], [694, -667872000000], [1397, -637286400000], [3434, -606614400000], [3410, -575942400000], [2710, -545356800000], [2349, -514771200000], [605, -484185600000], [1245, -453600000000], [2778, -422928000000], [1492, -392256000000], [3497, -361670400000], [3410, -330998400000], [2730, -300412800000], [1238, -269827200000], [2486, -239241600000], [884, -208569600000], [1897, -177984000000], [1874, -147312000000], [1701, -116726400000], [1355, -86140800000], [2731, -55555200000], [1370, -24883200000], [2773, 5702400000], [3538, 36374400000], [3492, 67046400000], [3401, 97632000000], [2709, 128217600000], [1325, 158803200000], [2653, 189388800000], [1370, 220060800000], [2773, 250646400000], [1706, 281318400000], [1685, 311904000000], [1323, 342489600000], [2647, 373075200000], [1198, 403747200000], [2422, 434332800000], [1388, 465004800000], [2901, 495590400000], [2730, 526262400000], [2645, 556848000000], [1197, 587433600000], [2397, 618019200000], [730, 648691200000], [1497, 679276800000], [3506, 709948800000], [2980, 740620800000], [2890, 771206400000], [2645, 801792000000], [693, 832377600000], [1397, 862963200000], [2922, 893635200000], [3026, 924307200000], [3012, 954979200000], [2953, 985564800000], [2709, 1016150400000], [1325, 1046736000000], [1453, 1077321600000], [2922, 1107993600000], [1748, 1138665600000], [3529, 1169251200000], [3474, 1199923200000], [2726, 1230508800000], [2390, 1261094400000], [686, 1291680000000], [1389, 1322265600000], [874, 1352937600000], [2901, 1383523200000], [2730, 1414195200000], [2381, 1444780800000], [1181, 1475366400000], [2397, 1505952000000], [698, 1536624000000], [1461, 1567209600000], [1450, 1597881600000], [3413, 1628467200000], [2714, 1659139200000], [2350, 1689724800000], [622, 1720310400000], [1373, 1750896000000], [2778, 1781568000000], [1748, 1812240000000], [1701, 1842825600000], [0, 1873411200000] ], minDate: -2198707200000, maxDate: 1873411199999, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var days = hday - 1, gyear = hyear - 1318; if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null; var info = this._yearInfo[gyear], gdate = new Date(info[1]), monthLength = info[0]; // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone, // not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) { days += 29 + (monthLength & 1); monthLength = monthLength >> 1; } gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone, // not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null; var hyear = 0, hmonth = 1; // find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { } if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) { hyear--; } var info = this._yearInfo[hyear], // how many days has it been since the date we found in the array? // 86400000 = ticks per day days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000), monthLength = info[0]; hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N // now increment day/month based on the total days, considering // how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year // mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case. var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); while (days >= daysInMonth) { days -= daysInMonth; monthLength = monthLength >> 1; daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); hmonth++; } // remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on // hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that. return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1]; } } }), Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Gregorian_Arabic: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_Arabic", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""], namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm:ss" } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["أ","ا","ث","أ","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","ابريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","اغسطس","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm:ss" } }) } }, cultures["ar-TN"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["en-ZA"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "en-ZA", englishName: "English (South Africa)", nativeName: "English (South Africa)", numberFormat: { ',': " ", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " " }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "R" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { patterns: { d: "yyyy/MM/dd", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["en-ZA"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["es-DO"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "es-DO", englishName: "Spanish (Dominican Republic)", nativeName: "Español (República Dominicana)", language: "es", numberFormat: { currency: { symbol: "RD$" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"] }, months: { names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""], namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["es-DO"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sr-Cyrl-BA"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sr-Cyrl-BA", englishName: "Serbian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina)", nativeName: "српски (Босна и Херцеговина)", language: "sr-Cyrl", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "КМ" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["недеља","понедељак","уторак","среда","четвртак","петак","субота"], namesAbbr: ["нед","пон","уто","сре","чет","пет","суб"], namesShort: ["н","п","у","с","ч","п","с"] }, months: { names: ["јануар","фебруар","март","април","мај","јун","јул","август","септембар","октобар","новембар","децембар",""], namesAbbr: ["јан","феб","мар","апр","мај","јун","јул","авг","сеп","окт","нов","дец",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"н.е.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["sr-Cyrl-BA"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sma-SE"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sma-SE", englishName: "Sami, Southern (Sweden)", nativeName: "åarjelsaemiengiele (Sveerje)", language: "sma", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "kr" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["aejlege","måanta","dæjsta","gaskevåhkoe","duarsta","bearjadahke","laavvardahke"], namesAbbr: ["aej","måa","dæj","gask","duar","bearj","laav"], namesShort: ["a","m","d","g","d","b","l"] }, months: { names: ["tsïengele","goevte","njoktje","voerhtje","suehpede","ruffie","snjaltje","mïetske","skïerede","golke","rahka","goeve",""], namesAbbr: ["tsïen","goevt","njok","voer","sueh","ruff","snja","mïet","skïer","golk","rahk","goev",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["tsïengelen","goevten","njoktjen","voerhtjen","suehpeden","ruffien","snjaltjen","mïetsken","skïereden","golken","rahkan","goeven",""], namesAbbr: ["tsïen","goevt","njok","voer","sueh","ruff","snja","mïet","skïer","golk","rahk","goev",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "yyyy-MM-dd", D: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy HH:mm", F: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "MMMM d'. b. '", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["sma-SE"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ar-OM"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ar-OM", englishName: "Arabic (Oman)", nativeName: "العربية (عمان)", language: "ar", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$ n"], decimals: 3, symbol: "ر.ع.‏" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليه","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليه","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM, yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Hijri: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }), UmAlQura: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "UmAlQura", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { _yearInfo: [ // MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date [746, -2198707200000], [1769, -2168121600000], [3794, -2137449600000], [3748, -2106777600000], [3402, -2076192000000], [2710, -2045606400000], [1334, -2015020800000], [2741, -1984435200000], [3498, -1953763200000], [2980, -1923091200000], [2889, -1892505600000], [2707, -1861920000000], [1323, -1831334400000], [2647, -1800748800000], [1206, -1770076800000], [2741, -1739491200000], [1450, -1708819200000], [3413, -1678233600000], [3370, -1647561600000], [2646, -1616976000000], [1198, -1586390400000], [2397, -1555804800000], [748, -1525132800000], [1749, -1494547200000], [1706, -1463875200000], [1365, -1433289600000], [1195, -1402704000000], [2395, -1372118400000], [698, -1341446400000], [1397, -1310860800000], [2994, -1280188800000], [1892, -1249516800000], [1865, -1218931200000], [1621, -1188345600000], [683, -1157760000000], [1371, -1127174400000], [2778, -1096502400000], [1748, -1065830400000], [3785, -1035244800000], [3474, -1004572800000], [3365, -973987200000], [2637, -943401600000], [685, -912816000000], [1389, -882230400000], [2922, -851558400000], [2898, -820886400000], [2725, -790300800000], [2635, -759715200000], [1175, -729129600000], [2359, -698544000000], [694, -667872000000], [1397, -637286400000], [3434, -606614400000], [3410, -575942400000], [2710, -545356800000], [2349, -514771200000], [605, -484185600000], [1245, -453600000000], [2778, -422928000000], [1492, -392256000000], [3497, -361670400000], [3410, -330998400000], [2730, -300412800000], [1238, -269827200000], [2486, -239241600000], [884, -208569600000], [1897, -177984000000], [1874, -147312000000], [1701, -116726400000], [1355, -86140800000], [2731, -55555200000], [1370, -24883200000], [2773, 5702400000], [3538, 36374400000], [3492, 67046400000], [3401, 97632000000], [2709, 128217600000], [1325, 158803200000], [2653, 189388800000], [1370, 220060800000], [2773, 250646400000], [1706, 281318400000], [1685, 311904000000], [1323, 342489600000], [2647, 373075200000], [1198, 403747200000], [2422, 434332800000], [1388, 465004800000], [2901, 495590400000], [2730, 526262400000], [2645, 556848000000], [1197, 587433600000], [2397, 618019200000], [730, 648691200000], [1497, 679276800000], [3506, 709948800000], [2980, 740620800000], [2890, 771206400000], [2645, 801792000000], [693, 832377600000], [1397, 862963200000], [2922, 893635200000], [3026, 924307200000], [3012, 954979200000], [2953, 985564800000], [2709, 1016150400000], [1325, 1046736000000], [1453, 1077321600000], [2922, 1107993600000], [1748, 1138665600000], [3529, 1169251200000], [3474, 1199923200000], [2726, 1230508800000], [2390, 1261094400000], [686, 1291680000000], [1389, 1322265600000], [874, 1352937600000], [2901, 1383523200000], [2730, 1414195200000], [2381, 1444780800000], [1181, 1475366400000], [2397, 1505952000000], [698, 1536624000000], [1461, 1567209600000], [1450, 1597881600000], [3413, 1628467200000], [2714, 1659139200000], [2350, 1689724800000], [622, 1720310400000], [1373, 1750896000000], [2778, 1781568000000], [1748, 1812240000000], [1701, 1842825600000], [0, 1873411200000] ], minDate: -2198707200000, maxDate: 1873411199999, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var days = hday - 1, gyear = hyear - 1318; if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null; var info = this._yearInfo[gyear], gdate = new Date(info[1]), monthLength = info[0]; // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone, // not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) { days += 29 + (monthLength & 1); monthLength = monthLength >> 1; } gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone, // not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null; var hyear = 0, hmonth = 1; // find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { } if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) { hyear--; } var info = this._yearInfo[hyear], // how many days has it been since the date we found in the array? // 86400000 = ticks per day days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000), monthLength = info[0]; hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N // now increment day/month based on the total days, considering // how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year // mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case. var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); while (days >= daysInMonth) { days -= daysInMonth; monthLength = monthLength >> 1; daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); hmonth++; } // remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on // hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that. return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1]; } } }), Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Gregorian_Arabic: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_Arabic", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""], namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }) } }, cultures["ar-OM"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["en-JM"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "en-JM", englishName: "English (Jamaica)", nativeName: "English (Jamaica)", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"], symbol: "J$" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }) } }, cultures["en-JM"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["es-VE"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "es-VE", englishName: "Spanish (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela)", nativeName: "Español (Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela)", language: "es", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "Bs. F." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"] }, months: { names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""], namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["es-VE"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["bs-Cyrl-BA"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "bs-Cyrl-BA", englishName: "Bosnian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina)", nativeName: "босански (Босна и Херцеговина)", language: "bs-Cyrl", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "КМ" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["недјеља","понедјељак","уторак","сриједа","четвртак","петак","субота"], namesAbbr: ["нед","пон","уто","сре","чет","пет","суб"], namesShort: ["н","п","у","с","ч","п","с"] }, months: { names: ["јануар","фебруар","март","април","мај","јун","јул","август","септембар","октобар","новембар","децембар",""], namesAbbr: ["јан","феб","мар","апр","мај","јун","јул","авг","сеп","окт","нов","дец",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"н.е.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["bs-Cyrl-BA"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sms-FI"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sms-FI", englishName: "Sami, Skolt (Finland)", nativeName: "sääm´ǩiõll (Lää´ddjânnam)", language: "sms", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["pâ´sspei´vv","vuõssargg","mââibargg","seärad","nelljdpei´vv","piâtnâc","sue´vet"], namesAbbr: ["pâ","vu","mâ","se","ne","pi","su"], namesShort: ["p","v","m","s","n","p","s"] }, months: { names: ["ođđee´jjmään","tä´lvvmään","pâ´zzlâšttammään","njuhččmään","vue´ssmään","ǩie´ssmään","suei´nnmään","på´rǧǧmään","čõhččmään","kålggmään","skamm´mään","rosttovmään",""], namesAbbr: ["ođjm","tä´lvv","pâzl","njuh","vue","ǩie","suei","på´r","čõh","kålg","ska","rost",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["ođđee´jjmannu","tä´lvvmannu","pâ´zzlâšttammannu","njuhččmannu","vue´ssmannu","ǩie´ssmannu","suei´nnmannu","på´rǧǧmannu","čõhččmannu","kålggmannu","skamm´mannu","rosttovmannu",""], namesAbbr: ["ođjm","tä´lvv","pâzl","njuh","vue","ǩie","suei","på´r","čõh","kålg","ska","rost",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "MMMM d'. p. 'yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "MMMM d'. p. 'yyyy H:mm", F: "MMMM d'. p. 'yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "MMMM d'. p. '", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["sms-FI"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ar-YE"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ar-YE", englishName: "Arabic (Yemen)", nativeName: "العربية (اليمن)", language: "ar", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$ n"], symbol: "ر.ي.‏" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليه","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليه","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM, yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), UmAlQura: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "UmAlQura", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { _yearInfo: [ // MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date [746, -2198707200000], [1769, -2168121600000], [3794, -2137449600000], [3748, -2106777600000], [3402, -2076192000000], [2710, -2045606400000], [1334, -2015020800000], [2741, -1984435200000], [3498, -1953763200000], [2980, -1923091200000], [2889, -1892505600000], [2707, -1861920000000], [1323, -1831334400000], [2647, -1800748800000], [1206, -1770076800000], [2741, -1739491200000], [1450, -1708819200000], [3413, -1678233600000], [3370, -1647561600000], [2646, -1616976000000], [1198, -1586390400000], [2397, -1555804800000], [748, -1525132800000], [1749, -1494547200000], [1706, -1463875200000], [1365, -1433289600000], [1195, -1402704000000], [2395, -1372118400000], [698, -1341446400000], [1397, -1310860800000], [2994, -1280188800000], [1892, -1249516800000], [1865, -1218931200000], [1621, -1188345600000], [683, -1157760000000], [1371, -1127174400000], [2778, -1096502400000], [1748, -1065830400000], [3785, -1035244800000], [3474, -1004572800000], [3365, -973987200000], [2637, -943401600000], [685, -912816000000], [1389, -882230400000], [2922, -851558400000], [2898, -820886400000], [2725, -790300800000], [2635, -759715200000], [1175, -729129600000], [2359, -698544000000], [694, -667872000000], [1397, -637286400000], [3434, -606614400000], [3410, -575942400000], [2710, -545356800000], [2349, -514771200000], [605, -484185600000], [1245, -453600000000], [2778, -422928000000], [1492, -392256000000], [3497, -361670400000], [3410, -330998400000], [2730, -300412800000], [1238, -269827200000], [2486, -239241600000], [884, -208569600000], [1897, -177984000000], [1874, -147312000000], [1701, -116726400000], [1355, -86140800000], [2731, -55555200000], [1370, -24883200000], [2773, 5702400000], [3538, 36374400000], [3492, 67046400000], [3401, 97632000000], [2709, 128217600000], [1325, 158803200000], [2653, 189388800000], [1370, 220060800000], [2773, 250646400000], [1706, 281318400000], [1685, 311904000000], [1323, 342489600000], [2647, 373075200000], [1198, 403747200000], [2422, 434332800000], [1388, 465004800000], [2901, 495590400000], [2730, 526262400000], [2645, 556848000000], [1197, 587433600000], [2397, 618019200000], [730, 648691200000], [1497, 679276800000], [3506, 709948800000], [2980, 740620800000], [2890, 771206400000], [2645, 801792000000], [693, 832377600000], [1397, 862963200000], [2922, 893635200000], [3026, 924307200000], [3012, 954979200000], [2953, 985564800000], [2709, 1016150400000], [1325, 1046736000000], [1453, 1077321600000], [2922, 1107993600000], [1748, 1138665600000], [3529, 1169251200000], [3474, 1199923200000], [2726, 1230508800000], [2390, 1261094400000], [686, 1291680000000], [1389, 1322265600000], [874, 1352937600000], [2901, 1383523200000], [2730, 1414195200000], [2381, 1444780800000], [1181, 1475366400000], [2397, 1505952000000], [698, 1536624000000], [1461, 1567209600000], [1450, 1597881600000], [3413, 1628467200000], [2714, 1659139200000], [2350, 1689724800000], [622, 1720310400000], [1373, 1750896000000], [2778, 1781568000000], [1748, 1812240000000], [1701, 1842825600000], [0, 1873411200000] ], minDate: -2198707200000, maxDate: 1873411199999, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var days = hday - 1, gyear = hyear - 1318; if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null; var info = this._yearInfo[gyear], gdate = new Date(info[1]), monthLength = info[0]; // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone, // not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) { days += 29 + (monthLength & 1); monthLength = monthLength >> 1; } gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone, // not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null; var hyear = 0, hmonth = 1; // find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { } if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) { hyear--; } var info = this._yearInfo[hyear], // how many days has it been since the date we found in the array? // 86400000 = ticks per day days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000), monthLength = info[0]; hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N // now increment day/month based on the total days, considering // how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year // mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case. var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); while (days >= daysInMonth) { days -= daysInMonth; monthLength = monthLength >> 1; daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); hmonth++; } // remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on // hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that. return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1]; } } }), Hijri: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }), Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Gregorian_Arabic: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_Arabic", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""], namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }) } }, cultures["ar-YE"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["en-029"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "en-029", englishName: "English (Caribbean)", nativeName: "English (Caribbean)", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["-$n","$n"] } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["en-029"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["es-CO"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "es-CO", englishName: "Spanish (Colombia)", nativeName: "Español (Colombia)", language: "es", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["($ n)","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': "," } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"] }, months: { names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""], namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["es-CO"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sr-Latn-RS"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sr-Latn-RS", englishName: "Serbian (Latin, Serbia)", nativeName: "srpski (Srbija)", language: "sr-Latn", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "Din." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["nedelja","ponedeljak","utorak","sreda","četvrtak","petak","subota"], namesAbbr: ["ned","pon","uto","sre","čet","pet","sub"], namesShort: ["ne","po","ut","sr","če","pe","su"] }, months: { names: ["januar","februar","mart","april","maj","jun","jul","avgust","septembar","oktobar","novembar","decembar",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","maj","jun","jul","avg","sep","okt","nov","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"n.e.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["sr-Latn-RS"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["smn-FI"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "smn-FI", englishName: "Sami, Inari (Finland)", nativeName: "sämikielâ (Suomâ)", language: "smn", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["pasepeivi","vuossargâ","majebargâ","koskokko","tuorâstâh","vástuppeivi","lávárdâh"], namesAbbr: ["pa","vu","ma","ko","tu","vá","lá"], namesShort: ["p","v","m","k","t","v","l"] }, months: { names: ["uđđâivemáánu","kuovâmáánu","njuhčâmáánu","cuáŋuimáánu","vyesimáánu","kesimáánu","syeinimáánu","porgemáánu","čohčâmáánu","roovvâdmáánu","skammâmáánu","juovlâmáánu",""], namesAbbr: ["uđiv","kuov","njuh","cuoŋ","vyes","kesi","syei","porg","čoh","roov","ska","juov",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "MMMM d'. p. 'yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "MMMM d'. p. 'yyyy H:mm", F: "MMMM d'. p. 'yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "MMMM d'. p. '", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["smn-FI"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ar-SY"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ar-SY", englishName: "Arabic (Syria)", nativeName: "العربية (سوريا)", language: "ar", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$ n"], symbol: "ل.س.‏" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""], namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM, yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), UmAlQura: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "UmAlQura", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { _yearInfo: [ // MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date [746, -2198707200000], [1769, -2168121600000], [3794, -2137449600000], [3748, -2106777600000], [3402, -2076192000000], [2710, -2045606400000], [1334, -2015020800000], [2741, -1984435200000], [3498, -1953763200000], [2980, -1923091200000], [2889, -1892505600000], [2707, -1861920000000], [1323, -1831334400000], [2647, -1800748800000], [1206, -1770076800000], [2741, -1739491200000], [1450, -1708819200000], [3413, -1678233600000], [3370, -1647561600000], [2646, -1616976000000], [1198, -1586390400000], [2397, -1555804800000], [748, -1525132800000], [1749, -1494547200000], [1706, -1463875200000], [1365, -1433289600000], [1195, -1402704000000], [2395, -1372118400000], [698, -1341446400000], [1397, -1310860800000], [2994, -1280188800000], [1892, -1249516800000], [1865, -1218931200000], [1621, -1188345600000], [683, -1157760000000], [1371, -1127174400000], [2778, -1096502400000], [1748, -1065830400000], [3785, -1035244800000], [3474, -1004572800000], [3365, -973987200000], [2637, -943401600000], [685, -912816000000], [1389, -882230400000], [2922, -851558400000], [2898, -820886400000], [2725, -790300800000], [2635, -759715200000], [1175, -729129600000], [2359, -698544000000], [694, -667872000000], [1397, -637286400000], [3434, -606614400000], [3410, -575942400000], [2710, -545356800000], [2349, -514771200000], [605, -484185600000], [1245, -453600000000], [2778, -422928000000], [1492, -392256000000], [3497, -361670400000], [3410, -330998400000], [2730, -300412800000], [1238, -269827200000], [2486, -239241600000], [884, -208569600000], [1897, -177984000000], [1874, -147312000000], [1701, -116726400000], [1355, -86140800000], [2731, -55555200000], [1370, -24883200000], [2773, 5702400000], [3538, 36374400000], [3492, 67046400000], [3401, 97632000000], [2709, 128217600000], [1325, 158803200000], [2653, 189388800000], [1370, 220060800000], [2773, 250646400000], [1706, 281318400000], [1685, 311904000000], [1323, 342489600000], [2647, 373075200000], [1198, 403747200000], [2422, 434332800000], [1388, 465004800000], [2901, 495590400000], [2730, 526262400000], [2645, 556848000000], [1197, 587433600000], [2397, 618019200000], [730, 648691200000], [1497, 679276800000], [3506, 709948800000], [2980, 740620800000], [2890, 771206400000], [2645, 801792000000], [693, 832377600000], [1397, 862963200000], [2922, 893635200000], [3026, 924307200000], [3012, 954979200000], [2953, 985564800000], [2709, 1016150400000], [1325, 1046736000000], [1453, 1077321600000], [2922, 1107993600000], [1748, 1138665600000], [3529, 1169251200000], [3474, 1199923200000], [2726, 1230508800000], [2390, 1261094400000], [686, 1291680000000], [1389, 1322265600000], [874, 1352937600000], [2901, 1383523200000], [2730, 1414195200000], [2381, 1444780800000], [1181, 1475366400000], [2397, 1505952000000], [698, 1536624000000], [1461, 1567209600000], [1450, 1597881600000], [3413, 1628467200000], [2714, 1659139200000], [2350, 1689724800000], [622, 1720310400000], [1373, 1750896000000], [2778, 1781568000000], [1748, 1812240000000], [1701, 1842825600000], [0, 1873411200000] ], minDate: -2198707200000, maxDate: 1873411199999, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var days = hday - 1, gyear = hyear - 1318; if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null; var info = this._yearInfo[gyear], gdate = new Date(info[1]), monthLength = info[0]; // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone, // not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) { days += 29 + (monthLength & 1); monthLength = monthLength >> 1; } gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone, // not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null; var hyear = 0, hmonth = 1; // find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { } if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) { hyear--; } var info = this._yearInfo[hyear], // how many days has it been since the date we found in the array? // 86400000 = ticks per day days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000), monthLength = info[0]; hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N // now increment day/month based on the total days, considering // how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year // mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case. var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); while (days >= daysInMonth) { days -= daysInMonth; monthLength = monthLength >> 1; daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); hmonth++; } // remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on // hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that. return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1]; } } }), Hijri: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }), Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["أ","ا","ث","أ","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","ابريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","اغسطس","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }) } }, cultures["ar-SY"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["en-BZ"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "en-BZ", englishName: "English (Belize)", nativeName: "English (Belize)", numberFormat: { currency: { groupSizes: [3,0], symbol: "BZ$" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["en-BZ"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["es-PE"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "es-PE", englishName: "Spanish (Peru)", nativeName: "Español (Perú)", language: "es", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], symbol: "S/." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"] }, months: { names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""], namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["es-PE"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sr-Cyrl-RS"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sr-Cyrl-RS", englishName: "Serbian (Cyrillic, Serbia)", nativeName: "српски (Србија)", language: "sr-Cyrl", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "Дин." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["недеља","понедељак","уторак","среда","четвртак","петак","субота"], namesAbbr: ["нед","пон","уто","сре","чет","пет","суб"], namesShort: ["не","по","ут","ср","че","пе","су"] }, months: { names: ["јануар","фебруар","март","април","мај","јун","јул","август","септембар","октобар","новембар","децембар",""], namesAbbr: ["јан","феб","мар","апр","мај","јун","јул","авг","сеп","окт","нов","дец",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"н.е.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["sr-Cyrl-RS"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ar-JO"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ar-JO", englishName: "Arabic (Jordan)", nativeName: "العربية (الأردن)", language: "ar", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], decimals: 3, percent: { decimals: 3 }, currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$ n"], decimals: 3, symbol: "د.ا.‏" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""], namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM, yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), UmAlQura: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "UmAlQura", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { _yearInfo: [ // MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date [746, -2198707200000], [1769, -2168121600000], [3794, -2137449600000], [3748, -2106777600000], [3402, -2076192000000], [2710, -2045606400000], [1334, -2015020800000], [2741, -1984435200000], [3498, -1953763200000], [2980, -1923091200000], [2889, -1892505600000], [2707, -1861920000000], [1323, -1831334400000], [2647, -1800748800000], [1206, -1770076800000], [2741, -1739491200000], [1450, -1708819200000], [3413, -1678233600000], [3370, -1647561600000], [2646, -1616976000000], [1198, -1586390400000], [2397, -1555804800000], [748, -1525132800000], [1749, -1494547200000], [1706, -1463875200000], [1365, -1433289600000], [1195, -1402704000000], [2395, -1372118400000], [698, -1341446400000], [1397, -1310860800000], [2994, -1280188800000], [1892, -1249516800000], [1865, -1218931200000], [1621, -1188345600000], [683, -1157760000000], [1371, -1127174400000], [2778, -1096502400000], [1748, -1065830400000], [3785, -1035244800000], [3474, -1004572800000], [3365, -973987200000], [2637, -943401600000], [685, -912816000000], [1389, -882230400000], [2922, -851558400000], [2898, -820886400000], [2725, -790300800000], [2635, -759715200000], [1175, -729129600000], [2359, -698544000000], [694, -667872000000], [1397, -637286400000], [3434, -606614400000], [3410, -575942400000], [2710, -545356800000], [2349, -514771200000], [605, -484185600000], [1245, -453600000000], [2778, -422928000000], [1492, -392256000000], [3497, -361670400000], [3410, -330998400000], [2730, -300412800000], [1238, -269827200000], [2486, -239241600000], [884, -208569600000], [1897, -177984000000], [1874, -147312000000], [1701, -116726400000], [1355, -86140800000], [2731, -55555200000], [1370, -24883200000], [2773, 5702400000], [3538, 36374400000], [3492, 67046400000], [3401, 97632000000], [2709, 128217600000], [1325, 158803200000], [2653, 189388800000], [1370, 220060800000], [2773, 250646400000], [1706, 281318400000], [1685, 311904000000], [1323, 342489600000], [2647, 373075200000], [1198, 403747200000], [2422, 434332800000], [1388, 465004800000], [2901, 495590400000], [2730, 526262400000], [2645, 556848000000], [1197, 587433600000], [2397, 618019200000], [730, 648691200000], [1497, 679276800000], [3506, 709948800000], [2980, 740620800000], [2890, 771206400000], [2645, 801792000000], [693, 832377600000], [1397, 862963200000], [2922, 893635200000], [3026, 924307200000], [3012, 954979200000], [2953, 985564800000], [2709, 1016150400000], [1325, 1046736000000], [1453, 1077321600000], [2922, 1107993600000], [1748, 1138665600000], [3529, 1169251200000], [3474, 1199923200000], [2726, 1230508800000], [2390, 1261094400000], [686, 1291680000000], [1389, 1322265600000], [874, 1352937600000], [2901, 1383523200000], [2730, 1414195200000], [2381, 1444780800000], [1181, 1475366400000], [2397, 1505952000000], [698, 1536624000000], [1461, 1567209600000], [1450, 1597881600000], [3413, 1628467200000], [2714, 1659139200000], [2350, 1689724800000], [622, 1720310400000], [1373, 1750896000000], [2778, 1781568000000], [1748, 1812240000000], [1701, 1842825600000], [0, 1873411200000] ], minDate: -2198707200000, maxDate: 1873411199999, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var days = hday - 1, gyear = hyear - 1318; if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null; var info = this._yearInfo[gyear], gdate = new Date(info[1]), monthLength = info[0]; // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone, // not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) { days += 29 + (monthLength & 1); monthLength = monthLength >> 1; } gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone, // not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null; var hyear = 0, hmonth = 1; // find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { } if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) { hyear--; } var info = this._yearInfo[hyear], // how many days has it been since the date we found in the array? // 86400000 = ticks per day days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000), monthLength = info[0]; hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N // now increment day/month based on the total days, considering // how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year // mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case. var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); while (days >= daysInMonth) { days -= daysInMonth; monthLength = monthLength >> 1; daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); hmonth++; } // remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on // hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that. return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1]; } } }), Hijri: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }), Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["أ","ا","ث","أ","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","ابريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","اغسطس","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }) } }, cultures["ar-JO"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["en-TT"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "en-TT", englishName: "English (Trinidad and Tobago)", nativeName: "English (Trinidad y Tobago)", numberFormat: { currency: { groupSizes: [3,0], symbol: "TT$" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["en-TT"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["es-AR"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "es-AR", englishName: "Spanish (Argentina)", nativeName: "Español (Argentina)", language: "es", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': "," } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"] }, months: { names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""], namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["es-AR"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sr-Latn-ME"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sr-Latn-ME", englishName: "Serbian (Latin, Montenegro)", nativeName: "srpski (Crna Gora)", language: "sr-Latn", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["nedelja","ponedeljak","utorak","sreda","četvrtak","petak","subota"], namesAbbr: ["ned","pon","uto","sre","čet","pet","sub"], namesShort: ["ne","po","ut","sr","če","pe","su"] }, months: { names: ["januar","februar","mart","april","maj","jun","jul","avgust","septembar","oktobar","novembar","decembar",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","maj","jun","jul","avg","sep","okt","nov","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"n.e.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["sr-Latn-ME"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ar-LB"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ar-LB", englishName: "Arabic (Lebanon)", nativeName: "العربية (لبنان)", language: "ar", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$ n"], symbol: "ل.ل.‏" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""], namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM, yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), UmAlQura: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "UmAlQura", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { _yearInfo: [ // MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date [746, -2198707200000], [1769, -2168121600000], [3794, -2137449600000], [3748, -2106777600000], [3402, -2076192000000], [2710, -2045606400000], [1334, -2015020800000], [2741, -1984435200000], [3498, -1953763200000], [2980, -1923091200000], [2889, -1892505600000], [2707, -1861920000000], [1323, -1831334400000], [2647, -1800748800000], [1206, -1770076800000], [2741, -1739491200000], [1450, -1708819200000], [3413, -1678233600000], [3370, -1647561600000], [2646, -1616976000000], [1198, -1586390400000], [2397, -1555804800000], [748, -1525132800000], [1749, -1494547200000], [1706, -1463875200000], [1365, -1433289600000], [1195, -1402704000000], [2395, -1372118400000], [698, -1341446400000], [1397, -1310860800000], [2994, -1280188800000], [1892, -1249516800000], [1865, -1218931200000], [1621, -1188345600000], [683, -1157760000000], [1371, -1127174400000], [2778, -1096502400000], [1748, -1065830400000], [3785, -1035244800000], [3474, -1004572800000], [3365, -973987200000], [2637, -943401600000], [685, -912816000000], [1389, -882230400000], [2922, -851558400000], [2898, -820886400000], [2725, -790300800000], [2635, -759715200000], [1175, -729129600000], [2359, -698544000000], [694, -667872000000], [1397, -637286400000], [3434, -606614400000], [3410, -575942400000], [2710, -545356800000], [2349, -514771200000], [605, -484185600000], [1245, -453600000000], [2778, -422928000000], [1492, -392256000000], [3497, -361670400000], [3410, -330998400000], [2730, -300412800000], [1238, -269827200000], [2486, -239241600000], [884, -208569600000], [1897, -177984000000], [1874, -147312000000], [1701, -116726400000], [1355, -86140800000], [2731, -55555200000], [1370, -24883200000], [2773, 5702400000], [3538, 36374400000], [3492, 67046400000], [3401, 97632000000], [2709, 128217600000], [1325, 158803200000], [2653, 189388800000], [1370, 220060800000], [2773, 250646400000], [1706, 281318400000], [1685, 311904000000], [1323, 342489600000], [2647, 373075200000], [1198, 403747200000], [2422, 434332800000], [1388, 465004800000], [2901, 495590400000], [2730, 526262400000], [2645, 556848000000], [1197, 587433600000], [2397, 618019200000], [730, 648691200000], [1497, 679276800000], [3506, 709948800000], [2980, 740620800000], [2890, 771206400000], [2645, 801792000000], [693, 832377600000], [1397, 862963200000], [2922, 893635200000], [3026, 924307200000], [3012, 954979200000], [2953, 985564800000], [2709, 1016150400000], [1325, 1046736000000], [1453, 1077321600000], [2922, 1107993600000], [1748, 1138665600000], [3529, 1169251200000], [3474, 1199923200000], [2726, 1230508800000], [2390, 1261094400000], [686, 1291680000000], [1389, 1322265600000], [874, 1352937600000], [2901, 1383523200000], [2730, 1414195200000], [2381, 1444780800000], [1181, 1475366400000], [2397, 1505952000000], [698, 1536624000000], [1461, 1567209600000], [1450, 1597881600000], [3413, 1628467200000], [2714, 1659139200000], [2350, 1689724800000], [622, 1720310400000], [1373, 1750896000000], [2778, 1781568000000], [1748, 1812240000000], [1701, 1842825600000], [0, 1873411200000] ], minDate: -2198707200000, maxDate: 1873411199999, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var days = hday - 1, gyear = hyear - 1318; if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null; var info = this._yearInfo[gyear], gdate = new Date(info[1]), monthLength = info[0]; // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone, // not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) { days += 29 + (monthLength & 1); monthLength = monthLength >> 1; } gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone, // not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null; var hyear = 0, hmonth = 1; // find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { } if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) { hyear--; } var info = this._yearInfo[hyear], // how many days has it been since the date we found in the array? // 86400000 = ticks per day days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000), monthLength = info[0]; hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N // now increment day/month based on the total days, considering // how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year // mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case. var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); while (days >= daysInMonth) { days -= daysInMonth; monthLength = monthLength >> 1; daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); hmonth++; } // remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on // hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that. return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1]; } } }), Hijri: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }), Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["أ","ا","ث","أ","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","ابريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","اغسطس","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }) } }, cultures["ar-LB"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["en-ZW"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "en-ZW", englishName: "English (Zimbabwe)", nativeName: "English (Zimbabwe)", numberFormat: { currency: { symbol: "Z$" } } }, cultures["en-ZW"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["es-EC"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "es-EC", englishName: "Spanish (Ecuador)", nativeName: "Español (Ecuador)", language: "es", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["($ n)","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': "," } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"] }, months: { names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""], namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["es-EC"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sr-Cyrl-ME"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sr-Cyrl-ME", englishName: "Serbian (Cyrillic, Montenegro)", nativeName: "српски (Црна Гора)", language: "sr-Cyrl", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["недеља","понедељак","уторак","среда","четвртак","петак","субота"], namesAbbr: ["нед","пон","уто","сре","чет","пет","суб"], namesShort: ["не","по","ут","ср","че","пе","су"] }, months: { names: ["јануар","фебруар","март","април","мај","јун","јул","август","септембар","октобар","новембар","децембар",""], namesAbbr: ["јан","феб","мар","апр","мај","јун","јул","авг","сеп","окт","нов","дец",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"н.е.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["sr-Cyrl-ME"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ar-KW"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ar-KW", englishName: "Arabic (Kuwait)", nativeName: "العربية (الكويت)", language: "ar", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], decimals: 3, percent: { decimals: 3 }, currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$ n"], decimals: 3, symbol: "د.ك.‏" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليه","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليه","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM, yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Hijri: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }), UmAlQura: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "UmAlQura", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { _yearInfo: [ // MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date [746, -2198707200000], [1769, -2168121600000], [3794, -2137449600000], [3748, -2106777600000], [3402, -2076192000000], [2710, -2045606400000], [1334, -2015020800000], [2741, -1984435200000], [3498, -1953763200000], [2980, -1923091200000], [2889, -1892505600000], [2707, -1861920000000], [1323, -1831334400000], [2647, -1800748800000], [1206, -1770076800000], [2741, -1739491200000], [1450, -1708819200000], [3413, -1678233600000], [3370, -1647561600000], [2646, -1616976000000], [1198, -1586390400000], [2397, -1555804800000], [748, -1525132800000], [1749, -1494547200000], [1706, -1463875200000], [1365, -1433289600000], [1195, -1402704000000], [2395, -1372118400000], [698, -1341446400000], [1397, -1310860800000], [2994, -1280188800000], [1892, -1249516800000], [1865, -1218931200000], [1621, -1188345600000], [683, -1157760000000], [1371, -1127174400000], [2778, -1096502400000], [1748, -1065830400000], [3785, -1035244800000], [3474, -1004572800000], [3365, -973987200000], [2637, -943401600000], [685, -912816000000], [1389, -882230400000], [2922, -851558400000], [2898, -820886400000], [2725, -790300800000], [2635, -759715200000], [1175, -729129600000], [2359, -698544000000], [694, -667872000000], [1397, -637286400000], [3434, -606614400000], [3410, -575942400000], [2710, -545356800000], [2349, -514771200000], [605, -484185600000], [1245, -453600000000], [2778, -422928000000], [1492, -392256000000], [3497, -361670400000], [3410, -330998400000], [2730, -300412800000], [1238, -269827200000], [2486, -239241600000], [884, -208569600000], [1897, -177984000000], [1874, -147312000000], [1701, -116726400000], [1355, -86140800000], [2731, -55555200000], [1370, -24883200000], [2773, 5702400000], [3538, 36374400000], [3492, 67046400000], [3401, 97632000000], [2709, 128217600000], [1325, 158803200000], [2653, 189388800000], [1370, 220060800000], [2773, 250646400000], [1706, 281318400000], [1685, 311904000000], [1323, 342489600000], [2647, 373075200000], [1198, 403747200000], [2422, 434332800000], [1388, 465004800000], [2901, 495590400000], [2730, 526262400000], [2645, 556848000000], [1197, 587433600000], [2397, 618019200000], [730, 648691200000], [1497, 679276800000], [3506, 709948800000], [2980, 740620800000], [2890, 771206400000], [2645, 801792000000], [693, 832377600000], [1397, 862963200000], [2922, 893635200000], [3026, 924307200000], [3012, 954979200000], [2953, 985564800000], [2709, 1016150400000], [1325, 1046736000000], [1453, 1077321600000], [2922, 1107993600000], [1748, 1138665600000], [3529, 1169251200000], [3474, 1199923200000], [2726, 1230508800000], [2390, 1261094400000], [686, 1291680000000], [1389, 1322265600000], [874, 1352937600000], [2901, 1383523200000], [2730, 1414195200000], [2381, 1444780800000], [1181, 1475366400000], [2397, 1505952000000], [698, 1536624000000], [1461, 1567209600000], [1450, 1597881600000], [3413, 1628467200000], [2714, 1659139200000], [2350, 1689724800000], [622, 1720310400000], [1373, 1750896000000], [2778, 1781568000000], [1748, 1812240000000], [1701, 1842825600000], [0, 1873411200000] ], minDate: -2198707200000, maxDate: 1873411199999, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var days = hday - 1, gyear = hyear - 1318; if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null; var info = this._yearInfo[gyear], gdate = new Date(info[1]), monthLength = info[0]; // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone, // not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) { days += 29 + (monthLength & 1); monthLength = monthLength >> 1; } gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone, // not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null; var hyear = 0, hmonth = 1; // find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { } if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) { hyear--; } var info = this._yearInfo[hyear], // how many days has it been since the date we found in the array? // 86400000 = ticks per day days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000), monthLength = info[0]; hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N // now increment day/month based on the total days, considering // how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year // mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case. var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); while (days >= daysInMonth) { days -= daysInMonth; monthLength = monthLength >> 1; daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); hmonth++; } // remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on // hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that. return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1]; } } }), Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Gregorian_Arabic: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_Arabic", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""], namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }) } }, cultures["ar-KW"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["en-PH"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "en-PH", englishName: "English (Republic of the Philippines)", nativeName: "English (Philippines)", numberFormat: { currency: { symbol: "Php" } } }, cultures["en-PH"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["es-CL"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "es-CL", englishName: "Spanish (Chile)", nativeName: "Español (Chile)", language: "es", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-$ n","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': "," } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", days: { names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"] }, months: { names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""], namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["es-CL"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ar-AE"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ar-AE", englishName: "Arabic (U.A.E.)", nativeName: "العربية (الإمارات العربية المتحدة)", language: "ar", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$ n"], symbol: "د.إ.‏" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليه","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليه","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM, yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), UmAlQura: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "UmAlQura", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { _yearInfo: [ // MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date [746, -2198707200000], [1769, -2168121600000], [3794, -2137449600000], [3748, -2106777600000], [3402, -2076192000000], [2710, -2045606400000], [1334, -2015020800000], [2741, -1984435200000], [3498, -1953763200000], [2980, -1923091200000], [2889, -1892505600000], [2707, -1861920000000], [1323, -1831334400000], [2647, -1800748800000], [1206, -1770076800000], [2741, -1739491200000], [1450, -1708819200000], [3413, -1678233600000], [3370, -1647561600000], [2646, -1616976000000], [1198, -1586390400000], [2397, -1555804800000], [748, -1525132800000], [1749, -1494547200000], [1706, -1463875200000], [1365, -1433289600000], [1195, -1402704000000], [2395, -1372118400000], [698, -1341446400000], [1397, -1310860800000], [2994, -1280188800000], [1892, -1249516800000], [1865, -1218931200000], [1621, -1188345600000], [683, -1157760000000], [1371, -1127174400000], [2778, -1096502400000], [1748, -1065830400000], [3785, -1035244800000], [3474, -1004572800000], [3365, -973987200000], [2637, -943401600000], [685, -912816000000], [1389, -882230400000], [2922, -851558400000], [2898, -820886400000], [2725, -790300800000], [2635, -759715200000], [1175, -729129600000], [2359, -698544000000], [694, -667872000000], [1397, -637286400000], [3434, -606614400000], [3410, -575942400000], [2710, -545356800000], [2349, -514771200000], [605, -484185600000], [1245, -453600000000], [2778, -422928000000], [1492, -392256000000], [3497, -361670400000], [3410, -330998400000], [2730, -300412800000], [1238, -269827200000], [2486, -239241600000], [884, -208569600000], [1897, -177984000000], [1874, -147312000000], [1701, -116726400000], [1355, -86140800000], [2731, -55555200000], [1370, -24883200000], [2773, 5702400000], [3538, 36374400000], [3492, 67046400000], [3401, 97632000000], [2709, 128217600000], [1325, 158803200000], [2653, 189388800000], [1370, 220060800000], [2773, 250646400000], [1706, 281318400000], [1685, 311904000000], [1323, 342489600000], [2647, 373075200000], [1198, 403747200000], [2422, 434332800000], [1388, 465004800000], [2901, 495590400000], [2730, 526262400000], [2645, 556848000000], [1197, 587433600000], [2397, 618019200000], [730, 648691200000], [1497, 679276800000], [3506, 709948800000], [2980, 740620800000], [2890, 771206400000], [2645, 801792000000], [693, 832377600000], [1397, 862963200000], [2922, 893635200000], [3026, 924307200000], [3012, 954979200000], [2953, 985564800000], [2709, 1016150400000], [1325, 1046736000000], [1453, 1077321600000], [2922, 1107993600000], [1748, 1138665600000], [3529, 1169251200000], [3474, 1199923200000], [2726, 1230508800000], [2390, 1261094400000], [686, 1291680000000], [1389, 1322265600000], [874, 1352937600000], [2901, 1383523200000], [2730, 1414195200000], [2381, 1444780800000], [1181, 1475366400000], [2397, 1505952000000], [698, 1536624000000], [1461, 1567209600000], [1450, 1597881600000], [3413, 1628467200000], [2714, 1659139200000], [2350, 1689724800000], [622, 1720310400000], [1373, 1750896000000], [2778, 1781568000000], [1748, 1812240000000], [1701, 1842825600000], [0, 1873411200000] ], minDate: -2198707200000, maxDate: 1873411199999, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var days = hday - 1, gyear = hyear - 1318; if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null; var info = this._yearInfo[gyear], gdate = new Date(info[1]), monthLength = info[0]; // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone, // not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) { days += 29 + (monthLength & 1); monthLength = monthLength >> 1; } gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone, // not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null; var hyear = 0, hmonth = 1; // find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { } if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) { hyear--; } var info = this._yearInfo[hyear], // how many days has it been since the date we found in the array? // 86400000 = ticks per day days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000), monthLength = info[0]; hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N // now increment day/month based on the total days, considering // how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year // mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case. var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); while (days >= daysInMonth) { days -= daysInMonth; monthLength = monthLength >> 1; daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); hmonth++; } // remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on // hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that. return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1]; } } }), Hijri: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }), Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Gregorian_Arabic: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_Arabic", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""], namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }) } }, cultures["ar-AE"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["es-UY"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "es-UY", englishName: "Spanish (Uruguay)", nativeName: "Español (Uruguay)", language: "es", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["($ n)","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "$U" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"] }, months: { names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""], namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["es-UY"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ar-BH"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ar-BH", englishName: "Arabic (Bahrain)", nativeName: "العربية (البحرين)", language: "ar", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], decimals: 3, percent: { decimals: 3 }, currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$ n"], decimals: 3, symbol: "د.ب.‏" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليه","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","ابريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","اغسطس","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM, yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), UmAlQura: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "UmAlQura", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { _yearInfo: [ // MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date [746, -2198707200000], [1769, -2168121600000], [3794, -2137449600000], [3748, -2106777600000], [3402, -2076192000000], [2710, -2045606400000], [1334, -2015020800000], [2741, -1984435200000], [3498, -1953763200000], [2980, -1923091200000], [2889, -1892505600000], [2707, -1861920000000], [1323, -1831334400000], [2647, -1800748800000], [1206, -1770076800000], [2741, -1739491200000], [1450, -1708819200000], [3413, -1678233600000], [3370, -1647561600000], [2646, -1616976000000], [1198, -1586390400000], [2397, -1555804800000], [748, -1525132800000], [1749, -1494547200000], [1706, -1463875200000], [1365, -1433289600000], [1195, -1402704000000], [2395, -1372118400000], [698, -1341446400000], [1397, -1310860800000], [2994, -1280188800000], [1892, -1249516800000], [1865, -1218931200000], [1621, -1188345600000], [683, -1157760000000], [1371, -1127174400000], [2778, -1096502400000], [1748, -1065830400000], [3785, -1035244800000], [3474, -1004572800000], [3365, -973987200000], [2637, -943401600000], [685, -912816000000], [1389, -882230400000], [2922, -851558400000], [2898, -820886400000], [2725, -790300800000], [2635, -759715200000], [1175, -729129600000], [2359, -698544000000], [694, -667872000000], [1397, -637286400000], [3434, -606614400000], [3410, -575942400000], [2710, -545356800000], [2349, -514771200000], [605, -484185600000], [1245, -453600000000], [2778, -422928000000], [1492, -392256000000], [3497, -361670400000], [3410, -330998400000], [2730, -300412800000], [1238, -269827200000], [2486, -239241600000], [884, -208569600000], [1897, -177984000000], [1874, -147312000000], [1701, -116726400000], [1355, -86140800000], [2731, -55555200000], [1370, -24883200000], [2773, 5702400000], [3538, 36374400000], [3492, 67046400000], [3401, 97632000000], [2709, 128217600000], [1325, 158803200000], [2653, 189388800000], [1370, 220060800000], [2773, 250646400000], [1706, 281318400000], [1685, 311904000000], [1323, 342489600000], [2647, 373075200000], [1198, 403747200000], [2422, 434332800000], [1388, 465004800000], [2901, 495590400000], [2730, 526262400000], [2645, 556848000000], [1197, 587433600000], [2397, 618019200000], [730, 648691200000], [1497, 679276800000], [3506, 709948800000], [2980, 740620800000], [2890, 771206400000], [2645, 801792000000], [693, 832377600000], [1397, 862963200000], [2922, 893635200000], [3026, 924307200000], [3012, 954979200000], [2953, 985564800000], [2709, 1016150400000], [1325, 1046736000000], [1453, 1077321600000], [2922, 1107993600000], [1748, 1138665600000], [3529, 1169251200000], [3474, 1199923200000], [2726, 1230508800000], [2390, 1261094400000], [686, 1291680000000], [1389, 1322265600000], [874, 1352937600000], [2901, 1383523200000], [2730, 1414195200000], [2381, 1444780800000], [1181, 1475366400000], [2397, 1505952000000], [698, 1536624000000], [1461, 1567209600000], [1450, 1597881600000], [3413, 1628467200000], [2714, 1659139200000], [2350, 1689724800000], [622, 1720310400000], [1373, 1750896000000], [2778, 1781568000000], [1748, 1812240000000], [1701, 1842825600000], [0, 1873411200000] ], minDate: -2198707200000, maxDate: 1873411199999, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var days = hday - 1, gyear = hyear - 1318; if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null; var info = this._yearInfo[gyear], gdate = new Date(info[1]), monthLength = info[0]; // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone, // not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) { days += 29 + (monthLength & 1); monthLength = monthLength >> 1; } gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone, // not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null; var hyear = 0, hmonth = 1; // find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { } if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) { hyear--; } var info = this._yearInfo[hyear], // how many days has it been since the date we found in the array? // 86400000 = ticks per day days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000), monthLength = info[0]; hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N // now increment day/month based on the total days, considering // how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year // mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case. var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); while (days >= daysInMonth) { days -= daysInMonth; monthLength = monthLength >> 1; daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); hmonth++; } // remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on // hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that. return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1]; } } }), Hijri: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }), Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Gregorian_Arabic: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_Arabic", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""], namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }) } }, cultures["ar-BH"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["es-PY"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "es-PY", englishName: "Spanish (Paraguay)", nativeName: "Español (Paraguay)", language: "es", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["($ n)","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "Gs" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"] }, months: { names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""], namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["es-PY"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ar-QA"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ar-QA", englishName: "Arabic (Qatar)", nativeName: "العربية (قطر)", language: "ar", isRTL: true, numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], currency: { pattern: ["$n-","$ n"], symbol: "ر.ق.‏" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليه","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليه","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM, yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), UmAlQura: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "UmAlQura", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { _yearInfo: [ // MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date [746, -2198707200000], [1769, -2168121600000], [3794, -2137449600000], [3748, -2106777600000], [3402, -2076192000000], [2710, -2045606400000], [1334, -2015020800000], [2741, -1984435200000], [3498, -1953763200000], [2980, -1923091200000], [2889, -1892505600000], [2707, -1861920000000], [1323, -1831334400000], [2647, -1800748800000], [1206, -1770076800000], [2741, -1739491200000], [1450, -1708819200000], [3413, -1678233600000], [3370, -1647561600000], [2646, -1616976000000], [1198, -1586390400000], [2397, -1555804800000], [748, -1525132800000], [1749, -1494547200000], [1706, -1463875200000], [1365, -1433289600000], [1195, -1402704000000], [2395, -1372118400000], [698, -1341446400000], [1397, -1310860800000], [2994, -1280188800000], [1892, -1249516800000], [1865, -1218931200000], [1621, -1188345600000], [683, -1157760000000], [1371, -1127174400000], [2778, -1096502400000], [1748, -1065830400000], [3785, -1035244800000], [3474, -1004572800000], [3365, -973987200000], [2637, -943401600000], [685, -912816000000], [1389, -882230400000], [2922, -851558400000], [2898, -820886400000], [2725, -790300800000], [2635, -759715200000], [1175, -729129600000], [2359, -698544000000], [694, -667872000000], [1397, -637286400000], [3434, -606614400000], [3410, -575942400000], [2710, -545356800000], [2349, -514771200000], [605, -484185600000], [1245, -453600000000], [2778, -422928000000], [1492, -392256000000], [3497, -361670400000], [3410, -330998400000], [2730, -300412800000], [1238, -269827200000], [2486, -239241600000], [884, -208569600000], [1897, -177984000000], [1874, -147312000000], [1701, -116726400000], [1355, -86140800000], [2731, -55555200000], [1370, -24883200000], [2773, 5702400000], [3538, 36374400000], [3492, 67046400000], [3401, 97632000000], [2709, 128217600000], [1325, 158803200000], [2653, 189388800000], [1370, 220060800000], [2773, 250646400000], [1706, 281318400000], [1685, 311904000000], [1323, 342489600000], [2647, 373075200000], [1198, 403747200000], [2422, 434332800000], [1388, 465004800000], [2901, 495590400000], [2730, 526262400000], [2645, 556848000000], [1197, 587433600000], [2397, 618019200000], [730, 648691200000], [1497, 679276800000], [3506, 709948800000], [2980, 740620800000], [2890, 771206400000], [2645, 801792000000], [693, 832377600000], [1397, 862963200000], [2922, 893635200000], [3026, 924307200000], [3012, 954979200000], [2953, 985564800000], [2709, 1016150400000], [1325, 1046736000000], [1453, 1077321600000], [2922, 1107993600000], [1748, 1138665600000], [3529, 1169251200000], [3474, 1199923200000], [2726, 1230508800000], [2390, 1261094400000], [686, 1291680000000], [1389, 1322265600000], [874, 1352937600000], [2901, 1383523200000], [2730, 1414195200000], [2381, 1444780800000], [1181, 1475366400000], [2397, 1505952000000], [698, 1536624000000], [1461, 1567209600000], [1450, 1597881600000], [3413, 1628467200000], [2714, 1659139200000], [2350, 1689724800000], [622, 1720310400000], [1373, 1750896000000], [2778, 1781568000000], [1748, 1812240000000], [1701, 1842825600000], [0, 1873411200000] ], minDate: -2198707200000, maxDate: 1873411199999, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var days = hday - 1, gyear = hyear - 1318; if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null; var info = this._yearInfo[gyear], gdate = new Date(info[1]), monthLength = info[0]; // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone, // not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) { days += 29 + (monthLength & 1); monthLength = monthLength >> 1; } gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { // Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time, // but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone, // not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset. var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null; var hyear = 0, hmonth = 1; // find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { } if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) { hyear--; } var info = this._yearInfo[hyear], // how many days has it been since the date we found in the array? // 86400000 = ticks per day days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000), monthLength = info[0]; hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N // now increment day/month based on the total days, considering // how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year // mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case. var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); while (days >= daysInMonth) { days -= daysInMonth; monthLength = monthLength >> 1; daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1); hmonth++; } // remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on // hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that. return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1]; } } }), Hijri: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""], namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}], twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yy", D: "dd/MM/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } }), Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"], namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."], namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"] }, months: { names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""], namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM" } }), Gregorian_Arabic: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_Arabic", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""], namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }), Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"], namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"] }, months: { names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""], namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""] }, AM: ["ص","ص","ص"], PM: ["م","م","م"], eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "MM/dd/yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" } }) } }, cultures["ar-QA"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["en-IN"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "en-IN", englishName: "English (India)", nativeName: "English (India)", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,2], percent: { groupSizes: [3,2] }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,2], symbol: "Rs." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["en-IN"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["es-BO"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "es-BO", englishName: "Spanish (Bolivia)", nativeName: "Español (Bolivia)", language: "es", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["($ n)","$ n"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "$b" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"] }, months: { names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""], namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["es-BO"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["en-MY"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "en-MY", englishName: "English (Malaysia)", nativeName: "English (Malaysia)", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"] }, currency: { symbol: "RM" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { namesShort: ["S","M","T","W","T","F","S"] }, patterns: { d: "d/M/yyyy", D: "dddd, d MMMM, yyyy", f: "dddd, d MMMM, yyyy h:mm tt", F: "dddd, d MMMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt", M: "d MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["en-MY"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["es-SV"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "es-SV", englishName: "Spanish (El Salvador)", nativeName: "Español (El Salvador)", language: "es", numberFormat: { currency: { groupSizes: [3,0] } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"] }, months: { names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""], namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["es-SV"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["en-SG"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "en-SG", englishName: "English (Singapore)", nativeName: "English (Singapore)", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"] } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { namesShort: ["S","M","T","W","T","F","S"] }, patterns: { d: "d/M/yyyy", D: "dddd, d MMMM, yyyy", f: "dddd, d MMMM, yyyy h:mm tt", F: "dddd, d MMMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt", M: "d MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["en-SG"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["es-HN"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "es-HN", englishName: "Spanish (Honduras)", nativeName: "Español (Honduras)", language: "es", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,0], symbol: "L." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"] }, months: { names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""], namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["es-HN"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["es-NI"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "es-NI", englishName: "Spanish (Nicaragua)", nativeName: "Español (Nicaragua)", language: "es", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["($ n)","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,0], symbol: "C$" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"] }, months: { names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""], namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["es-NI"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["es-PR"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "es-PR", englishName: "Spanish (Puerto Rico)", nativeName: "Español (Puerto Rico)", language: "es", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["($ n)","$ n"], groupSizes: [3,0] } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"] }, months: { names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""], namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""] }, AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."], PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."], eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", t: "hh:mm tt", T: "hh:mm:ss tt", f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt", F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", M: "dd MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["es-PR"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["es-US"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "es-US", englishName: "Spanish (United States)", nativeName: "Español (Estados Unidos)", language: "es", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { groupSizes: [3,0] } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"], namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"], namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sa"] }, months: { names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""], namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""] }, eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { M: "dd' de 'MMMM", Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["es-US"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["bs-Cyrl"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "bs-Cyrl", englishName: "Bosnian (Cyrillic)", nativeName: "босански", language: "bs-Cyrl", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "КМ" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["недјеља","понедјељак","уторак","сриједа","четвртак","петак","субота"], namesAbbr: ["нед","пон","уто","сре","чет","пет","суб"], namesShort: ["н","п","у","с","ч","п","с"] }, months: { names: ["јануар","фебруар","март","април","мај","јун","јул","август","септембар","октобар","новембар","децембар",""], namesAbbr: ["јан","феб","мар","апр","мај","јун","јул","авг","сеп","окт","нов","дец",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"н.е.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["bs-Cyrl"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["bs-Latn"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "bs-Latn", englishName: "Bosnian (Latin)", nativeName: "bosanski", language: "bs-Latn", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "KM" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["nedjelja","ponedjeljak","utorak","srijeda","četvrtak","petak","subota"], namesAbbr: ["ned","pon","uto","sri","čet","pet","sub"], namesShort: ["ne","po","ut","sr","če","pe","su"] }, months: { names: ["januar","februar","mart","april","maj","juni","juli","avgust","septembar","oktobar","novembar","decembar",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","maj","jun","jul","avg","sep","okt","nov","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["bs-Latn"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sr-Cyrl"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sr-Cyrl", englishName: "Serbian (Cyrillic)", nativeName: "српски", language: "sr-Cyrl", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "Дин." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["недеља","понедељак","уторак","среда","четвртак","петак","субота"], namesAbbr: ["нед","пон","уто","сре","чет","пет","суб"], namesShort: ["не","по","ут","ср","че","пе","су"] }, months: { names: ["јануар","фебруар","март","април","мај","јун","јул","август","септембар","октобар","новембар","децембар",""], namesAbbr: ["јан","феб","мар","апр","мај","јун","јул","авг","сеп","окт","нов","дец",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"н.е.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["sr-Cyrl"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sr-Latn"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sr-Latn", englishName: "Serbian (Latin)", nativeName: "srpski", language: "sr-Latn", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "Din." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["nedelja","ponedeljak","utorak","sreda","četvrtak","petak","subota"], namesAbbr: ["ned","pon","uto","sre","čet","pet","sub"], namesShort: ["ne","po","ut","sr","če","pe","su"] }, months: { names: ["januar","februar","mart","april","maj","jun","jul","avgust","septembar","oktobar","novembar","decembar",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","maj","jun","jul","avg","sep","okt","nov","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"n.e.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["sr-Latn"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["smn"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "smn", englishName: "Sami (Inari)", nativeName: "sämikielâ", language: "smn", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["pasepeivi","vuossargâ","majebargâ","koskokko","tuorâstâh","vástuppeivi","lávárdâh"], namesAbbr: ["pa","vu","ma","ko","tu","vá","lá"], namesShort: ["p","v","m","k","t","v","l"] }, months: { names: ["uđđâivemáánu","kuovâmáánu","njuhčâmáánu","cuáŋuimáánu","vyesimáánu","kesimáánu","syeinimáánu","porgemáánu","čohčâmáánu","roovvâdmáánu","skammâmáánu","juovlâmáánu",""], namesAbbr: ["uđiv","kuov","njuh","cuoŋ","vyes","kesi","syei","porg","čoh","roov","ska","juov",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "MMMM d'. p. 'yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "MMMM d'. p. 'yyyy H:mm", F: "MMMM d'. p. 'yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "MMMM d'. p. '", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["smn"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["az-Cyrl"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "az-Cyrl", englishName: "Azeri (Cyrillic)", nativeName: "Азәрбајҹан дили", language: "az-Cyrl", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "ман." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Базар","Базар ертәси","Чәршәнбә ахшамы","Чәршәнбә","Ҹүмә ахшамы","Ҹүмә","Шәнбә"], namesAbbr: ["Б","Бе","Ча","Ч","Ҹа","Ҹ","Ш"], namesShort: ["Б","Бе","Ча","Ч","Ҹа","Ҹ","Ш"] }, months: { names: ["Јанвар","Феврал","Март","Апрел","Мај","Ијун","Ијул","Август","Сентјабр","Октјабр","Нојабр","Декабр",""], namesAbbr: ["Јан","Фев","Мар","Апр","Мај","Ијун","Ијул","Авг","Сен","Окт","Ноя","Дек",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["јанвар","феврал","март","апрел","мај","ијун","ијул","август","сентјабр","октјабр","нојабр","декабр",""], namesAbbr: ["Јан","Фев","Мар","Апр","мая","ијун","ијул","Авг","Сен","Окт","Ноя","Дек",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "d MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["az-Cyrl"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sms"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sms", englishName: "Sami (Skolt)", nativeName: "sääm´ǩiõll", language: "sms", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["pâ´sspei´vv","vuõssargg","mââibargg","seärad","nelljdpei´vv","piâtnâc","sue´vet"], namesAbbr: ["pâ","vu","mâ","se","ne","pi","su"], namesShort: ["p","v","m","s","n","p","s"] }, months: { names: ["ođđee´jjmään","tä´lvvmään","pâ´zzlâšttammään","njuhččmään","vue´ssmään","ǩie´ssmään","suei´nnmään","på´rǧǧmään","čõhččmään","kålggmään","skamm´mään","rosttovmään",""], namesAbbr: ["ođjm","tä´lvv","pâzl","njuh","vue","ǩie","suei","på´r","čõh","kålg","ska","rost",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["ođđee´jjmannu","tä´lvvmannu","pâ´zzlâšttammannu","njuhččmannu","vue´ssmannu","ǩie´ssmannu","suei´nnmannu","på´rǧǧmannu","čõhččmannu","kålggmannu","skamm´mannu","rosttovmannu",""], namesAbbr: ["ođjm","tä´lvv","pâzl","njuh","vue","ǩie","suei","på´r","čõh","kålg","ska","rost",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "MMMM d'. p. 'yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "MMMM d'. p. 'yyyy H:mm", F: "MMMM d'. p. 'yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "MMMM d'. p. '", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["sms"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["zh"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "zh", englishName: "Chinese", nativeName: "中文", language: "zh", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"] }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$n"], symbol: "¥" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["星期日","星期一","星期二","星期三","星期四","星期五","星期六"], namesAbbr: ["周日","周一","周二","周三","周四","周五","周六"], namesShort: ["日","一","二","三","四","五","六"] }, months: { names: ["一月","二月","三月","四月","五月","六月","七月","八月","九月","十月","十一月","十二月",""], namesAbbr: ["一月","二月","三月","四月","五月","六月","七月","八月","九月","十月","十一月","十二月",""] }, AM: ["上午","上午","上午"], PM: ["下午","下午","下午"], eras: [{"name":"公元","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy/M/d", D: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm", F: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm:ss", M: "M'月'd'日'", Y: "yyyy'年'M'月'" } }) } }, cultures["zh"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["nn"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "nn", englishName: "Norwegian (Nynorsk)", nativeName: "norsk (nynorsk)", language: "nn", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "kr" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["søndag","måndag","tysdag","onsdag","torsdag","fredag","laurdag"], namesAbbr: ["sø","må","ty","on","to","fr","la"], namesShort: ["sø","må","ty","on","to","fr","la"] }, months: { names: ["januar","februar","mars","april","mai","juni","juli","august","september","oktober","november","desember",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","mai","jun","jul","aug","sep","okt","nov","des",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["nn"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["bs"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "bs", englishName: "Bosnian", nativeName: "bosanski", language: "bs", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "KM" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["nedjelja","ponedjeljak","utorak","srijeda","četvrtak","petak","subota"], namesAbbr: ["ned","pon","uto","sri","čet","pet","sub"], namesShort: ["ne","po","ut","sr","če","pe","su"] }, months: { names: ["januar","februar","mart","april","maj","juni","juli","avgust","septembar","oktobar","novembar","decembar",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","maj","jun","jul","avg","sep","okt","nov","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["bs"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["az-Latn"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "az-Latn", englishName: "Azeri (Latin)", nativeName: "Azərbaycan­ılı", language: "az-Latn", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "man." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Bazar","Bazar ertəsi","Çərşənbə axşamı","Çərşənbə","Cümə axşamı","Cümə","Şənbə"], namesAbbr: ["B","Be","Ça","Ç","Ca","C","Ş"], namesShort: ["B","Be","Ça","Ç","Ca","C","Ş"] }, months: { names: ["Yanvar","Fevral","Mart","Aprel","May","İyun","İyul","Avgust","Sentyabr","Oktyabr","Noyabr","Dekabr",""], namesAbbr: ["Yan","Fev","Mar","Apr","May","İyun","İyul","Avg","Sen","Okt","Noy","Dek",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["yanvar","fevral","mart","aprel","may","iyun","iyul","avgust","sentyabr","oktyabr","noyabr","dekabr",""], namesAbbr: ["Yan","Fev","Mar","Apr","May","İyun","İyul","Avg","Sen","Okt","Noy","Dek",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "d MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["az-Latn"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sma"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sma", englishName: "Sami (Southern)", nativeName: "åarjelsaemiengiele", language: "sma", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "kr" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["aejlege","måanta","dæjsta","gaskevåhkoe","duarsta","bearjadahke","laavvardahke"], namesAbbr: ["aej","måa","dæj","gask","duar","bearj","laav"], namesShort: ["a","m","d","g","d","b","l"] }, months: { names: ["tsïengele","goevte","njoktje","voerhtje","suehpede","ruffie","snjaltje","mïetske","skïerede","golke","rahka","goeve",""], namesAbbr: ["tsïen","goevt","njok","voer","sueh","ruff","snja","mïet","skïer","golk","rahk","goev",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["tsïengelen","goevten","njoktjen","voerhtjen","suehpeden","ruffien","snjaltjen","mïetsken","skïereden","golken","rahkan","goeven",""], namesAbbr: ["tsïen","goevt","njok","voer","sueh","ruff","snja","mïet","skïer","golk","rahk","goev",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "yyyy-MM-dd", D: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy HH:mm", F: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "MMMM d'. b. '", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["sma"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["uz-Cyrl"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "uz-Cyrl", englishName: "Uzbek (Cyrillic)", nativeName: "Ўзбек", language: "uz-Cyrl", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "сўм" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["якшанба","душанба","сешанба","чоршанба","пайшанба","жума","шанба"], namesAbbr: ["якш","дш","сш","чш","пш","ж","ш"], namesShort: ["я","д","с","ч","п","ж","ш"] }, months: { names: ["Январ","Феврал","Март","Апрел","Май","Июн","Июл","Август","Сентябр","Октябр","Ноябр","Декабр",""], namesAbbr: ["Янв","Фев","Мар","Апр","Май","Июн","Июл","Авг","Сен","Окт","Ноя","Дек",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["январ","феврал","март","апрел","май","июн","июл","август","сентябр","октябр","ноябр","декабр",""], namesAbbr: ["Янв","Фев","Мар","Апр","мая","Июн","Июл","Авг","Сен","Окт","Ноя","Дек",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "yyyy 'йил' d-MMMM", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "yyyy 'йил' d-MMMM HH:mm", F: "yyyy 'йил' d-MMMM HH:mm:ss", M: "d-MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["uz-Cyrl"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["mn-Cyrl"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "mn-Cyrl", englishName: "Mongolian (Cyrillic)", nativeName: "Монгол хэл", language: "mn-Cyrl", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n$","n$"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "₮" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Ням","Даваа","Мягмар","Лхагва","Пүрэв","Баасан","Бямба"], namesAbbr: ["Ня","Да","Мя","Лх","Пү","Ба","Бя"], namesShort: ["Ня","Да","Мя","Лх","Пү","Ба","Бя"] }, months: { names: ["1 дүгээр сар","2 дугаар сар","3 дугаар сар","4 дүгээр сар","5 дугаар сар","6 дугаар сар","7 дугаар сар","8 дугаар сар","9 дүгээр сар","10 дугаар сар","11 дүгээр сар","12 дугаар сар",""], namesAbbr: ["I","II","III","IV","V","VI","VII","VIII","IX","X","XI","XII",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["1 дүгээр сарын","2 дугаар сарын","3 дугаар сарын","4 дүгээр сарын","5 дугаар сарын","6 дугаар сарын","7 дугаар сарын","8 дугаар сарын","9 дүгээр сарын","10 дугаар сарын","11 дүгээр сарын","12 дугаар сарын",""], namesAbbr: ["I","II","III","IV","V","VI","VII","VIII","IX","X","XI","XII",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "yy.MM.dd", D: "yyyy 'оны' MMMM d", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "yyyy 'оны' MMMM d H:mm", F: "yyyy 'оны' MMMM d H:mm:ss", M: "d MMMM", Y: "yyyy 'он' MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["mn-Cyrl"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["iu-Cans"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "iu-Cans", englishName: "Inuktitut (Syllabics)", nativeName: "ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ", language: "iu-Cans", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], groupSizes: [3,0] }, currency: { groupSizes: [3,0] } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["ᓈᑦᑏᖑᔭ","ᓇᒡᒐᔾᔭᐅ","ᐊᐃᑉᐱᖅ","ᐱᖓᑦᓯᖅ","ᓯᑕᒻᒥᖅ","ᑕᓪᓕᕐᒥᖅ","ᓯᕙᑖᕐᕕᒃ"], namesAbbr: ["ᓈᑦᑏ","ᓇᒡᒐ","ᐊᐃᑉᐱ","ᐱᖓᑦᓯ","ᓯᑕ","ᑕᓪᓕ","ᓯᕙᑖᕐᕕᒃ"], namesShort: ["ᓈ","ᓇ","ᐊ","ᐱ","ᓯ","ᑕ","ᓯ"] }, months: { names: ["ᔮᓐᓄᐊᕆ","ᕖᕝᕗᐊᕆ","ᒫᑦᓯ","ᐄᐳᕆ","ᒪᐃ","ᔫᓂ","ᔪᓚᐃ","ᐋᒡᒌᓯ","ᓯᑎᐱᕆ","ᐅᑐᐱᕆ","ᓄᕕᐱᕆ","ᑎᓯᐱᕆ",""], namesAbbr: ["ᔮᓐᓄ","ᕖᕝᕗ","ᒫᑦᓯ","ᐄᐳᕆ","ᒪᐃ","ᔫᓂ","ᔪᓚᐃ","ᐋᒡᒌ","ᓯᑎᐱ","ᐅᑐᐱ","ᓄᕕᐱ","ᑎᓯᐱ",""] }, patterns: { d: "d/M/yyyy", D: "dddd,MMMM dd,yyyy", f: "dddd,MMMM dd,yyyy h:mm tt", F: "dddd,MMMM dd,yyyy h:mm:ss tt", Y: "MMMM,yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["iu-Cans"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["zh-Hant"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "zh-Hant", englishName: "Chinese (Traditional)", nativeName: "中文(繁體)", language: "zh-Hant", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"] }, currency: { symbol: "HK$" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["星期日","星期一","星期二","星期三","星期四","星期五","星期六"], namesAbbr: ["週日","週一","週二","週三","週四","週五","週六"], namesShort: ["日","一","二","三","四","五","六"] }, months: { names: ["一月","二月","三月","四月","五月","六月","七月","八月","九月","十月","十一月","十二月",""], namesAbbr: ["一月","二月","三月","四月","五月","六月","七月","八月","九月","十月","十一月","十二月",""] }, AM: ["上午","上午","上午"], PM: ["下午","下午","下午"], eras: [{"name":"公元","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d/M/yyyy", D: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm", F: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm:ss", M: "M'月'd'日'", Y: "yyyy'年'M'月'" } }) } }, cultures["zh-Hant"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["nb"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "nb", englishName: "Norwegian (Bokmål)", nativeName: "norsk (bokmål)", language: "nb", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"], ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "kr" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["søndag","mandag","tirsdag","onsdag","torsdag","fredag","lørdag"], namesAbbr: ["sø","ma","ti","on","to","fr","lø"], namesShort: ["sø","ma","ti","on","to","fr","lø"] }, months: { names: ["januar","februar","mars","april","mai","juni","juli","august","september","oktober","november","desember",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","mai","jun","jul","aug","sep","okt","nov","des",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["nb"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["sr"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "sr", englishName: "Serbian", nativeName: "srpski", language: "sr", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "Din." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["nedelja","ponedeljak","utorak","sreda","četvrtak","petak","subota"], namesAbbr: ["ned","pon","uto","sre","čet","pet","sub"], namesShort: ["ne","po","ut","sr","če","pe","su"] }, months: { names: ["januar","februar","mart","april","maj","jun","jul","avgust","septembar","oktobar","novembar","decembar",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","maj","jun","jul","avg","sep","okt","nov","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"n.e.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d.M.yyyy", D: "d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["sr"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["tg-Cyrl"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "tg-Cyrl", englishName: "Tajik (Cyrillic)", nativeName: "Тоҷикӣ", language: "tg-Cyrl", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], groupSizes: [3,0], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], groupSizes: [3,0], ',': " ", '.': ";", symbol: "т.р." } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ".", days: { names: ["Яш","Душанбе","Сешанбе","Чоршанбе","Панҷшанбе","Ҷумъа","Шанбе"], namesAbbr: ["Яш","Дш","Сш","Чш","Пш","Ҷм","Шн"], namesShort: ["Яш","Дш","Сш","Чш","Пш","Ҷм","Шн"] }, months: { names: ["Январ","Феврал","Март","Апрел","Май","Июн","Июл","Август","Сентябр","Октябр","Ноябр","Декабр",""], namesAbbr: ["Янв","Фев","Мар","Апр","Май","Июн","Июл","Авг","Сен","Окт","Ноя","Дек",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["январи","феврали","марти","апрели","маи","июни","июли","августи","сентябри","октябри","ноябри","декабри",""], namesAbbr: ["Янв","Фев","Мар","Апр","Май","Июн","Июл","Авг","Сен","Окт","Ноя","Дек",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yy", D: "d MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["tg-Cyrl"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["dsb"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "dsb", englishName: "Lower Sorbian", nativeName: "dolnoserbšćina", language: "dsb", numberFormat: { ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "€" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': ". ", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["njeźela","ponjeźele","wałtora","srjoda","stwortk","pětk","sobota"], namesAbbr: ["nje","pon","wał","srj","stw","pět","sob"], namesShort: ["n","p","w","s","s","p","s"] }, months: { names: ["januar","februar","měrc","apryl","maj","junij","julij","awgust","september","oktober","nowember","december",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","měr","apr","maj","jun","jul","awg","sep","okt","now","dec",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["januara","februara","měrca","apryla","maja","junija","julija","awgusta","septembra","oktobra","nowembra","decembra",""], namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","měr","apr","maj","jun","jul","awg","sep","okt","now","dec",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"po Chr.","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d. M. yyyy", D: "dddd, 'dnja' d. MMMM yyyy", t: "H.mm 'goź.'", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dddd, 'dnja' d. MMMM yyyy H.mm 'goź.'", F: "dddd, 'dnja' d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["dsb"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["smj"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "smj", englishName: "Sami (Lule)", nativeName: "julevusámegiella", language: "smj", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], ',': ".", '.': ",", symbol: "kr" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["ájllek","mánnodahka","dijstahka","gasskavahkko","duorastahka","bierjjedahka","lávvodahka"], namesAbbr: ["ájl","mán","dis","gas","duor","bier","láv"], namesShort: ["á","m","d","g","d","b","l"] }, months: { names: ["ådåjakmánno","guovvamánno","sjnjuktjamánno","vuoratjismánno","moarmesmánno","biehtsemánno","sjnjilltjamánno","bårggemánno","ragátmánno","gålgådismánno","basádismánno","javllamánno",""], namesAbbr: ["ådåj","guov","snju","vuor","moar","bieh","snji","bårg","ragá","gålg","basá","javl",""] }, monthsGenitive: { names: ["ådåjakmáno","guovvamáno","sjnjuktjamáno","vuoratjismáno","moarmesmáno","biehtsemáno","sjnjilltjamáno","bårggemáno","ragátmáno","gålgådismáno","basádismáno","javllamáno",""], namesAbbr: ["ådåj","guov","snju","vuor","moar","bieh","snji","bårg","ragá","gålg","basá","javl",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "yyyy-MM-dd", D: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy HH:mm", F: "MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "MMMM d'. b. '", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["smj"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["uz-Latn"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "uz-Latn", englishName: "Uzbek (Latin)", nativeName: "U'zbek", language: "uz-Latn", numberFormat: { ',': " ", '.': ",", percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], ',': " ", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], decimals: 0, ',': " ", '.': ",", symbol: "so'm" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["yakshanba","dushanba","seshanba","chorshanba","payshanba","juma","shanba"], namesAbbr: ["yak.","dsh.","sesh.","chr.","psh.","jm.","sh."], namesShort: ["ya","d","s","ch","p","j","sh"] }, months: { names: ["yanvar","fevral","mart","aprel","may","iyun","iyul","avgust","sentyabr","oktyabr","noyabr","dekabr",""], namesAbbr: ["yanvar","fevral","mart","aprel","may","iyun","iyul","avgust","sentyabr","oktyabr","noyabr","dekabr",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd/MM yyyy", D: "yyyy 'yil' d-MMMM", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "yyyy 'yil' d-MMMM HH:mm", F: "yyyy 'yil' d-MMMM HH:mm:ss", M: "d-MMMM", Y: "MMMM yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["uz-Latn"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["mn-Mong"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "mn-Mong", englishName: "Mongolian (Traditional Mongolian)", nativeName: "ᠮᠤᠨᠭᠭᠤᠯ ᠬᠡᠯᠡ", language: "mn-Mong", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"], groupSizes: [3,0] }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$n"], groupSizes: [3,0], symbol: "¥" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠡᠳᠦᠷ","ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠨᠢᠭᠡᠨ","ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠬᠣᠶᠠᠷ","ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠭᠤᠷᠪᠠᠨ","ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠳᠥᠷᠪᠡᠨ","ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠲᠠᠪᠤᠨ","ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠵᠢᠷᠭᠤᠭᠠᠨ"], namesAbbr: ["ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠡᠳᠦᠷ","ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠨᠢᠭᠡᠨ","ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠬᠣᠶᠠᠷ","ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠭᠤᠷᠪᠠᠨ","ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠳᠥᠷᠪᠡᠨ","ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠲᠠᠪᠤᠨ","ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠵᠢᠷᠭᠤᠭᠠᠨ"], namesShort: ["ᠡ‍","ᠨᠢ‍","ᠬᠣ‍","ᠭᠤ‍","ᠳᠥ‍","ᠲᠠ‍","ᠵᠢ‍"] }, months: { names: ["ᠨᠢᠭᠡᠳᠦᠭᠡᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠬᠤᠶ᠋ᠠᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠭᠤᠷᠪᠠᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠲᠦᠷᠪᠡᠳᠦᠭᠡᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠲᠠᠪᠤᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠵᠢᠷᠭᠤᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠲᠤᠯᠤᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠨᠠᠢᠮᠠᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠶᠢᠰᠦᠳᠦᠭᠡᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠠᠷᠪᠠᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠠᠷᠪᠠᠨ ᠨᠢᠭᠡᠳᠦᠭᠡᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠠᠷᠪᠠᠨ ᠬᠤᠶ᠋ᠠᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ",""], namesAbbr: ["ᠨᠢᠭᠡᠳᠦᠭᠡᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠬᠤᠶ᠋ᠠᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠭᠤᠷᠪᠠᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠲᠦᠷᠪᠡᠳᠦᠭᠡᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠲᠠᠪᠤᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠵᠢᠷᠭᠤᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠲᠤᠯᠤᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠨᠠᠢᠮᠠᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠶᠢᠰᠦᠳᠦᠭᠡᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠠᠷᠪᠠᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠠᠷᠪᠠᠨ ᠨᠢᠭᠡᠳᠦᠭᠡᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ","ᠠᠷᠪᠠᠨ ᠬᠤᠶ᠋ᠠᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, eras: [{"name":"ᠣᠨ ᠲᠣᠭᠠᠯᠠᠯ ᠤᠨ","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy/M/d", D: "yyyy'ᠣᠨ ᠤ᠋' M'ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ  ᠢᠢᠨ 'd' ᠤ᠋ ᠡᠳᠦᠷ'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "yyyy'ᠣᠨ ᠤ᠋' M'ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ  ᠢᠢᠨ 'd' ᠤ᠋ ᠡᠳᠦᠷ' H:mm", F: "yyyy'ᠣᠨ ᠤ᠋' M'ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ  ᠢᠢᠨ 'd' ᠤ᠋ ᠡᠳᠦᠷ' H:mm:ss", M: "M'ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ' d'ᠡᠳᠦᠷ'", Y: "yyyy'ᠣᠨ' M'ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ'" } }) } }, cultures["mn-Mong"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["iu-Latn"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "iu-Latn", englishName: "Inuktitut (Latin)", nativeName: "Inuktitut", language: "iu-Latn", numberFormat: { groupSizes: [3,0], percent: { groupSizes: [3,0] } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["Naattiinguja","Naggajjau","Aippiq","Pingatsiq","Sitammiq","Tallirmiq","Sivataarvik"], namesAbbr: ["Nat","Nag","Aip","Pi","Sit","Tal","Siv"], namesShort: ["N","N","A","P","S","T","S"] }, months: { names: ["Jaannuari","Viivvuari","Maatsi","Iipuri","Mai","Juuni","Julai","Aaggiisi","Sitipiri","Utupiri","Nuvipiri","Tisipiri",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Viv","Mas","Ipu","Mai","Jun","Jul","Agi","Sii","Uut","Nuv","Tis",""] }, patterns: { d: "d/MM/yyyy", D: "ddd, MMMM dd,yyyy", f: "ddd, MMMM dd,yyyy h:mm tt", F: "ddd, MMMM dd,yyyy h:mm:ss tt" } }) } }, cultures["iu-Latn"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["tzm-Latn"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "tzm-Latn", englishName: "Tamazight (Latin)", nativeName: "Tamazight", language: "tzm-Latn", numberFormat: { pattern: ["n-"], ',': ".", '.': ",", percent: { ',': ".", '.': "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n $","n $"], symbol: "DZD" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { '/': "-", firstDay: 6, days: { names: ["Acer","Arime","Aram","Ahad","Amhadh","Sem","Sedh"], namesAbbr: ["Ace","Ari","Ara","Aha","Amh","Sem","Sed"], namesShort: ["Ac","Ar","Ar","Ah","Am","Se","Se"] }, months: { names: ["Yenayer","Furar","Maghres","Yebrir","Mayu","Yunyu","Yulyu","Ghuct","Cutenber","Ktuber","Wambir","Dujanbir",""], namesAbbr: ["Yen","Fur","Mag","Yeb","May","Yun","Yul","Ghu","Cut","Ktu","Wam","Duj",""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd-MM-yyyy", D: "dd MMMM, yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm", F: "dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }) } }, cultures["tzm-Latn"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["ha-Latn"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "ha-Latn", englishName: "Hausa (Latin)", nativeName: "Hausa", language: "ha-Latn", numberFormat: { currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$ n"], symbol: "N" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["Lahadi","Litinin","Talata","Laraba","Alhamis","Juma'a","Asabar"], namesAbbr: ["Lah","Lit","Tal","Lar","Alh","Jum","Asa"], namesShort: ["L","L","T","L","A","J","A"] }, months: { names: ["Januwaru","Febreru","Maris","Afrilu","Mayu","Yuni","Yuli","Agusta","Satumba","Oktocba","Nuwamba","Disamba",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Afr","May","Yun","Yul","Agu","Sat","Okt","Nuw","Dis",""] }, AM: ["Safe","safe","SAFE"], PM: ["Yamma","yamma","YAMMA"], eras: [{"name":"AD","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d/M/yyyy" } }) } }, cultures["ha-Latn"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["zh-CHS"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "zh-CHS", englishName: "Chinese (Simplified) Legacy", nativeName: "中文(简体) 旧版", language: "zh-CHS", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"] }, currency: { pattern: ["$-n","$n"], symbol: "¥" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["星期日","星期一","星期二","星期三","星期四","星期五","星期六"], namesAbbr: ["周日","周一","周二","周三","周四","周五","周六"], namesShort: ["日","一","二","三","四","五","六"] }, months: { names: ["一月","二月","三月","四月","五月","六月","七月","八月","九月","十月","十一月","十二月",""], namesAbbr: ["一月","二月","三月","四月","五月","六月","七月","八月","九月","十月","十一月","十二月",""] }, AM: ["上午","上午","上午"], PM: ["下午","下午","下午"], eras: [{"name":"公元","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "yyyy/M/d", D: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm", F: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm:ss", M: "M'月'd'日'", Y: "yyyy'年'M'月'" } }) } }, cultures["zh-CHS"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; culture = cultures["zh-CHT"] = $.extend(true, {}, en, { name: "zh-CHT", englishName: "Chinese (Traditional) Legacy", nativeName: "中文(繁體) 舊版", language: "zh-CHT", numberFormat: { percent: { pattern: ["-n%","n%"] }, currency: { symbol: "HK$" } }, calendars: { standard: $.extend(true, {}, standard, { days: { names: ["星期日","星期一","星期二","星期三","星期四","星期五","星期六"], namesAbbr: ["週日","週一","週二","週三","週四","週五","週六"], namesShort: ["日","一","二","三","四","五","六"] }, months: { names: ["一月","二月","三月","四月","五月","六月","七月","八月","九月","十月","十一月","十二月",""], namesAbbr: ["一月","二月","三月","四月","五月","六月","七月","八月","九月","十月","十一月","十二月",""] }, AM: ["上午","上午","上午"], PM: ["下午","下午","下午"], eras: [{"name":"公元","start":null,"offset":0}], patterns: { d: "d/M/yyyy", D: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日'", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm", F: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm:ss", M: "M'月'd'日'", Y: "yyyy'年'M'月'" } }) } }, cultures["zh-CHT"]); culture.calendar = culture.calendars.standard; })(jQuery);