require 'test_helper' class TestJeweler < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @now = stub(Time).now { @now } FileUtils.rm_rf("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/tmp") end def teardown FileUtils.rm_rf("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/tmp") end context "Initializing jewewler in a blank directory" do setup do FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp_dir) @jeweler =, tmp_dir) end should "not create a VERSION.yml" do assert ! File.exists?(File.join(tmp_dir, 'VERSION.yml')) end end context "A Jeweler with a VERSION.yml" do setup do FileUtils.cp_r(fixture_dir, tmp_dir) @jeweler =, tmp_dir) @jeweler.output = end should_have_major_version 1 should_have_minor_version 5 should_have_patch_version 2 should_be_version '1.5.2' context "bumping the patch version" do setup do @jeweler.bump_patch_version end should_bump_version 1, 5, 3 end context "bumping the minor version" do setup do @jeweler.bump_minor_version end should_bump_version 1, 6, 0 end context "bumping the major version" do setup do @jeweler.bump_major_version end should_bump_version 2, 0, 0 end should "should populate gemspec's files" do assert ! @jeweler.gemspec.files.empty? end context "with standard 'files' specified" do setup do @alt_jeweler ="[A-Z]*.*", "{bin,generators,lib,test,spec}/**/*"), tmp_dir) end should "have the same files as when no 'files' are specified" do assert_equal @jeweler.gemspec.files, @alt_jeweler.gemspec.files end end context "gemsepc's rdoc" do should 'have be enabled' do assert @jeweler.gemspec.has_rdoc end should 'do inline source' do assert @jeweler.gemspec.rdoc_options.include?('--inline-source') end should 'be utf-8' do assert @jeweler.gemspec.rdoc_options.include?('--charset=UTF-8') end end context "writing the gemspec" do setup do @jeweler.write_gemspec @output = @jeweler.output.string end should "create bar.gemspec" do assert File.exists?(File.join(tmp_dir, 'bar.gemspec')) end should "have created a valid gemspec" do assert @jeweler.valid_gemspec? end should "output the name of the gemspec" do assert_match 'bar.gemspec', @output end context "re-reading the gemspec" do setup do gemspec_path = File.join(tmp_dir, 'bar.gemspec') data = @parsed_spec = eval("$SAFE = 3\n#{data}", binding, gemspec_path) end should "have version 1.5.2" do assert_equal '1.5.2', @parsed_spec.version.version end should "have date filled in" do assert_equal Time.local(@now.year, @now.month,, end end end end should "raise an exception when created with a nil gemspec" do assert_raises Jeweler::GemspecError do @jeweler =, tmp_dir) end end end