= CDYNE SMS Notify This gem provides a Ruby interface to the CDYNE SMSNotify! HTTP API using GET and POST methods. A SOAP class may be implemented at some point. == Requirements Before you can use this gem you will need to have the following gems installed. * xml-simple >= 1.0.12 == Installation This library can be installed as a gem or a plugin and is available at Github or RubyGems.org === Gem gem install cdyne-sms-notify === Plugin script/plugin install git://github.com/badreligion/cdyne-sms-notify.git == Usage api = SmsNotify::Api.new('your_api_key') === Sending Messages message = api.send_message('1234567890', 'Hello World!') === Checking Message Status api.message_status(message.text_id) === Getting Message Responses api.message_response(message.text_id) == TODO * Support a proxy connection * Implement SOAP interface to support advanced and multiple messages * Getting message responses should build an array of responses