Setting Up for RhoConnect Push on Client Application === Push notification support (receiving push notifications from the RhoConnect server/backend) is currently available for Android, Blackberry and iPhone. ## Configuring a Rhodes Application to Receive Push Enable push in your rhodes application in build.yml. :::yaml capabilities: - push - vibrate #=> if you want to enable vibrate in your push messages Set up your application [rhoconfig.txt](configuration#run-time-configuration) syncserver to point to your RhoConnect server: syncserver = 'http:///application' ## Registering a Push Callback in the Rhodes Application To handle a push message from a Rhodes application, you must register push callback with the System `set_push_notification` method. :::ruby class AppApplication < Rho::RhoApplication def initialize super System.set_push_notification "/app/Push/push_callback", "" end end Push callback is set up in the form of a local application URL and called as callback whether or not rho_callback=1 is specified in its parameters list. The parameters trigger certain operations in the Rhodes client when the callback returns "rho_push". (When the callback retuens an empty string, this automatic handling is not performed.) The operations are to show an alert, vibrate the device, play a sound, and perform a sync. To have your Rhodes app automatically perform the operations listed in the push message, you can write the callback as follows. :::ruby def push_callback "rho_push" end ## Understanding the Rhodes Push Message Payload From Rhodes 2.0.4 on, the callback push message parameters are in the form of a hash. This hash contains parameters and values for the operation to perform. If the parameter for that operation is not listed, the operation is not performed. The hash payload may include the parameters of alert, do_sync, sound, and vibrate which perform operations that the client performs when it receives the PUSH message. Here is an example of a push message body with the parameter names and values. It will have a popup alert message of "some message", play a sound of alert.mp3, will vibrate the device, and will sync the product and customer sources. :::text alert=some message here&sound=alert.mp3&vibrate=2000&do_sync=product,customer To sync all the sources with do_sync, the source name list would specified as 'all' in the ping call, instead of 'product,customer' as in this example. The sound file should be included in the Rhodes application bundle in the `/public/alerts` folder. ### Setting up the Rhodes Client for iPhone, Android, and Blackberry To set up your Rhodes client for push, refer to these links for your respective platforms. * [Setting up iPhone Client for Push](/rhodes/device-caps#iphone-push-setup) * [Setting up Android Client for Push](/rhodes/device-caps#android-push-setup) * [Setting up Blackberry Client for Push](/rhodes/device-caps#blackberry-push-setup)