/** * @license Highcharts JS v2.1.4 (2011-03-02) * Exporting module * * (c) 2010 Torstein Hønsi * * License: www.highcharts.com/license */ // JSLint options: /*global Highcharts, document, window, Math, setTimeout */ (function() { // encapsulate // create shortcuts var HC = Highcharts, Chart = HC.Chart, addEvent = HC.addEvent, createElement = HC.createElement, discardElement = HC.discardElement, css = HC.css, merge = HC.merge, each = HC.each, extend = HC.extend, math = Math, mathMax = math.max, doc = document, win = window, hasTouch = 'ontouchstart' in doc.documentElement, M = 'M', L = 'L', DIV = 'div', HIDDEN = 'hidden', NONE = 'none', PREFIX = 'highcharts-', ABSOLUTE = 'absolute', PX = 'px', // Add language and get the defaultOptions defaultOptions = HC.setOptions({ lang: { downloadPNG: 'Download PNG image', downloadJPEG: 'Download JPEG image', downloadPDF: 'Download PDF document', downloadSVG: 'Download SVG vector image', exportButtonTitle: 'Export to raster or vector image', printButtonTitle: 'Print the chart' } }); // Buttons and menus are collected in a separate config option set called 'navigation'. // This can be extended later to add control buttons like zoom and pan right click menus. defaultOptions.navigation = { menuStyle: { border: '1px solid #A0A0A0', background: '#FFFFFF' }, menuItemStyle: { padding: '0 5px', background: NONE, color: '#303030', fontSize: hasTouch ? '14px' : '11px' }, menuItemHoverStyle: { background: '#4572A5', color: '#FFFFFF' }, buttonOptions: { align: 'right', backgroundColor: { linearGradient: [0, 0, 0, 20], stops: [ [0.4, '#F7F7F7'], [0.6, '#E3E3E3'] ] }, borderColor: '#B0B0B0', borderRadius: 3, borderWidth: 1, //enabled: true, height: 20, hoverBorderColor: '#909090', hoverSymbolFill: '#81A7CF', hoverSymbolStroke: '#4572A5', symbolFill: '#E0E0E0', //symbolSize: 12, symbolStroke: '#A0A0A0', //symbolStrokeWidth: 1, symbolX: 11.5, symbolY: 10.5, verticalAlign: 'top', width: 24, y: 10 } }; // Add the export related options defaultOptions.exporting = { //enabled: true, //filename: 'chart', type: 'image/png', url: 'http://export.highcharts.com/', width: 800, buttons: { exportButton: { //enabled: true, symbol: 'exportIcon', x: -10, symbolFill: '#A8BF77', hoverSymbolFill: '#768F3E', _titleKey: 'exportButtonTitle', menuItems: [{ textKey: 'downloadPNG', onclick: function() { this.exportChart(); } }, { textKey: 'downloadJPEG', onclick: function() { this.exportChart({ type: 'image/jpeg' }); } }, { textKey: 'downloadPDF', onclick: function() { this.exportChart({ type: 'application/pdf' }); } }, { textKey: 'downloadSVG', onclick: function() { this.exportChart({ type: 'image/svg+xml' }); } }/*, { text: 'View SVG', onclick: function() { var svg = this.getSVG() .replace(//g, '>'); doc.body.innerHTML = '
'+ svg +''; } }*/] }, printButton: { //enabled: true, symbol: 'printIcon', x: -36, symbolFill: '#B5C9DF', hoverSymbolFill: '#779ABF', _titleKey: 'printButtonTitle', onclick: function() { this.print(); } } } }; extend(Chart.prototype, { /** * Return an SVG representation of the chart * * @param additionalOptions {Object} Additional chart options for the generated SVG representation */ getSVG: function(additionalOptions) { var chart = this, chartCopy, sandbox, svg, seriesOptions, config, pointOptions, pointMarker, options = merge(chart.options, additionalOptions); // copy the options and add extra options // IE compatibility hack for generating SVG content that it doesn't really understand if (!doc.createElementNS) { doc.createElementNS = function(ns, tagName) { var elem = doc.createElement(tagName); elem.getBBox = function() { return chart.renderer.Element.prototype.getBBox.apply({ element: elem }); }; return elem; }; } // create a sandbox where a new chart will be generated sandbox = createElement(DIV, null, { position: ABSOLUTE, top: '-9999em', width: chart.chartWidth + PX, height: chart.chartHeight + PX }, doc.body); // override some options extend(options.chart, { renderTo: sandbox, forExport: true }); options.exporting.enabled = false; // hide buttons in print options.chart.plotBackgroundImage = null; // the converter doesn't handle images // prepare for replicating the chart options.series = []; each(chart.series, function(serie) { seriesOptions = serie.options; seriesOptions.animation = false; // turn off animation seriesOptions.showCheckbox = false; // remove image markers if (seriesOptions && seriesOptions.marker && /^url\(/.test(seriesOptions.marker.symbol)) { seriesOptions.marker.symbol = 'circle'; } seriesOptions.data = []; each(serie.data, function(point) { // extend the options by those values that can be expressed in a number or array config config = point.config; pointOptions = { x: point.x, y: point.y, name: point.name }; if (typeof config == 'object' && point.config && config.constructor != Array) { extend(pointOptions, config); } seriesOptions.data.push(pointOptions); // copy fresh updated data // remove image markers pointMarker = point.config && point.config.marker; if (pointMarker && /^url\(/.test(pointMarker.symbol)) { delete pointMarker.symbol; } }); options.series.push(seriesOptions); }); // generate the chart copy chartCopy = new Highcharts.Chart(options); // get the SVG from the container's innerHTML svg = chartCopy.container.innerHTML; // free up memory options = null; chartCopy.destroy(); discardElement(sandbox); // sanitize svg = svg .replace(/zIndex="[^"]+"/g, '') .replace(/isShadow="[^"]+"/g, '') .replace(/symbolName="[^"]+"/g, '') .replace(/jQuery[0-9]+="[^"]+"/g, '') .replace(/isTracker="[^"]+"/g, '') .replace(/url\([^#]+#/g, 'url(#') /*.replace(/')*/ /* This fails in IE < 8 .replace(/([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/g, function(s1, s2, s3) { // round off to save weight return s2 +'.'+ s3[0]; })*/ // IE specific .replace(/id=([^" >]+)/g, 'id="$1"') .replace(/class=([^" ]+)/g, 'class="$1"') .replace(/ transform /g, ' ') .replace(/:(path|rect)/g, '$1') .replace(/style="([^"]+)"/g, function(s) { return s.toLowerCase(); }); // IE9 beta bugs with innerHTML. Test again with final IE9. svg = svg.replace(/(url\(#highcharts-[0-9]+)"/g, '$1') .replace(/"/g, "'"); if (svg.match(/ xmlns="/g).length == 2) { svg = svg.replace(/xmlns="[^"]+"/, ''); } return svg; }, /** * Submit the SVG representation of the chart to the server * @param {Object} options Exporting options. Possible members are url, type and width. * @param {Object} chartOptions Additional chart options for the SVG representation of the chart */ exportChart: function(options, chartOptions) { var form, chart = this, svg = chart.getSVG(chartOptions); // merge the options options = merge(chart.options.exporting, options); // create the form form = createElement('form', { method: 'post', action: options.url }, { display: NONE }, doc.body); // add the values each(['filename', 'type', 'width', 'svg'], function(name) { createElement('input', { type: HIDDEN, name: name, value: { filename: options.filename || 'chart', type: options.type, width: options.width, svg: svg }[name] }, null, form); }); // submit form.submit(); // clean up discardElement(form); }, /** * Print the chart */ print: function() { var chart = this, container = chart.container, origDisplay = [], origParent = container.parentNode, body = doc.body, childNodes = body.childNodes; if (chart.isPrinting) { // block the button while in printing mode return; } chart.isPrinting = true; // hide all body content each(childNodes, function(node, i) { if (node.nodeType == 1) { origDisplay[i] = node.style.display; node.style.display = NONE; } }); // pull out the chart body.appendChild(container); // print win.print(); // allow the browser to prepare before reverting setTimeout(function() { // put the chart back in origParent.appendChild(container); // restore all body content each(childNodes, function(node, i) { if (node.nodeType == 1) { node.style.display = origDisplay[i]; } }); chart.isPrinting = false; }, 1000); }, /** * Display a popup menu for choosing the export type * * @param {String} name An identifier for the menu * @param {Array} items A collection with text and onclicks for the items * @param {Number} x The x position of the opener button * @param {Number} y The y position of the opener button * @param {Number} width The width of the opener button * @param {Number} height The height of the opener button */ contextMenu: function(name, items, x, y, width, height) { var chart = this, navOptions = chart.options.navigation, menuItemStyle = navOptions.menuItemStyle, chartWidth = chart.chartWidth, chartHeight = chart.chartHeight, cacheName = 'cache-'+ name, menu = chart[cacheName], menuPadding = mathMax(width, height), // for mouse leave detection boxShadow = '3px 3px 10px #888', innerMenu, hide, menuStyle; // create the menu only the first time if (!menu) { // create a HTML element above the SVG chart[cacheName] = menu = createElement(DIV, { className: PREFIX + name }, { position: ABSOLUTE, zIndex: 1000, padding: menuPadding + PX }, chart.container); innerMenu = createElement(DIV, null, extend({ MozBoxShadow: boxShadow, WebkitBoxShadow: boxShadow, boxShadow: boxShadow }, navOptions.menuStyle) , menu); // hide on mouse out hide = function() { css(menu, { display: NONE }); }; addEvent(menu, 'mouseleave', hide); // create the items each(items, function(item) { if (item) { var div = createElement(DIV, { onmouseover: function() { css(this, navOptions.menuItemHoverStyle); }, onmouseout: function() { css(this, menuItemStyle); }, innerHTML: item.text || HC.getOptions().lang[item.textKey] }, extend({ cursor: 'pointer' }, menuItemStyle), innerMenu); div[hasTouch ? 'ontouchstart' : 'onclick'] = function() { hide(); item.onclick.apply(chart, arguments); }; } }); chart.exportMenuWidth = menu.offsetWidth; chart.exportMenuHeight = menu.offsetHeight; } menuStyle = { display: 'block' }; // if outside right, right align it if (x + chart.exportMenuWidth > chartWidth) { menuStyle.right = (chartWidth - x - width - menuPadding) + PX; } else { menuStyle.left = (x - menuPadding) + PX; } // if outside bottom, bottom align it if (y + height + chart.exportMenuHeight > chartHeight) { menuStyle.bottom = (chartHeight - y - menuPadding) + PX; } else { menuStyle.top = (y + height - menuPadding) + PX; } css(menu, menuStyle); }, /** * Add the export button to the chart */ addButton: function(options) { var chart = this, renderer = chart.renderer, btnOptions = merge(chart.options.navigation.buttonOptions, options), onclick = btnOptions.onclick, menuItems = btnOptions.menuItems, /*position = chart.getAlignment(btnOptions), buttonLeft = position.x, buttonTop = position.y,*/ buttonWidth = btnOptions.width, buttonHeight = btnOptions.height, box, symbol, button, borderWidth = btnOptions.borderWidth, boxAttr = { stroke: btnOptions.borderColor }, symbolAttr = { stroke: btnOptions.symbolStroke, fill: btnOptions.symbolFill }; if (btnOptions.enabled === false) { return; } // element to capture the click function revert() { symbol.attr(symbolAttr); box.attr(boxAttr); } // the box border box = renderer.rect( 0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, btnOptions.borderRadius, borderWidth ) //.translate(buttonLeft, buttonTop) // to allow gradients .align(btnOptions, true) .attr(extend({ fill: btnOptions.backgroundColor, 'stroke-width': borderWidth, zIndex: 19 }, boxAttr)).add(); // the invisible element to track the clicks button = renderer.rect( 0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 0 ) .align(btnOptions) .attr({ fill: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.001)', title: HC.getOptions().lang[btnOptions._titleKey], zIndex: 21 }).css({ cursor: 'pointer' }) .on('mouseover', function() { symbol.attr({ stroke: btnOptions.hoverSymbolStroke, fill: btnOptions.hoverSymbolFill }); box.attr({ stroke: btnOptions.hoverBorderColor }); }) .on('mouseout', revert) .on('click', revert) .add(); //addEvent(button.element, 'click', revert); // add the click event if (menuItems) { onclick = function(e) { revert(); var bBox = button.getBBox(); chart.contextMenu('export-menu', menuItems, bBox.x, bBox.y, buttonWidth, buttonHeight); }; } /*addEvent(button.element, 'click', function() { onclick.apply(chart, arguments); });*/ button.on('click', function() { onclick.apply(chart, arguments); }); // the icon symbol = renderer.symbol( btnOptions.symbol, btnOptions.symbolX, btnOptions.symbolY, (btnOptions.symbolSize || 12) / 2 ) .align(btnOptions, true) .attr(extend(symbolAttr, { 'stroke-width': btnOptions.symbolStrokeWidth || 1, zIndex: 20 })).add(); } }); // Create the export icon HC.Renderer.prototype.symbols.exportIcon = function(x, y, radius) { return [ M, // the disk x - radius, y + radius, L, x + radius, y + radius, x + radius, y + radius * 0.5, x - radius, y + radius * 0.5, 'Z', M, // the arrow x, y + radius * 0.5, L, x - radius * 0.5, y - radius / 3, x - radius / 6, y - radius / 3, x - radius / 6, y - radius, x + radius / 6, y - radius, x + radius / 6, y - radius / 3, x + radius * 0.5, y - radius / 3, 'Z' ]; }; // Create the print icon HC.Renderer.prototype.symbols.printIcon = function(x, y, radius) { return [ M, // the printer x - radius, y + radius * 0.5, L, x + radius, y + radius * 0.5, x + radius, y - radius / 3, x - radius, y - radius / 3, 'Z', M, // the upper sheet x - radius * 0.5, y - radius / 3, L, x - radius * 0.5, y - radius, x + radius * 0.5, y - radius, x + radius * 0.5, y - radius / 3, 'Z', M, // the lower sheet x - radius * 0.5, y + radius * 0.5, L, x - radius * 0.75, y + radius, x + radius * 0.75, y + radius, x + radius * 0.5, y + radius * 0.5, 'Z' ]; }; // Add the buttons on chart load Chart.prototype.callbacks.push(function(chart) { var n, exportingOptions = chart.options.exporting, buttons = exportingOptions.buttons; if (exportingOptions.enabled !== false) { for (n in buttons) { chart.addButton(buttons[n]); } } }); })();