# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' class Entry include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::I18n field :weight, :type => Integer, :default => 60 localized_field :title localized_field :title_with_default, :use_default_if_empty => true localized_field :title_without_empty_values, :clear_empty_values => true end class EntryWithValidations include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::I18n localized_field :title_validated_with_default_locale localized_field :title_validated_with_one_locale localized_field :title_validated_with_all_locales validates_default_locale :title_validated_with_default_locale validates_one_locale :title_validated_with_one_locale validates_all_locales :title_validated_with_all_locales end describe Mongoid::I18n, "localized_field" do before do I18n.locale = :en end describe "without an assigned value" do before do @entry = Entry.new end it "should return blank" do @entry.title.should be_blank end end describe "with an assigned value" do before do @entry = Entry.new(:title => 'Title') end it "should return that value" do @entry.title.should == 'Title' end describe "and persisted" do before do @entry.save end describe "find by id" do it "should find the document" do Entry.find(@entry.id).should == @entry end end describe "where() criteria" do it "should use the current locale value" do Entry.where(:title => 'Title').first.should == @entry end end describe "find(:first) with :conditions" do it "should use the current locale value" do Entry.find(:first, :conditions => {:title => 'Title'}).should == @entry end end end describe "when the locale is changed" do before do I18n.locale = :es end it "should return a blank value" do @entry.title.should be_blank end describe "a new value is assigned" do before do @entry.title = 'Título' end it "should return the new value" do @entry.title.should == 'Título' end describe "persisted and retrieved from db" do before do @entry.save @entry.reload end it "the localized field value should be correct" do @entry.title.should == 'Título' I18n.locale = :en @entry.title.should == 'Title' @entry.title_translations.should == {'en' => 'Title', 'es' => 'Título'} end end describe "field_translations" do it "should return all translations" do @entry.title_translations.should == {'en' => 'Title', 'es' => 'Título'} end end describe "with mass-assigned translations" do before do @entry.title_translations = {'en' => 'New title', 'es' => 'Nuevo título'} end it "should set all translations" do @entry.title_translations.should == {'en' => 'New title', 'es' => 'Nuevo título'} end it "the getter should return the new translation" do @entry.title.should == 'Nuevo título' end end describe "if we go back to the original locale" do before do I18n.locale = :en end it "should return the original value" do @entry.title.should == 'Title' end end end end end end describe Mongoid::I18n, 'localized field in embedded association' do before do class Entry embeds_many :sub_entries end class SubEntry include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::I18n localized_field :title embedded_in :entry, :inverse_of => :sub_entries end @entry = Entry.new @sub_entries = (0..2).map { @entry.sub_entries.build } end it "should contain the embedded documents" do @entry.sub_entries.criteria.instance_variable_get("@documents").should == @sub_entries end end describe Mongoid::I18n, 'localized field in embedded document' do before do class Entry embeds_one :sub_entry end class SubEntry include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::I18n localized_field :subtitle embedded_in :entry, :inverse_of => :sub_entries end @entry = Entry.new @entry.create_sub_entry(:subtitle => 'Oxford Street') end it "should store the title in the right locale" do @entry.reload.sub_entry.subtitle.should == 'Oxford Street' end end describe Mongoid::I18n, "localized_field with :use_default_if_empty => true" do before do I18n.default_locale = :en I18n.locale = :en end describe "without an assigned value" do before do @entry = Entry.new end it "should return blank" do @entry.title_with_default.should be_blank end end describe "with an assigned value in the default locale" do before do @entry = Entry.new(:title_with_default => 'Title with default') end it "should return that value with the default locale" do @entry.title_with_default.should == 'Title with default' end describe "when the locale is changed" do before do I18n.locale = :it end it "should return the value of the default locale" do @entry.title_with_default.should == 'Title with default' end describe "when a new value is assigned" do before do @entry.title_with_default = 'Titolo con default' end it "should return the new value" do @entry.title_with_default.should == 'Titolo con default' end describe "if we go back to the original locale" do before do I18n.locale = :en end it "should return the original value" do @entry.title_with_default.should == 'Title with default' end end end end end end describe Mongoid::I18n, "localized_field with :clear_empty_values => true" do describe "when are assigned two translations" do before do I18n.locale = :en @entry = Entry.new @entry.title_without_empty_values_translations = {"en" => "Title en", "it" => "Title it"} end it "has those translations" do @entry.title_without_empty_values_translations.should == {"en" => "Title en", "it" => "Title it"} end describe "when is set to a blank value" do before do @entry.title_without_empty_values = '' end it "lose current locale translation" do @entry.title_without_empty_values_translations.should == {"it" => "Title it"} end end describe "when is assigned a blank translation" do before do @entry.title_without_empty_values_translations = {"it" => "", "en" => "Title en"} end it "lose that translation" do @entry.title_without_empty_values_translations.should == {"en" => "Title en"} end end end end describe Mongoid::I18n, "localized_field with validation 'validates_default_locale'" do before do I18n.default_locale = :en I18n.locale = :it @entry = EntryWithValidations.new end describe "when run entry validations and default locale translation wasn't set" do before do @entry.title_validated_with_default_locale="Titolo" @entry.valid? end it "is added a 'locale_blank' error for that field to entry errors list" do @entry.errors.include?(:title_validated_with_default_locale).should be_true @entry.errors[:title_validated_with_default_locale][0].split('.').last.should == 'locale_blank' end end describe "when run entry validations and default locale translation was set" do before do @entry.title_validated_with_default_locale_translations={'en'=>'Title'} @entry.valid? end it "no error for that field is added to entry errors list" do @entry.errors.include?(:title_validated_with_default_locale).should be_false end end end describe Mongoid::I18n, "localized_field with validation 'validates_one_locale'" do before do I18n.default_locale = :en I18n.locale = :it @entry = EntryWithValidations.new end describe "when run entry validations and no translation was set" do before do @entry.valid? end it "is added a 'locale_blank' error for that field to entry errors list" do @entry.errors.include?(:title_validated_with_one_locale).should be_true @entry.errors[:title_validated_with_one_locale][0].split('.').last.should == 'all_locales_blank' end end describe "when run entry validations and a locale translation was set" do before do @entry.title_validated_with_one_locale_translations={'it'=>'Titolo'} @entry.valid? end it "no error for that field is added to entry errors list" do @entry.errors.include?(:title_validated_with_one_locale).should be_false end end end describe Mongoid::I18n, "localized_field with validation 'validates_all_locales'" do before do I18n.default_locale = :en I18n.available_locales = [:en, :it, :de, :fr] I18n.locale = :it @entry = EntryWithValidations.new end describe "when run entry validations and not all translations were set" do before do @entry.title_validated_with_all_locales_translations={'it'=>'Titolo', 'en'=>'Title'} @entry.valid? end it "is added a 'locale_blank' error for that field for each missing locale" do @entry.errors.include?(:title_validated_with_all_locales).should be_true @entry.errors[:title_validated_with_all_locales].count.should == 2 @entry.errors[:title_validated_with_all_locales][0].split('.').last.should == 'locale_blank' @entry.errors[:title_validated_with_all_locales][1].split('.').last.should == 'locale_blank' end end describe "when run entry validations and all available locales translation were set" do before do @entry.title_validated_with_all_locales_translations={'it'=>'Titolo', 'en'=>'Title', 'fr'=>'Titre', 'de'=>'Titel'} @entry.valid? end it "no error for that field is added to entry errors list" do @entry.errors.include?(:title_validated_with_all_locales).should be_false end end end describe Mongoid::I18n, "create_accessors" do before do I18n.locale = :en @entry = Entry.new end it "should not affect other fields accessors" do @entry.weight.should == 60 @entry.weight = 70 @entry.weight.should == 70 end it "should not define own methods on for fields" do @entry.should_not respond_to :weight_translations end end